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Fruits of the Earth Catherine Al-Meten |
“Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone, without a dream in my heart, without a song of my own.”
We’ve been singing about Blue Moons for ages, and we know that moons are called ‘blue’ when two full moons appear in the same lunar month. Blue Moons also occur when we get the fourth full moon in a season. The seasonal Blue Moons can only occur in February, May, August, and November.
While Blue Moons usually occur once a year (with the exception of 2011, 2014, and 2017 when no Blue Moons occur), once every 19 years two Blue Moons occur in one year. The last time two Blue Moons happened in the same year, was 1999. The next Blue Moon is a seasonal Blue Moon, the fourth Full Moon this Summer/Winter. Our Blue Moon peaks this Tuesday/Wednesday, August 20-21, depending on where you are on the Planet Earth.
Most of us are familiar with the expression “once in a Blue Moon.” We use it to refer to something that is rare. However the expression comes from a proverb mentioned in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1528. The expression began as a way to describe the absurdity of something. It was similar to saying the moon was made of green cheese. By the 19 Century, the expression came to be used to mean, “never”. Now we use it to refer to something rare, and our understanding of what a Blue Moon is has changed as well.
The Full Blue Moon in Aquarius and the Sun in Leo are hosting a party to honor and pay homage to our Creator, those who have blessed us, and those whose gifts have made it possible for us to live, thrive, heal, and love. This is a blessing time, a time to gather in what we have created, what has been given to us, and what we have to share and hold for those who we serve, love, and live with in community.
This Full Moon in 28 degrees of Aquarius is also a Blue Moon. The Full Moon opposes the Sun in Leo at 28 degrees, nearing the close of the Leo solar cycle. The Sun is in a waning conjunction with Mercury indicating increased communication and involvement with all forms of communication related to whatever area of your life/chart Leo rules. Whatever was begun at the last New Moon, reaches some form of fulfillment with the fullness of the Moon. The Aquarius Moon and the Leo Sun highlight emotional expressions, romance, and passion in relationships . We may feel and begin to express greater fullness of emotional honesty, bright ideas, and more authentic passion under the light of this Moon. As the Blue Moon is rare coming in the same sign but at a latter degree, we may now be able to see, understand, express, and come to accept that which we were unwilling or unable to see earlier this summer/winter.
While the Sun has been transiting Leo, we have have been focused on our own dreams, goals, desires, and the full expression of our being. It has been a time of manifestation, growth, ideas coming to fruition, and relationships growing and deepening. The Sabian Symbol for 28 degrees of Aquarius is “a tree felled and sawed.” Some interpretations include, “...to ensure having wood for winter.” Sabian symbols, like other symbols, signs, dream images, or metaphysical messages, are meant to stir our unconsciousness, and to awaken perceptions, awareness, and connections within us as we seek to find our way along our chosen path. Use the symbol as a metaphor to see how you may be taking something that has been cut down in your life to make into something of beauty that is both life affirming and regenerating.
Mercury remains in Leo for a few more days, and combined with the energy of the Sun in Leo, continues to spark communication and raise up the level of energy we put into communicating at all levels of our being. Under the light of the Full Moon in Aquarius, we continue to express ourselves, feel energized and invigorated, and seek to release creativity in all directiosn as we also find ourselves stirring within to release creative energy. After the 23rd when Mercury enters Virgo, we will spend more time putting into practical action, ideas we are gleaning, gathering, and contemplating. We will be able to be more practical and clear about what we can use and act upon and what needs to be tabled, cleared, or released.
On Sunday, August 18 the Sun semi-square Jupiter, may find us putting a wet blanket on plans, ideas, or feeling reality hasn’t quite measured up to our expectations. If we notice this, we might want to see if getting more rest, taking a nice long walk, or fixing a healthy meal might go a long way to solving the problem. Overstimulation during the last few days may have us worn out before we’ve even started. Take time to rest, refresh, and relax into life more fully now. What’s the rush? Slow down, and enjoy life more.
On Monday, August 18, the Sun’s seisquadrate Uranus in Aries releases energy that brings up unexpected changes in plans, activities, projects or ideas. Change calls upon us to be more resourceful, less careless, more focused on alternative ways and directions, and an attitude of being more temperate, calm, and accepting given the course the river is taking. In other words, make the best of things and don’t get sidetracked into a tizzy fit, temper tantrum, or other form of reactive behavior over things not going according to plan. Seriously, do things always go according to plans? Not in my life, and yet, we’re still here. Look for gifts in the garbage, or opportunities amid the chaos or confusion of a situation, relationship, or certain direction or activity. Don’t wait to be old to be wise. Unless you can be okay where you are now, wisdom may never come your way. This aspect coincides with the Full Moon, so it should be fairly easy to spot any areas that may be affected. What you seek to avoid may be in front of you to lead you where you want to go.
Venus just entered Libra (August 16) and forms a quincunx with Neptune in Pisces on Monday, August 19. This influence tends to act on our unconscious desires, dreams, or illusions. If we are fairly clear about where we stand in relationships, in our life journey, and in our daily activities, this influence can allow us to trust our instincts, intuition, or personal insight. However, if there is an area of our lives, particularly related to how we love and are loved, how we give and how we receive love, that is under a cloud of illusion, delusion, or plain and simple denial, this influence may deepen our sense inauthentic feeling. Shadow areas of our lives are often dealt with under Libran influences by failing to see what is best for ourselves as we struggle to be understanding, open-minded, and tolerant of others’ behavior and treatment of us. When Venus in Libra is poorly aspected by Neptune in Pisces, any shadow areas that have failed to surface, that we have not tended to, or that we still are struggling with, may cause us some inner turmoil. Notice any areas of self worth, (how we value ourselves in relationships and with our personal finances and sense of value) that may be shaky right now, and avoid acting out of insecurity in seeking balance.
Mercury in Leo seisquadrates Pluto in Capricorn just before the Full Moon in Aquarius peaks (within minutes). This aspect deals with mystery and suspicion, and given the right circumstances, can provide you with material to help unravel a mystery, solve a problem, or detect some new information that will be useful in answering questions you have about something or someone. Notice if you find yourself troubled or you can’t seem to quiet your mind. Think about what you have learned in the past from the disquieting times that your unconscious, your soul, your memories, or the obvious messages your life is unfolding in front of you, have taught you about how change and transformation unfold in your life. What have you learned so far, with Pluto’s transit through Capricorn? How has change been coming about, and how have you and your inner workings become more attuned, in touch, and sensitized to movement, change, and need? Simply note the mental pressure and pay attention to how it helps or hinders you in your life.
On Wednesday, August 21, Jupiter at 1 degree of Cancer squares Uranus in Aries at 12 degrees retrograde. We may be reminded, that avoiding change for the sake of maintaining control, or making change for the sake of making change and feeling free from restraint, are not in our best interests right now. Jupiter, the harbinger of abundance and good fortune, triggered by the change agent, Uranus, on the first degree of Jupiter’s transit through Cancer, may remind us of past experiences. If we didn’t learn in the past, we may now be reminded through what seems to be sudden and unexpected events calling us to see what really matters. If we have been focused on the wrong kinds of changes or of putting up with something (hoping it would change or go away on its own accord), we may now experience the result in a way that brings the message we need to hear home to us.
Jupiter also trines Chiron in Pisces after the Jupiter square with Uranus, and whatever we have to face, deal with, or recognize, we now see has a direct impact on our own healing process. We have the chance to release difficult, restrictive, or negative behavior, attitudes, relationships, or perceptions that have been and will continue to undermine our highest good and best health if we do not let go. Through our relationships with others, we may be able to learn what we need to learn, perhaps by observing what is happening to someone close to us. We may not be able to hear it within, but if we recognize ourselves in what is happening to someone else, it may make the necessary impact on us now that we really need to understand and apply to our own lives. Conversations sharing philosophic and spiritual ideas and ideals, can be helpful to us as long as we are in a safe, loving, and tolerant environment. Pick up something inspirational. Write down your own ideas about healing, loving, and helping, and see how your own inner wisdom speaks to you. Spend time in prayer and meditation, and walk in light, allowing it to fill you up.
Two other aspects seem important to discuss. Venus squares Pluto on Saturday, August 24. Hidden agendas, intense passions, and jealousy and possessiveness can run high under this influences. Recognize those aspects of relationships, of your own feelings and sense of partnership, or of any area of your life where such passion could be unleashed. Things that have been brewing beneath the surface can now come to a head. This is an explosive aspect, and you will want to handle feelings of passion and intense feelings (either your own or someone else’s) with caution. You won’t want to ignore what you observe, but in fact will want to use what you perceive as a cautionary sign for all future involvement.
The Sun enters Virgo on Thursday, August 22. The Sun’s entry into Virgo ushers in the period of time when we move from exploration, expression, and living out of our dreams, desires, and life journeys to a time when we pay closer attention to the details and specific areas of our life that require attention. This period coincides with going back to school for many, and for turning towards the shifting and changing of our lifestyles between the seasons. Summer is winding down in the North, and Winter is as well in the South. This is a time to move into a new phase of our journey, and to get grounded in the being of our lives.
Mercury conjuncts the Sun so there is apt to be a great deal more communication and conversation going on. Everyone seems energized and ready to get down to business. We might want to avoid overwhelming ourselves and others with too much conversation and too many details. Taking a more relaxed and mindful approach to dealing with one thing at a time and appreciating each moment, experience, or conversation is helpful with earthy energy of both the Sun (activities and expression) and Mercury (communication and communicators).
On any give day or week, there can be an abundance of astrological influences. And if we look at our lives in general, we have hundreds and thousands of signs, messages, connections and issues that we could focus on. It is not necessary or important to try to pay attention to everything that could possible influence us. On a good day, if we just try to notice one aspect that seems to be speaking to us more than another, or one situation that needs our attention more than others, we can go a long way to living more mindfully and present. My daughter wrote me this week that though her week had been stressful and hectic, her perspective became very clear when one of her young student workers learned her brother had died. Let’s not wait until something shocks us into this kind of realization about our lives. Recognize the gift life is and the gifts you have to live fully right where you are right now. Spend some time this week acknowledging those who have blessed your life. Recognize how much you have been given already, and opportunities that lay before you right now. Take time to show and feel gratitude, and to acknowledge what your strength, compassion, and love have allowed you to receive from others. Recognize the beauty and the elements that nourish and provide for you, and give some attention to those who need it, to those who suffer and to those who are there for you when you need them.
From Mooncircles, an August Full Moon Purification Ritual. http://mooncircles.com/aquarius-full-moon-purification-ritual/
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