Wednesday, February 10, 2021

New Lunar Year Begins with a Stellenium in Aquarius.

On Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 11:05 a.m. PST/2:05 p.m. EST, the New Moon peaks in Aquarius.

As the Sun, Moon, and planets in our Solar System transit in their orbits, we find the Sun, Moon, and four planets aligning in Aquarius for a grand stellenium of airy, innovative and visionary gathering.  Depending where they line up in your chart/life, you will feel the heightened energy which should lead to some progressive and much needed changes. Thinking outside the box is definitely called for. Looking at routines, habits, and established patterns from a new angle allows us each to break out of routines, stagnant belief systems, and worn out ways of being and knowing. 

The needed changes may result from the New Moon and this Aquarius stellium bringing about circumstances or conditions which make it impossible to ignore or suppress what must now come to the surface.  Whatever has been pushed aside, a thought, a plan, an acknowledgement of possibility, now becomes much more likely and realistic. Where you might have been afraid to make changes in the recent past, you now understand the probable need to move in a new direction and in a new way because the shifts that have taken place, make the routines and past plans impossible now. When shifts in our lives happen, we can not put off making changes much longer. To fail to act on our own behalf now, will put us behind the 8-ball in the near future. Bravery, vision, risk, and faith in the power of your own right to prosper and be fulfilled is highlighted at this New Moon.

All new moons are opportunities for starting out on new pathways and for planning or starting new projects.  This Aquarius New Moon is the Queen of new pathways, and her court of other Aquarius planets and the Sun (both inner and outer planets) support a major change which is in store. This Aquarius New Moon is the harbinger of positive changes on the horizon. This New Moon also opens the Lunar New Year, the Year of the Metal Ox. A yin sign, this new lunar year is going to be more slow-paced and symbolically more nourishing, stabilizing, and healing. It is a time to focus more on encouraging due diligence, gratitude, service to others, and altruism

The New Moon in Aquarius is at her peak just hours after Venus conjoins Jupiter in Aquarius, making this harmonious for love, beauty, romance, and attractions. This helps buffer the Saturn-Uranus square that brings sudden shocks that make us have to cope with old, unresolved wounds, conflicts, and lessons yet to be learned. There is the possibility that passions will be sparked, imagination and intuition will be heightened, and creativity will flourish as Neptune and Mars form a sextile. Sextiles create harmonious aspects, and this little flame allows for us to use this energy to channel whatever needs to be soothed, healed, or rejuvenated. 

The New Moon in Aquarius peaks at 11:05 a.m. PST/2:05 p.m. EST as she conjoins Mercury and squares Mars.  A wide square, Mars may serve to impel or motivate us to action or may bring us news, information that sheds greater light in the darkness. Whatever is revealed, needs to be used in context of the greater need to leave what must be shed behind, so that we can embrace and enter fully into the inevitable changes to come. Though change doesn’t necessarily come fast as it did last year in the yang energy of the Year of the Rat, it will come. And our task now is to rest, regenerate, heal, plan, and allow the new path to unfold as we let go of resistance to the changes. 

Venus and Jupiter are conjunct in Aquarius, and together with the Sun and Moon shed their blessings on us as we experience  good fortune with both finances and love. One of the best aspects, in Aquarius this conjunction frees our minds to envision our highest good and possibilities we might have been afraid to entertain before. After the shifts of 2019-2020’ pandemic and financial/political upheaval, we are beginning to come out of our bunkers to examine how our lives have changed. Time to reevaluate what matters most and align ourselves and our priorities accordingly. 

Perhaps the biggest challenge at this time is the Saturn-Uranus square which comes to its peak on February 17 (this is a long-term aspect) heightening the frustration and tension you may be feeling (and that is playing out in the world at large). This is due to unexpected changes, not to your liking. What feels like a violation of your rights/freedom, make it even more apparent that you need to respond/react. When changes are made that we have no control over, it forces us to do one of two things. React, which often is out of fear, anger, or a sense of helplessness. Or respond, which enables us to make changes we might have thought impossible, or take action which puts us on a new track. We have the choice in how we respond, but we are faced with some situations that bring this to light.

The stellium of planets including the Sun and Moon in Aquarius occur in most charts/lives in at least two areas of life. Together with planets in Pisces, Aries, and Taurus, we have a lot of energy in one main area of our lives. For example, this may occur predominantly in the lower hemisphere of the zodiac (highlighting one’s personal life), the upper hemisphere (outer life-interactions in the world), the left/western hemisphere, highlighting how one’s interactions, inner world affect our appearance and how we value ourselves, or the right/eastern hemisphere highlighting our home, families, daily activities, marriage/partnerships, and heritage. 

To determine how this New Moon in Aquarius and its stellium is affecting you, look at your chart to see where the Aquarius stellium is  most dominant. If you can’t see your chart, look at your life, and most often if you get a bit of perspective, you’ll see what issues need to be resolved, where you feel more pressure/conflict, where the past is calling for action, or where you feel some release from what you had thought would be an impossible situation. 

As  Sun-Moon Aquarius conjoin, they align with the fixed star Sadalsuud, the Star of Destiny, also called the luckiest of the lucky stars. Our destiny is linked to both what choices we make and what happens to us that is outside our power to control. The intersection of our own fate and our happiness resides in the way we respond to what happens, and how we choose to move ahead. This is a crucial time when all of our lives have been and are being changed. The ground beneath our feet continues to shift, and we need to keep on remembering how to dance. When we dance, we move to the music and we make our movements as graceful and meaningful as we can. Dance on the precipice of whatever change is happening, and find ways to nurture yourself and others in the process. 

Happy New Moon, Happy  Lunar New Year. Cherish your loved ones, Relationships are favored even though they may require some adjustments, and good fortune is yours. Keep your eyes, heart, and mind open to the signs and shifts in your life, and embrace the good fortune that awaits you as you move onto a new path. 

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