Remembrance Catherine Al-Meten |
Changing of Signs, Movement of Energy
Today, January 17, 2013, the Moon is at 13/11 Aries, and
on Friday, January 18, 2013, the Moon at 29/4 degrees of Aries makes its first quarter square to the Sun at 29/4 Capricorn. Being that the Moon and Sun are at 29 degrees, an anaretic degree, we can expect some type of completion or crisis leading to an ending, closure, or a finishing up with this aspect. Or we can see this as a time when the final pieces are put into place for changes to come. We may feel a sense of urgency or need to take action. For those with planets, the Sun or the Moon in either Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) or Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) signs and in the late degrees (25-30), This square may be of greater importance and strength.
The Sun, in its last degrees of Capricorn, is ready to move into the Sign of Aquarius on January 19. While we have been grounded in the practical visions we have for our future while the Sun has been in Capricorn, we now move into the search, the study of, and the quest for learning more, experiencing more, and discovering unique and innovative ways of proceeding on our paths. We may find that our perspectives have changed. What was familiar and comfortable in the past, what made sense and fit with our values, now changes as we discover new ways to approach the way we live, perceive, and act. We are more likely to notice unwanted and outworn patterns of thinking and behaving as they present themselves, either as projections in those around us or as initial responses in normal situations. The difference for us now is that we are more aware of our unconscious selves. We notice more quickly when we are responding out of habit, pattern, old belief systems. The greater our mindfulness, the more aware we are of how congruent our thoughts and actions are with our new standard of health and balance.
Where we might have recently been seeking structure and boundaries to define, protect, and form to put order in our lives, we now seek to move beyond those boundaries, ties, and limitations. We seek freedom in all areas, as our beliefs and perspectives change to focus on individual freedom over individual comfort. Personally, this allows us to feel freer to move beyond inhibitions, self-limiting thinking, and fear to take bolder steps towards our goals and desires.
You may have already felt some of this energy change happening in the way you approach even simple things. Finding yourself driving along a different road, taking a different route to your destination, or noticing how you may have put chains and restrictions on your behavior, thinking, and choices. What your mind can conceive and your heart can believe, is now possible for you to move towards. Using your imagination, day dreams, dreams, intuition, desires, and hopes as the creative tools for mapping out your path towards your greatest desires, is now possible. For the next few days as these changes take place, take time to be more mindful of your needs, desires, and personal reality so that you are ready to move forward with a full awareness of what is true for you or not. We do not go on a trip unless we have prepared ahead of time. We need to check to see that we have what we will need to travel. We hope to be rested, well-nourished, prepared in every way, to meet the stress and enjoy the excitement that awaits us.
Mercury the archetype of communication of all types (inner and outer) has been transiting Capricorn since December 31, New Year’s Eve. On January 19, Mercury enters Aquarius, along with the Sun, and our hunger for open spaces, learning, discovery is satisfied as we seek knowledge, new ideas, and exciting new opportunities. The more we let go of having to know how our dreams will be fulfilled the more we will allow ourselves to be open and responsive to the gifts that are laid at our feet or found along our path. When we are truly open and receptive, we discover the secret that we are given exactly what we need when we need it and when we are ready to accept the treasures of our life journey. As Deepak Chopra said, “Instead of thinking outside the box, get rid of the box.” Allow yourself to live in the realm of possibility, opportunity, and abundance. This is a time to allow our imagination, our intuition, our creative mind, and our innovative thinking to take over. Allow the juices to flow, and avoid putting the damper on whatever forms of communication are stimulated, energized, and awakened for you right now. There is much to discover and learn; you have the key to unlocking doors that need to be opened and pursued.
Venus has been in Capricorn since January 8, and will remain there until February 1. This has called us to get our house and businesses in order. For artists, it has been a time to call us to the inner realms and to the places where we create, are inspired, and where we find form and structure to put our gifts to work. We continue to connect with people who we find mutually supportive communication and connections with. We ground ourselves in relationships that are supportive, reliable, faithful, and enduring. We are very aware of treating our friendships with care and respect, and take friendships seriously. While we may spend less time in social situations right now, we do spend a great deal of time discerning the quality and depth of committed relationships whatever they be, marriage, family, friendships, business partnerships, colleagues. Venus the archetype for the Divine Feminine: In the Orphic Hymn, 55, the following poem was written in ancient times as an ode to Aprhodite/Venus.
“Tis thine this world to harmony to join, for all things spring from thee, O power divine. The Triple Moira (Fates) are ruled by thy decree, and all productions yield alike to thee. Whatever the heavens encircling, all, contain, earth fruit producing, and the stormy main, thy sway confesses, and obeys thy nod, awful attendant of Bacchus god.”
This ancient Greek poem expresses the power of beauty and harmony to calm the stormiest of seas and to make use of the gifts of the Universe for creating peace, beauty, and harmony on earth.
Venus, bestower of creative and emotional wisdom and abundance. Venus was wise counselor, temptress, and one who inspires us to greater beauty, love, and harmony. Venus in Capricorn awakens our desire for love, beauty and harmony, as it is nurtured through our relationships, through our art, and through our acceptance of our inner goddess; that inspired and inspiring aspect of ourselves that awakens to the tender touch, to the look of love, and to the Queen of Heaven’s call to dance, laugh, celebrate, and adorn ourselves with the divine gifts of our being. In Capricorn, Venus puts us in touch with our earthly pleasures and need for harmonious, practical love and beauty. In the everyday of our lives, we find multitudes of opportunities to express Venus archetype in our lives.
Mars in Aquarius from Christmas, December 25 until February 1, finds a dynamic, kinetic, and unpredictable types of energy affecting our lives. Mars is not predictable in Aquarius, and very often is influenced and set off by impersonal and volatile types of emotions and misdirected energy. Much is going on beneath the surface for so many, and it is not all in manageable form or clarity. The consequence is striking out, crossed signals, and miscommunication. While Mars continues through Aquarius, expect that the detached nature of this archetype is going to be more interested in using unconventional and unusual methods for taking care of business. Team play is crucial, but unpredictable and likely to meet with conflict and challenges.
The Jupiter retrograde in Gemini squares Chiron in Pisces which was exact on January 15, gives us a taste of what we want, but also puts the gift in light of what we need to learn to deal with our abundance and gifts. The square aspect lasts for about four months, during which time we have the opportunity to take the first steps in living with the results of getting what we wish for. With this gift, comes a big healing. Through whatever we are being blessed with right now, we are healing into wholeness. Whatever it is that you have been preparing for, is now open before you. You have been given the go-ahead, and walk out into the unknown knowing on some deeper level, that what is ahead is better than you can imagine. You are yet unfinished, and your journey is opening in a direction that promises healing, joy, and connection. Look for the areas of your chart where 6 degrees of Jupiter in Gemini, and Chiron at 6 degrees of Pisces, and you will discover what areas of your life this healing and gift work through. Be sure you are ready to receive, and make certain you are grounded in the reality of we meet our future from right where we are. Transformation happens within, and if we have not fully transformed, the healing will be activated by whatever comes next.
Pluto also conjuncts Venus and Juno. Pluto, the Great Transformer, has been transiting through Capricorn, and this month conjuncts Venus and Juno. Venus, our sense of beauty and love, and of harmony in relationships, is being transformed and energized in a deep and long-lasting way. When Pluto conjuncts Venus, issues around passion, sexual attraction, and re-attraction are raised. This transits deepens attractions, and takes relationships to a much deeper level than they have been before. One issue with this transit can be jealousy, manipulation, or obsessiveness. A transformation takes place on the spiritual, physical, psychological and emotional levels about how love deepens over time when it is a soul connection. At this time your attitudes about love may be growing and transforming so your understanding of love moves to a deeper level or trust and acceptance issues are brought to mutual awareness to be healed and integrated into the body of the relationship.