December 14, 2020, the New Moon in Sagittarius at 23 degrees (third decan) occurs at 8:16 am PST/11:16 am EST. This New Moon coincides with a total Solar Eclipse, the first this year in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. This Solar Eclipse sets up the tone for the next 6 months, and focuses our attention and energy on all Jupiter-related matters.
Jupiter, the planet of Abundance, is the ruler of Sagittarius. New beginnings now are related to belief systems, the love of adventure, philosophical ideas, as well as how our faith/belief systems affect and are made manifest in our personal lives. In matters where we might have once held back for fear of reprisal or judgment, we now feel emboldened to stand in the truth of what helps us build cohesive and constructive social relationships. This begins on a personal New Moon level with time spent in introspection and reflection, but is borne out through our behavior.
How we do this may be reflected in our growing interest in the world of ideas and the state of the world in which we live. As this year most of us have had our lives impacted by the pandemic, we have been able to examine more deeply what our lives are built upon and what matters to us. And we have a growing sense of what we have to offer through service, creativity, leadership, and expertise. We all have something that longs to be borne out through our lived experiences, and we see more clearly how we all must be part of the growth and change needed for improving, healing, and creating a more equitable world. We witness the depravity, violence, and distortions of truth and what that breeds, so we must rally to build a better system for all of us.
We too may come to be a bit more aware of how our personal lives need to be built on rising above the mundane aspects of our daily lives as we seek to add to the improvement of what needs to be fixed, repaired, created, and envisioned. We need to begin to assess what gifts, talents, and experiences we’ve had, and how those equip us for taking a more active role to add something of beauty, service, imagination, innovation, or some other form of building up as opposed to the tearing down that has become the hallmark of the last few years.
At this New Moon in Sagittarius time, we need to each take some time to imagine how we can help co-create a more perfect union of human activity, service, and development. We must take stock of what we feel needs healing, repairing in our own thinking, behavior, lifestyle, as we begin to envision change for the better. For many, this year has been a time when life seemed to stand still in so many ways. To shift in not only how we live, but also in what we valued and deemed important. We may too have gotten bogged down in our own self interests, disappointments, struggles, to the point that we lost our bearings or lost sight of possibilities.This is when we begin to dream and imagine, and hope again.
By fostering optimism, hope, enthusiasm, a sense of adventure, and these more positive qualities in ourselves, we can then translate this energy into works, acts, creations, and ideas that transcend our own personal needs and desires. We need to be as strong and healthy as possible now, to help in rebuilding and recreating a world that has undergone a major transformation and shift.
The New Moon in Sagittarius forms an aspect to the South Node, indicating that we must let go of something that we’ve clung to. South Node transits require releasing what is no longer functioning or elevating our development. This certainly is the case when we look at the world at large. The pandemic, climate crisis, and the subsequent problems for people on all parts of the planet, require that we change the way we behave on every conceivable level, in order to face the growing needs and the looming issues that demand to be addressed.
Look in your chart/life to the sector that is ruled by Sagittarius, and notice what has been shifting in a major way for you. For those who have studied astrology for a long period of time, you might look back to what was happening at other eclipse cycles of Sagittarius. In December of 1955, December of 1974, December of 1982, and December of 2001,there were similar passages. In 1955 Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. The Tappan Zee Bridge opened the AFL-CIO unions merged. And the bus boycott began in Montgomery, Alabama after the arrest of Rosa Parks. In 1974, Nixon resigned the presidency (earlier in the year), and the European Community was beginning to be formed under the influence of the New Moon and Solar eclipse. The Dow Jones hit 570, doing so much damage to the economy it took more than 20 years to recover. In 1982 during the Reagan administration, Barney Clark received the first artificial heart.Times man of the year is ‘a computer’. In 2001, the world was in an upheaval. Osama bin Ladin was fomenting terrorism, the shoe bomber was caught, and terrorist bombings were a threat. Enron filed bankruptcy (taking millions in pension funds with it), and TWA flew its last flight after 76 years in business.
Think back to your own life to see what was going on at that time for you.
The New Moon in Sagittarius is conjunct the Sun, and Mercury and the South Node. This makes us feel like we’d like to pull the covers over our heads and go back to sleep, but we need to stay awake and aware, and take steps,no matter how small, toward lifting and lighting up the world we live in and the world for others. A good friend of mine just sent me two books (to light up my mind) and strings of lights to literally light up my home. However we let our light shine now, it’s important to share what we can to lift others. Write a letter, card, a poem. Share a special thought or prayer. Send your Light out into the world, and dwell in gratitude for the Light in your own life, now more than ever.
Venus has been in Scorpio, and transits to Sagittarius the day after the New Moon. So some kind of completion, ending, parting may take place on the subconscious level during the New Moon that manifests after Venus goes into Sagittarius. What has been a burden or a heavy challenge, may soon end.
Mars is still in Aries until January 6, after which time it moves into Taurus. For now thought, it trines the New Moon, the Sun, Mercury, a harmonious aspect that may spark concrete, positive changes.
Uranus in 7 degrees of Taurus, is making some stressful aspects to Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn, the three outer planets that are all in their final degrees of their long transits through Capricorn. Saturn is at 29 degrees right now, and this is the anaretic/critical degree when endings, completions take place after a very long tumultuous period of learning and change. Saturn’s entry into Aquarius on March 21, 2021, so the next few months will be filled with final steps, endings, and completion so that a new path opens. We’re moving from a heavily earth-centered energy into more airy and focused more on intellect, independence, innovation, visionary, and decision making based on knowledge and intelligence.
On the 19th of December, Jupiter also enters Aquarius, and nearly four years from now, Pluto will also enter Aquarius. These three planets have been transiting Capricorn for the last 6-7 years, transforming our lives in major ways. Understand that the end of these two major planets in Capricorn, are apt to feel heavy and will release whatever has been shed over the last few years, once and for all. The lessons we’ve learned, the gifts we’ve developed, are what we now can use to equip ourselves for the new world ahead.
These major shifts in the outer planets are pushing us even more into this channel of growth and development, as individuals and as a human community. Let’s work together, in both our personal lives, and in our dealings with others, to help heal, repair, lift, and extend the positive energy that we need to help co-create a world of greater peace, justice, compassion, and shared love for all humanity and the planet. It’s what is needed. It’s what we need to find meaning and purpose in a world that has been torn asunder. We can choose to repair and heal, or we can be part of what makes it fall apart. Choose life.
With this New Moon in Sagittarius, a total Solar Eclipse, followed by Saturn and Jupiter entering new signs within days of one another, this next few weeks is bount to be an interesting, powerful, and significant time. Use your energy, spiritual practices, time, resources, and creativity to give yourself time to envision ways of thinking and believing that translate into positive, constructive forms of healing, teaching, and relating. Take good care of yourselves, and let the Light shine into your heart and soul. Be receptive to the Divine Light and Wisdom that infuses us all. Blessings to you all as you celebrate the holy days of your traditions and cultures. Create new ways to honor Life, Love, and Compassion for all.
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