This week the season of light peaks on Thursday, June 20 at 10:04 P.M. PDT as we observe the Summer Solstice when the Sun moves from the sign of Gemini to that of Cancer. Then a few days later, on Sunday, June 22/23, 2013 the Full Moon peaks at her closest distance to Earth until late next year. Friday through Sunday, worldwide, people will be celebrating “World Peace, Prayer, Harmony and Honoring Sacred Sites Day.” A sacred time for us all to honor within ourselves, our families and communities, and throughout the world, with one another, the ongoing commitment to living in peace and harmony. It is time to set aside whatever divides us, and seek ways through prayer, meditation, ritual, and action to honor all life on Earth. During the upcoming days of Light, reflect on and pray for those who are homeless, refugees who are in flight, and anyone who is trapped in circumstances that are not life and light-giving.
Full Strawberry Moon peaks on June 23, 2013 at 11:32 AM UT/4:32 PM PDT on June 22, 2013. This is the closest and largest Full Moon of 2013, the Mother of all Supermoons this year. Astronomers refer to this kind of supermoon as a perigee full moon. The full moon and the perigee occur within one hour of one another, and for the night before and the night after, the Full Moon is likely to appear large and close. The term supermoon is not a term used by astronomers but was coined by astrologer, Richard Nolle. “In 1979, Nolle defined it as:
…a new or full moon which occurs with the moon at or near (within 90% of) its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit (perigee).” The Full Strawberry Moon is also called the Full Rose Moon and the Hot Moon. The Full Moon peaks at 2 degrees Capricorn in opposition to the Sun at 2 degrees Cancer.
According to Joseph Campbell, signs and symbols are ways to help us discover meaning in seemingly random situations and occurences. When we begin to see how we are connected to the stories of all humankind, we learn the power of our story. What we create to explain our lives, the language and expressions we use, and the way we choose to find meaning or not, helps shape not only our own lives, but also the lives of others. We are powerful in our own right, and we are therefore responsible for using our power and finding meaning in what we do, say, and are.
"I'm calling a symbol a sign that points past itself to a ground of meaning and being that is one with the consciousness of the beholder. What you're learning in myth is about yourself as part of the being of the world. If it talks not about you, finally, but about something out there, then it's short. There’s that wonderful phrase I got from Karlfried Graf Durkheim, 'transparent to the transcendent.' If a deity is occlusive of transcendency and cuts you short of it by stopping at himself, he turns you into a worshipper and a devoteĆ© and he hasn't opened the mystery of your own being."
On Wednesday, June 19 the Sun and Jupiter were conjunct making for fertile ground for planting new ideas, starting new projects, creating and growing ideas already under consideration, and setting the ground for new relationships and their future. Not only do we feel more self-assured, but also we have the energy and resources available. We may find ourselves more grounded and energized in a way that fills us with serenity and a sense of peace that we have not felt in some time. Jupiter and the Sun in the late degrees of Gemini, enable us to feel the full expression of polarities leveling out and creating a deeper sense of balance within us and in the way we are living. If we are still fighting the changes or if we insist on ignoring how we are being called to release and let go of what no longer serves us or is working and growing, we may be unable to experience the blessings that are ours at this point. Whatever has been calling to be let go, now is the time to surrender to the Divine plan and stop trying to force issues.
Venus seisquiquadrate Neptune on June 19, may have had us seeing what we wanted to see rather than the reality of what is. Neptune may affect not only our dreams but also our perspective especially of our feelings for people we are around. It might be wise to be more aware of your views on love and compassion, especially in relationships that are key in our lives right now. This may also be a good time to pay attention to ideas, patterns, archetypes, or other signs or symbolic ways our attitudes about love may be affecting the way we view the world, treat others, and form our own identities, and express ourselves in relationship.
Mars, the planet of action squared Chiron, the Wounded Healer late June 19, bringing things into sudden focus or raising an issue that can trigger what is needed to open us to healing what has been disturbing or causing us pain for a long time. Squares create tension, and when Mars is involved, it may come in a harsh word, a sudden realization, or an act that serves to be the proverbial ‘straw that breaks the camel’s back’. Whatever or however Mars stirs things up for you, notice how disturbing thoughts, dreams, acts, conditions, or realizations seem to contain the key to healing for you.
Mercury conjuncts Venus on Thursday evening, in the energy and light of the Summer Solstice (Northern Hemisphere)/Winter Solstice (Southern Hemisphere). Messages, communication, and expressions of love come to us in all types of forms, and we are compelled to express our feelings of love, compassion, and tenderness. Dreams may be revealing or may shed new light on an area of life regarding communication and love, that has remained a mystery to you.
Venus remains in Cancer until June 27, so expressions of love tend to be filtered through our need to care for, tend to, shelter, protect, and express ourselves tenderly and lovingly. It is a period of time when we can benefit from nurturing a deeper sense of security and serenity within ourselves. We feel a deep sense of devotion to those we love, and we expect to be treated with respect, trust, and mutual expression of caring and concern. If we find ourselves in relationships that aren’t nurturing our souls or meeting our needs, we may question whether we are living in illusion, projecting what we’d like on others, or actually experiencing an open, direct, and authentic expression of love from those we love. We may feel that our ability to enter into relationships is in jeopardy right now, or at the very least, we may feel threatened if relationships are not feeling safe and secure. Our needs right now tend to be for connection, protection, mutual devotion, and a sense of feeling at home in another’s presence as we also feel more at home with ourselves. If you are not currently in a relationship, or are estranged from one you love, this is definitely a time to identify within yourself that which gives you life, makes you feel comfortable in your own skin, and what you require to feel safe, grounded, and at home on the planet.
From June 16-June 22, there are numerous aspects and transits that help us focus our attention on just what it is we need to feel safe, secure, and at home with ourselves. Venus has been parallel the Sun, Jupiter, and Mars, and has been conjunct Mercury. And the aspect of Venus to Neptune earlier in the week, may have cast a shadow over what we need and desire and what we have. Contrasts, as Gemini reveals, are part of everything we do and everything we are. We do not eliminate polarities in our lives; we integrate and acknowledge both ends of the spectrum, and all the areas in between the every area of our lives, in every aspect of our being. We are not meant to eliminate anything but rather are called to embrace and accept the potential gifts amid the challenges, obstacles, unhealed elements, or undeveloped aspects of ourselves.
On June 20, the Moon is in Scorpio all day. Somewhere in the middle of the night, the Moon formed a trine with Neptune, and this could have triggered some insightful dreams. The Moon trines Chiron, Mercury, Venus on Thursday, as we move closer to the Solstice threshold. The Sun is at 28/50 Gemini, Mercury is at 21/29 degrees of Cancer, Venus is at 20/38 Cancer, Mars is at 13/48 Gemini, Jupiter is at 28/36 Gemini, Saturn is at 5/5 Scorpio, Uranus is at 12/13 Aries, Chrion is at 13/50 degrees of Pisces, Neptune is at 5/20 (retrograde) Pisces, Pluto is at 10/35 Capricorn, and the North Node is at 16/8 degrees Scorpio.
As I write this column, the North Node (gateway between the past and the future) is turning retrograde. This allows us time to reconsider, revisit, and amend any plans, decision, or choices we have made. Anything that needs repair, attention, or editing will come under close scrutiny during this retrograde phase. Any time a planet, the Sun, the Moon or an angle of the chart/life is in the retrograde phase, it means it’s time to catch what we might have missed, communicate or consider any choices or changes we are making. In the case of the North Node, it refers to major changes in our own being that is ready to manifest or go through major transformation. Notice where the North Node is in your chart.
Currently, the transiting North Node is in Scorpio, but your Natal North Node will be where it was at the time of your birth. This represents the way and place in your life where major changes usually occur and helps us understand the nature of change in our lives. The transiting North Node is located wherever Scorpio is in your life/chart, and that is currently where you are feeling the inner urges and upwelling of shadow issues and intuitive awareness in your life. Scorpio, well-aspected by all the major planets in water signs, is acting on the unconscious to such a degree in all of us, that we are more and more aware and feeling more and more awakened to our inner truth and the call of our souls. In the early morning hours (4:31 AM EDT/1:31 AM PDT) of June 21, the Moon enters Sagittarius, where it will help usher in the Summer Solstice in the Northern latitudes/the Winter Solstice in the Southern.
The Sun in Cancer highlights our need and desire to build a safe nest and create a warm and comfortable environment to brood on our ideas, creative projects, and feel more connected to our home. Now is the time we find ourselves being more protective of our homes and sense of identity, of our privacy and those we love. Our homes become the center of our experience of coming to a place of inner peace. We want to safeguard our creativity as well as our sense of home and family. Cancer is especially enlivened by the Moon’s movement, so during the Sun’s transit of Cancer, the Moon’s aspects will have a profound effect on our emotional expression. Be particularly alert and sensitive to shifts in mood. Use your spiritual practices (prayer, meditation), physical activities (yoga, walking, swimming, hiking, all forms of exercise), mental pursuits (reading, writing, creating, researching, studying), and daily activities (decluttering, organizing, cleaning, doing chores) to channel your energy and quiet and calm your emotions.
As the Full Moon at 2 degrees of Capricorn reaches her peak late Saturday or early Sunday morning, depending where you live. The Sun forms a Kite pattern. As in all full moons, this Full Moon in Capricorn is opposite the Sun in Cancer at 2 degrees. The Moon is also opposite Jupiter in Gemini, forming the tail of the kite. The Full Moon is in a wide angle conjunction with Pluto, the Great Transformer, releasing the energy of powerful forces within us that seek to express from a place of deep, emotional need and urgency, that which has been building and transforming within us over the last two years. The Full Moon trines Saturn, the Great Teacher, in Scorpio and Neptune, the Keeper of Dreams and Illusions, in Pisces. The Grand Trine in water signs is tightening up, and as we observe, the shadow side of this type of energy can be destructive and harmful. It is incumbent upon each of us to acknowledge the strength and power of our own energy, desires, intentions, and actions, and to stand with those who are vulnerable and unprotected. Making our voices heard and hearing what is being expressed by those in our care or those we work and live near, is very important right now, especially. Lunar energy has a powerful impact on most of us. The Moon’s effect on the tides show us the strength with which a single satellite of the Earth can move us. The energy within each of us, also powerful, has the power to move, affect, and influence much more than just ourselves. Watch what your thoughts, ideas, feelings, and moods release in the form of energy throughout this period of time, and take some time to become more intentional and focused with how your express yourself.
The Divine Feminine is rising as potential and the unmanifested expression of Life that is being born now. Whenever an expression of God’s light appears in a new form, there is likely to be conflict or disagreement, and likely attempts made to suppress the light. This Light cannot be extinguished, for it is borne within us and expressed through all we do, all we understand, and all we seek to be and express. Knowledge is power, and once the power of knowledge has been released from the genie’s lamp, it cannot be contained any longer. All great cultures have stories of the discovery of light, and in each story, the light is released into the world almost by accident. In reality, the Light is, has, and always will exist, and as the days reach their peak of light in the North and the lowest point in the South, we are reminded once again, of the capacity we have to use the time, resources, talents, gifts, and energy we have to create something beautiful, love with all our hearts, and be the shining light in our own lives that sets an example for those who look to us for guidance, protection, love, acceptance, and understanding.
The Moon opposite Jupiter whets our appetites, and increases our desires and our need to express our desires. And the stellium in water signs activated by the Full Moon in Capricorn, awakens and removes the veils that block intuitive knowledge and insight. Intuition and dreams are heightened, our ability to relate our dreams, intuitions, and emotional insight with those areas of intuitive learning (Saturn in Scorpio) and the Moon’s placement in Capricorn (the Great Transformer), will make it easier for us to related to how our dreams, insights, intuition, and life experiences are all connecting us to the changes and transformative movement happening within and around us.
Create a ritual including prayer, meditation, and celebration to honor the changing of the seasons, the turning of the tides, and the fullness of the Moon’s light in your life. Slow down and take some time to rest, pay attention to the gifts in and around you, and accept the peace that is growing within you. Practice gratitude for what is, and acknowledge and honor those who support, love, and affirm you. Share your joy while allowing yourself to maintain a place of peace where you are comfortable with yourself regardless of who you are with, where you are, or what the circumstances of life seem to be. Experience the peace and joy of the gift of life that is yours now, in this moment. Know your prayers are answered, and you are loved. Be in peace in the Light of Divine Love.
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