This year, our Thanksgiving holiday falls on an auspicious occasion; the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Sagitarius. Every 30 days, the moon begins a new cycle. This point, when we actually can't see the moon, is called the New Moon. From the new moon on, the moon's light grows as the Sun casts her light on Luna. Tonight at 10:10 Pacific Standard Time 6:10 AM GMT, the New Moon aligns between the Earth and the Sun, and we experience the peak of the Solar Eclipse. A new moon signals time to plant the seeds of change.
We watch the moon’s effect on the tides, and we can use the energy of the new moon to plant seeds for change, release old, worn out habits and patterns, and set intentions to support growth, consder possibilities, make new plans, build stronger relationships, and act on creative ideas and ideals.
This new moon is called a Super Moon. Super Moons occur when the Moon is at perrigree (its closest passage to the Earth). At those times, the Moon appears about 14% larger and 30% brighter. According to NASA’s website, this is also a time when the perrigrean tides are highest. This Super Moon is the 6th and final Super Moon in a yearlong cycle. The effects of a Super Moon are best viewed when the Moon is near the horizon. Tonight’s eclipse is visible in the Southern Hemisphere, in Antarctica and New Zealand. For views of the eclipse, visit NASA Eclipse Webpage
Solar Eclipses generally occur from 5-7 times a year. Eclipses are times when the Sun's powerful radiation is temporarily blocked. In commenting on this solar eclipse and new moon, Stephanie Austin, counselor and writer for Mountain Astrologer, writes that “old pathways dissolve and new matrices emerge as Creation expands.”
This particular Solar eclipse in Sagitarrius occurs in the company of so many other planets, makes such significant aspects, and calls our attention to where we need to direct our collective consciousness. This new moon and solar eclipse also call our attention to where we need to align our individual intentions and actions.
The north node in Sagitarius, which acts as a threshold point, is the doorway to the future (where we are headed), and so this is a good time to do some soul searching, dream weaving and interpretation, prayer, and healing in our relationships and families.
The south node in Gemini, aligned opposite the north node, signals the area of our lives where we need to let go and release whatever is keeping us from our spiritual awareness. When we complain of things not happening according to our plans and timing, this is one area we might want to consider. What area of your life is signaling you to let go of habits, patterns, relationships, or beliefs? This is usually the area where we are least willing to make changes; also the area that keeps blocking our growth and keeping us from developing. You don’t need to know a thing about your chart to figure this out. The area of your life that is most problematic may be the area of finances or self worth. What are you worth and what is your work worth? How am I selling myself short? Or it may be in the area of the workplace. How is my work feeding my body, mind, and spirit? How do the jobs I do on a daily basis feed my soul or not? How does the workplace, the daily job affect my health? Consider what area of life seems to point to a need to learn, grow, and move into a deeper expression of your identity. Then consider that the urgings, tension, stress, frustration are Divine signals telling you, Divine time depends upon listening and maintaining awareness of what is growing in importance, what is needing to be released, and what is holding you back. Divine time, not my time, may be nothing more than aligning ourselves to our Divine nature and to the Divine calling that we struggle to resist or ignore.
Another important and ongoing occurence has to do with our place in the Galaxay, the Milky Way, and our galaxy’s proximity to the Gallactic Center. I’ve written about the Gallactic Center, around which billions of galaxies are orbiting. Currently, Venus is transiting close to the GC. The GC is sending infrared, x-ray, gamma, radio and microwave energy out constantly. This is a source of the energy that affects everything we are, have been or ever will be. According to the unified coherent model of the Universe, we can use this tremendous energy to support healing, to perceive our divine nature, and to understand our interconnectedness. With Venus aligned witht this GC point, 27 degrees Sagitarius, we experience the archetype fo compassion, understanding, tolerance, and unconditional love.
Mars in Virgo, squares the Moon and the Sun as does Chiron in Pisces. The forming of a mutable t-square neutralizes some of the energy and effects, resulting in a lessening of competitive actions and an increasing of compassion. We tend to see the bigger picture at this time, and have a greater sense of our place in the family of humanity, with less concern and focus on individual concerns.
All of the planetary action indicates what we see reflected in the world in which we live. It’s obvious transformation is taking place. It’s equally obvious that people want to take action to make changes. How we think, act, express our beliefs and ideals, will to a large extent shape the nature of the world to com. We all can use our good for the greater good of our planet. We can understand that what we do on a small scale, has a rippling effect beyond ourselves. As the ancient sages, gurus, saints, philosophers, and holy ones knew, what we give, we receive, what we do unto others, comes back to us. And what we do have control over, are our thoughts, actions, intentions, and hearts.
With the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and the North Node all in Sagitarius, we stand at the threshold of change, at the gateway between the past and our future.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is at OO degrees Pisces exposing our woundedness. Neptune in 28 Aquarius, deals with the veils of perception that melt boundaries among us, allowing us to see beyond our own worldview; encouraging us to act with intention and love in our individual lives.
Mercury turning retrograde at 20 degrees sag., hours before the eclipse and the height of the full moon, reminds us early on in the day, to focus on what we need to release, what beliefs, habits, patterns, and practices are outworn or no longer aligned with your higher purpose and life choices. Mercury’s retrograde means that this planet will be in Sagit. much longer than is usual (Nov. 2-Jan. 7, 2012). Rather than looking at Mercury retrograde times as necessarily disruptive and challenging, consider this a time of reflection and a much-needed pause in direct actions. Ideas that are taking form during this New Moon time, that have been planted since the beginning of November, require a time of brooding. Much like a hen broods on her eggs at nesting time, so too do we need to brood on our plans, ideas, and intentions now.Whatever seeds are planted now, will begin blooming in earnest within the next 6 months, and will have the power to grown to fullness over the next 19-20 years.
What does it mean for us? There are times when we can observe the world in flux, chaos, and great transition, and if we wonder why our own lives are not quite as we had planned them to be, we need only be aware that we are part of the change we see. What we see outside, is also happening within us. We cannot help but be affected by the world in which we live, for we are part of it. It is dynamic; our lives are dynamic. Our understanding, combined with our spiritual practices, can provide us with the necessary balance we need as we ride the waves of change and transformation. The practices of meditation, contemplation, yoga, and prayer can help us align with the inner core of our true nature, and the connections we each have to the beauty of the world, the spiritual potency of the Universe, and the guidance and support of the Creator as we become more aware and intentional about our part in the ongoing Creation.
Enjoy the New Moon, and take some time to reflect, meditation, create, celebrate, and share the love that you have to give. Everything counts. Whether you understand now why your life is the way it is or not, you are living out a divine plan, and there is someone you are meant to love and something you are meant to create, to add to the Creative beauty of the world in which you are blessed to be part. Happy Thanksgiving. I am so grateful for you and the gifts you live through your life.
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