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Low Tide Catherine Al-Meten |
When I was growing up, my Mother had a Farmer’s Almanac Calendar hanging up in our kitchen. I loved to look at the calendar’s notations about the the phases of the moon, the best days for fishing, gardening, or other events including potty training, castrating animals, and pruning trees. Since childhood, I have come to rely on the phases of the moon for many things. I live at the mouth of a large river, and daily watch the rising and the falling of the tides. Rain, wind, storms coming in from the sea, or down from the north are ever on the horizon here.
On January 11, 2013 for example, the Farmer’s Almanac notes the New Moon is one of the best days to cut hair to increase growth, to cut firewood, to bake, to dig holes, to wean babies of all kinds, to wax floors, and yes, to potty train. It is believed that by adjusting certain behavior to the phases of the moon, you can be more fruitful or will have better results with your projects. The lunar period between the new moon and the full moon is best for performing those chores and projects that require, fertility and strength. It is a time to focus on those areas of your life that you want to grow and develop. The period between a full moon and a new moon is considered best for harvesting and reaping the benefits from work already started. It is not considered a good time to encourage growth. For more information on the Farmer’s Almanac, visit their website.
New Moon in Capricorn, January 11 22 degrees benefits those whose Sun falls at 22 degrees Pisces (within 5-7 degrees on either side), or at 22 degrees of Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo, or Taurus. At 2:44 P.M. EST (11:44 A.M. PST), the New Moon in Capricorn is at her peak. Every New Moon is a time when the Moon and the Sun are aligned in the same constellation. It is a time when we are reminded of our human need to harmonize the polarities of our lives.
This New Moon in Capricorn coincides with a meeting of six heavenly bodies now in Capricorn. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Pluto, Juno, and Venus, a stellium of heavenly bodies, are all in Capricorn. During this next year, there will be several months where planets, the Moon, and the Sun will align in stellium formations, each time creating an abundance of energy in different areas of our lives. The energy at this time is in whatever part of your life is ruled by Capricorn. This stellium in energizing and activating those issues, areas, and interests of your life where Pluto has been doing its deep, transformative work.
What goes on during the Dark of the Moon (the 2-3 days prior to each New Moon) and the New Moon? During the this period of time when a lunar cycle come to a close and a new cycle is set to begin. Refer to Monday’s article to determine where in your life/chart this New Moon and the stellium of planets and the Sun highlight. See the following article for clarity about which house in your chart is governed by Capricorn, A Stellium in Capricorn.
Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign. The archetype of Capricorn, the mountain goat, emphasizes our tenacious spirit, resourcefulness, and our ability to bring wisdom, discipline, and energy together to scale the mountains in our lives. Whatever internal and external challenges arise in our lives require that we face our inner struggles and strengths in order to cope with whatever is difficult in the way we are living.
Growth and activity depends on the areas in our lives that are most emphasized, most in need of transformation and change. We may be bringing greater order and structure into our lives. We feel the power and desire to mold, shape, and create a more beautiful structure and discipline for shaping our lives. Whatever we set in order now, and plant in the way of seeds of intention, will begin to sprout into being in about two weeks. When seeds are first planted, we must be certain we are planting in fertile ground and planting deep enough to hold. We water the seeds at first, but do not dig them up daily to see how they are growing; to do so would stop the growth. Plant your seeds, your intentions, and then release your attention, making certain only to take the steps needed to water the field and allow the germination of the ideas to take place deep within the soil--the subconscious.
With so many planets in Capricorn, it is evident that setting intentions, making plans, creating boundaries and limits, prioritizing, and establishing systematic routines for getting our inner and outer work accomplished is called for.
The New Moon is at 21/46 degrees of Capricorn (rounded to 22 degrees). The Sun is also at 21/46 Capricorn ( remains in Capricorn until January 19). Pluto is at 9/42 Capricorn, Mercury is at 17/42, Venus is at 3/19, and Juno (ruler of the destined spouse)is in Capricorn. Capricorn Sun derives pleasure from accomplishment, and is in constant need of tangible results for everything in their lives. Comfortable with structure and an established framework, we may want to use these qualities to organize and create more harmony in some areas of our lives where we want to encourage growth and development.
Mercury continues her transit through Capricorn until January 19. A methodical, practical approach to focusing on tasks is emphasized by this transit. Conversations, communication of all kinds, work best when they are kept on the practical, feasible level. Our thinking becomes more clear, logical, and focused. We begin to see order forming out of some of the chaos that has happened around us. In areas where we have purged and cleared clutter and disorganization from our lives, we see and feel greater peace, organization, unity, and clarity. We separate the sheaf from the grain at this point. We become more realistic and are ready and willing to get down to business in putting our plans into action. Caution should be used to not become so focused on our goals that we become rigid or short-sighted and task-oriented. Clarity in communication can also lead to greater freedom. Build in time for healthy and pleasurable time and activities.
Venus just entered Capricorn on January 8, focusing us in on our personal sense of worth, our resources and finances, and our work relations. Venus in Capricorn finds us determined to create structures and working relationships that foster our artistic goals, and support our ambitions. Connections and partnerships become more endearing. We find our practical connections are also important for building mutual trust, faithfulness, and practical support.
Mars in Aquarius brings with it the unconventional and somewhat erratic energy that may emerge as frustration and anger, especially when hit and miss activity meets with the intractable archetypal energy of all the planets in Capricorn. Putting our energy into whatever can absorb some of the tension from this transit of Mars, may alleviate or channel some of the excess, unsettled feelings that arise from this detached, impersonal placement of Mars. The Mars square to Saturn earlier in the week, makes this sense of having our energy blocked express itself in anger and frustration. Despite our urge to act and take constructive steps, we may be delayed due to all the underground, subliminal movement going on below the surface. Channel feelings and energy in healthy ways right now, and avoid unnecessary confrontations. Notice what it is that sets off such frustration, and change the way you get backed into corners or allow yourself to enter into situations and relationships that push your buttons. Use your best coping skills to remain healthy and focused on creating order with what is right in front of you now. Mindfulness practices including Tai Chi, Yoga, Meditation, prayer, or any type of physical exercise, walking, swimming, riding, can all be useful healthy ways of dealing with excess Mars energy.
As the last month of the lunar year begins with this New Moon, take some time to appraise, appreciate, and enjoy the journey of the last year. Use the energy, resources, and inspiration of this New Moon in Capricorn and the selenium/crown of heavenly bodies in Capricorn, to align your body, mind, emotional energy, and spirit with the Divine. Be open and receptive to the movement, light, and wisdom before and within you, and continue living your journey with both awareness and intention. Envision your life as part of the endless bond and chain of ongoing Creation. Breathe, bless, and be grateful for the gifts with which you have been endowed, and see your life as the Treasure it is.
For more enlightening articles on astrological transits and events, visit Portland Astrologer, Emily Trinkaus' Virgo Magic.
Another resource for astrologers and those interested in learning more about astrology is the publication, Mountain Astrologer (available in magazine format and e-format).
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