Saturn, the Great Teacher, has been dancing (some would say stomping) back and forth over the last degrees of Libra before it enters Scorpio in early October (the 5th). For the couple of years, Saturn has been tromping through my own 12th house. It left the 12th house briefly, giving me a brief respite, and then reentered. As most of us do with Saturn, we often think we have to suffer through. However, Saturn's archetypal struggle is better dealt with when we try to understand the underlying stories the Saturn represents.
Saturn's story has to do with the archetypal struggle between what has traditionally been called the Old King and the Young King. In our times, these images translate to our own struggle for wholeness (not an end goal, but a series of life-long struggles and passages). In our lives in general, the struggle may be found in our relationships with others and with our life goals and purpose. For example, when we are young adults, we train, seek education, begin choosing careers, begin our lives of independence, as we begin creating and living out our life journeys.
What we envision and plan often turns out other than what we expect or hope for. Sometimes our plans turn out perfectly. In any event, Saturn teaches us that whatever lessons we have to learn on our journey, must be faced, experienced, and acted upon. Many of us know about Saturn Returns. A Saturn Return occurs when Saturn moves one entire cycle from where it was when you were born (your Natal Saturn) and back again. This happens every 28-30 years. Saturn Returns affect us for several years before and after.
We are called upon to
decide how we are to face our weaknesses, the undeveloped, or
challenging areas of our personality and behavior, and what we must
release in order to move forward in our development. Whatever we need to learn to improve our lives, must be faced at that time for when we move into our next cycle, whatever we have not resolved, moves along with us, often hindering us subconsciously if not obviously with some recurring issues. Most of us are aware when these big times in life occur. The best way to determine what area of your life this occurs in, is to check to see which house (part of life) your Natal Saturn is in. This is not the only part of your life affected, but it represents the area where change and growth is triggered and the manner in which we are likely to find the most discomfort.
For example, if you Natal Saturn was in your 9th house (higher education, foreign travel and cultures, philosophy/religions and higher thinking, institutions connected with these areas) you are likely to find change occurring, being affected or influenced by people, ideas, and events related to this house. This may refer to your attitudes about these areas, or it may have to do with your own involvement in this area. This might be a time when your beliefs, values, and intentions require reexamination or a time when new ideas, travel or people from other cultures enter and affect your thinking and lifestyle. There is no one manifestation for everyone. For one person, it may result in lots of travel; for another it may mean a deep interest in new ideas or an area of research and study.
It your Natal Saturn is in another house, that house will give you clues to what areas of life your greatest life challenges and your gifts for positive transformation lie. Saturn's challenges call us to our higher good and development. Your natal chart always provides the baseline for your
entire life journey. However, as we grow and age, as we live, and
change, and as we release the past and make new choices, we are
constantly in the process of changing and moving toward a fuller form of
our incarnation.
Part of the story of Saturn has to do with the major returns and the placement of your natal Saturn. For those of us who believe we have a life purpose (10th house-Soul Journey), Saturn is an essential task master. Saturn is always active in everyone's chart. When we look to see where planets, the moon, and the Sun are in our charts, we are looking for their current transits. All that is in the Universe and including our Solar System, is constantly in motion, rotating as the Earth, on the planetary axis and swirling and orbiting through space. We now know that our solar system is revolving, along with thousands of others, around the Gallactic Center. While that may seem beyond our ability to envision, we nevertheless are affected by motion, movement, change, and the dynamic nature of life. How do we get grounded in such dynamic setting?
We do this by focusing on where we are now. Being present is one of Saturn's messages to us. It calls us to pay attention to our inner struggles, callings, and desires. It calls us to examine what about our choices, ourselves, our lives needs to be released, changed, or improved.
Saturn represents the struggle between the Old King and the New King...both within you and in the world in which you live. Metaphorically, the King is the Animus or masculine aspect of our personality. To look at this in less patriarchal terms, the Animus and the Anima (the feminine aspects of our personality) can be understood as the polarities that exist within us and within all of society. Cultures define Masculine and Feminine much differently, so for example in American culture emotion and nurturing may be considered feminine, this is not the case in all cultures. Stereotypical ideas about masculinity and femininity do not automatically work to help us understand Saturnian concepts of the Old and the New King. When we think of our Self, the King is that which rules us. This includes temperment/personality, roles we have taken on, behavior, beliefs, values, patterns and habits. The struggle that Saturn brings into our lives has to do with releasing the old that is holding us back from what calls us to grow, change, and flourish.
In the Saturnian story, the Old King represents that which has reached a point where it must change to survive. The choice is either to accept that one's role and life has changed, and to rest in that knowledge allowing for someone else to take over. Now some of this goes on within us in relation to our changing life roles, however, the real struggle we face is in accepting our changing place in life. This happens in relation to our aging process. This is why many cultures have specific assigned roles based on age and gender. While we may have blurred the boundaries and changed our expectations somewhat, we nevertheless are faced with a Saturnian challenge to accept what has changed about our lives; we either fight to hold onto our power, authority, position, role, or identity, or we accept that change has come, and that we can now let go of whatever roles, beliefs, ideals, relationships, and identity that no longer work for us.
How do we discover Saturn's challenge for us? There are a number of ways we will notice Saturn's messages. The better we understand the archetypal nature of not only our dreams and imagination but also the unconscious roles and behavior that we act out in real life. In our our daily lives, the roles we are in come with their own set of archetypes (expectations). Parenting comes with the archetypes of Mother, Father, children, Grandparents, and a multitude of other related roles (birth order, gender, culture). Our interests provide archetypes: artist, sculptor, musician, manager, leader, teacher, priest/priestess, warrior, builder, guide, writer, reader, protector, healer, Queen Bee and worker bees. We live out a variety of roles at once: Teacher, Mother, Sister, Daughter, Wife, Friend, Leader, Healer, Writer. Roles are not static, therefore, roles will change over time and experience.
Because we live in a dynamic universe, this is not only desired (not by all) but also change in every relationship and role is inevitable. To try to hold onto something that is dead or illusionary is one of the blocks that Saturn urges us to face and deal with. An example of changing roles occur, for all of us, in our families. As a woman, I may become a mother. There are a variety of stages of being a mother, and if I freeze at one stage of that role, I cannot experience other dimensions of motherhood or my own personhood. My relationship with my children is stalled or broken. In order for us to become the fullest expression of who we are, it is necessary to keep moving with awareness. Look at your relationships and roles, and notice which ones are calling for change or release. Which ones are calling for attention and nourishment? Which ones are in need of repair or movement? With each career choice I have made, I have noticed change came about as part of my own awareness of inner urges, anxieties, callings, or a sense of unfulfilled desire. Change has also come from a growing sense of ennui, depletion, or completion. I recall being in a class, one I had taught and loved for years. One day I walked into the class, and before the class was half over, I felt like I could not breathe. This happened twice more, and since there was nothing wrong with my physical health, I knew this was a signal to me that I needed to make some changes. Sometimes we use our head, our rational mind, to talk ourselves into doing things that are no longer good for us. This was so with me. Saturn grounds us in the truth of our experience, and often brings us to our knees before we begin paying attention to what we need to change.
Dreams and imagination are rich sources of archetypal message. Dreams often include images of slogging through mud, climbing on hands and knees up a mountain, running in slow motion and getting nowhere, or not being able to move our legs or hands. One dream I had recently vividly played out the Saturn Archetypal struggle for me. One of my primary roles in life has been that of teacher and educator. It is one I have given up several times, but never quite seem to get completely away from. It's one of those things I do fairly well, love doing, and can do. It's familiar. It's comfortable. I know what I'm doing in the role. Yet because of my desire to develop as an artist and writer, I have released my need for the role. At least that has been my goal. Two dreams illustrate how Saturn's story reminds us of what is calling for change. The first dream was me walking barefoot up the front steps of the administration building of a university. On the path before me was snow. I looked down at the path, saw the snow, and knew I was no longer willing to take that path. In the dream, the message came in my own words to myself, as I turned around and walked away. "I'm not doing this anymore." The next dream was truly Saturnian. In the dream I am supposed to be in charge of a large class. The class requires a lot of attention, and I would need and have assistance. There was a young person off to the left waiting to come into the room. Someone behind me (my shadow...the unspoken, unacknowledge or undeveloped identity within) said you can do it or you don't have to. I could feel body in the dream. I was sitting down, and I thought, I just don't think it's a good idea for me to stand up and do this again. It would take all my energy, and I just don't feel up to it now. I sat back in the dream, and allowed myself to be somewhere else (you know how dreams are). Here the dreams shows the clear struggle between the old and the new, the past and the future. In the present, we can look back and hold on, or we can take our lessons from the past, and move onto what awaits us.
Between now and June 25 when Saturn stations direct for the last time in Libra, watch for the areas where you are called to release, repair, and prepare for moving onto a more in depth experience of life. Libra has called attention to all the areas in your life where you are struggling to maintain some sense of harmony. Things in one or two areas may be significantly upsetting. The walls may have come crashing down in some respect. It is time to surrender to the call of your soul, and to face whatever threatens to lock you into behavior, relationships, patterns, choices, or thinking that will continue to block you if you ignore or choose not to heed the call to move forward.
Between September 28 and October 6th, Saturn will be in the Anaretic, the 29th degree of Libra. This is the point when finality, conclusion, and completion are necessary. Look to that time as the days when you clear things up, prepare yourself for the next major leg of the journey, and be intentional about what you are leaving behind and what you have equipped yourself with for the journey ahead. Watch for messages and signs of completion at that time.
Right now the Sun is in 11 degrees of Gemini, the Moon is in Libra, Mercury is in 15 degrees of Gemini (closely conjuncting the Sun-good for communication). Venus continues in her retrograde journey back through Gemini (19 degrees) and Jupiter is in 27 degrees of Taurus. Jupiter too is completing its cycle through the sign of Taurus. On June 11 Jupiter will enter the sign Gemini. Neptune is in her early stage of her 14 year cycle in Pisces, awakening us to our more mystical, intuitive, and deeper realms of both our own unconsciousness and that of our Universe. Pluto, the Great Transformer, continues its plodding journey through Capricorn, further grounding our movements, motivations, energy, and transformative activity. The North Node is at 5 degrees of Sagitarrius. At that point in your chart, there ought to be some possibility for changes and improvements, openings for the future of whatever that area of your life signifies. Look to see how the transits affect your natal chart and how transits set off or block other movements.
In my heritage, we believe that the world reflects to us signs and illustrations that we can see as meaningful to our own personal lives. When there is fire on the mountain, for example (a volcanic eruption), we understand that we are all affected by that. We know the oceans and the tides, the rivers and streams, run through our lives and bring us knowledge and understanding, if we seek to understand the messages. The heavens too have spoken to us for centuries and eons, and we know we are part of a greater Universe than we can either see or understand. However we can feel the energy, and learn to use it to help ourselves and those with whom we relate. Saturn's slow movement, signals great change when it readies itself for movement. Another sign that illustrated this to me came about a few weeks ago. I was called downstairs by my neighbor to see a swarm of honey bees who had created this swarm in a tree in our backyard. When the beekeeper came to gather the bees to take to a new hive, he told us that when the Queen is getting old, the honey bees will create a new Queen and the old Queen will leave the hive with half the bees. Together they swarm until they find a new place to swarm. I don't know the rest of the journey, but this happened right before my eyes to remind me that everything is created to pass through stages and to do what comes naturally. We with the big and active brains often create such chaos and trouble for ourselves when we fail to balance our rational thought with a healthy doses of intuition, imagination, and a view of ourselves in relation to the greater scheme of things in which we are not the center of the Universe but are part of a greater plan than we can see or imagine. Sometimes the best things come to us when we simply let go and let life unfold before us. When we allow ourselves to surrender to the power of the Divine and accept the life we have before us. What are the gifts that are before you now? Dig in.
For a consultation by phone or to request a reading or a chart, contact me at 503.298 3069.
Dr. Catherine Al-Meten, Intuitive Insight Pathways
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Thursday, May 31, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: Solar Eclipse, Gemini: House to house how it works...
Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: Solar Eclipse, Gemini: House to house how it works...: Eclipse fever has started, particularly on the West Coast and the Southwest of the U.S. where the path of the Solar Eclipse will pass this S...
Solar Eclipse, Gemini: House to house how it works
On May 20, 2012, the annual solar eclipse will take place as the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. Because the eclipse occurs when the diameter of the Moon appears to look smaller than the
Sun, the Sun appears to have a ring of fire around it as the Moon blocks it in her passage. While this is not a total eclipse due to the Moon’s close proximity to Earth, it will be a spectacular one. The eclipse will be visible starting from the northern coast of China and spreading south and then eastward across the western coast (Canada and the Pacific Northwest) and southwestern part of the U.S.A., and then continue its path completing its 5 minute 46 second journey shadowing the surface of the Earth before ending over New Mexico. For more amazing thoughts on the moon, visit thLive Science.
The eclipse will begin at 5:30 PDT. The greatest coverage (that 5 min. 46 sec. shadow and ring of fire time) occurs at approximately 6:30. Remember not to look directly into the sun, but use a solar filter of some kind or look on the ground or at a computer screen showing the eclipse in real time to avoid harming your eyes. Or as KATU meteorologists suggest, “ just stand under that tree. The sight of a thousand ring-shaped sunbeams swaying back and forth on a grassy lawn or sidewalk is unforgettable.”
What significance does astrology give to grand solar eclipses?
Eclipses are wild cards meant to shake us up to move in our personal evolutionary and maturity process. The archetypal energy of an eclipse activates energy for us to move, change, alter, or manifest that which has been building, growing, or seeking release in our lives. There was a time when people expected the passage of the Moon over the surface of the Sun to cause catastrophic events, but the energy of the Moon on the tides of the Earth, and the blocking of the Sun’s electromagnetic field, other than causing higher tides and some interference with electronic communications, have a more long-lasting effect on our lives than the immediate spectacle of the eclipse itself. Eclipses act like a New Moon or Full Moon on steroids. There is a tendency for events and changes to seem to come on suddenly or in an unexpected manner. Depending where the path of the Solar Eclipse falls in your chart, this solar eclipse will probably unveil some fated types of experiences that will have a dramatic effect on your life. As Mountain Astrologer writer Mary Plumb notes, “Tis the season to be growing!”
Wherever the Solar eclipse hits in our lives, we will become more aware of whatever has been suppressed, hidden, forgotten, left out, or stashed away for safekeeping. Depending which area of our lives is most affected, we will no longer be able to ignore or sweep dreams, desires, and plans aside.
The Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 occurs at 0/21 (0 degrees, 21 minutes) of Gemini. Those affected most significantly are those of us with planets, aspects, and house cusps at 25-30 degrees of Fixed signs--Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, and those of us with planets, aspects, and house cusps at 0 to 5 degrees of the Mutable signs--Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Notice what areas of your life these planets fall in and what aspects the eclipse (for both the Sun and the Moon are hitting that part of your life), as these are the areas where you might expect to be most affected. For example, if the energy of the eclipse is touching your first house (that aspect of our personality that relates to how we appear in the world, the mask we wear, or the image we project most strongly), we might be paying more attention to our appearance (both how we look and what we are telling the world about who we say we are). Whatever changes are operating in that particular area of our lives, we will probably be spurred on to make changes more rapidly. Events may trigger the need for change, or we may be motivated to act on opportunities with greater speed and intention.
For those whose 2nd houses are affected, the changes and transformation may come in the area of your personal self you have come to value yourself. What am I worth personally, and how have I come to understand and accept my worth and value as a person? Many people read this house as personal finance, but it is much more than the house of money. It is the area of our lives that relates to what we have internalized in terms of our own value and worth. Often we are operating on worn out, incorrect, and negative ideas, borne of unhealthy conditioning, and lack of reflection on our true worth. For many of us, when our 2nd house issues are out of whack, we feel worse about ourselves than at other times, and this is something we must address by getting professional help (hire a CPA, see a lawyer, hire a bookkeeper or get some financial counseling. Get professional assistance in an area where you are not equipped to handle a situation and where you lack the knowledge and expertise to deal with issues that are blocking you. If it’s is no disgrace to hire a professional to hire a dentist to work on our teeth, why do we think we have to be an expert in everything else? Seeking assistance or viewing a situation that is not working in this area of your life, is vital to making the necessary transformation that opens opportunity and a clearer path.
Third house areas that may be affected by transformative events and issues, pertain to our mode of communication, the life and neighborhood/community we inhabit, our neighbors, sisters and brothers, and our mode of communication. We may now notice changes or the urge for movement and release in this area. We may find we have a stronger need to improve, enhance, or change this area of life. We may find ourselves desiring different ways of expressing ourselves, or we may find that we can finally create and communicate in ways that had hitherto not been possible. There is a greater need to bring opposites, polarities, and differences together into a coherent whole. If the third house is aspected by the eclipse, expect to receive messages in unexpected, sudden ways, and on different levels of your being (watch dreams, pay attention to intuitive feelings, listen to what your body is telling you, and watch for signs that confirm and affirm you).
The fourth house, being where you feel at home as well as where you dwell, is an area that is strongly affected if the solar eclipse moves across this part of your life. There may be a strong urge to make major changes. If things need to be fixed, they will manifest in forms that demand your attention. If you have been considering a move, there may be news on this front now, moving you forward to make whatever changes are necessary for your home/sense of well being to come into harmony. Old issues may arise that call you to resolve, abandon, release, or otherwise settle any conflicts that have been suppressed.
The Fifth house represents our capacity for love and pleasure, our children and creative projects. The fifth house is about learning to have fun and remembering how to experience life through our senses. The fifth house is our inner artist who longs to paint, dance, dream, create, and express pleasure and beauty. For those of us who have had our noses to the grind stone far too much of the time, we will begin to nourish our creative spirit more. Pleasure experienced with our senses also includes our need to create, give birth, seek union, and nourish our souls, minds, and bodies. We experience an awakening call to greater sensual urges, creative passions, and the fertile imagination to feed our desires and visions.
Sixth house issues deal with our physical bodies (where we spend our time, where we work, and how we treat our bodies.). Our health is crucial to our living productive, harmonious, balanced, and fulfilling lives. This house often signifies the workplace. Our life work, how we spend our time and energy and creative urges has a significant impact on our physical health and well being. The solar eclipse can provide us with a wake up call to find greater peace, alignment, and meaning in this area of our lives. If we are in balance here, we may find we desire an expansion of our work life, we may accept the challenge to push our physical limits, and expand our awareness, experiences, and boundaries in ways we had only dreamed of in the past. Now is the time to take the leap of faith and take the risk to make changes. If we have not been happy with our work or have been in poor health, we will need to address the underlying issues that keep us from our highest good and excellent health. Movement, stretching beyond limited thinking, and visioning a new future require an awareness of what is not working and how it is affecting our overall livelihood and health.
Seventh house issues relate to marriage and partnerships. The Solar eclipse affects those relationships that are in need of transformation or are already in disrepair. A time of reflection or regaining perspective in whatever partnerships we are involved in will be on the list of things to do. If communication and connections are no longer in line with one’s life, it is time for repairs, redressing major blocks and issues, and remembering what sparked the partnership in the first place. All contracts, sacred or civil, are based on a set of agreements and a system of rewards and consequences, blessings and curses in the Biblical sense. Our covenant agreements are sacred contacts, and must be adhered to or the partnership moves outside the original bind two people and their interests, dreams, and needs in a mutually rewarding partnership. The Solar eclipse will bring to light what is no longer working or where vows have been broken, disregarded, or forgotten. We will seek greater connection now, and be more forthright about the conditions and agreements that we keep.
The Eighth house has to do with how we are valued in the greater society. What is our role in the world, and how are we regarded in our lives by those in society? This is also the area of our service to others, other people’s money and resources, and inheritance and goods of the dead. It’s also an area that rules our sexual/creative energy. The eighth house is about transforming on a grand scale, so one might expect that issues in this area will be hard to ignore. There may be major announcements, changes, or movement that affect you and your life choices, and how you handle this depends upon your preparedness and willingness to grow and mature. Whatever we have grown comfortable with, may disappear or change form in some way so that we realize what we’ve always known, that change is inevitable. Our perspectives and how we deal with change are the tools which will enable us to build, create, solve, and work with the substance of life that we have been given.
The Ninth house deals with higher education, institutional types of learning, different cultures and ancient wisdom, metaphysical, philosophical, religious, and spiritual development and ritual. Someone or some form of knowledge unfamiliar to us may have a great impact on our lives now. We may travel long distances (through time or space or both) to discover a part of our identity and destiny that had been hidden. We will learn more about who we are and how we are connected to one another, and there will probably be something of earthshaking proportions that will bring change to help transform the world at large, and our lives in particular.
The Tenth house, the house of your Soul’s call, relates to the inner calling and purpose you have within you. Oftentimes this appears to us through the work we do, and our work is a part of the process that leads us to answer this call. Whatever you are destined to share, express, create, or manifest in some way that transcends your own personal fulfillment, now rises higher into your conscious awareness. Whatever has fallen away (either through a felt loss, lack, or missed opportunity sometime earlier in your life--recent or distant), now reappears as opportunity on the path you are walking. You discover you need go no further...what you seek is before you, and all has led you to this moment of creation.
The Eleventh house is the house of how we relate with one another in groups. This could be your circle of friends, coworkers, community, church, guild of artists, union, or whatever social and institutional groups you belong to. Your identity in this area of your life may either be shaken up quite a bit (before now but now it is evident) or you may find that groups are shifting, changing, evolving, falling apart, or disappearing). Group connections are reflecting the dynamism alive in us individually, and it is only a reflection and consequence of the movement of all people and society in flux and transformative change. There may be more upset or sudden movement in these areas, and you may find yourself in new territory, trying to determine boundaries, position, and identity for the first time in a long time. Our roles are changing as our groups and institutions evolve, break apart, or transform themselves to meet growing needs and circumstances.
The Twelfth house represents your subconscious and that which is hidden and mysterious. This is the part of both ourselves and the world in which we live that is unknown to us on the conscious level. This area has been moving beneath the surface for many of us for quite some time, and now more than every, our dreams, intuition, imagination, inner senses, reasoning, drives, urges, and desires, make themselves known. Whatever is unresolved, unhealed, or in need of your attention now knocks on your cognitive and intuitive doors to spur you to pay attention and act on your own behalf for that which must be addressed for your development and journey ahead.
There may be more than one area of your life (and of course all areas affect and interact with one another), so look at how the houses where the Eclipse hits and see if you might discern some of the tools, gifts, talents, and memories you have to make the necessary changes that are being accentuated through the energies of change taking place at this time...including the eclipse and the energy it sets into motion for the next few lunar cycles, and also the other major transits that may be triggering or blocking change, awareness, or understanding.
Enjoy the celebration of the Solar eclipse as this eclipse packs the power of its New Moon in Gemini and then some. As the eclipse is on the New Moon, we are propelled by the intentions we set at this time. We are in a time of reflection and planning, and now is a great time to listen to our inner voice, put our plans in prayer, turn our desire over to the Divine for an alignment with our true nature and in tune with our beliefs. Allow yourself to be brutally honest about what you need to do, be, and create in order to follow your journey to the True North of your soul call and identity. Discover a way to enter into a ritual seeking alignment with the Divine, and asking for support, guidance, and blessings that you will receive the grace of God in whatever you do, whatever you choose, with whatever your circumstances or needs may be. Blessing to all, and embrace the journey and gifts of your life. Be grateful, and release all that distorts or disturbs your heart, mind, and soul from a clear and direct link to that which is in your highest interest and is best for all involved.
Enjoy learning more about the eclipse at
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten...
Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten...: Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: Sun 23/15 Taurus Moon Last degrees of Aquarius mov... : Sun 23/15 Taurus Moon Last degr...
Venus turns retrograde in Gemini...awakening to inner truth
Whenever a planet goes through its retrograde stage, the howls and whining starts. "Mercury is in retrograde...nothing will go right," or "the Moon is opposing my Sun. Woe is me!" Knowing a little bit of information, but not enough to put it in its proper context, makes for a poor understanding of astrology. This is one good reason to have your chart done, and then learn something about what aspects, trends and patterns have been and are operating in your life. Nearly everyone's natal chart (the position of the Sun, Moon, planets, and ascendent at the time of your birth) has aspects that are considered challenging as well as those that are considered beneficial. For example, you may have an opposition (two planets in opposite signs and within 5-7 degrees of one another) or you may have one or more planets in their retrograde phase at the time of your birth. As with any other system that is used as a tool to understand your personality, your developmental patterns, your tendencies, talents, and challenges, astrology attempts to chart out the dominant influences in different areas of your life.
In Jungian Psychology, the personality temperments include 16 different personality types, each of which has certain traits and behavior patterns. The personality types include four different aspects of personality. One measurement is that of introversion and extroversion, and it helps explain how we are energized. For example, one who is strongly extroverted gains energy and is nourished through through interaction and relationship. One who is introverted, is energized and renewed through time alone and in seclusion. Both are aspect of each of us, however, we generally tend to favor one over the other. In order to grow and function as a whole human being, we must, however, develop both aspects so that we are better able to function in the world and cope with challenges outside our zone of comfort and familiarity. Knowing the differences helps us understand not only ourselves but also others.
The second aspect of one's personalty temperment has to do with how we take in information. Do we gather information primarily through our physical senses and observations or do we intuit and sense the hidden and unspoken aspects of our environment and in our relationships? One who primarily functions on the sensate level, may tend to notice details and be able to recall specifics more readily than one who operates primarily on their intuitive senses. The goal to health and wholeness would be to develop both the ability to observe and notice details (remembering people's names, noticing physical details, remembering placement, colors, positions, and other attributes perceived by one's senses) and to pay attention to one's intuitive, inner knowledge and sense of what is unspoken, unseen, and below the surface (for example relying on inner wisdom, intuition, warning signals). To live as a fully functioning human, we need to develop both aspects of ourselves. We may rely and favor our intuition, however we need to learn to pay attention to the details and learn to be keen observers of life as well.
The third aspect of one's temperment had to do with how we process information we have taken in. Some of us rely heavily on thought and analysis, while others depend on their gut instincts or their emotional truth. Again, we need to learn to pay attention to what different parts of our bodies and minds tell us, but we also need to trust that we understand how we arrive at our understanding of what is true for us, what makes sense to us, and what we feel/think is the right decision.
The fourth aspect of temperment has to do with how we respond and react to order, organization, and the idea of completion. Some of us are very comfortable with a wide variety of projects going on at the same time, with an open ended type of schedule or plan, and with not much time urgency related to getting to completion. Others of us require a sense of order, a less flexible, open-ended life style, and a more predictable, sense of organization. Some of us are comfortable with several projects going on at once, and others of us want to do one thing at a time. Some of us celebrate completion; others of us mourn the endings. Some of us are happy with the process alone; others prefer to work toward a specific goal. Again, we need to be able to operate with the wide spectrum of these skills, but we usually work best when we are operating out of our primary function.
What does this have to do with astrology? The basic idea of the Jungian personalty temperments is based on archetypes and archetypal ways of behavior and interaction. So too is astrology.
These models have been developed out of observation of human behavior and personality. And they each attempt to provide us with ways to deal with those gifts and challenges that make our life journeys more meaningful, less confusing, and more fulfilling.
When you read or hear about some aspect or transit of a planet, the Sun, or the Moon, take some time to consider how a challenging aspect may be operating in your life already. Consider how a beneficient aspect or transit could enrich or support you and your life goals. Learn something about how your astrological chart helps inform you about what you already know about who you are, what you understand about yourself and your life, and what you know to be true and right for you.
Avoid letting others frighten or upset you with dire predictions and warnings. You have within you, all you need to understand, communicate, decide, and do what is best for yourself and those you love. If you use astrology, learn how you can benefit from challenging aspects and transits, based on what you already know about how you operate. One thing I find reassuring about astrological information is that it reminds me that we are all living in the world together, and we each have gifts, we each have talents and skills, we each have challenges, and we each learn from our experiences. And if we didn't know it before, we now know that life is always changing, and we are as well. We continue to grow from the moment of our conception to the the end of our lives.
Today Venus in Gemini, began her retrograde transit, and while some have made dire predictions for this period, it is really quite a special time, a time we are called to revisit those pending decisions, choices, relationships, and projects that are underway. For some of us, those with our Natal Venus in retrograde, we are entering a special period when unlike much of the time, we are moving with the flow (the retrograde flow) rather that fighting the current or adapting to fit the conventional patterns.
About 1 in 15 people is born with Venus in retrograde as the Morning Star, and 1 in 30 is born with Venus retrograde as the Night Star. Those with Venus as the Morning Star were born with Venus moving in retrograde away from their Sun. These people are often devoted to the arts, and dedicate their lives to new ideals. Often drawn to ascetic practices and ideals, these people are often far ahead of their times. Their ideals, practices, and devotional traditions are rooted in ancient traditions.
Those born with Venus retrograde as the Evening Star were born with the retrograde Venus ahead of their Sun sign. This finds Venus moving towards the Sun during the retrograde phase, making for a very creative and beneficial time. This is a time when a new set of values, goals, dreams, motivation, and desires is awakened and must be expressed. This signals the threshold of a new phase of a journey that finds you converging on a road that goes well beyond anything you have experienced before. You now see your way to become part of a greater cycle of cycles, and uncharted territory. Whhile remaining grounded in traditional values, fundamental beliefs and ideals, and a strong sense of artistic form and manifestation, your journey now opens to a much more directed and intentional series of goals. Self expression, for its own sake, is not the goal. You must experience and understand that there is a deeper and more enduring value to anything that you are part of. Though you may appear to be more reserved externally, your soul burns with passion and desire that must be expressed. Hardworking, diligent, self sacrificing, and highly dedicated, they are often artists and push the limits of whatever fields they seek full expression in. Often involved in the avant garde and/or unconventional, exotic, they often do not fit into the conventional constructs and constraints.
Wherever Venus is traveling through your chart/life in her retrograde phase, Venus is sending you deeper into yourself, your dreams, your desires, your shadow realms, and into the secret chamber of your soul's desires...calling you to awaken and address anything that is blocking you from embracing Venus' gifts for you.
In Jungian Psychology, the personality temperments include 16 different personality types, each of which has certain traits and behavior patterns. The personality types include four different aspects of personality. One measurement is that of introversion and extroversion, and it helps explain how we are energized. For example, one who is strongly extroverted gains energy and is nourished through through interaction and relationship. One who is introverted, is energized and renewed through time alone and in seclusion. Both are aspect of each of us, however, we generally tend to favor one over the other. In order to grow and function as a whole human being, we must, however, develop both aspects so that we are better able to function in the world and cope with challenges outside our zone of comfort and familiarity. Knowing the differences helps us understand not only ourselves but also others.
The second aspect of one's personalty temperment has to do with how we take in information. Do we gather information primarily through our physical senses and observations or do we intuit and sense the hidden and unspoken aspects of our environment and in our relationships? One who primarily functions on the sensate level, may tend to notice details and be able to recall specifics more readily than one who operates primarily on their intuitive senses. The goal to health and wholeness would be to develop both the ability to observe and notice details (remembering people's names, noticing physical details, remembering placement, colors, positions, and other attributes perceived by one's senses) and to pay attention to one's intuitive, inner knowledge and sense of what is unspoken, unseen, and below the surface (for example relying on inner wisdom, intuition, warning signals). To live as a fully functioning human, we need to develop both aspects of ourselves. We may rely and favor our intuition, however we need to learn to pay attention to the details and learn to be keen observers of life as well.
The third aspect of one's temperment had to do with how we process information we have taken in. Some of us rely heavily on thought and analysis, while others depend on their gut instincts or their emotional truth. Again, we need to learn to pay attention to what different parts of our bodies and minds tell us, but we also need to trust that we understand how we arrive at our understanding of what is true for us, what makes sense to us, and what we feel/think is the right decision.
The fourth aspect of temperment has to do with how we respond and react to order, organization, and the idea of completion. Some of us are very comfortable with a wide variety of projects going on at the same time, with an open ended type of schedule or plan, and with not much time urgency related to getting to completion. Others of us require a sense of order, a less flexible, open-ended life style, and a more predictable, sense of organization. Some of us are comfortable with several projects going on at once, and others of us want to do one thing at a time. Some of us celebrate completion; others of us mourn the endings. Some of us are happy with the process alone; others prefer to work toward a specific goal. Again, we need to be able to operate with the wide spectrum of these skills, but we usually work best when we are operating out of our primary function.
What does this have to do with astrology? The basic idea of the Jungian personalty temperments is based on archetypes and archetypal ways of behavior and interaction. So too is astrology.
These models have been developed out of observation of human behavior and personality. And they each attempt to provide us with ways to deal with those gifts and challenges that make our life journeys more meaningful, less confusing, and more fulfilling.
When you read or hear about some aspect or transit of a planet, the Sun, or the Moon, take some time to consider how a challenging aspect may be operating in your life already. Consider how a beneficient aspect or transit could enrich or support you and your life goals. Learn something about how your astrological chart helps inform you about what you already know about who you are, what you understand about yourself and your life, and what you know to be true and right for you.
Avoid letting others frighten or upset you with dire predictions and warnings. You have within you, all you need to understand, communicate, decide, and do what is best for yourself and those you love. If you use astrology, learn how you can benefit from challenging aspects and transits, based on what you already know about how you operate. One thing I find reassuring about astrological information is that it reminds me that we are all living in the world together, and we each have gifts, we each have talents and skills, we each have challenges, and we each learn from our experiences. And if we didn't know it before, we now know that life is always changing, and we are as well. We continue to grow from the moment of our conception to the the end of our lives.
Today Venus in Gemini, began her retrograde transit, and while some have made dire predictions for this period, it is really quite a special time, a time we are called to revisit those pending decisions, choices, relationships, and projects that are underway. For some of us, those with our Natal Venus in retrograde, we are entering a special period when unlike much of the time, we are moving with the flow (the retrograde flow) rather that fighting the current or adapting to fit the conventional patterns.
About 1 in 15 people is born with Venus in retrograde as the Morning Star, and 1 in 30 is born with Venus retrograde as the Night Star. Those with Venus as the Morning Star were born with Venus moving in retrograde away from their Sun. These people are often devoted to the arts, and dedicate their lives to new ideals. Often drawn to ascetic practices and ideals, these people are often far ahead of their times. Their ideals, practices, and devotional traditions are rooted in ancient traditions.
Those born with Venus retrograde as the Evening Star were born with the retrograde Venus ahead of their Sun sign. This finds Venus moving towards the Sun during the retrograde phase, making for a very creative and beneficial time. This is a time when a new set of values, goals, dreams, motivation, and desires is awakened and must be expressed. This signals the threshold of a new phase of a journey that finds you converging on a road that goes well beyond anything you have experienced before. You now see your way to become part of a greater cycle of cycles, and uncharted territory. Whhile remaining grounded in traditional values, fundamental beliefs and ideals, and a strong sense of artistic form and manifestation, your journey now opens to a much more directed and intentional series of goals. Self expression, for its own sake, is not the goal. You must experience and understand that there is a deeper and more enduring value to anything that you are part of. Though you may appear to be more reserved externally, your soul burns with passion and desire that must be expressed. Hardworking, diligent, self sacrificing, and highly dedicated, they are often artists and push the limits of whatever fields they seek full expression in. Often involved in the avant garde and/or unconventional, exotic, they often do not fit into the conventional constructs and constraints.
Wherever Venus is traveling through your chart/life in her retrograde phase, Venus is sending you deeper into yourself, your dreams, your desires, your shadow realms, and into the secret chamber of your soul's desires...calling you to awaken and address anything that is blocking you from embracing Venus' gifts for you.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: Sun 23/15 TaurusMoon Last degrees of Aquarius mov...
Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: Sun 23/15 Taurus
Moon Last degrees of Aquarius mov...: Sun 23/15 Taurus Moon Last degrees of Aquarius moving into 1/53 Pisces Mercury 7/57 Taurus Venus 23/55 Gemini Mars 8/19 Virgo Jupiter 23/11 ...
Moon Last degrees of Aquarius mov...: Sun 23/15 Taurus Moon Last degrees of Aquarius moving into 1/53 Pisces Mercury 7/57 Taurus Venus 23/55 Gemini Mars 8/19 Virgo Jupiter 23/11 ...
Sun 23/15 Taurus
Moon Last degrees of Aquarius moving into 1/53 Pisces
Mercury 7/57 Taurus
Venus 23/55 Gemini
Mars 8/19 Virgo
Jupiter 23/11 Taurus
Saturn 24/10 r. Libra
Uranus 7/7 Aries
Neptune 3/1 Pisces
Pluto 9/17 Capricorn
North Node 5/9 Sagittarius
Chiron 9/20 Pisces
As I look out my office window early this morning, I see the last quarter moon dim against the early morning sky. This afternoon at 5:47 PM EDT/2:47 PDT the moon makes its exact square in the sign of Taurus. Signifying a time when a we sort through ideas, projects, patterns of behavior, decisions, and our general approach to living life in our attempts to determine what works and what doesn’t. Imagine separating the wheat from the shaft of grain, peeling the skin from the banana, or cleaning out the closet...whatever metaphor works for you, consider what you can now release in order to do your work more effectively, live your life more authentically, improve your health, finally come to a decision, or find more satisfying relationships. Notice where you have felt pressure to be or do or finish something. Allow yourself to let the truth of your being rise to the surface to inform you of what is true for you now. As the last quarter square of the Moon leads us to the completion of a lunar cycle, spend time resting, releasing, renewing your spirit, mind, and body for the next movement.
With each step forward, we leave something behind. The more intentionally we can release our thinking (worrying, rueing the day, being frustrated, fretting, feeling sad about, or second guessing) from what we have already completed or done, the freer we are to live in the present and move in full awareness of what lays on the table before us. The more we live with our minds, hearts, and bodies connected to past patterns, emotional events, or unfulfilled desires, the less we are able to live fully awake and aware of where we are, who we are with, and what we are called to do, be, and have now. Also, if we only live with our eyes, hearts, and desires on what is yet to be or indecision and wishy-washy ideas, we fail to be in touch with living out the decisions we have already made. The life we are living, is the culmination of our choices, in so far as we have moved with intention in our lives. If we are unhappy with our circumstances, we can examine our desires, determine what would be more desirable or healthy for us, and then make some decisions and take some actions to move toward new goals. This period of time is good for reflection, rest, renewal of what blesses us and those we love, and coming to terms with what has been completed.
The last new Moon occurred on April 21, and whatever was set into motion at that time, is coming to completion or is passing beyond its initial stages. Reevaluate, edit, monitor the situation, consider necessary adjustments, and then allow yourself time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
The Sun continues its passage through the earth sign, Taurus (April 19-May 20 this year). The Taurus Sun grounds our energy into the practical, methodical manifestation of our desires. Sensual and receptive, our senses are awakening and allowing us to connect to the world around us. This is a fertile time, a time when our sense are awakening, our ideas and plans are taking root, and we feel alive and alert to our physical, intuitive, and mental associations and connections. The Taurus archetype roots us in what is familiar, what makes us feel at home with ourselves and with those we treasure. Taurus energy makes us feel enriched by that which is familiar, that which is beautiful, and that which gives us a sense of security and peace. As all energy influences are experienced in varying degrees and in both their positive and their negative expressions, we want to notice whether or not the Taurus Sun is feeding our higher good or our base interests. The redemptive nature of the Taurus archetype is what builds a sense of security, appreciates beauty and close connections, and treasures the richness of honest and loving communication. The shadow, unredeemed Taurus archetype manifests as jealousy, stubbornness, possessiveness, and abusive behavior. Notice where in your life (look to see where Taurus is and what it is aspecting in your natal or progressed chart). If you haven’t had your chart done yet, look for the areas of your life right now that might be exhibiting the shadow effects of the Taurus Sun’s energy. The redemptive nature of Taurus will make you feel in harmony; the unredeemed nature will make you feel angry, upset, confused, hurt, imprisoned, unappreciated, or somehow constrained.
Mercury, the archetype of communication, speed, activity is in Taurus from May 9-24. Again we have the grounded energy of Taurus in conjunction with the Sun for much of this transit, providing a solid base, grounding energy, and pragmatic perspective through which we can view the world. Mercury in Taurus makes us more reliant on what we can see, hear, feel, taste, smell, and move into contact with. Our physical senses are awakened, and we are more aware of how we feel through the senses. Oftentimes people think that their intuition is only related to some inner sensation, vision, or mystical, dreamlike phenomenon, but our senses are truly are part of the channel of sensory, chemical, hormonal, energetic, and spiritual sensors that operate on our behalf, to pay attention to what is going on within and around us. Our senses warn us, even when we are at a distance from our loved ones, of impending arrivals, of situations of an upsetting nature, or of good news. We feel it in our bodies, often before we hear the news. Not only does this transit of Mercury through Taurus help us in our communication with others, but also it broadens our own understanding of ourselves. In Taurus we are drawn to what works, what is pragmatic, what is tested. We are also more content to be focused on one thing at a time, and this is often a great time for making long term plans as we are not so caught up in our emotional connections with ideas, and can see more clearly what needs to be done, piece by piece, project by project, and day by day.
Venus in Gemini from April 3-August 7 revs up the opposite kinds of energy. On an emotional level, we are sparked and energized in many different directions and through a variety of stimuli. Gemini, the Archetype of the Twins, represents the parts of the whole seeking union. We often have an awakening of needs, urges, desires, and dreams. We seek whatever we feel we lack that keeps us from being whole. We now are more open to what and who is in our environment, in our line of spiritual and physical energy, and in our realm of interest and desire. The shadow aspect of this passage may be appearing to be flighty, flirtatious, or shallow. Whatever area of your life is receiving the energetic influence of Venus in Gemini will now be full to overflowing with possibility, promise, and action. Be careful when navigating on the currents of Venus in Gemini for the effect of the archetype of the Divine Feminine, the anima, the female energy is one of riding on the wind often out of the sight of the ground. Connections may begin through conversations that ride high and far through time to form lasting ties and renew long-lost connections. Any spiritual practice will be enhanced by this transit (prayers, meditation, contemplation, centering, yoga, service). The reciprocal nature of our Universe is manifested in our own experiences of give and take, of sharing, of tithing, and of serving or providing what others seek.
Mars is in Virgo, and has been since last November 10. This long, sometimes tedious journey of the action planet through the detail-oriented Earth sign, may have been and will continue to manifest as a journey of works and toil. We can learn a lot from Virgo’s gifts for detail, passion for doing things in the right way at the right time, and of being precise and correct. It is a wonderful time to be perfecting whatever work, practice, experiences, or relationships your are working on. This is a time when we can also learn a great deal about how to improve our ways of doing and being. Learning to appreciate attention to details, precision, and perfection. Along with the process of perfecting something, comes the lesson of learning when to stop. We learn when to say enough through this passage, and that is part of the process of completing something with scrupulous attention. Enjoy doing what you do well, for you will appreciate the satisfaction of the Virgo archetypal energy.
Jupiter in Taurus, the Sun in Taurus and the Moon entering Taurus today, makes for the trifecta of positive, fortuitous, abundant Earthy energy and good fortune. Right now is one of the most auspicious times of the year. With the Sun, the Moon and three major planets transiting earth signs, we are in the Divine energy of a Grand Trine in Earth. This is the time to envision, plan, take steps, and commit yourself to that which you most desire and which most speaks to the true north of your being. Our souls call us to live out the manifestations of our highest desires, dreams, and visions, and it is incumbent upon us to clearly and honestly pay attention to what we seek, make our needs clear through prayer, commitment, intention, actions, and passion.
Saturn is continuing its slow and backward and forward movement through Libra. This transit is once again in retrograde motion in Libra, affecting some area of your life where you have your greatest lessons to learn, and are revisiting and reevaluating the choices you made in the past, what needs to be released now, in order for you to move forward equipped for the next major leg of your journey. This aspect will continue for quite some time yet. We all feel our Saturn transits, wherever they are in our lives, and depending upon your age, these transits have significant and life-changing effects. Having a chart done would help you better understand how this transit is operating in your life.
Uranus in the early degree of Aries, just began a 14-year transit in the fire sign on March 11. Uranus calls us to break free, redo everything, including ourselves. We may feel compelled or propelled to make major and radical changes in some area of our lives at this time. We seek not transitory change, but real and lasting change in ourselves, our lives, and all areas of our world. Our attitudes, beliefs, habits, relationships, goals, and even our personalities can undergo major shifts and changes. It’s an excellent time to seek support for dealing with unresolved or deep-seated issues. Communication, communion, community, and commitment all call for movement, change, alteration, alternative ways of approaching problems, and relationships.
Today there is a semi-square between Venus and Mercury, so feelings may be on the sensitive side. What is being said, may not be understood because of the way it is said. I think of my Mother on this Mother’s Day. Her words guid me still, “It’s not what you say, it’s the way that you say it.” I think of this often, for communication is so difficult under the best of circumstances. Most of us want to communicate well, however, we are all so different and when we have one intention, a simple thing like the tone of our voice, or the manner of our posture (let alone all those years of history we have behind every conversation) may tilt a well-meant comment and turn it upside down into a jab. We never know until we feel the result. So this may be something that you can be sensitive to, and take a deep breath. Consider what really needs to be said, or what could be left unspoken. “Accentuate the positive...” Another one from Mom, I must be channeling her today. In any case, those of you who still have your mothers and grandmothers, sisters and friends who are mothers, and those who are mothers yourselves, may you have a very blessed day, and may you appreciate what a gift it is to be alive, be the mother of someone, and have a mother. I’m well aware of some who have very unhappy, unhealthy relationships with their mothers, and I hope you have been able to find other strong, healthy and loving women to provide you with the love, support, and nourishment you need. Be good to yourselves, and enjoy the fruits of your labor, your life, and this glorious day.
Ama Ana (as for me), my darling daughter is on the beach in Mexico, resting...something she rarely does. We will celebrate next week, but today, I'm hanging out, visiting my favorite coffee shop gals, and staying in bed with a good mystery! My idea of a great time. Whatever you do, treat yourself and everyone else well.
Moon Last degrees of Aquarius moving into 1/53 Pisces
Mercury 7/57 Taurus
Venus 23/55 Gemini
Mars 8/19 Virgo
Jupiter 23/11 Taurus
Saturn 24/10 r. Libra
Uranus 7/7 Aries
Neptune 3/1 Pisces
Pluto 9/17 Capricorn
North Node 5/9 Sagittarius
Chiron 9/20 Pisces
As I look out my office window early this morning, I see the last quarter moon dim against the early morning sky. This afternoon at 5:47 PM EDT/2:47 PDT the moon makes its exact square in the sign of Taurus. Signifying a time when a we sort through ideas, projects, patterns of behavior, decisions, and our general approach to living life in our attempts to determine what works and what doesn’t. Imagine separating the wheat from the shaft of grain, peeling the skin from the banana, or cleaning out the closet...whatever metaphor works for you, consider what you can now release in order to do your work more effectively, live your life more authentically, improve your health, finally come to a decision, or find more satisfying relationships. Notice where you have felt pressure to be or do or finish something. Allow yourself to let the truth of your being rise to the surface to inform you of what is true for you now. As the last quarter square of the Moon leads us to the completion of a lunar cycle, spend time resting, releasing, renewing your spirit, mind, and body for the next movement.
With each step forward, we leave something behind. The more intentionally we can release our thinking (worrying, rueing the day, being frustrated, fretting, feeling sad about, or second guessing) from what we have already completed or done, the freer we are to live in the present and move in full awareness of what lays on the table before us. The more we live with our minds, hearts, and bodies connected to past patterns, emotional events, or unfulfilled desires, the less we are able to live fully awake and aware of where we are, who we are with, and what we are called to do, be, and have now. Also, if we only live with our eyes, hearts, and desires on what is yet to be or indecision and wishy-washy ideas, we fail to be in touch with living out the decisions we have already made. The life we are living, is the culmination of our choices, in so far as we have moved with intention in our lives. If we are unhappy with our circumstances, we can examine our desires, determine what would be more desirable or healthy for us, and then make some decisions and take some actions to move toward new goals. This period of time is good for reflection, rest, renewal of what blesses us and those we love, and coming to terms with what has been completed.
The last new Moon occurred on April 21, and whatever was set into motion at that time, is coming to completion or is passing beyond its initial stages. Reevaluate, edit, monitor the situation, consider necessary adjustments, and then allow yourself time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
The Sun continues its passage through the earth sign, Taurus (April 19-May 20 this year). The Taurus Sun grounds our energy into the practical, methodical manifestation of our desires. Sensual and receptive, our senses are awakening and allowing us to connect to the world around us. This is a fertile time, a time when our sense are awakening, our ideas and plans are taking root, and we feel alive and alert to our physical, intuitive, and mental associations and connections. The Taurus archetype roots us in what is familiar, what makes us feel at home with ourselves and with those we treasure. Taurus energy makes us feel enriched by that which is familiar, that which is beautiful, and that which gives us a sense of security and peace. As all energy influences are experienced in varying degrees and in both their positive and their negative expressions, we want to notice whether or not the Taurus Sun is feeding our higher good or our base interests. The redemptive nature of the Taurus archetype is what builds a sense of security, appreciates beauty and close connections, and treasures the richness of honest and loving communication. The shadow, unredeemed Taurus archetype manifests as jealousy, stubbornness, possessiveness, and abusive behavior. Notice where in your life (look to see where Taurus is and what it is aspecting in your natal or progressed chart). If you haven’t had your chart done yet, look for the areas of your life right now that might be exhibiting the shadow effects of the Taurus Sun’s energy. The redemptive nature of Taurus will make you feel in harmony; the unredeemed nature will make you feel angry, upset, confused, hurt, imprisoned, unappreciated, or somehow constrained.
Mercury, the archetype of communication, speed, activity is in Taurus from May 9-24. Again we have the grounded energy of Taurus in conjunction with the Sun for much of this transit, providing a solid base, grounding energy, and pragmatic perspective through which we can view the world. Mercury in Taurus makes us more reliant on what we can see, hear, feel, taste, smell, and move into contact with. Our physical senses are awakened, and we are more aware of how we feel through the senses. Oftentimes people think that their intuition is only related to some inner sensation, vision, or mystical, dreamlike phenomenon, but our senses are truly are part of the channel of sensory, chemical, hormonal, energetic, and spiritual sensors that operate on our behalf, to pay attention to what is going on within and around us. Our senses warn us, even when we are at a distance from our loved ones, of impending arrivals, of situations of an upsetting nature, or of good news. We feel it in our bodies, often before we hear the news. Not only does this transit of Mercury through Taurus help us in our communication with others, but also it broadens our own understanding of ourselves. In Taurus we are drawn to what works, what is pragmatic, what is tested. We are also more content to be focused on one thing at a time, and this is often a great time for making long term plans as we are not so caught up in our emotional connections with ideas, and can see more clearly what needs to be done, piece by piece, project by project, and day by day.
Venus in Gemini from April 3-August 7 revs up the opposite kinds of energy. On an emotional level, we are sparked and energized in many different directions and through a variety of stimuli. Gemini, the Archetype of the Twins, represents the parts of the whole seeking union. We often have an awakening of needs, urges, desires, and dreams. We seek whatever we feel we lack that keeps us from being whole. We now are more open to what and who is in our environment, in our line of spiritual and physical energy, and in our realm of interest and desire. The shadow aspect of this passage may be appearing to be flighty, flirtatious, or shallow. Whatever area of your life is receiving the energetic influence of Venus in Gemini will now be full to overflowing with possibility, promise, and action. Be careful when navigating on the currents of Venus in Gemini for the effect of the archetype of the Divine Feminine, the anima, the female energy is one of riding on the wind often out of the sight of the ground. Connections may begin through conversations that ride high and far through time to form lasting ties and renew long-lost connections. Any spiritual practice will be enhanced by this transit (prayers, meditation, contemplation, centering, yoga, service). The reciprocal nature of our Universe is manifested in our own experiences of give and take, of sharing, of tithing, and of serving or providing what others seek.
Mars is in Virgo, and has been since last November 10. This long, sometimes tedious journey of the action planet through the detail-oriented Earth sign, may have been and will continue to manifest as a journey of works and toil. We can learn a lot from Virgo’s gifts for detail, passion for doing things in the right way at the right time, and of being precise and correct. It is a wonderful time to be perfecting whatever work, practice, experiences, or relationships your are working on. This is a time when we can also learn a great deal about how to improve our ways of doing and being. Learning to appreciate attention to details, precision, and perfection. Along with the process of perfecting something, comes the lesson of learning when to stop. We learn when to say enough through this passage, and that is part of the process of completing something with scrupulous attention. Enjoy doing what you do well, for you will appreciate the satisfaction of the Virgo archetypal energy.
Jupiter in Taurus, the Sun in Taurus and the Moon entering Taurus today, makes for the trifecta of positive, fortuitous, abundant Earthy energy and good fortune. Right now is one of the most auspicious times of the year. With the Sun, the Moon and three major planets transiting earth signs, we are in the Divine energy of a Grand Trine in Earth. This is the time to envision, plan, take steps, and commit yourself to that which you most desire and which most speaks to the true north of your being. Our souls call us to live out the manifestations of our highest desires, dreams, and visions, and it is incumbent upon us to clearly and honestly pay attention to what we seek, make our needs clear through prayer, commitment, intention, actions, and passion.
Saturn is continuing its slow and backward and forward movement through Libra. This transit is once again in retrograde motion in Libra, affecting some area of your life where you have your greatest lessons to learn, and are revisiting and reevaluating the choices you made in the past, what needs to be released now, in order for you to move forward equipped for the next major leg of your journey. This aspect will continue for quite some time yet. We all feel our Saturn transits, wherever they are in our lives, and depending upon your age, these transits have significant and life-changing effects. Having a chart done would help you better understand how this transit is operating in your life.
Uranus in the early degree of Aries, just began a 14-year transit in the fire sign on March 11. Uranus calls us to break free, redo everything, including ourselves. We may feel compelled or propelled to make major and radical changes in some area of our lives at this time. We seek not transitory change, but real and lasting change in ourselves, our lives, and all areas of our world. Our attitudes, beliefs, habits, relationships, goals, and even our personalities can undergo major shifts and changes. It’s an excellent time to seek support for dealing with unresolved or deep-seated issues. Communication, communion, community, and commitment all call for movement, change, alteration, alternative ways of approaching problems, and relationships.
Today there is a semi-square between Venus and Mercury, so feelings may be on the sensitive side. What is being said, may not be understood because of the way it is said. I think of my Mother on this Mother’s Day. Her words guid me still, “It’s not what you say, it’s the way that you say it.” I think of this often, for communication is so difficult under the best of circumstances. Most of us want to communicate well, however, we are all so different and when we have one intention, a simple thing like the tone of our voice, or the manner of our posture (let alone all those years of history we have behind every conversation) may tilt a well-meant comment and turn it upside down into a jab. We never know until we feel the result. So this may be something that you can be sensitive to, and take a deep breath. Consider what really needs to be said, or what could be left unspoken. “Accentuate the positive...” Another one from Mom, I must be channeling her today. In any case, those of you who still have your mothers and grandmothers, sisters and friends who are mothers, and those who are mothers yourselves, may you have a very blessed day, and may you appreciate what a gift it is to be alive, be the mother of someone, and have a mother. I’m well aware of some who have very unhappy, unhealthy relationships with their mothers, and I hope you have been able to find other strong, healthy and loving women to provide you with the love, support, and nourishment you need. Be good to yourselves, and enjoy the fruits of your labor, your life, and this glorious day.
A Favorite Mom and her Grandson
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: Full Flower Moon: Full Moon in Scorpio May 5
Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: Full Flower Moon: Full Moon in Scorpio May 5: This weekend, May 5, the Super Full Moon in 16 degrees of Scorpio reaches its peak at 11:35 p.m.. This moon, the largest full moon of the...
Full Flower Moon: Full Moon in Scorpio May 5
This weekend, May 5, the Super Full Moon in 16 degrees of Scorpio reaches its peak at 11:35 p.m.. This moon, the largest full moon of the year, appears so because it is in perigee (closest approach to the Earth). The moon appears to us in her biggest and brightest gown. The Moon in Scorpio is called the Full Flower Moon (for obvious reasons if you look in the garden), the Milk Moon, the Dragon Moon, The Planting Moon, the Moon When Leaves are Green, the Bright Moon, and the Hare Moon.
Mars is still transiting Virgo. In direct opposition to Pisces. This aspect has been creating stressful and disturbing conflicts, resulting in someone or some situation becoming perplexing, challenging, or at the very least, extremely uncomfortable wherever it falls in your life. This could be a recurring situation or person, one that has been causing you trouble for quite some time. Now, however, this situation or person will be leaving the area of influence, either willingly or having been ordered to stay clear legally.
At the time of the Full Moon in Scorpio, Saturn (the Great Teacher) opposes Mercury (the archetype of communication), not a good aspect to be signing or finalizing contracts or agreements. It would probably be a good idea to wait until later in the week to finalize business or personal agreements. Saturn’s influence would make doing otherwise seem burdensome and debilitating. The window of opportunity for signing falls between May 11 and 12, before Venus enters her retrograde phase on May 14. Retrograde transits find us reconsidering and reworking the plans, projects, decisions that we under consideration. Venus enters her retrograde phase after May 14, staying there until early July, when contracts and decisions are more likely to be moving ahead.
Whatever decisions or areas of your life that seem to be full of potential missteps or crises, are the areas of life where you want to move slowly, methodically, and with great discernment about all decisions and choices during the next six months or so. Pay particular attention to the times when planets are in their retrograde phase because these time in particular remind us that there is more to any decision, choice, or challenge, than meets the eye. As we move forward, it is vital that we acknowledge and honor our inner voices as well as discerning and heeding the signs around us and the messages we are receiving (or silences from what is not being said) in interactions (business, social, familial). In whatever areas you are considering change (to the way you are doing things, to how you are expressing yourself, to your environment or lifestyle, or other cosmetic or artistic expression), exercise restraint and delay radical changes and decisions until after mid-July.
This year began with Mars (the Energizer Bunny) in both an Earth sign (Virgo, Practicality and Detail Diva) and in retrograde motion. The emphasis for us at this point seems to be to slow down, think things over, and attend to the details that have or are creating obstacles and blocks to our achieving our goals. Between July 14 and August 8, Mercury goes into her retrograde phase again...ideal you might say for mid-summer. Enjoy taking some time off and resting from the frantic and busy-ness of life. These lulls in our lives come with regularity, and may be used to rest, recuperate, rethink, revision, and yes, RELAX.
Though summer may seem a long way off, we are all invited to incorporate more time to rest and relax amid the more active and forward-rolling periods of life. The sense of being stopped in our tracks or continually having to redo what we thought we had resolved or completed, reminds us that focusing on the end product or results is not a life-giving way to live. While accomplishing something is an important piece of our life puzzle, the envisioning, the doing, the process is there for us to enjoy. This year calls upon us all to be more present in whatever we are doing, wherever we are, and with whomever we are with. This is the major message that we are hearing this year. For those who have been making a concerted effort to meet the challenges, learn from the signs, challenges, and voices and urgings of our souls, life may have been more unpredictable, but we have helped ready ourselves, our relationships, our art, our work, our service to meet the challenges of our times and to appreciate the gifts in the garbage as well as the blessings right under our noses and feet.
The weekend of May 12 and 13, one of the most fortuitous and beneficent aspects, the Sun in Taurus conjoins Jupiter in Taurus, making this a magical, happy, and rewarding time. Whatever area of your life this falls in will be lit up with excitement, success, joyfulness, abundance, and richly rewarding experiences. Since last June (2011) when Taurus first entered Taurus, you have been making progress in whatever areas of your life/chart Taurus positively aspected. There may have been some delays or sidetracking events during Jupiter’s retrograde phase near the end of 2011 (again, highlighting the areas where change still needed to be made in order for you to move forward), but since January, Jupiter has been lighting up the path and sprinkling your life with opportunities, support, resources, and ideas. Whatever has been building up, on the weekend of May 12-13, you should receive a special sign, opportunity, or reward for an area of your life that is ready to grow by leaps and bounds. This may occur in a new door opening, a relationship moving to a new level, or an area of your life finally breaking open in a new direction.
Another spectacular day will be Sunday, May 20 when there is a solar eclipse with the Sun at at 0 degrees of Gemini. This aspect brings good news to you (again, in whatever area of your life you find 0 degrees of Gemini and whatever areas of your life this aspects). Jupiter, the archetype of abundance and good fortune, will be within 5 degrees of this eclipse, making whatever comes your way very beneficial and rewarding. Another excellent aspect that lights up May and your life. Changes that come now and for the next 6 months to a year, are very positive. Anyone who has a natal or progressed planet in the early degrees (0-4) of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Leo, Aries or Sagittarius, will also feel the effects of this very positive transit and aspect. Use the energy of the Gemini eclipse to enjoy life, welcome positive changes, and celebrate the good fortune and prosperity promised when we use our wits, creativity, and good to serve, create, build up, redo, refine, and express ourselves in the areas that are grounded in our soul’s desire to express the Divine. Whatever our work, whatever our special gifts and talents, we each have something special to share as we live out our lives in fullness.
Another sparkling day in May will be May 21 when Mercury conjoins Jupiter in Taurus. This aspect indicates excellent news and communication. Over the Memorial Day weekend, May 26, 27, and 28, the Moon will be in Leo (joyful celebration and dramatic expression) and Uranus will be dancing in the door with surprising and sudden good news.
May is the traditional month in some religious traditions and in some cultures, to honor the departed and to pray for and ask for the intercessions of our departed ancestors. Intercession is like asking someone else to pray for you (something many of us do and a very powerful kind of prayer). Intercession (Communion of the Saints) is seeking the prayers of the departed to pray on our behalf. The power of our collective thoughts increased immensely when we combine that with collectively praying. I have always asked those members of my family who have died to pray on my behalf. However you choose to spend May, consider some spiritual practice that will not only help you discover the blessings in your life but also help others by providing supportive and caring attention to their lives. Whether you meditate, pray, or contemplate as part of your daily practice, this month spend some time entering into gratitude, acceptance, blessing, forgiveness, and rejoicing, and pass it along. Go into the closet of your heart, and send the light of your being out to bless all you do, all your family and friends, and to help light up the collective spirit of the Universe.
May is full of a beneficent aspects, and aspects that remind us to move slowly and carefully. Take time to consider, keep doing one thing at a time in whatever areas are most promising, and continue releasing whatever is holding you back, blocking your growth and progress, draining your talents and energy, or impeding your soul’s calling or progress.
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