This week I am posting two articles on the current astrological trends. The first is an article on the New Moon and the prevailing current planetary trends. The second article, is this one designed to outline how the Stellenium in Pisces affects the different areas of one's chart. This week (March 4-10), we are experiencing a very special time, a time when six planets and the Sun are transiting the constellation of Pisces. By the New Moon on March 10/11, there will be 7 heavenly bodies forming the Stellenium or Crown of Pisces. At the same time, Saturn and the North Node will be forming a trine to the Stellenium, activating the major transformative work that Saturn in Scorpio has been creating at the level of the personal unconsciousness and in the Collective Consciousness of the Universe. Also important in helping activate the energy of these current transits is the movement of Jupiter in Gemini, Uranus' movement in the early degrees of Aries, and Pluto's ongoing transformative transit through Capricorn.
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Photographer Catherine Al-Meten |
Neptune, associated with the rulership of Pisces, the sea, and the mysteries of the unconscious, entered Pisces on April 4, 2011, and will stay in Pisces until 2025. Neptune breaks down boundaries that divide us intra and interpersonally. We are less likely to isolate and compartmentalize our thinking from our feeling, our inner from our outer lives, and our personal from our interpersonal interests, growth, and knowledge. We are opening to the mysteries both within ourselves (dreams, intuition, insight, wisdom, knowledge) and within the world in which we live.
Uranus in Aries has been and will continue to be forming a series of squares to Pluto (last June, 2012, September, 2012, November, 2013, December, 2014, and finally March 17, 2015). Pluto shatters outworn patterns, relationships, theories, thought, and structures to allow for new life to be born. Uranus is the Awakener (causing things to change suddenly, and sometimes in shocking ways) and its aspects to Pluto, the Great Transformer continue to remind us of the journey we have just begun to transform ourselves, our lives and relationships, and our relationship to the world in which we live.
Saturn, the Great Teacher, in Scorpio has been in trine to Neptune in Pisces several times- December 2011-February 2012, October 10, 2012, and finally, June 12 and June 20, 2013. Dissolution, cosmic consciousness, illusion, and creative imagination are activated. Whatever needs to break down and dissolve to create new energy, is in the process of happening during this time.
When Saturn entered Scorpio October 5, 2012, the Great Teacher began its 2 1/2 year cycle in the water sign. Water breaks down all boundaries, blockages, walls, and barriers allowing old forms to die to make room for new growth.
Jupiter entered Gemini on June 11, 2012, and will stay in this air sign for about a year. This is a fertile time for ideas, imagination, and projects related to deep transition and change. I have noticed people who are willingly embracing the change in their lives, psyches, and behavior patterns, discovering new parts of themselves, new ways of resolving old and previously unresolvable issues, and finding creative outlets for doing so.
With a prevalence of planets, the Sun, and the New Moon in water signs, especially the feminine negative polarity suggests that this year reactions to events or stimuli from within or without will provoke us into taking action. It is a time for actively pursuing what it is we desire, and for seeking greater individuation (the coming together of both our masculine and feminine energies in mature form) in areas related to home, family, our sense of belonging, healing overcoming obstacles, and our ability and willingness to express greater compassion and love. Challenges brought on by conflicts including the Uranus/Pluto squares (May 21, 2013 and November 1, 2013) will continue to help break down all forms of programming, socialization, and other forms of patterned behavior and thought, in an effort to form healthier and
Pisces through the Astrological Houses. With so many planets transiting Pisces, it helps to understand house rulerships and domain. Pisces is the traditional ruler of the 12th house, the House of the Unconscious. It is through this area of our being that we deal with both our successes and failures, our gains and losses, our dreams come true, and our lost dreams. The 12th house and Pisces call us to review and confront what we have been and done. It is on this level that we determine where we go from here. It is at this point that we determine what our areas of strength are and where our areas of weakness lie. It is on this level that we struggle with our very nature in an effort to learn, incorporate those learnings, and move forward with our life choices and resolutions. In Jungian psychology, this struggle is referred to as dealing with our shadow. The shadow is that area of ourselves, the hidden, that is yet unformed, resolved, faced, understood, or developed. Sometimes the shadow is a result of what we had previously been unable to deal with. For example, at different points in our lives we have had difficult experiences, traumas, or losses, and have dealt with them in order to get through, but generally, much of the experiences get buried in the unconscious. Whatever has been “forgotten” or stuffed down through suppression, then works its way to the surface either in the form of some form of awareness or in some subverted way, for example, through illness, pain, or projected behavior and attitudes. As you can imagine, the ‘healthy’ way of dealing with shadow material, is to do so through reflection, examination, and careful integration into a deeper understanding or releasing of the past. Other shadow elements include those yet to be discovered aspects of our personality, psyche, spirituality, or nature that makes its way into our awareness as we mature and grow into life.
Whatever needs to come to the surface is probably making itself known to you now in some fairly profound way. It would be difficult to ignore the energy of the Unconscious rising within you, just as it is very difficult to ignore how the shadow is making its way to the surface to be dealt with in one way or another, now in the manifested world in which we live. The call of the Unconscious is to find ways to cope whatever needs to be resolved in a spiritually transformative way.
The houses represent different areas of our lives. Depending upon where the different planets, the Sun, or the Moon are transiting, influences those different areas of your life. First, let us look at what each house represents, and then how each planet, the Sun, or the Moon speak to those areas of life.
The first house, often where our Ascendant sits, reflects how we are perceived and how we project who we are to the world. If you have Pisces on the Ascendant or in the 1st house, this time could be one of great upheaval and transformation regarding how others see you and how you see yourself. There are major changes in one’s sense of identity and in the way one views and believes about what is possible or not. The changes occurring in the first house will be very obvious, I would imagine. For example, you may have changed the way you look, your job, or you may have moved into a new area or position where you are unfamiliar with both who you are and how others see you. I recall a first house transit I experienced, where I was in a job where my role to others I worked with changed. Having previously been one of the teaching staff, I was now in a managerial and supervisory position. People related to me differently, and I had to realize that the new role changed both their perception of me, and my own role with people with whom I had formerly shared a similar role. Whatever transformation is taking place, requires that you acknowledge your own role in how you are perceived, and the effects of your behavior, attitude, and outlook on how others perceive and understand you.
The second house, is the house that deals with how we have come to value ourselves, and is often referred to as the house of personal finance. It is much more about how we have been programmed, trained, or socialized to believe of our own worth. It is what we believe according to what we were told about who we are. With all the Pisces planets moving through this area of your life, expect that you will be questioning, healing from old programming, and learning to question your value as a person in a new way. It may be that all you have believed to be true has dissolved, and you now find yourself at a crucial point where you need to form a new sense of personal value and worth. If, for example, you believed that the only way you were worthy was through your association or relationship to a particular job, that job may have disappeared or been lost. Now you find you need to rediscover your value and worth, separate and apart from a belief that no longer holds true.
The third house deals with your family, immediate environment, brothers and sisters, neighbors, and how you communicate with and around all forms of communication. You may have been going through some deep, penetrating changes and/or discoveries in both your immediate environment, neighbors, family, and the ways you communicate. Secrets may have come to the surface, changes may have transpired, and growth may have required you to learn new ways to communicate. This could be a time of great creativity in areas related to communication. You may find new forms of media as an outlet for your imagination, creativity, and art.
The fourth house has to do with your sense of feeling at home. It is the house that relates to your early upbringing (where you came into the world and your formative years), and with your mother or dominant parent. Whatever natal planets and aspects you have, may indicate early childhood issues and problems. Now, however, with the line up in Pisces, a new beginning in this area of your life is imminent if not already underway. You may have had to leave a place where you felt at home, to give yourself a new sense of home. The influence and/or relationship with your mother may become more prominent in some way at this time. Changes around your home include emotional, financial, and physical changes.
The fifth house represents the area of our lives connected to our sense of love, pleasure, children, and our roles as first-born children. If you are a first-born, this is a special house for you. Or, if you have children, the first-born child is prominent at this time. This is also the house that represents falling in love, and with so many planets in Pisces, this could feel like a fairy tale story for you at this time. Deep connection to those we love, to our sense of pleasure and joy, to our children and grandchildren, are all favored by the Stellenium in Pisces.
The 6th house represents the area of our lives that deals with our personal health and well being as well as where we work, our workplace. It also relates to our co-workers, and the environment of work and its effect on our health. With so many planets in the 6th house, this could indicate some serious and potentially vital changes regarding your health and well being. With all the potential both on the surface and below the surface of consciousness, there is likely to be some serious issues that must be faced and dealt with. Care needs to be taken around any kind of medication or treatment you use, as Neptune in this house affects what we know as well as what we don’t know or understand. Forgoing much needed support, change, treatment, or alterations to the way you work and the place you work, can have serious consequences on your health. Connect the idea that your health, your heart, your mind, your spirit, and your body are intricately linked to one another. Care for yourself and treat your work and workplace as you would a relationship. Cut yourself off from toxicity to prevent serious consequences.
The 7th house represents our relationships inlcuding marriages and partnerships. As the fifth house deals with whom we love, the 7th house deals with our significant relationships of choice. With planets like Neptune and Chiron in this house, it is likely that significant relationships are or have been undergoing a great deal of stress. What we do with the aftermath of deception, loss, or dishonesty is determined by what we learn about ourselves and our ability to trust our own intuitive knowledge and ability to form strong and lasting partnerships and marriages. Messages are no doubt rising both from the unconsciousness (dreams, intuitive senses, hunches, visions-flashes of knowing) as well as from what we are learning outside. We may discover some hidden secrets or events, or we may be dealing with our own illusions, delusions, or misunderstandings. Whatever is going on in the 7th house, the changes, conflicts, movement, and shifts in perception cannot be will be obvious that we have to make some changes, either in perception and belief or in the form and structure we may have counted on.
The 8th house represents how we are valued in the greater community. It also represents the goods and finances of a spouse. The 8th house represents the subconscious, sexuality, interest in the mysteries of the Universe, and goods of the dead (inheritance, heritage, responsibilities for others). With the Stellenium of Pisces in the 8th house, there may have been particular effort and burdens related to taking care of others and/or of dealing with finances and issues related to your spouse or someone related to that person with whom you are in partnership. Your interest in understanding or at least learning more about the mysteries of life, that which is called metaphysical or spiritual, may be a source of great interest to you now. You may have some very interesting experiences with otherworldly energies. Dreams and visions may be strong now. Watch for anything that comes to you during this time, linking you to greater knowledge, understanding, and connection to the past, present, and future.
The 9th house rules long journeys, other cultures, and people from other cultures. It also rules anything to do with higher thought, the development of the mind, religion and spiritual traditions, philosophy, and higher education and institutions. This house also deals with the third child in a family. If you are one or have a sibling, friend or parent who is, you might notice how their lives are being affected by the Stellenium of Pisces. This could be a very exciting and active time for anyone with 9th house Pisces. Travel, education, the quest for setting out on a journey or pilgrimage of some type is very strongly indicated. The journey may be internal, artistic, or exploratory in nature. Be wary of fundamentalism, extremism, or fanaticism of any kind (either in yourself or in your environment). This house also rules fashion, so you may take an interest in fashion of some sort. Neptune in this house for 14 years, indicates an extended period of time when attitudes, beliefs, systems, and structures will be changing rapidly, evolving through ideological battles that may manifest in a great deal of social and political upheaval as factions seek to have their voices heard and their will obeyed. While new ways of looking at things and dealing with issues and problems may be tried, there will continue to be power struggles across the board. On a personal level, we will find ourselves dealing with a great deal of inner turmoil, reflecting and attempting to resolve the ambiguity and discord we witness, in ways that allow us to learn new ways to connect, bind, and commit ourselves in meaningful and healthy ways. We are struggling through a birthing time when structures, ways of knowing and perceiving are breaking down, and we are having to learn new ways to view and understand our lives and our place in it. The Stellenium in Pisces may be a strong time for you to gain inner vision to help you navigate the changes that lie ahead.
The tenth house rules our soul purpose, career, personal dreams and desires, and our place in the world. The power of the 10th house is in our being able to express our soul purpose--that reason we feel we are here incarnated at this time. How do we want to be perceived, and what are we doing that which fulfills the calling of our soul? The 10th house also represents the father, the authority figure in our lives. Any struggles with our fathers may influence the way we struggle to fulfill ourselves. With a strong, positive father figure and experience, we may feel empowered. Without that, we may spend a great deal of time trying to heal and overcome the damage from that relationship. The 10th house also deals with the fields of medicine, healing, entertainment, acting, writing/publishing, and other high profile, non-traditional positions that require inner stability as well as the ability to live with ambiguity. A sound, solid base of the 10th house, can receive the infusion of water energy from the Stellium in Pisces as one of the most powerful, creative, intuitive and exciting times of life. Energy pouring into this area of your life, regardless of your age, can have a long-lasting and highly powerful impact on your achieving your soul goal. Spending the time and energy to heal and make necessary corrections at this time, will enable you to use the richness of this time for the rest of your life.
This can be a time of or leading to great honors and achievements. Do not allow self deception or personal struggles or self denial to stop you from growing, achieving and living to your fullest potential. Stop blaming everyone else for your lack of direction or success. Use what and who you are now, and be grateful for the blessings that are overflowing. Take off the blinders that prevent you from seeing the key to your happiness, success, and life are in your hands.
The 11th house relates to your relationships with friends, groups of people, institutions, and associations. It is your life in relationship with others. It is also the house of your wishes and desires. The 11th house has to do with humanitarian efforts, and also rules the fourth child in a family. With so much going on in this house, I would caution you to be discrete in your dealings with others. Be careful about the choices you make, as there may be a number of hidden agendas active and alive in the groups of people around you. This is a time of great power, energy, creativity, and otherworldliness, and people are dreaming aloud. It’s a time of altruistic and generosity, and with the Stellenium of Pisces in this house, a time when great social and philanthropic efforts can be infused with spiritual gifts and ideas. With regard to your own wishes and desires, this is a time to become crystal clear about what you truly want and desire in your life, and put into form and ritual, the intentions that you want to set into motion. This is a time to set great and powerful goals for yourself, and to truly discern what it is you want, for you are surely going to see your intentions manifest many times over in the future. Aim for the stars, be willing to embrace the life you intend, and get out of the way as the energy you send out sets you off on a journey where your wishes come true for decades to come.
The 12th house as I wrote earlier, is the traditional home of Pisces. The shadow side of this can be expressed as melancholy, depression, escapism, self-deception, or grief. Time to develop healthy and healing ways to express whatever losses, sadness, sorrow, or pain we have experienced, as the 12th house is where we reflect and resolve our past. This may be a time, prolonged in some cases, where we need more time in seclusion and retreat. Sometimes we find ourselves forced into retreat, in exile, or in some way separated from our home or country. For anyone with a 12th house Pisces, the Stellenium may be signaling a time and need to recharge your batteries, and find time and rest to restore and refresh yourself. It also may indicate a time when secrets are being kept, or discoveries are being kept secret until the timing is right. Whatever secrets, discoveries, or mysteries lie hidden, you may find yourself wishing to maintain some privacy and solitude for the time being.
The period when Neptune is transiting Pisces, 2012-2025, is an extended time of preparing for a new period and beginning. The Stellium in Pisces in the 12th house reflects an extended period of clearing out, completing, overhauling, and re-evaluating what needs to go and what is coming into influence the new leg of the journey.
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