Tuesday, November 6, 2018

New Moon in Scorpio: Growing from Within

With the Sun transiting the fixed water sign of Scorpio, and the New Moon setting a new lunar path
ahead for us, we need to listen to what is calling us to grow from within our deepest and most
compassionate depths. What is emerging within, is what will help us work with others to bring about
wholeness, healing, and peace, within and within.

On Wednesday. November 7, the New Moon in Scorpio cycle begins. The Scorpio New Moon peaks at 8:07 a.m/PST/11:07 a.m./EST this New Moon in the fixed sign of  Scorpio at 15/11
degrees, in the middle of the second decan. New Moon in Scorpio continues to activate the lunar nodes, and in fact, the North Node enters Cancer (South Node enters Capricorn) the day before the New Moon. North Node entering Cancer and Uranus re-enters Aries on November 6 (Election Day i
n the USA) where it stays until March, 2019. This could make for some unexpected changes, shocks, and sudden events that lead to a new path unfolding.

Sabian Symbol.
The Scorpio New Moon at 15/11 degrees falls on the Sabian symbol of Children Playing Around Five
Mounds of Sand. It represents the initial stages of development of the the mind seeking a higher
alignment in human evolution. This degree in Scorpio indicates a significant point in the development
of our collective and personal consciousness: "In this final stage of the forty-fifth sequence of five
symbols the transcendent possibilities of mental evolution, which require interpersonal communion in
consciousness, are evoked. The free spirit of true scientific inquiry is only a foreshadowing of such a
type of mind, which demands dedication to mankind as a whole.” (Lee Coleman).

What is signifies as it aligns with the new lunar cycle in Scorpio is start of a new way forward. What this
New Moon in Scorpio most highlights is growth, change, and the start of a higher level of consciousness

Key Aspects Affecting New Moon in Scorpio.
Looking at the New Moon chart, two important things stand out. Both Jupiter and Uranus are in the

final degee of their signs. Jupiter is in 29 degrees of Scorpio; Uranus retrogrades into 29 degrees of
Aries. Both in their anaretic signs on the day of the New Moon, signals sudden unexpected good news,
abundance, and new unexpected opportunities will come to light.

Marina of DarkStar Astrology, calls this New Moon the Siren’s Song. The temptations and alluring charm
of the sirens lured sailors to their deaths on the rocks. Whatever charm the New Moon in Scorpio trine
Neptune (the planet that rules dreams, illusion, the unconscious) in Pisces, may appeal to whatever

desires are unfulfilled or whatever imaginary scenarios reveal the darker side to our needs. Be wary of
the more clandestine implications of whatever you have been wishing for. Avoid dropping into the baser
and more slothful expression of your wishes.
We would do well to remember that this New Moon falls on the claw of the Scorpion, a talon used to
make love and to hold onto one’s prey for the kill. We must use our power and vision wisely, making
sure we do not incur the revenge of those we may injure in our quest for our dreams. With power comes
responsibility, and we have all experienced the results when this universal law is broken.

This New Moon is benefiting from Jupiter’s last day in Scorpio. Whatever has been blessing you
and yours, is now receiving its last boost before this new cycle begins. Though the moon is in its fall in
Scorpio (meaning it’s not the best place for the moon), we feel a connection with those old friend and
family with whom we have fond memories. We do well to find the safety and security we need now, in
familiar places and with people and thoughts that build us up and help us life others in even the darkest
times. For all the loss, sorrow, and grief that we carry with us, now is the time we need to seek strength
from what has built us up, carried us forward, and grounded us in meaning and purpose.

The Scorpio Moon trines Neptune in Pisces, again finds us feeling more and more connected with
those who feed our soul and with whom we feel connected. This will be very strong at this time. We
to remember to remember who we are, with or without those people and those activities we are
committed to. This dichotomy, is innate in our human nature, so rather than fighting this, simply remain
cognizant and aware of this duality.

Venus has been retrograde in Libra since October 31. It will remain retrograd until December 2.
Venus is dignified in Libra, so this is a time when you will feel more idealistic, more in love with love,
and more optimistic about all things ruled by Venus. This can be a very good time for aligning all areas
of your life with what is good, true, beautiful, and harmonious. The negative side of this transit is a
tendency to fall into the less healthy patterns in relationships--dependency, codependency/enabling,
or abusive and destructive habits.

Other Aspects of the Scorpio Transit of the New Moon.
In the waning moon period (dark of the moon) leading up to the new moon, we may be considering
what we need or want to release from our experiences. As I write this column on November 6, the
North Node (gateway to the future) enters Cancer. Likewise, the South Node (what we bring from
the past to heal and release) enters Capricorn (where Saturn will challenge with lessons for cleaning
up the past). Uranus also retrograde into Aries today, the day before the New Moon.  

The New Moon in Scorpio quincunxes Chiron (the Wounded Healer) in Pisces just an hour
before the Moon trines Neptune Wednesday morning. The Moon conjuncts the Sun (forming the
New Moon in Scorpio) at 8:07 a.m./PST/11:07 a.m./EST. Later in the day, the New Moon in Scorpio
is sextiled by Pluto, urging us to remember what we’ve learned about dealing with transformation and

Perhaps the most significant aspect of the new lunar path opening in Scorpio, is that the unconscious
is ruling, revealing, and overturning us, personally and collectively. We are feeling motivated to act from
our deepest levels of being now, feeling ourselves tested and ready to strike out to meet the challenges
that are before us. When we find our lives overturned and significantly changed as we have over the last
few years, we do reach a point where we find the inner strength and vision we need for moving in a new
and more productive, healthy, and fulfilling manner. Releasing what we’ve outgrown or what has slipped
from our focus and life, we now can sit still by the the deep waters of our consciousness, and listen to
what is emerging from the depths, what is appearing on the horizon, and what is making its last ditch
effort to bind or lower us. We must take charge, serving and growing as humans who work together for
the good of all people, and now is the time when that service, growth, and compassion are needed
more than ever. We have power; we must use our power for good to overcome what is dragging us
down or harming us.

We must stand up for one another, and take responsibility for our actions and thought and words.  
Time to set forward on a new path to healing, transformation, and repairing and restructuring those
areas of our lives that demand growth, meaning, and stability. Our health as a planet, as communities,
as individuals depends on our continued development and evolution into the best versions of ourselves
we can be. Focus on what is uplifting and helpful, meaningful and productive. Set your path forward with
the highest good, excellent health, and good of all in mind. Including yourself. We don’t need martyrs;
we need whole, healthy, supportive humans to make decisions that are good for all humans and the
planet. The reign of greed and corruption must end. This is a good time to start the path forward in a
compassionate, healing, and healthy direction.  Scorpio’s New Moon and the Sun in Scorpio stir up
our deepest desires and motivate us to live from the inner truths and depths of our beings. Dig deep into
yourself to find what it is you have to help in the great healing work that needs to be done.

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