Sunday, June 30, 2019

New Moon in Cancer, Total Eclipse of the Sun: Seeking Safe Haven

On Tuesday, July 2,2019 at  12:16 a.m., the New Moon in Cancer forms a total eclipse to the Sun. The effects of the New Moon in Cancer will affect what happens for the next six months. Cancer rules all issues domestic including: personal/domestic, family, security, relationships/identity for women, heritage/ancestry/karmic ties, and all things that help us create a sense of home and safety. We will be focused on finding our home base, within and around us, and in securing it so that domestic tranquility is secured.

This is the time to listen to our inner sense of what home means to us. Where do we feel most at home with ourselves and our surroundings? How do we define within ourselves, that sense of peace and serenity that we need to feel grounded and at peace with ourselves and our families? How does our life reflect who we are? What community and circle of familial and friendships do we bond with as we create our home? It is essential during this time that we pay close attention to more than just how we believe something should or should not be done. How we think home is most reflective of our true needs and desires, or not. Intuitive, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs must also be part of any decisions we make at this time, especially regarding home and hearth, the place where we know we belong.

Being that this New Moon in Cancer occurs and forms a total eclipse, indicates this is a new beginning. Before us a new path emerges out of a long period of chaos and uncertainty (in whatever area of your life this New Moon/eclipse falls). For example, it may not fall in the 4th house of home (where all things domestic reign), but in the 9th house of wisdom and belief where we learn to understand and define for ourselves, what home is meant to be. Look to the house which Cancer reigns and the houses/planets that are aspected. That will help you better understand the challenges you might be facing--the areas of learning or growing edge. In my chart this new moon trines the water sign areas that rule creativity and children, art and pleasure as well as how I appear in the world and how I come to define myself and what I value.  The changes in this case, may be more about an inner development than what is appearing externally.  If the New Moon in Cancer were forming aspects to the earth signs however, you might find events and decisions creating some challenges for you to pursue in breaking up older patterns in favor of new ways of approaching your life. With aspects to air signs the challenges might appear more in the form of how your ideas, mind, and plans are shaping up, and for earth signs, the challenges may be found in the activities and toil required right now to bring forth what is new in your gardens. Notice what areas in your life seem to be in flux, and moving in a new direction over the next six months or so.

Cancer is the natural ruler of the Moon. The Moon influences our emotional temperament and helps us find our bearings in and through the challenges and opportunities we greet each day.  When the Moon transits through Cancer, our emotional need for security, especially in the house where we find Cancer, marks a significant time for us to become more mindful of what brings us to equilibrium. What we need to function well on a day to day basis is a sense of well being. Our emotional temperament has a great deal to do with whether or not we feel in balance. Notice where you feel most  'at home' during this lunar phase. Our emotions often signal the areas in our lives where we feel vulnerable, in need, or at a loss for some kind of significant balance.  Rather than trying to control or deny the emotions (I'm fine, when we're clearly not), notice and acknowledge whatever concerns or fears you might have so that whatever is triggering our emotions doesn't go underground and create greater upset and imbalance.

Remember "Whatever isn't expressed is suppressed."  And that's not necessarily going to be helpful in the long run. What is suppressed will fester and rise again, in a more virulent and aggressive way. An example might be when someone tries to 'forget' about a traumatic event. What is normal and even serves as a means of  survival at first, becomes a problem if not allowed to come to the surface in time. The New Moon in Cancer gives us an opportunity to approach what may seem like 'old issues/problems/challenges/ways of thinking and being, in a new way. And the motivation for this will be Cancer-related about finding our emotional home base-within and around us. Lately I have heard more people talking about wanting to connect with and appreciate more, their connections with community. We all do this in different ways. One person may decide to refocus on the community at hand, while another may choose to leave an established community in search of a new environment, calling, or sense of purpose. However you choose to respond to the call for greater domestic harmony and security, this New Moon in Cancer and the total Solar Eclipse will definitely find us closing doors and heading off in new directions. How this manifests depends on you.

The most important element of this New Moon in Cancer is knowing who you are. When we act unconsciously, without regard for who we are and what we require, believe, and desire in the way of well being and emotional harmony, we may miss the opportunities that lay before us. What appears as disruption, disappointment, or dissolution, may actually be the very signs we need to help us discern what is falling away and dying in our own lives.  Everything changes on a regular basis. Nothing is designed to last forever, and so if we keep trying to hold onto something that is dead or dying, we find ourselves struggling against a rising tide. Notice what you have been resisting, and consider how you may be blocking your own good.  Mourn the passing, walk in grace, and embrace the inflow of blessings and new opportunities. Also look into the faces of those who nurture, love, support, and affirm you, and live in appreciation for what gifts you already possess. Often the goals or objects of our desires, are really much less important than the more intangible ones. And the concrete, practical presence of those we love and care for are more real and authentic that the fantasies that would release us from the healthy and supportive relationships that make our journey more fulfilling.

While we live in a results-oriented and driven culture, how we live in peace with ourselves and those we love is really much more sustaining in the long run. When our safety and security needs are not met, we find ourselves in danger both psychically and physically. As this new lunar cycle is unfolding, notice how your personal and professional/collective needs/goals are aligned to fulfill your basic needs. Consider how you need to make adjustments or integrate learnings to meet with your own changing needs and goals. As is often the case at transition or turning points, something is left behind. The known. What is ahead is often not discernible yet. That often makes the future seem scarier. However, and I speak from experience, sometimes that which we fear or resist the most, ends up being the most fulfilling and rewarding. There are no new discoveries without the willingness to take risks and take the first steps forward. One of the best ways to enter transition is in surrender to the good. After all the discernment, we come to a point when we benefit most by taking the risk and then moving on the momentum it releases. Energetically too, when we create space by letting go of something, we make room for something to enter. Make some room for your good to flow in.

Much of what has been happening in our lives in the past year or two has been about the breaking down and breaking apart of various 'knowns' and aspects of our lives. It may be more on the outside for some (loss, change, movement, new input) while more on the inside for others (shifts in belief, understanding, knowledge, inner desires and needs). Or it may be a combination. However it is transpiring for you, do your best to stay grounded in what fits your own inner code of ethics and conduct and whatever reinforces the answer to the command: Remember who you are. It is in remembering who we are in our essence, that we find true peace and belonging.

The New Moon in Cancer, the Total eclipse of the Sun, also conjuncts the North Node. The North Node is the gateway to the future, and as such this New Moon, eclipse are even more potent than normal new moon cycles. We are often dealing with karmic energy (what we've brought into life to resolve and/or what we've created in this life to settle). This new eclipse cycle Cancer-Capricorn last occurred between 2009-2011.  Reflect back on what was happening at that time to get an idea of what might be resurfacing at this time. For me it coincided with a major move and break from one type of life to a completely new one. Similar changes are occurring now.  While most eclipse cycles trigger change over a course of 3-6 months per eclipse, the current transits are strengthened and may have more long term effects, stretching well into late July, 2020.

Other Aspects:

Mercury and Mars have both moved into Leo, the fire sign that propels both action and communications.

Venus is just a couple of days away from entering Cancer at the time of the New Moon, making whatever house is ruled by Cancer in your chart, packed full of energy.

Uranus is in Taurus squaring Mercury. This indicates there may be some mix ups in communication or delays of some type.

Neptune in Pisces trines the New Moon in Cancer, thereby enhancing our intuitive insight. Pay attention to dreams, inner nudges, inspiration, and  signs and messages that come to us at this time. Your subconscious releases all kinds of helpful information now. Pay attention.

Saturn is in opposition to the New Moon and Sun, and thus we may be facing a major life lesson at this time (from now until July 2020). If we fight the lesson, the way will be more difficult. If we 'go with the flow) it will work more easily and will be more enjoyable.

Look to the next year as a time similar to getting on a slow-moving train on which you are a passenger traveling through unexplored territory. Notice what is calling you forward. Notice what is calling you to answer the command of the Old Deuteronomist. "You have before you the choice between life and death---choose life."  Nothing could be more important to each of us at this time. Choose what gives you life and blesses all.

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