On May 4, 2019 at 3:45 PDT/6:45EDT the New Moon at 14° begins a new lunar cycle. Launching us on a new path and in a new, more grounded direction in the Virgo decan of Taurus, we find ourselves seeking greater balance. While this moment may not be the time to make big changes, it certainly is the time to contemplate them and begin planning. During the Taurus lunar cycle we can make more solid, realistic plans.
Planetary Transits:
Sun and Moon at 14° Taurus affects those who have planets/aspects, progressions between 10-18° of the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Also look to see, in your own chart/life, which areas of your life are affected by this New Moon and its aspects.
Venus at 17 ° Aries, Mercury at 26° Aries. Uranus, planet that involves sudden, shocking, and unexpected changes is in 3°Taurus. What was set into motion or what is residual from the past, especially in relationships of all kinds, now begins to manifest in concrete form in the present.Whatever plans you’ve been considering, or well thought out projects, aims, and apsirations you’ve begun, now begin to take root.
Taurus Sun, Moon, and Uranus all present in a tendency to be more methodical, pragmatic, and declarative. Your willingness in the past, to communicate your needs and desires, now begins to bear fruit. You feel a need to engage in a stronger way through your senses and through your desire to create and express beauty. Sensual pleasures attract you in this lush time of this lunar cycle. Avoid the Taurean tendencies to be resistant and defensive by declaring in positive, artful, and beautiful ways, what you seek now. I strongly encourage you to use your new moon rituals, prayer, and meditations to become clear and open (especially with yourself) about what you need guidance and support with. Especially with Uranus in Taurus, what you ask for at this time is more likely to show up sooner rather than later, despite what recent past experiences may have led you to believe.
Mars in Gemini at 22° is currently opposing Jupiter in Sagittarius. This occurs with the alignment of most of the other planets in a formation which is called The Bowl. Think of Mars, the planet of action and Jupiter the planet of abundance and good fortune opposite one another on the rim of the bowl. Mars moves energy to activate your good fortune in alignement with what is going on in the areas of your life where the New Moon, the Sun, and the other planets are transiting. Think of these areas of life as similar to a Tuning Bowl, creating beautiful harmony in your life, and working together to bring beautiful music and aspirations into attunement.
Transets and Aspects.
The Sun, Moon, and Uranus all in Taurus put the emphasis in all lives, collective and individual on determination, security, and the pleasure through the senses. Our sensibilities, when positively stimulate, remind us of what it is we need to feel in harmony so that we can be our best selves. Listen to how the Divine speaks to you through the concreate blessings of your daily life and the gifts that abound all around you.
Mercury, the planet symbolic of communication and speed is in the late degrees of Aries for a two more days. On May 6, Mercury enters Taurus. In the final degrees of Aries, it urges us to feel like we need to make decisions more quickly than we need to. There’s an adage, “When in doubt, don’t” that applies. Let this feeling, if and when it emerges, remind you of what it is you’re feeling propeled to do, say, or change. For now, however, it’s not necessarily the best time to act quickly. Avoid mistaking the feeling of “it’s now or never” or “hurry up and decide” for the need to act. The feelings remind us of what our urges are, not what is necessary for now. If something is meant to happen or change, allow it to unfold.
Venus also changes signs, moving into Taurus on May 15. That too is a time when your visions may become much clearer, and your desires, will begin unfolding through a variety of mediums--art, music, dance, drama, and all forms of creative thinking and action.
Mars in Gemini, pushing our good fortune in its aspect to Jupiter on the rim of that bowl of potential, pushes for more diverse ways of viewing and acting upon things. Mars’s energy now may help us open our minds to think “outside” the box of our limited expecatations.
Mars at the start of this new lunar cycle in Taurus, is also affected by Uranus’ transit through Taurus from 3/2019-2025-2026. A long cycle of change ahead that has us both individually and collectively (community, culture, world) reevaluating our relationship with money, possessions, and ways of behaving towards one another and our planet. During this long cycle of Uranus, change happens showing us new ways, approaches, for coping with and changing how we deal with old issues and problems. New doors are opening, and old ways are breaking apart. A long period of reevaluating, adjusting, and reforming has begun. This may bring us into a place where we have to make some decisions that separate us from what is unhealthy, damaging, or out of synch with what brings us to our highest good, and the highest good for all.
On May 6-7 Venus forms a square to Saturn in Capricorn. A temporary feeling of isolation, dissatisfaction, lack, or strain in relationships may occur. This occurs as Mercury changes signs, and may simply be a signal of how our communication is beginning to shift. This is also a reflection of how our thinking is shifting in a period of great transition.
Mercury trine Jupiter at the start of the new lunar cycle in Taurus encourages us to find meaning in our daily lives and purpose in whatever is going on (or not, as the case may be). When we find ourselves in limbo or stranded between decisions, changes, or direction, it is best to ‘count your blessings’ and trust that even when we think things should move more rapidly or happen differently, we need to remember there’s more at work in our lives than our own desires. Patience, persistence, trust, and resillience are required. Truly appreciating what we have and what we’ve been kept away from, can be the key to removing blocks and disappointment.
New Moon in Taurus in the 2nd decan Ruled by Virgo. This placement of the Taurus New Moon heightens the need for order and the search for perfection. The Moon’s quincunx (150°) to Ceres, combines the two most ultra feminine heavenly bodies and heightens the quest for perfection and the ideal version of ourselves and everything and everyone else. Let’s remember, none of us is perfect or ideal. The quest is the journey, not the destination. In theological terms, it is the practice of both daily actions, thought, belief, combined with an ongoing discernment of what we are being guided to and how the Divine is acting within the context of our lives and hearts.
Sun in Taurus quincunx Ceres calls for us to rise above whatever is dragging us down. Whatever is unsatisfactory in our lives or the world, won’t be changed in a day, a year, or perhaps, even a lifetime. Our purpose is to add to the greater glory of Creation through our daily acts. The way we treat one another, do our work, love one another, and trust and love the Divine is all we are called to be. Our yearning for action can make us crave change. It can make us feel a greater sense of urgency than is necessary. Again, this New Moon in Taurus challenges us and invites us to allow for the unfolding of blessings, changes, answers and new paths. At the same time we are being asked to be trusting of the good that is unfolding, we find it even more challenging. The push me-pull me dynamic is strong with us personally and it is strong in the world in which we live. Spend time touching base with what is real, what is affirming, what is full of life within you, and what is blessing you right now.
Spend more time and energy using your resources and material blessings through your generosity of spirit, mind, body, and emotional support. Being more beneficient will bless you and others. See what you have, what you have learned, experienced, and gained through life as something to share. Avoid viewing what you have as a means to control, but rather as a gift to be shared. Speaking of which, this column is a bit late in posting because my 10-year old computer had to go to the computer hospital. My dear friend Tammy loaned me her notebook so I could get my work done. I am forever grateful for my friends, for they are the true riches of life.
General Observations of this New Moon in Taurus.
As I studied the chart of the Taurus New Moon, I saw that most of the planetary transits are in two main sectors. The first is the deeply personal area of houses 1-3, the second is in how our chart/life plays out in that expression, houses 10-12. Houses 1-3 repressent the deeply personal area of identity, how we see ourselves, how we are seen, how we come to define who we are, and how we commuicate and form community as ourselves.
The second area of houses 10-12 relates to our life purpose, how we serve and contribuet to the world, how we form meaningful connections through our work and associations, and how our past (colletive history/narratives, personal) and our unconsciousness informs and shapes who we are and what we’ve come into this life to be.
This is particularly strong at this New Moon in Taurus for us generally. For a more personal idea of how your own life is affected, look to see where the current transits fall in which particular areas of your life. Which quadrants are getting the greatest energy during this New Moon and these transits. For example, if you have a Libra ascendent, the transits are falling in the two eastern quadrants, the 4-6 and 7-9 houses.
Mars is opposing the South Node and is conjunt the North Node for everyone. This means we’re all coping with the major issues we came into this life to learn about and to change so we can grow (South Node) so that we can make changes that move us to a greater understanding of who we are and what we are now meant to contribute to the lives of others, to the world, and to our own soul growth and development. It is indeed a crucial turning point in the life of our planet, in our cultures, and in each one of us who share this precious moment in time. May you be blessed with all that helps heal and lift you, and may you be given the grace you need for your journey.
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