Thursday, November 3, 2011

In the wee small hours of Wednesday morning, Venus and Mercury slipped into Sagittarius. As the day got underway (9:38 AM), the Moon in Aquarius made its first quarter square to the Sun in Scorpio. Jupiter opposed the Sun and squared the Moon, forming a t-square aspect perhaps creating an inner struggle with our values and how we are living our lives. It's important to honor the struggles and challenges we face, and equally important to acknowledge what may be blocking our progress. Discerning what needs to be changed. With greater understanding come the need to take some steps to help us move forward in areas of our lives where we feel blocked, challenged, or frustrated. Being flexible, adaptable, and willing to change our habits, behaviors, and perspective, are all important at this time.

Over the last three days, the traditional holy days of All Hallow's Eve/Sanhain, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day, we have been passing into the dark of the year. A time traditionally, in the Northern Hemisphere, when we sense the veils between light and dark, the past and the present, the seen and the unseen, and the physical and the spiritual worlds reveal themselves to remind us that we are part of the whole; we are One. Our experiences of living are neither wholly physical nor wholly spiritual, but instead reflect our Divine and Incarnated nature~reflecting the spiritual wholeness that we live through our lives.

During the month of November, beginning with the new season we just entered, we are called upon to remember those who have come before us, the seven generations who helped bring us to where we are today. Whether we know anything about our family's history or not, it continues to play a part in our lives now. We can take this time to examine the ways our past influences our present. To practice forgiveness, of ourselves and others, and to appreciate the gifts we have been blessed with. Where do you and your family need to heal? What steps can you take now to help that healing?

In looking at your life today, you might ask yourself, "Where is my spirit trapped? Who or what is keeping me connected through memories, guilt, shame, fear, or loss?" When we understand how our energy, our spirit sometimes gets trapped in what we hold onto, or what remains unresolved in our lives, we then act unconsciously out of pain, patterns, or conflict that need no longer be part of our lives. The dark forces are those elements of our thinking and feeling that we project onto the world around us...Keeping "it," the problems, the conflicts, the blocks, outside our own being, enables us to keep from resolving what is disturbing within ourselves. A dream that frightens you, often appears as something outside of yourself. The dream is calling you, however, to pay attention to something within your own experience, your own being, in order to face and make peace with or grow into a new level of understanding and consciousness. The idea that the world reflects our own ideas is really all about what we choose to focus on, what we project from our own reality onto the reality of the world, the people, or the situations outside our lives. This is not to say, we create the world, but more pertains to how our perspective of what we see, experience, believe we know, or understand, creates the lens through which we view the world and our relationships. When we change the story, the perspective of how we understand the world, our view changes. When we listen to what those we love and spend time in relationship with tell us about how they view the world, we have a better understanding of who they really are rather than who we think they are, who we think they should be, or who we would like them to be.

At this reflective time, honor and pray for deeper understanding of those who have left your life, and practice greater patience with yourself and with those you love, seeking to be more present and more tuned into the reality of who they are. Spend time appreciating the gifts of your life, and the people who are walking the path with you. Call your spirit and energy home from the negative experiences, the memories of the past, and honor your life as an experience you have been blessed to have. Seek forgiveness, give gratitude, and spend time in the power of the present moment where we find love, beauty, and the joy of life as it is. Take time to appreciate, that despite struggles, conflicts, and blocks, you have what is needed now to live in the present in gratitude, to serve others in whatever way you are able, and to live, each day, with a greater sense of peace, abundance, and serenity.

With Venus in trine with Uranus, the planet representing sudden, unexpected, and surprising changes, we may be open to approaching life with less fear of experimentation and with a greater willingness to use unconventional ways to communicate and think. Thursday morning Saturn, the Great Teacher, trines the moon, allowing us to feel more grounded in our thinking and more secure in our sense of being on the right track. Later, the Moon opposes Mars in Leo, perhaps arousing heated feelings of one kind or another over the area of your life where these two sit in opposition. Thursday evening, the Moon meets Neptune in Aquarius lifting our emotional involvement from the personal to the more impersonal, detached. Rising above the fray allows us to get a broader perspective on what might otherwise feel depressing, confusing, or frustrating.

In each of our lives, there are numerous areas where we we experience polarities. This is normal, and in the areas where we have grown and integrated aspects of our being, we suffer little. In the areas where we are called to grow or heal, however, we may feel greater ambiguity or conflict. Notice in times when oppositional aspects occur, what areas of your life are affected most.

To understand how the universal influences may affect your life, pay attention to the areas of your life where some of the trends seem to be stirred up or affected. Learning more about how our unique spiritual journey is affected by the world in which we live and by the universal principles and energies that affect us, is something you might want to consider. I offer individual readings and classes (individual and group) to introduce my clients to how to use different spiritual tools discern, grow, and increase your own understanding and intuitive awareness.
You can contact me via email: or

Enjoy the week, and the start of November. For those who celebrate this month as a new year or who honor those who have died during this month, I wish you a blessed beginning, and encourage you to find peace in prayers for those who have affected your life. Spirit is real, and eternal, and our prayers and meditations enable us to connect to anyone regardless of where they are. May you find peace in your life.

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