Moon at 13 degrees of Leo,
Mercury at 14 degrees of Aries
Venus at 19 degrees of Gemini
Mars at 5 degrees of Virgo
Jupiter at 19 degrees of Taurus
Saturn at 25 degrees of Libra ret
Uransue at 6 degrees of Aries
Neptune at 2 degrees of Pisces
Pluto at 9 degrees of Capricorn ret
North Node at 5 degrees of Sag. ret.
Chiron at 8 degrees of Pisces
We are still in the energy and influence of the New Moon in Taurus of April 21. Continuing to put ideas into shape and effort and energy into creating and forming plans, projects, and ideas. We are about to enter the month of May, and are moving into the energy of the Full Moon in 16 degrees of Scorpio, peaking on May 5, Cinco de Mayo. Mars tuned direct midway through April. The archetype of the warrior and right action, is now plodding forward in earthly activities as it continues its transit through Virgo.
Venus, the archetype representing that aspect of our being that is about giving and receiving love, is preparing for its retrograde phase as of May 15. The retrograde phase signifies a time when we become more and more aware of those areas of our lives where our values are not in harmony with our actions. The retrograde phase of Mars began to shake our lives up; the retrograde phase of Venus will ask that we go deeper, and seeker greater congruency between our inner being and our outer expression. Listen to what you say to yourself about who you are and what and who you are connecting with. Watch for the subtle nudges that point you toward greater authenticity.
For the first two weeks of Taurus time, Saturn is in aspect to a star, Procyon, the fifth brightest star in our galaxy. A star we don’t hear much about, was very important to the ancient mariners as well as the ancient Egyptians. Egyptians celebrated the New Year at the rise of the dog star, Sirius (Sothis). As the Egyptian astronomers caught the first glimpse of Sirrius, The Shining One, the New Year was marked. This also occurred as the Nile River began is gradual rise and flooding in the spring. Floods in Egypt, unlike in other regions like Babylonia, were gentle and welcome events that opened the season of fertility and abundance.
Saturn, the Great Teacher, represents those aspects of our lives and the systems by which we are governed, that have outlasted their time and use. Saturn moving in its retrograde phase over the 25th degree of Libra, raises within us and our lives, the necessity to deal with the structures of our lives. This can mean literally the jobs, lifestyle, or organizational ties, or it can be more metaphoric, focusing on the way we express ourselves, our emotional temperament, or our philosophical outlook. This transit has been making its way back and forth over this same territory in our lives for some time now. Just when you think you have figured out how to deal with things, something else comes up or reappears...it’s a testing time for us to winnow that which no longer works, from our daily lives for over the next few years, we are going to need to be strong, healthy, and courageous to keep up with the changing energies and ways of being and knowing.
Artists and writers are using this energy now to create some of the most interesting and innovative types of art. The same energy used for art can also be used to create and discover new ways to improve our health, safety, ways of dealing with conflict and challenges, and generally improving the overall health of the planet. The shadow aspect of Saturn’s archetype is fear...fear of change, fear of death, but more importantly, fear of not mattering, being heard, understood, or relevant. We all have talents, gifts, and energy to devote to something important to living out our purpose. Listen now to the voice within that speaks of passion and excitement. Saturn focuses our attention on that area of our life that we are afraid to face. Acknowledging what that is, is vital for if we fail to make the changes we need, the changes will happen anyway, and we will be at the mercy of however that happens. I remember a story that helps illustrate the necessity of facing our fears and making changes:
Imagine you are sitting at a card table putting together a jigsaw puzzle that is composed of thousands of pieces. Imagine that this puzzle represents your life. Now what happens when someone comes along and kicks the legs out from under the table, sending the puzzle into all different directions. So too our lives and thinking when we are stuck in place, unwilling to make change. Change or be changed, Saturn cautions. Notice too in your chart, where your Saturn is progressing...it will be the area of your life that is probably the most disrupted. Saturn shakes things up from the inside out, and the from the ground up. It calls on us to be our best and most courageous selves. What area in your life now is feeling the Saturn call to make change?
The relationship of Saturn’s transit through the final degrees of Libra (finding balance and harmony), at the time of the New Year as signaled by the transit of Procyon, metaphorically speaks of a time when the old is passing and the new is being born. Saturn’s systems are breaking apart as certain areas of our lives are in the stages of completing past projects and releasing old patterns and ways of thinking, doing, and being.
As we look forward to the blossoming of the Full Moon, the Venus retrograde from May 15-June 27, we are invited to reflect on and explore the possibilities that are open to us, and to decide once and for all, what needs to be released from our experience by choice or challenge, in order for us to move into our next phase of life.
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