Saturday, September 28, 2019

New Moon in Libra Commitment to Compassion and Love

New Moon in 5 degrees of Libra calls us to start a new lunar month by making a commitment to
whatever has been inviting us in. We may finally feel motivated to start a new program, get back
to work on one already in progress, or to head out on a whole new path altogether. Whatever
fears, frustrations, or blocks may have kept us from finding harmony, now require and in fact, stirs
within us as a desire to get moving. It is said that “action cures fear”, and I find that this is true for
many of the emotions or beliefs that we allow to block our making a commitment to living a
meaningful, purposeful, passion-driven life. By passion I mean whatever that life force within you
is that keeps calling you to more fully express yourself and form the kinds of relationships that allow
you to live in harmony. 

The New Moon in Libra joins the Sun, Venus, and Mercury all in Libra. First conjoining the Sun, for
the full expression of beauty, love, harmony, and compassion, then meeting Venus (17 degrees)
where we create and help shape greater beauty in our lives, perhaps through art, music, or simply
dreaming up new plans or listening to the inner intuitive desires that are filling us at this time.
Next the Moon will aspect Mercury, and we will have the desire to communicate and form deeper
connections with those whose Light draws us forth. All the inner planets are now in direct motion,
and the Moon will begin forming aspects to the outer planets, most of which are in retrograde. The
longer, developing trends that have been bringing transition and transformation to us, are now
receiving some direct connections. 

Issues that may have been problematic, now are resolved. Questions that we’ve found perplexing,
now become much clearer. Timing which has seemed stuck now releases to allow for us to feel
impelled to act at long last. The New Moon in Libra is conjunct the fixed star, Zania. Zania is found
in the left arm of Virgo, and brings refinement, honor, and a lovable nature. The beauty and infusion
of love, affection, compassion, and joy, lead to deeper commitments to that which most stirs our hearts
and gives us life. The commitment we feel at this New Moon in Libra opens the channels for the
support we have needed to bring our plans to fruition and to let us fully engage in bringing our dreams
into the reality of our lives. 

Again I stress how much this New Moon in Libra is a wholly heart-driven kind of energy, and acts as
an invitation to awaken, affirm, and reveal what we need to live a purpose and compassion-filled life.
Issue become more clearly defined, and the only question is, are you willing to accept your highest
good? The New Moon in Libra makes a beautiful sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius, stirring the best of
what you have to offer and bringing to you exactly what you need to live a fulfilling and abundant life.
Notice the areas of your life where Libra is ruling, and notice too where Jupiter in Sagittarius is.
These two areas in particular are being profoundly affected by your desires at this time. 

This New Moon in Libra occurs at the beginning of the Jewish High Holy Days, and ushers in the season
of sacred festivals and observances. It is the turning of the wheel of  time, when we begin moving back
into a new cycle. Receive the energy, the inspiration, the beauty, and the intuitive knowledge now that
you need to live each day in greater peace, harmony, and love. 
Turn toward compassion, and heal whatever cracks or wounds need healing in order for you to embrace
your good. We are meant to live in fulfillment of the promise to choose life. Commit to leaving behind
whatever is not life affirming, and move towards that which lights your way. You are meant to embrace
love and be happy and live in peace and compassion. Give your gifts, service, creativity, and love to
those who are near you and who honor, respect, and love you. Show your appreciation and forgive
yourself and others for whatever shortcomings or failings you feel you’re trapped in. Release yourself
from traps where you Spirit has stayed too long, and trust that  living wholly is the best answer to heart
ache, loss, fear, or pain. Embrace the beauty and call to harmony of the New Moon in Libra, and choose Life.

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