Waxing Moon transited out of Taurus into Geminis at 4:05 A.M.. Uranus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn. Now is the time we are collectively trying to achieve what we envisioned in the 1960s. For those not yet born at the start of the Uranus-Pluto cycle (1962-1968), society as a whole is operating from the revolutionary and transformational cycle that began at that time. The high voltage energy that is being felt at this time (talk to anyone and you’ll hear about the vivid and wildly disturbing dreams, the excess of energy and subconscious disturbances, and the earth movement and shifts that seem to find everyone on shaky ground).
How to deal with this type of transit and energy? Remaining unaware or trying to dismiss the movement within and around you, is not the answer. Now is the time to face whatever is necessary for your individual processes of individuation (integrating of your masculine and feminine natures, the yin and the yang, and the polarities that fill us with ambiguity). Much that is manifesting on the surface or at the surface level of our consciousness, is yet unclear. That does not mean you can’t do something about it. Now is the time to work on forgiving yourself and others of anything that needs to be forgiven. Practicing forgiveness is always a good idea, but particularly now, the time is right to make efforts to redress grievances, issues with trust and obligation, and anything that threatens to hold you back from growing and developing. Forgiving ourselves is just as important as forgiving others, even for those acts, thoughts, or grievances of which we may yet be unaware.
We see signs of political, civil, and societal unrest, based in large on the cumulative pain and suffering we have caused one another. Our efforts to improve our lives and the societies in which we operate, depend on our making the choices that lead to forgiveness, trust, kindness, and life. Other options will only create greater unrest and disturbances both within ourselves and in the world as a whole. One of my friends recently wrote about realizing that she was trying to solve recurring problems with outmoded ways. We have watched over the last year, and seen how new means are needed for handling problems that seem to be relentless. Realizing and practicing from an point of consciousness that recognizes that we are not capable of making changes by ourselves; we must realize that we cannot do anything without submitting to the Divine laws and principles of the Universe. Human will, greed, and ego can dominate for just so long, even in our personal lives, but sooner or later (and now is the later), we need to recognize that the laws of Creation move us and communicate with us on the intuitive level. While our minds can help inform us, we now need a more holistic way of living, acting, processing, and making choices. We also must realize that the forces of change are moving in response to what has been sent out in all our thoughts, actions, words, and expressions of energy.
Uranus in Aries squaring Pluto in Capricorn, makes us more aware than ever of the raging conflicts within us and within the world we are co-creating. Our freedom to act, choose, express, create, and communicate, needs to find the most direct and loving ways of expression if we are to heal and recover from the disturbances that have caused pain, inflicted injury and injustice, and have driven many to grasp onto egotistical and selfish ways to survive. Changing our attitudes and thinking is ultimately more important than anything else we can do. Turning away from violence, discord, and warring tendencies, allows us hope, light, and movement toward healing and establishing peace within and around us.
Now is the time to pray, meditate, chant, dance, sing, and act for peace to be instilled in our hearts. Laying down our weapons, be they words, swords, or violence against ourselves and others, is the door to health, healing, and peace.
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