Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday, April 29: Betwixt and Between

Sun at 9 degrees of Taurus,
Moon at 13 degrees of Leo,
Mercury at 14 degrees of Aries
Venus at 19 degrees of Gemini
Mars at 5 degrees of Virgo
Jupiter at 19 degrees of Taurus
Saturn at 25 degrees of Libra ret
Uransue at 6 degrees of Aries
Neptune at 2 degrees of Pisces
Pluto at 9 degrees of Capricorn ret
North Node at 5 degrees of Sag. ret.
Chiron at 8 degrees of Pisces

We are still in the energy and influence of the New Moon in Taurus of April 21. Continuing to put ideas into shape and effort and energy into creating and forming plans, projects, and ideas. We are about to enter the month of May, and are moving into the energy of the Full Moon in 16 degrees of Scorpio, peaking on May 5, Cinco de Mayo. Mars tuned direct midway through April.  The archetype of the warrior and right action, is now plodding forward in earthly activities as it continues its transit through Virgo.

Venus, the archetype representing that aspect of our being that is about giving and receiving love, is preparing for its retrograde phase as of May 15.  The retrograde phase signifies a time when we become more and more aware of those areas of our lives where our values are not in harmony with our actions.  The retrograde phase of Mars began to shake our lives up; the retrograde phase of Venus will ask that we go deeper, and seeker greater congruency between our inner being and our outer expression. Listen to what you say to yourself about who you are and what and who you are connecting with. Watch for the subtle nudges that point you toward greater authenticity. 

For the first two weeks of Taurus time, Saturn is in aspect to a star, Procyon, the fifth brightest star in our galaxy. A star we don’t hear much about, was very important to the ancient mariners as well as the ancient Egyptians. Egyptians celebrated the New Year at the rise of the dog star, Sirius (Sothis). As the Egyptian astronomers caught the first glimpse of Sirrius, The Shining One, the New Year was marked. This also occurred as the Nile River began is gradual rise and flooding in the spring. Floods in Egypt, unlike in other regions like Babylonia, were gentle and welcome events that opened the season of fertility and abundance.

Saturn, the Great Teacher, represents those aspects of our lives and the systems by which we are governed, that have outlasted their time and use.  Saturn moving in its retrograde phase over the 25th degree of Libra, raises within us and our lives, the necessity to deal with the structures of our lives. This can mean literally the jobs, lifestyle, or organizational ties, or it can be more metaphoric, focusing on the way we express ourselves, our emotional temperament, or our philosophical outlook. This transit has been making its way back and forth over this same territory in our lives for some time now.  Just when you think you have figured out how to deal with things, something else comes up or’s a testing time for us to winnow that which no longer works, from our daily lives for over the next few years, we are going to need to be strong, healthy, and courageous to keep up with the changing energies and ways of being and knowing. 

Artists and writers are using this energy now to create some of the most interesting and innovative types of art. The same energy used for art can also be used to create and discover new ways to improve our health, safety, ways of dealing with conflict and challenges, and generally improving the overall health of the planet.   The shadow aspect of Saturn’s archetype is fear...fear of change, fear of death, but more importantly, fear of not mattering, being heard, understood, or relevant.  We all have talents, gifts, and energy to devote to something important to living out our purpose. Listen now to the voice within that speaks of passion and excitement. Saturn focuses our attention on that area of our life that we are afraid to face.  Acknowledging what that is, is vital for if we fail to make the changes we need, the changes will happen anyway, and we will be at the mercy of however that happens.  I remember a story that helps illustrate the necessity of facing our fears and making changes:

Imagine you are sitting at a card table putting together a jigsaw puzzle that is composed of thousands of pieces. Imagine that this puzzle represents your life.  Now what happens when someone comes along and kicks the legs out from under the table, sending the puzzle into all different directions. So too our lives and thinking when we are stuck in place, unwilling to make change.  Change or be changed, Saturn cautions.  Notice too in your chart, where your Saturn is will be the area of your life that is probably the most disrupted. Saturn shakes things up from the inside out, and the from the ground up.  It calls on us to be our best and most courageous selves. What area in your life now is feeling the Saturn call to make change?

The relationship of Saturn’s transit through the final degrees of Libra (finding balance and harmony), at the time of the New Year as signaled by the transit of Procyon, metaphorically speaks of a time when the old is passing and the new is being born.  Saturn’s systems are breaking apart as certain areas of our lives are in the stages of completing past projects and releasing old patterns and ways of thinking, doing, and being. 

As we look forward to the blossoming of the Full Moon, the Venus retrograde from May 15-June 27, we are invited to reflect on and explore the possibilities that are open to us, and to decide once and for all, what needs to be released from our experience by choice or challenge, in order for us to move into our next phase of life.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn, trigger...

Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn, trigger...: Waxing Moon transited out of Taurus into Geminis at 4:05 A.M..  Uranus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn. Now is the time we are collect...

Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn, triggered by the Moon and Venus in Gemini

Waxing Moon transited out of Taurus into Geminis at 4:05 A.M..  Uranus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn. Now is the time we are collectively trying to achieve what we envisioned in the 1960s. For those not yet born at the start of the Uranus-Pluto cycle (1962-1968), society as a whole is operating from the revolutionary and transformational cycle that began at that time. The high voltage energy that is being felt at this time (talk to anyone and you’ll hear about the vivid and wildly disturbing dreams, the excess of energy and subconscious disturbances, and the earth movement and shifts that seem to find everyone on shaky ground).

How to deal with this type of transit and energy?  Remaining unaware or trying to dismiss the movement within and around you, is not the answer. Now is the time to face whatever is necessary for your individual processes of individuation (integrating of your masculine and feminine natures, the yin and the yang, and the polarities that fill us with ambiguity). Much that is manifesting on the surface or at the surface level of our consciousness, is yet unclear. That does not mean you can’t do something about it. Now is the time to work on forgiving yourself and others of anything that needs to be forgiven. Practicing forgiveness is always a good idea, but particularly now, the time is right to make efforts to redress grievances, issues with trust and obligation, and anything that threatens to hold you back from growing and developing. Forgiving ourselves is just as important as forgiving others, even for those acts, thoughts, or grievances of which we may yet be unaware.

We see signs of political, civil, and societal unrest, based in large on the cumulative pain and suffering we have caused one another. Our efforts to improve our lives and the societies in which we operate, depend on our making the choices that lead to forgiveness, trust, kindness, and life.  Other options will only create greater unrest and disturbances both within ourselves and in the world as a whole.  One of my friends recently wrote about realizing that she was trying to solve recurring problems with outmoded ways. We have watched over the last year, and seen how new means are needed for handling problems that seem to be relentless. Realizing and practicing from an point of consciousness that recognizes that we are not capable of making changes by ourselves; we must realize that we cannot do anything without submitting to the Divine laws and principles of the Universe. Human will, greed, and ego can dominate for just so long, even in our personal lives, but sooner or later (and now is the later), we need to recognize that the laws of Creation move us and communicate with us on the intuitive level.  While our minds can help inform us, we now need a more holistic way of living, acting, processing, and making choices. We also must realize that the forces of change are moving in response to what has been sent out in all our thoughts, actions, words, and expressions of energy.

Uranus in Aries squaring Pluto in Capricorn, makes us more aware than ever of the raging conflicts within us and within the world we are co-creating.  Our freedom to act, choose, express, create, and communicate, needs to find the most direct and loving ways of expression if we are to heal and recover from the disturbances that have caused pain, inflicted injury and injustice, and have driven many to grasp onto egotistical and selfish ways to survive. Changing our attitudes and thinking is ultimately more important than anything else we can do. Turning away from violence, discord, and warring tendencies, allows us hope, light, and movement toward healing and establishing peace within and around us.

Now is the time to pray, meditate, chant, dance, sing, and act for peace to be instilled in our hearts. Laying down our weapons, be they words, swords, or violence against ourselves and others, is the door to health, healing, and peace.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

New Moon in Taurus: Foot to path, hand to pen...

Singular Purpose, 2012

The Aries New Moon cycle ends, and  the Taurus New Moon cycle begins.  Tonight just past midnight (PDT) the Taurus New Moon peaks. Now is the time to commit to personal goals and
express energy and ideas positively. Connect with the natural world, and enjoy and appreciate the  simple pleasures of life.  Taurus time encourages us to connect with what brings us more pleasure. Comfort and beauty help us define and organize our homes.  We ask ourselves during this time, “where do I feel at home?” Listen to the inner answer. What dreams, plans, desire, projects, relationships, or personal decisions have you already set into motion, and where do you put your hands, minds, hearts, and intentions into motion? What are you shaping and forming, and how can your use your talents, drive, focus, and resources to create and move imagination into manifestation?

Slow your pace and enjoy the beauty of the physical experiences that put us in touch with our spiritual nature and callings. We may find ourselves reevaluating our relationship with what we value, how we earn money and and all the we say we value. How we use our time, talents, energies indicates where our values are manifesting.

Determine where necessary and important changes need to be made....changes that will allow us to succeed in attaining the goals that are in alignment with what we have started. With five planets in Earth signs, we find the energy and sense of well being to follow through with solid and realistic plans. Time is right for putting imagination into form so we enter the stream of movement for  reaping the rewards of new beginnings and  set projects into motion.

This New Moon is at 1 degree 35 minutes of Taurus on April 21 3:14 A.M (EDT) just past midnight PDT.

The Sun’s entry into Taurus opens a month when it is more beneficial to defend or resist actions than it is to attack or push up against challenges.  As the Taurus Sun makes its way through the Heavens, seeds planted take root, determination grows, and security needs foster wise choices and a healthy, harmonious perspective. Loyalty and longevity are key elements of Taurus energy, and both qualities are valued in your own make up and that of friends and family.  Avoid being stubborn or bull-headed.  Get out in the garden and dig around, take a long walk or swim, or just get outside and enjoy the natural world’s healing energies. The New Moon falls on Earth Day, a good time for clearing space for a garden, working the soil, planting for spring and summer harvests, and for taking in the beauty of the Earth in some way.

Venus transits  Gemini from April 3 to August 7, encourages  us to seek involvement on many paths. We may feel more romantic or may have more social urgings. Gemini energy seeks to bring opposites together. When we are acting out of the shadow or undeveloped part of our personality, we may seem to feel or act more fickle than usual. Remembering that what attracts us in the outer world, is in part, something within us that is awakening or an aspect of ourself that needs tending.  While others may seem to hold the key for us, now is the time to appreciate our own desires, talents, motivations, and challenges.  Venus cycles mark major shifts in our collective experiences.  On June 5, 2012,  Venus will reach the half way point of an eight year cycle initiating major changes in our collective perspective. Venus’ transit through Gemini lightens  and brightens our communication. You may find yourself saying aloud what normally your process within. Saying one thing, meaning another...or simply putting a number of options or ideas out for perusal with no intention of acting on any. Consider this when sharing your thoughts; also when listening to others. A confusing square with Neptune on April 5, and a square to Retrograde Mars on April 7, may have started the month off with some upside down kinds of situations, decisions, or communication. Consider the Neptune is the archetype of illusion, and may muddy the waters of both communication and thinking. In matters of romance or desires of one kind or another, keep your head on straight. Separate stated facts from wishful thinking. Keep your communication honest, based on  well-discerned and thoughtful consideration.
Maintain inner clarity and keep external communication above board. Watch for sharp edges from the areas of your chart ruled by Pisces and Virgo.  For example, if Venus in Gemini is transiting the 9th house, there is a strong interest and involvement in spirituality and faith in God. Development of the higher mind includes dedication to education, interest in philosophical and abstract ideas, and involvement with and interest in foreign cultures and peoples. The passion that drives 9th house interests, is now activated by Venus’ passage through this house, affecting this area of life more intently. The growing edge comes when the conflicts with earthly matters, active, but grounded energy and resources (Virgo and Mars’ transit through Virgo) and creative ideas, imagination, and ones’ desire to enjoy life  may be clouded by transits of  Neptune and Chiron through Pisces. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, at 8 degrees of Pisces, triggers much-needed healing experiences necessary for moving on in certain situations.  Look to the areas of your life where Gemini’s Venus transit is highlighting, and watch the areas of life that may be making you feel like you’re hitting your head against a wall or meeting the “same old, same old” issues, challenges, or relationships snags once again. Thought that was dealt with? Maybe some more attention, some clear thinking and reliance on one’s faith is needed to ease this passage.

Mars in its direct motion in Virgo, continues to promote the worker bee mentality in us. As we work, we focus on Virgo-like detail in our desire to create perfection. With Mars fire energy, this may create some anxious or upsetting experiences. We further continue in our quest for creating, achieving, or doing the right thing at the  perfect time.  This is a good time to be focusing on completing projects. especially that work that require more precision and concern for quality.

Jupiter in Taurus through mid-June, 2012.

Jupiter, the archetype of benevolence, abundance and good fortune, continues its transit through Taurus until mid-June.  This week we entered Taurus time. We may expect the greatest manifestation of goodness, resources, abundance, supplies, and feelings associated with our desires to rise up within and around us. We  seek out ways to  express beauty, to increase creativity,  and to manifest dreams, visions, and worthy plans.  As Jupiter has been making this transit since last June 4, 2011, we have experienced more and more expanded awareness. Opportunities for educations, knowledge, understanding, and expansion have increased and been more grounded in whatever areas of life Taurus is situated. For example, if Taurus in  your 7th house, you may have had more opportunities for partnerships, alliances, even marriage. Taurus in the first house might have changed the way you appear in the world, and actually brought benefits and prosperity to your door.  Depending upon what other signs and aspects are active in your life/chart, Jupiter’s transit through Taurus has softened this area of life and made for a more lucrative and rich sense of connection with the material world, the natural world, one’s home life, and all areas that are ruled by Taurean energy. 

As I write, the New Moon is at 6/53 Taurus, the Sun is at 1/57 Taurus, Pluto at 9/31  Capricorn, Jupiter is at 18/1 Taurus, all forming a Grand Trine in Earth signs.  This powerfully strong earth-centered energy, coupled with the New Moon’s rising energy in Taurus makes this New Moon an especially potent time for creating, working together, discovering and articulating (writing, speaking, illustrating, forming, planning) our most treasured dreams, our most sought after desires, and our inner truth.  Now is not the time to rationalize or hide in the shadows with our dreams and desires. It is time to put a positive, concrete plan into form, to work on worthy and satisfying projects, and to move up to the next step to create movement in areas of special interest. Move forward on the major plans that need to come out of the shadows, our of the mental fog, out of the “some day, if only” kinds of thinking.

Find concrete, solid ways to allow yourself to dream aloud, put forth your wishes, make concrete plans, and plant the seeds of your desires in fresh and fertile soil.  Listen to your heart and mind with an open mind, a willingness to be honest with yourself and others, and the courage to put yourself out on the path of your true destiny.  Listen, respond, and act now on that which you truly know you are meant to do, be, and manifest.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

April 15-20

The Sun is in 26 degrees of Aries, just past the 1st quarter square aspect to the Moon.  The Moon is in 0/15 degrees of Pisces in close conjunction with Neptune in 2/30 Pisces.  The planet of dreams, mysticism, illusions, imagination, and open intuitive channels, in such close alignment with our Moon, connects us emotionally and spiritually with very deep and intricate aspects of our being. Our connections with whatever most opens our awareness, is strengthened now, in ways quite unlike what we normally experience. Mercury in 20/23 degrees of Pisces, the anaretic degree (the final and critical degree of a sign) of this transit, brings to completion, whatever needs to be finalized, and makes room for a whole new way of communicating, receiving and transmitting information. Surprising messages now reach us, and what was thought lost, may be found. Decisions and choices have been made and the results now manifest in strange, surprising, and unusual ways.  Venus in 10/46 of Gemini, is trine Saturn in 26/8 degrees of Libra. We learn now, long-hidden truths that lead to deeper and more authentic understanding and manifestation of our true natures, our dreams realized, and our subconscious connections with the Universal Consciousness. Divine Wisdom awakens in every fiber of our being, and appears in the ordinary and extraordinary of life; Truth is evident, and we find ourselves living in the midst of what we have connected with through our desires, intuitive senses, dreams, imagination, thoughts, and actions. Mars has just turned direct at 3/42 Virgo, releasing the pent up energies of Mars. Still grounded in earthy Virgo energy, Mars seeks action through immediate, pragmatic, and grounded movement, choices, and channels. Mars is in trine aspect with Pluto at 9/33 Capricorn (having just turned retrograde). Pluto forges even deeper under the surface to distill, seek, prepare the ground for what has been planted in our consciousness and acted out in our relationships, choices, creativity, and efforts to build up or tear down. We have the opportunity to allow the growth taking place beneath the surface of our being, to open us to creative and energizing levels of prime connection and imaginative expression. Our work, service, art, and caring is measured and understood through actions and creations at this time. Good time to work on long-term projects, make long-sought after changes, and develop the skills and resources necessary to fulfill our purpose and to live out our dreams. Jupiter at 16/45 Taurus, also is in a waning trine with Pluto and Mars, showering the star dust of creation onto whatever we are creating in our lives.  Jupiter is the archetype of bounty and beauty, and this benevolent planet is riding the tailwinds of Venus, casting trails of fairy dust and dreams from her journey through Gemini (the coming together of opposites, the melding of polarities, the integration of the Divine Feminine into the all areas of relationship, love, and passion.  The Cosmic Gardener is preparing the planting and harvest times for opposite ends of the Earth.  Abundance is rich within the Earth's depths, and spills over in the highly charged energies moving the waters, the air channels, the light paths, and all the energy fields.  A sense of full speed ahead, in high gear, moves us along beyond our abilities to comprehend or manage fully.  This is a building up time, and final clearing of the fields and furrows where doubt, fear, or pain remain.  Uranus in 5/46 Aries in exact conjunction with the Sun in 26 degrees of Aries, may bring about sudden, surprising, and earth-changing experiences, events, decisions, and may make us feel as though we are riding on the waves of something much greater than we can either comprehend or fail to experience.  Movement is afoot, on all levels of being and experience, and regardless of what is said, there is a growing understanding and awareness that moves well beyond words and is only understood  in the manifest expression. We are what we create in our lives. Being at peace with our inner being and allowing ourselves to live fully present within whatever we are doing, allows us to experience life at its most fundamental and most authentic level. The exact conjunction of the Sun in 5 degrees Aries, Uranus at 5 degrees Aries, trines the North Node at 5 degrees Sagittarius.  Wherever 5 degrees of Sagittarius lies in your chart (area of your life), you will become fully aware of a new pathway that has opened for you. Whatever you are cooking up in the Aries sector of your life, will be manifesting in the sector of your life where the Gateway/North Node is transiting Sagittarius. Throughout this entire month, Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in 8 degrees of Pisces, continues to be in close alignment with the Moon, Mercury,  and Neptune...nearly forcing that which has been thinly veiled, to burst forth in the conscious awareness of what needs to be done, how we need to be operating, and where we are called to ground and settle ourselves in preparation for the journey ahead.  Wherever we are, we are surrounded by images, messages, examples, reminders, and signs of what our true nature is and what our divine purpose requires of us. Neither lays outside our immediate experience: both rest within that which is most real in and around us.  Grounding ourselves in genuine concern, love, caring, beauty, and presence, is what is required.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: Full Moon in Libra:Easter Moon, Pink Moon, Egg Moo...

Intuitive Insight Pathways, Dr. Catherine Al-Meten: Full Moon in Libra:Easter Moon, Pink Moon, Egg Moo...: Easter on the Western calendar is determined according to the formula: Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first Full Moon after the ...

Full Moon in Libra:Easter Moon, Pink Moon, Egg Moon

Easter on the Western calendar is determined according to the formula: Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first Full Moon after the Vernal Equinox.  Today, Good Friday, at just past noon, the Moon peaks in her fullness. Called the Pink Moon because of herb, moss pink or wild ground phlox, one of the earliest widespread wildflowers of spring. I recall flying across the Rocky Mountains, and seeing the mountain and hilltops bright with pink at this time of the year.  This full moon is also called the Egg Moon, the Full Sprouting Grass Moon, and the Full Fish Moon (as this is the time the shad swim upstream to spawn).  The pastures and fields are full of newborn lambs, calves, foals, and kid goats. The seal harbors and sea lions are giving birth up and down the coast of North and South America, and the Great Gray Whales are swimming north with their newborn on their way home to the icy waters of Alaska. 

All full moons are in the opposite signs of the Sun each month.  With its fullness and light, the Moon brings to the fore the opposing and polarizing aspects of our own natures.  Within polarities, lies wholeness.  The pull today is between the independent, fiery nature of Aries and the urge to merge nature of the Libra Moon. Libra, ruled by Venus, always focuses our attention on the ambiguous nature of our sense of personal identity and our desire for maintaining relationships. The Libra moon awakens our need for harmony, balance, and beauty. At this particular Full Moon, there are aspects which challenge our ideas about the nature and structure of our relationships. Sometimes, in our effort to find harmony, we instead discover ourselves off balance and out of kilter in just the areas we would like to find calm and peace.  The nature of relationships and harmony indeed rest in the fulcrum which is always in motion...attempting to find stability and serenity.  In relationship matters, issues can no longer be swept under the rug or "managed".   Libra Moon in opposition to Aries Sun, calls for us to see things as they really are (both within our own perspectives and from the point-of-view of those with whom we are in relationship).  Living through an illusion that life is what I project/hope it to be, is hardly the same as dealing with our relationships from an understanding of our feelings, beliefs, needs, and perspectives (and those of our partners).  In order for relationships to progress, you need to look at what you are doing to resolve outstanding issues and unresolved and unfulfilled needs.  The light of the Moon shines bright on the Eve before Good Friday and during the unfolding of the Easter holy days. This is a time for reflection and acknowledgment of our true nature and our place on the Earth and in the journey of our time.

Venus in Gemini (the coming together of opposites), the archetype for the  feminine aspects of our nature and the Divine Feminine, Shekhinah, is square aspect to retrograde Mars, the ruler of Aries, in Virgo. Mars retrograde in an earth sign, slows, grounds, and drags our energies through a morass of unresolved situations, outmoded beliefs or values, and intractable conditions that require our attention. In other words, we can no longer ignore or refuse to deal with what is evident in our own needs and in the needs and nature of our relationships.  Both Venus and Mars are in an immutable T-Square to the planet Neptune (in the early stages of Pisces...where it will remain for the next 14 years).  This aspect removes the illusions, lifts the veils of ignorance, and lays bare the immediate needs that our lives call us to attend. Since these issues are anything but easy, they are apt to trigger fits of temper, jealousy, and other emotional acting out.  Better to use the energy of negative emotions to wake up to your own needs, and then use the energy in a more constructive manner, allowing time, moderation, and temperance to guide interactions, discussions, and choices. Spring in the North and Autumn in the South offer energy and beauty enough to use in putting our energies to constructive use (take a long walk, clear out the garage, basement, or attic, get rid of whatever is clogging up the works.  The awakening that allows you to feel, articulate, and identify relationship challenges, is but the beginning stage.  It's the waking of the tiger or the dragon that makes us aware of what was heretofore, hidden or beyond our ability to face or understand.  Stirrings of the soul require that we become more flexible and adaptable; avoid becoming reactionary and rash.

Keep in mind that the Full Moon in Libra may signal the changes and movement that was set into motion in the past, but the change is part of a long process, that includes daily, weekly, and seasonal changes and adjustments.  On April 9, Venus in Gemini will be in exact sextile to Uranus in Aries; at that time, the need for independence will be amplified. With the ongoing square aspect to Neptune, there may be an urge to cover up, delude oneself or others, or generally hide beneath the veil of ones' own dreams, illusions, and obsessions. Better to see yourself and your relationships clearly and honestly, than to complicate and muddy what already may be murky waters of relationship. Remember, trust is key to success in relationship. Once the trust is broken, the relationship takes on a different identity, and new foundations may not be so easy to build and maintain. Saturn, the Great Teacher, is still in Libra, and emphasis is on the karmic nature of our actions and choices. Keeping discussions and opinions above board is crucial, as whatever we send out now can return to us multiplied many times over.  Our actions, thoughts, deeds, and choices should be pure and honest. After all, what's the point of fooling ourselves or others; we always know the truth, and the truth will work its way to the surface of every aspect of our lives and relationships.  Sometimes we hide from the truth for fear we will lose something, not be able to deal with something, or for fear we will hurt someone's feelings.  The truth hurts less than a lie found out.

Pluto continues to transform whatever area of your life it is transiting (Capricorn). If you are willing to do the work required, Pluto pays high dividends for our growth, maturity, and willingness to risk facing the truth. With Pluto, Venus, and Mars in earth signs, relationship issues are grounded and we find ourselves forced to examine, knead, and sculpt both our inner integration and our relationship issues with a fuller awareness of how our individual growth is reflected in the choices we make in partnership. Whatever is lacking or growing in one area, signals what is missing or awakening in the other.  Our relationships reflect as much about who we are as they do about who the partner is.  We seek those who complete us; we find instead, the challenge to grow ourselves.  Relationships, like all other aspects of our lives, involve growing, transforming, and dynamic change.  Whether or not we make the choice and changes, relationships transform throughout their lifetime.  What matters for us is to be present in whatever stage or phase of the relationship we find ourselves.  

This Libra Full Moon, Sun in Aries, opens the gates of Spring (in the Northern Hemisphere) and Autumn ( in the Southern Hemisphere). The path before us is well-lit, yet stretches out far ahead, and is full of may twists and turns. As you begin the journey of the new year, step out on the path equipped with awareness, presence of mind and heart, and a willingness to rise above your own fears to live the adventure of life. What we seek in the arms of another, in part, begins with finding peace within ourselves.  Wherever you are on the path, now is the time to reflect, be grateful, and embrace the journey.