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The Journey Catherine Al-Meten Meyers |
The gathering of six heavenly bodies in a transit of Capricorn provides an unusually powerful New Moon in Capricorn on Tuesday, January 16, 2018. At 6:17 P.M. PST/9:17 P.M.EST the Moon aligns in Capricorn in conjunction with the Sun and Venus after forming conjunctions with Saturn (3 degrees), Mercury (8 degrees), and Pluto (19 degrees) hours earlier. The New Moon in Capricorn meets the Sun forming an exact conjunction at 26 degrees in the early evening on the West Coast of North America.
As I study this chart, I observe that Saturn, in the early degrees (3) of its transit through Capricorn, sets the tone for this New Moon. Saturn, the Great Teacher, stays in this sign for over two years, and has a powerful effect on whatever area of our lives it transits as well as whatever aspects it makes. The Great Teacher, Saturn, tasks us to learn what it is we need to learn in order to fulfill our goals and purpose in life. Saturn also forces us to make the necessary changes in our behavior and patterns so that the lessons we learn open doors and provide opportunities for growth. So the first planet the Moon meets is Saturn, setting us off on an emotional urge to learn what we must so we can do what we desire. What we have to learn about ourselves and change and commitment is one of the big lessons of this New Moon.
Next the Moon will transit Mercury in Capricorn focusing us on all manner of Capricornian ideals in our communications. Interestingly enough, this New Moon and the gathering of Capricorn transiting planets and the Sun are transiting my own third house of communications. Look to the house/area of your life where this lunation is taking place to get an idea of how your life is being awakened. You should have a good idea by now, as it's also where Pluto, the Great Transformer has been transiting for several years. In its early degrees, this shift of Capricorn changes the focus of our energy from how change is taking place to how we are responding or reacting to that change.
Pluto has stirred up this house already, Saturn is moving in to make sure the changes are meaningful and growth inducing, and Mercury is awakening us to how we need to use this Capricornian transit to lay down solid plans, make practical decisions, and summon up our courage to move forward in a more pragmatic manner to bring our goals to fruition. Qualities of Capricorn include tenacity, pragmatism, ambition, wisdom, and patience--all of which aid us in making long-term plans, doing what we need to do to use our common sense and grow into a more mature manner of meeting challenges, and start acting on a realistic application of our dreams and goals.
The Sun has been in Capricorn since December 22, and as the New Moon is formed with its conjunction to the Sun at 26 degrees of Capricorn, we have already been motivated by a greater sense of responsibility, ambition, and a need to get life in order, from the inside out or perhaps from the outside in. What have you been moving around, considering changing, or meaning to eliminate from your closets or your schedule? Notice where you've been motivated to make radical changes or to be open to new avenues of growth and creativity. This third decan of Capricorn, where the Sun, Moon, and Venus all are, is that area where we begin to finalize plans and make those commitments that we've been considering for quite some time.
Even though we may still have some reservations, this is not the time to equivocate. Decisions made, agreements signed, and new directions are needed in order for new growth. Determine what is feasible, and understand that even though you may have some reservations, the way forward is open at this time. Often what we fear never manifests, and the adage, strike while the iron is hot, is more applicable to practical decisions and plans at this time, than at any other time recently. A sense of peace comes when working toward long-term goals, and this threshold time finds the doors open for such movement. Setting new goals, starting off on new paths, provides a sense of freedom from as Cafe Astrology says, "the worry and chaos" we may have been experiencing prior to this time. Setting limits, establishing new boundaries along with new goals, allows us to be more productive, creative, efficient, and at ease with the choices we've made and the opportunities we've been offered.
One of the great benefits of Capricorn's gathering of energy is the ability we have right now to create order in our lives. Venus in Capricorn and in conjunction with the Sun and the Moon, enable us to see beauty in the order we create in body, mind, spirit, and in our surroundings and goals, especially those plans and dreams that we have set into motion at this time. Imagine the best of what could be, and allow that to help soothe any doubts or fears. Making a vision board is a great idea for this lunation. As part of a New Moon ritual, use whatever means you desire to help envision positive, productive, and pragmatic outcomes for yourself.
The New Moon, Sun, and Venus all form a square to Uranus in Aries, challenging us to take action or bringing unexpected choices, offers, information, or angles to consider as we move out on a new path. It is normal to feel apprehensive when we're starting off in a new direction. Uranus in Aries may find us a bit uncomfortable in some of what we believe others expect of us. We, however, are not responsible for what others believe or think about us. Act on what you feel is best for your growth and for the application of what you need to make your dreams come true. Mars forming a sextile to the New Moon, Sun, and Venus calls for action. When we wait too long or fail to act at crucial intersections, we can miss out on opportunities or gifts.
For those of us born with planets or aspects within 23-30 degrees of any of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), this New Moon at 26/27 degrees of Capricorn is a crucial transit. Also, for those with aspects or planets at 0 degrees to 1 degree of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), this is one of the most significant New Moons in a long time (before now or into the foreseeable future. All the planets in earthy Capricorn are of course forming trines to Taurus and Virgo, so energy is powerful for doing something about whatever it is you've been toying with or hoping for. Taking action and making commitments is now vital to the realization of bringing ideas and imagination to life in practical form. As one very wise woman, poet and writer, Mary Lou McAuley says, "Say yes, and get out of the way." Now is that time.
Open your arms, heart, and mind to moving out beyond your expectations and fears, and embrace the energy for creating some practical order, forming more definite plans, and taking steps to bring your commitments and promises to life. It's a very auspicious New Moon, and a time which the last year or two's hard work and chaotic energy has prepared us for. Take a deep breath, let it go, and start moving forward. Say yes to the positive plans you've before you, turn away from fears and old habits and patterns that trap you or hold you down, and choose what gives you life and releases you of the burdens, indecision, fears, and extra stress of staying too long in a worn out position in life. Say yes to life at this New Moon in Capricorn, and begin building a bridge to your new future.
Oh my Goddess! This has given me clarity to these undefined uncomfortable feelings as of late. THANK YOU