Visit Vernal Equinox for a scientific explanation of the Vernal Equinox.
For the Southern Hemisphere, this time marks the Autumnal Equinox, and the movement into Autumn. All other information applies.
For the Southern Hemisphere, this time marks the Autumnal Equinox, and the movement into Autumn. All other information applies.
On Monday, March 17, Mercury stationed direct and went direct at 5 degrees of Pisces. As Mercury’s momentum and energy shifts, we receive answers and clarity in areas where there may have been only confusion and misdirection.
On March 20, 2013 the Sun enters Aries signaling the Vernal Equinox or Ostara in the Northern Hemisphere. Spring arrives. A major power point. When asked last night what it means that planets are now moving into the fire signs, Sun, Mars, Uranus, and Venus will form a crown of fire in Aries. The yang or fire and action energy infuses us, pushing us into action. Because of the wild card, Uranus (sudden and shocking changes and events), we can expect the unexpected. Expressing Aries energy focus in this area of your life/chart emphasizes direct, individual actions and expression. Particularly for those of you with planets in air and fire, a dynamic season begins. For those not inclined to move so swiftly, this can feel like a time of great discomfort, a time that feels as if someone were pushing you out of your comfort zone, for that is pretty much what the transits indicate. We are being called to act upon what we have been pondering for months. Now the gates have opened, and the way is before us. If we have just gotten comfortable with the status quo, the waiting, ‘be patient’ period, we now get swept off our feet and pushed onward.
Mars in Aries is moving into a conjunction with Uranus. This is a pretty powerful aspect, and will bring about major changes wherever it hits. At the same time, Mars and Uranus will form a square to Pluto, the Great Transformer, and all that upheaval and deep transformative, beneath the surface work that you have been doing and experiencing finally builds up into consciously directed and productive, creative, constructive changes, expressions, creation, art, and manifestation. This powerful combination of energy will move people into action and will bring about change, particularly in areas where change must take place in order for your own survival and fulfillment. Any area of fear, worry, or concern now needs to be the focus on conscious transformation. Last night in our meditation group, we focused on the use of distraction as a positive tool for dealing with pain, loss, fear, conflict, sorrow, or grief. When the struggle is so difficult, the pain so intense, the loss so great, or the sorrow so deep, we need to focus our body, mind, and spirit in areas that uplift us.
Distractions can be tools of healing and survival, especially when we are going through the worst of times. Connecting with our affirming and uplifting friends, finding healing and strength in music and nature, expressing ourselves through art, service, and movement, or finding other positive ways to focus our being away from the source of pain while we work through whatever has blocked, challenged, or hurt us. We do not want to ignore the pain in our lives, for we must acknowledge, cope with, and move to change our lives to deal with whatever has caused us sorrow. We must allow ourselves to feel and express that loss, pain, or anger in healthy, releasing ways. However, we cannot afford to wallow and take up permanent residence with our woundedness and our losses. Distractions trigger the release of positive hormones and chemicals in our bodies, helpful in countering the release of cortisol caused by stress, fear, and anxiety. Distractions allow us to practice being mindful and present in the “now” as opposed to becoming obsessed with the past-- ‘what should have been’ or with the future-- ‘what could happen or be’.
Mars in Aries, its home, is in the position to trigger new beginnings and the onset of a new phase of life, a project, or direction. For a few days, our days and nights are in balance, with equal parts of day and night. On March 21, Venus will move into Aries as well. The planet that serves as the archetype for love, money, and harmony and oneness, are all fired up by the Aries fire and energy. At this time, it is a good time to begin a special project or do something you have wanted to do for some time. Venus in Aries encourages you to put yourself first; acknowledge your needs, desires, and natural gifts.
Venus in Aries enjoys challenge and the chase. Direct, idealistic, and passionate, Venus in Aries is comfortable with love and one’s own expression of that love. Impulsive, passionate, and independent. Venus rules marriage, love, harmony, and the laws of attraction. Venus in Aries signifies a need for freedom in relationships, but will not stand for being second best. Likely to know immediately who or what is capable of their affections, love comes from a deep place of recognition and cannot be feigned. Venus is Aries enjoys the adventure in love and marriage, and will enjoy challenges in connecting and maintaining a love relationship.
Mars in Aries also like to be in command. Mars in Aries will push us to make things happen. The wait is over. Mars rules beginning new ventures, initiating action, taking steps, and facing up to challenges. As the Sun and then Venus move into Aries, more plans can take shape, more action will happen, and since this is affecting everyone, there is likely to be some conflict or more challenges than usual as everyone is feeling energized to move toward what they desire. It is the time to begin, plant seeds, make plans, and take the first steps. When energy shifts as it is now, the movement, excitement, tension, and vibrations are so strong that we feel it on the deepest levels (dreams, intuition, sensations, physiologically) and in the events and activities around us. If you are uncomfortable with change, now is the time to learn to “go with the flow,” as the activity is happening and you won’t have control over everything coming your way. Being able to see whatever comes as a necessary and valuable gift to help you evolve and grow is necessary for a smooth journey. Resistance and holding on will not work for change is inevitable. How we deal with the change is what makes the difference in our ability to ride the waves of change.
As soon as Venus enters Aries, we get ready for the Mars/Uranus conjunction on the 22nd of March. This aspect archetypically represents unbridled passion and loss of impulse control. There is a tendency to cast one’s fate to the winds and take large leaps into the unknown. An unpredictable aspect, Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries throws plans out the window, and may cause us to ignore any red flags before us. Notice where in your chart/life you feel a sense of restlessness growing. Take precautions and prepare for any risks you take. Watch what you’re doing and where you are going, and pay attention to any area of your life where you may be inclined to take unnecessary risks or act on impulse. Keep in mind that our collective thoughts and actions can have an impact on the whole of society. This aspect between Mars and Uranus is an explosive combination, so how this might manifest outside your own experience is impossible to say. How you respond to this aspect yourself depends on whether or not you are able to exercise some control and discretion over your own speech, behavior, thoughts, and interactions.
Some of the ways Mars conjunct Uranus can manifest include; being too strong-willed, being obstinate or stubborn, or very energetic. During this type of transit, we put unnecessary pressure on ourselves to reach a deadline, solve a problem, or handle a pressing issue. It is a time when we might enjoy a good adventure or some healthy competition. Exercise caution however, and don’t go overboard or push your limits. This is not the time for pushing ourselves or anyone else, though we may feel the very strong urge to do so.
This can be a time where your intuition is heightened, and your dreams and psychic experiences may be unusual, strange, or unlike what you are used to. Try to maintain balance in any area right now; body, mind, and spirit are all being activated and supercharged. Find ways to rest or channel the energy positively .
With Mars in its home sign of Aries, events and information may be brought to our attention, particularly if this aspects your own planets, the Sun, or Moon or anyone with the Sun in 5-15 degrees of Aries, Libra, Capricorn, or Cancer. Mars squares Jupiter, the planet of finances March 19 and 20.
There is much coming to the surface, and energetically, this is a volatile and powerful time; a time to focus on containing our darker impulses and maintaining a realistic perspective so we avoid over-reacting and pushing ourselves or others past their limits. For those of us who are artists, writers, and musicians, this is a time to use the channel the active, fiery energy into form, structure, verse, or some positive form of expression. Mary Plumb, astrologer, wrote in Mountain Astrologer last August,
“A personal revolution is at hand for each one of us as Prometheus steals fire from the gods now through the sign Aries, the sign of individuation and singularity. It will feel scary; we are at the limit of convention and security in some significant way inside ourselves.”
Plumb’s words struck me then, as they do now, as some of the wisest advice for times like these. With the element of fire, we can be creative and resourceful or we can damage and destroy. The choice is ours; individually and collectively. Choose Life!
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Temperance by Tammy von Payens From Elments of Tarot: A Guide for a Spiritual Journey by Catherine Al-Meten |
Visit Virgo Magic where Portland Astrologer, Emily Trinkaus sheds light on the Vernal Equinox too. Her columns are always insightful and interesting.
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