Photograph by Catherine Al-Meten Meyers
On Monday, September 6, 2021 the New Moon arrives at 24/38 degrees of Virgo. Being that my own moon is in Virgo, I guess it would be normal for me to have so many Virgo friends. This week alone, I have at least 6 friends who celebrate their birthdays. My Daughter and I both have our moons in Virgo, and the Moon is my one grounding aspect that helps me the most.
The Moon rules our emotional temperament, and is key to how we cope with the best of times and the worst. Since our bodies and our planet are composed primarily of water, it is only natural that we are affected by the gravitational pull of the Moon. The tides are governed by the moon as those of us who live by the sea and rivers know so well. The tides move with a rhythm that is both predictable and regular.
The two tidal bulges that create the tides are caused by inertia and gravity as the Moon changes position in its orbit around the Earth. That results in two high tides and two low tides every twenty-four hours and 50 minutes each and every day. The tides occur twelve hours and twenty-five minutes apart. And it takes 6 hours and twelve and a half minutes for the water at the shore to go from low to high and then high to low again. Like a mysterious giant Cosmic clock, the tides rise and fall. If the waters of the earth, the orbit of the Moon, and their movement don’t affect us, I don’t know what does. It’s really quite marvelous, and so as we are in the transit of the Virgo Moon, we find ourselves at the phase known as the new moon.
Scientifically, the new moon is the first phase of the lunar cycle when the Moon and the Sun have the same ecliptic longitude. At this point, the moon itself is not visible to the human eye, but can be determined because of its position in relation to the stars and planets that are visible in the night sky. If you’ve been out at night during the last few days, you may have been able to see the stars and planets in their beautiful splendor. The Moon is between the Earth and the Sun at the time of the New Moon, thereby making the side of the Moon that faces the Earth appear to be in the shadow.
Our heart rates and blood pressure are thought to be lower during both the new and full moon phases. According to a study done by the Indian Journal of Applied Medical Research, our hearts are at peak performance during both full and new moon phases. Women’s menstrual cycles (every 28 days) are similar in length to the lunar cycles (29.5 days). The moon definitely has an effect on the Earth and on all its inhabitants.
Astrologically speaking, the New Moon symbolizes the start of a new lunar cycle. Each month the New Moon is in the same sign and exact position/degree as the Sun. The Full Moon in contrast, is always in the sign/time of the year opposite it. The Sun and Moon are now at 28 degrees of Virgo. When we interpret the meaning and trends for the new lunar cycle, we look at the qualities of this particular sign.
The New Moon cycles are used by many religious traditions to mark their liturgical and religious celebrations. This New Moon in Virgo marks the start of Rosh Hashanah, the start of the High Holy Days of Judaism. Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown Monday, September 6 and ends at sundown either September 7 or September 8, depending on which traditions a community observes. The New Moon also has a role in Islam’s observance of Ramadan, the month of fasting. The first day of the Hindu calendar starts at the new moon, and the Chinese calendar also uses the new moon's lunar phases to mark their new year. Many cultures and spiritual traditions use the lunar calendar thusly. While most Christian liturgical calendars are guided by the solar movements, Easter is based on the lunar calendar (Eastern Orthodox and Western Christianity use different lunar calendars however, so their celebrations fall about 2 weeks apart).
What does the New Moon mean for those of us who incorporate astrological meaning into our lives? The New Moon marks the start of a new cycle, a time of renewal and new beginnings. As the Moon waxes (grows larger as it becomes more visible), we see this as a growing time, a time to build up. The Full Moon represent idea, projects and movement reaching its time of fruition, and the waxing ( period between the full moon and the new) as a time to finish up, reflect, tackle unfinished business, and during the last few days before the new moon, the dark of the moon is a time to stop and rest).
So we’ve just gone through an entire lunar cycle, so the last few days might have been wondering how you can make some changes or adjustments to your life. The New Moon is a good time to get started making some new plans, planting some seeds for the future, or turning in a new direction. Being that for many, it is the start of a new academic year, it is the time of the year many of us are already in the getting started mode. We can of course make changes at any time, but it is helpful to use the energy available, to ride the tide in the direction it is headed, if we want to really feel supported, guided, and moving ‘in the right direction’.
This New Moon is magical in so many ways. Look to your chart/life to see where Virgo is ruling. Everyone has Virgo in some area of their life, and this is where the New Moon in Virgo is transiting.
What does Virgo Rule:
Creating and building especially in areas concerning health and discernment;
Bring ideas into manifestation. Getting down to work and getting things done;
Starting new projects. Setting off on a new path;
Planning, making lists, assessing and enjoying what we’ve already accomplished;
Paying special attention to healthcare, nutrition, exercise, and what we put in our bodies, minds, and hearts.
Establishing/adjusting routines to help us organize and manage our lives in positive, healthy ways;
Taking care of details.
Setting goals for improving areas where we struggle. Virgos can be perfectionists. In what areas of your life may you be trying too hard? Perfectionism is not a healthy goal; doing our best and knowing when to move on, is a more constructive way of taking care of business;
Enjoying the fruits of our labor and spending time and energy with our friends and those who help sustain us through the difficult, challenging times (we have enough of the latter so that we need the former, and need to honor and acknowledge the former)
What is the good news about this Virgo New Moon?
If ever there was an aspect that signals good news on the horizon, this is it. And the news, surprises, and changes that come, often unexpectedly with Uranus, mean that you will be able to put a lot of energy behind whatever new plans, dreams, ideas, or changes you plan and begin with this new moon cycle. Both in 14 degrees of their respective earth signs, the Moon and Uranus will provide the resources, support, and information you need for getting much accomplished and for ensuring that your plans actually begin to come to fruition. It’s time to reap some of what you have been so hard at work doing, planning, and creating.
Of course how we choose to use or abuse our energy, resources, or opportunities is key to our ability to benefit and support others with the energy of this new moon. We are strengthened and energized by this New Moon which means we have to be discerning and tempered in the way we use that energy. Not only must we avoid overloading ourselves and others, but also we need to be careful in how we treat one another.
With the New Moon sitting atop the fixed star Mizar, on the tail of the Mother Bear constellation, energy can be used or abused. In our efforts to control or motivate, we can become too controlling or even harsh. Or we can become a compassionate healer, nurturing Mother Bear. The choice is ours alone, so be aware. Also, be aware of how others are using their energy around you, and avoid tangling with those who could not have your best interests at heart. Steer clear of those who are unhealed and unconscious. Also avoid diluting or dissolving this energy with the abuse of drugs or alcohol or even work. We use our work sometimes, as a means of escaping or ignoring deeper issues that need to be addressed. In your discernment process, ask yourself what is good for you. Sometimes we are encouraged to do something that might be a ‘good idea’ but is not good for us. And those temptations or shiny objects sound good, but would lead us astray or at the very least, off the path in which we’re headed. This is the time to assess the path we’re on, make adjustments that are healthier, more positive for us in the long run, and begin making changes and letting go of what no longer serves us. Today, the day before the new lunar cycle, is a great time to meditate or ponder on what we really need and want, as opposed to what we feel we must do or have no choice in. What can you do to make small changes that open more possibilities to lead you on a healthier, more fulfilling path?
And for the piece de resistance (the centerpiece or jewel in the crown) of this lunar cycle are two other beautiful trines.
Jupiter-Venus-North Node:
Jupiter in Aquarius (good fortune, abundance, good luck) and Venus (love, romance, harmony, beauty, creativity) in Libra form a grand trine with the North Node (gateway to the future) in Gemini. Excellent for new phases in our lives, growth and good changes in relationships, and all things related to creating harmony, beauty, and balance. And with the north node involved, whatever we attract or engage in now, will shape our future. It’s perhaps the most fortunate of aspects, and we need to recognize it and use it for the best and highest good of ourselves and others.
Mars-Pluto-North Node:
Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn helps form a grand trine in earth signs with their trine to the North Node.
Mars, the planet that rules action, male energy, and movement trines Pluto, the Great Transformer work together to bring more into manifestation, and to get things moving again where they might have been stuck. And again, because of all the aspects to the North Node (gateway to the future) there’s no going back. What is forming now, will shape and rule the future. Now is the time to act.
With all this energy triggering change and forward momentum, we need to be in touch with our true selves. Remember who you are, and listen to what your inner being and the Divine guidance you seek, is showing and telling you. If areas are stopped up, draining, or exhausting you, remember who you are and seek higher ground. When our inner resources are drained, we need to take time to rest, refresh, and refill our reservoirs. This beautiful new lunar cycle comes at a time when most of us have once again, hit a wall. Be open to receiving the blessings to help lift you up and guide you to higher ground for a safe passage forward.
The Divine motion of the Universe and of our lives within it, is best used to love, support, and help each other. We can only do this if we are nourishing ourselves, tending to our physical, emotional, and mental needs, and when we take some time to adjust our course, and seek meaning and guidance from that which sustains, heals, and supports us. Many blessings to all as you receive the healing, love, and care you need and deserve.
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