Shifting energies:
On the 20th of May, the Sun entered Gemini
Mercury enters Cancer, May 31, just past midnight at 12:07 AM PDT
Mars entered Gemini, the same day, at 3:39 AM PDT
On June 2, Venus goes into Cancer at 7:13 PM PDT
Earlier in the week, on Sunday May 26, Mercury formed a difficult aspect to Saturn resulting in having to redo something we thought we had completed. The energetic expression of the seisquiquadrate, affected communications, causing delays, a heightened sense of vulnerability, and conflicts and confusion that needed to be sorted out. At the same time, the Sun squared Neptune accentuating the artistic and creative rather than the analytical and logical focus that might have been needed. Allowing time and space in our lives to release from rigid patterns of thought and behavior, often accompanies this type of alignment. Mars semi-square Uranus may have resulted in a sense of restlessness, anxiousness, or uncertainty. Uranus and Mars bring about sudden changes and shifts that can disrupt the patterns we have become accustomed to, or remove obstacles that block our paths before we have a clear sense of where we are headed. We may find ourselves questioning our goals, rearranging out plans, or reconsidering the way we go about directing our lives.
Venus and the Sun both make hard aspects with Saturn this week, causing us to feel isolated, distanced, and disconnected. We may feel aloof or cut off from those we love or that which we normally find depth and connection. Often these aspects signal the final stages of breakdowns, breakups, or disintegration of whatever is falling away from us. We become crystal clear about what and who we are committed to. In response to loss or disconnection, we may appear aloof and standoffish, and indeed, this may be how we feel. As Saturn in plumbing the depths of Scorpio, much if not most of our angst occurs on the deeper levels of our consciousness and unconsciousness. We sense the discomfort or numbness, and seek greater clarity within for what we are meant to do, be, or change in ourselves and our lives.
Earlier this week a number of the inner planets formed conjunctions with Jupiter. Mercury conjunct Jupiter on May 31 gave us a glimpse of broader vision for the future. Something of a release could be felt, and travel, starting new adventures and projects, and looking forward were caused by a shift in energy brought on with Jupiter’s optimism and Mercury’s energy and movement.
Venus conjunct Jupiter also created a shift of energy that allowed us to release what no longer served, and embrace the space between, allowing for making room for whatever is needed. An almost magical sense that life is a treasure to be experienced and shared, creates shifts in our attitudes, our actions, and our abilities to give and receive love. Drawing necessary limits and boundaries is difficult under such aspects, and discerning between what is helpful and loving as opposed to what is enabling and dysfunctional may prove to be difficult...especially if we have not fully recovered or restored a sense of safety and fulfillment within ourselves. Jumping from the proverbial frying pan into the fire is a danger when we have not healed ourselves.
The Sun forms a quincunx with Pluto in Capricorn calling for adjustments in our lives in order for growth, movement, and transition forward. We need to be aware that it is important to Reconcile our psychological urges, needs, and patterns with the reality of all areas of our lives, in order to make healthy, substantially significant changes and experience real growth in our lives.
The Sun sextiles Uranus in Aries, signaling that we need to adapt to new circumstances, ideas, and new situations. We can no longer go on as if we were oblivious to the truth of our lives. To blame our unhappiness, discomfort, or lack of satisfaction on anyone else is to fail to see how we have brought ourselves into this present moment. Our choices have created the patterns of our lives, and the way we handle ourselves and try to handle others. When we fail to see how important it is to be submissive to the Divine will that directs us and others, we miss the opportunities to learn and recognize the lessons in the challenges, obstacles, and troubles we face. Moving beyond perceived blocks and around corners into the light is what the Sun’s sextile to Uranus is shining its light upon. We can see solutions, and act upon them, by moving forward on our own volition, and trusting what we are capable of doing, being, and having. If we are not healed within ourselves, we act from our woundedness. Whatever needs to be healed has become apparent. Spend time on reflection and getting to the heart of the matter within before trying to find a way to connect while you are still healing. Often we look to others to fill a space left by a loss. The loss provides both space and time for reflection, discernment, insight, and healing. We are each enough just as we are where we are. Knowing that takes a bit of solitude and distance. Take the time to heal and then you will know what gifts there are in the garbage.
The Golden Triangle. As planets begin moving into Cancer, a very special time begins when the planetary alignment called the Golden Triangle, casts a spell over the houses ruled by water signs. Mercury entered Cancer on May 31, where we seek deeper, safer, and more quality in all forms of communication. Our senses, intuitive, and thoughts are awakened and enlivened when Mercury transits Cancer. We also begin to focus more of our attention, time and energy in on how our ideals, values, and visions affect us personally, and how our relationships in all areas are affected. Mercury in Cancer awakens us on emotional, spiritual, and sensual levels, as we seek to create safer, more nourishing relationships and alliances. On June 2, Venus enters Cancer. Venus usually spends about one month in each sign. The house ruled by Cancer and your own Venus placement have much to do with how Venus in Cancer will affect your chart/life. Venus rules beauty and our need to create beauty within our lives and through whatever we do (work, relationships, art). Depending upon the house ruled by Cancer, this area of your life may call for some upgrades or improvements. Venus entered Cancer (my 9th house), and I hopped on a plane to travel and explore. Notice where your life is in need of a boost, fix-me-up, or redo. Venus also has to do with bonding, unifying, connecting, and improving the quality of our lives and relationships. Venus in Cancer is about family love, the lasting type of love that requires connection to nourish and foster growth and love. When Venus is in Cancer, we often get second chances or new opportunities to make necessary changes, repair broken ties, or improve all levels of love relationships.
Venus moves into a trine with Neptune in Pisces on June 6, and we see relationships as destined. A romantic, magical aura is cast on all areas of life and relationships ruled by the water signs, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. With Saturn in Scorpio, we have been sensing a change, and awakening to whatever is rising up to be experienced, and now is the time that experiences manifest. Whatever has been building up, is ready to come into being, shining like a full moon on the water. We act from a center of love, compassion, and greater understanding than we have recently, as our own hearts are more open and welcoming. We see the best in others, and relax our expectations to be truly present and connected to what is in ourselves and in those we love.
Venus exact trine to Saturn on June 7 provide stability and grounding making it easier to express our feelings in a more realistic and mature way. We are more self-contained, thus surer of ourselves, and therefore able to be ourselves while allowing or accepting others as they are. We have released ourselves from expectations that have burdened and shaded our perceptions. We see things as they are. Any relationship begun or renewed under the aspect of the Golden Triangle, have the capacity to be more grounded because of the deep-seated inner truth that seems more apparent to us. We know from within, the truth of who we are, what we feel, and how we are moving in our relationships to others, to our art and work. We therefore, act with greater pragmatism than we have for quite some time. We are better able to build strong partnerships for we are no longer seeking our fulfillment at our own or someone else’s expense. We become more accountable and responsible for ourselves as we have clearer vision.
Next week on the New Moon, I will talk more about the Golden Triangle, and its longterm impact. For now, notice the shifting of energy, take some positive actions, and use your spiritual practices to ground yourself in the life you have. Find ways to express your gratitude, and explore the treasures around you. Be open to what is before you, and what is rising up from within. Be blessed and receive your good.
Nye Beach, Oregon Catherine Al-Meten |
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