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The Journey Catherine Al-Meten Meyers |
Adding energy and light to the New Moon is Venus in the early degrees of Scorpio (2/45). She forms a lovely trine to Uranus at 28 degrees of retrograde Aries(something from the recent past triggers change) and the North Node at 28 degrees of Cancer. The North Node in your chart is the aspect that signifies life changes. What was will be no more, and this time shows you how the changes will be affecting different aspects of your life and thinking. A major change in your life is signaled by the trine in the areas of your life where this trine signals movement. Venus rules beauty, harmony, art, creativity, and all that brings life into balance. Look to the areas of your life ruled by Scorpio, Cancer and Aries, and to the houses ruled by these signs. Notice how Uranus ended it’s transit through Aries last year, and notice what unresolved or unsettled issues, decisions from the past are now unfolding with new answers and a clearer path ahead. This is the time you may have been hoping for; a time when all your hard work and effort leads to necessary and positive changes.
Mars and Neptune (Action and Imagination) are exactly conjunct now at 13 degrees of Pisces. What you think, believe, and conceive is now poised and ready as the arrow in the Archer’s bow, to be released and sent forth to meet its target. Whatever you have been preparing, envisioning, and hoping to bring to life in your life, is now ready to become reality. These two planets also square Jupiter and Mercury, indicating that you are being urged, forced, and encouraged (depends on how you read the circumstances…attitude is everything) in the areas where change is imminent.
The New Moon and Sun in Sagittarius also join the energy that trigger major change (North Node in Cancer), all things regarding your need to feel safe, secure, and at home. Your urge to provide protection and safety for yourself and those you care for, is a significant part of the change that is now happening.
Mercury in the third decan of Scorpio stations direct at 1:23 p.m. PDT/4:23 p.m. EDT this afternoon. The Moon squares Mars at 8:12 p.m PST/11:12 EST and shortly thereafter squares Neptune so you might notice feeling motivated to act and imagine new ways of looking at a situation or decision that has been on hold for a while. Coming as this does before the New Moon later in the evening or early morning hours, these aspects all signal entering the new lunar cycle with a change of perspective, attitude, and vision.
Saturn and Pluto both still in their transits through Capricorn keep working their transformative energy and teachings in our lives. Both remain in Capricorn for the next year, and make no significant aspects to this new moon though they may be in the areas of your life that will be most affected by the changes promised by whatever direction you take during the New Moon. For some, this New Moon is the result of what has been steadily transforming in your lives over the last few years or so.
The New Moon in Sagittarius falls on the fixed star Ras Al-Gethi, in the constellation of Hercules. Ras Al-Gethi means the head of the one who kneels in Arabic. The one who surrenders to the Divine for the purposes of using healing energy. Falling as it does in the second decan of Sagittarius, the New Moon and its proximity to Ras Al-Gethi symbolizes the ability to focus intently on the goal or the decision at hand. Using our energy, vision, and focus to hone in on what is most vital to the decisions and path we choose, is key now. This connection to the fixed star symbolizes healing, also indicates the our need to allow the Divine energy to guide and lead us into whatever paths are best for us on all levels of our being. This is not the time to force issues, but to surrender to what is closing and what is opening. The signs should clearly be manifesting in the areas where change for the better is inevitable. I suggest reading DarkStar Astrology where Marina does a masterful job of explaining how mythology connects with and informs astrology.
Fear not, but let yourself read the movement, disruptions, losses or disappointments as signs on the path of change. Practice surrender to what is coming forth, and releasing whatever is meant to be purged from your experience so that the new path ahead is open and you are ready for what lies ahead. Avoid scattering your energy in different directions, but instead, focus on what is at hand and do what needs to be done.
Marina of DarkStar Astrology describes Ras Al-Gethi as “ The desire to help, heal, or bring balance to others. One who uses natural health techniques, one who seeks to prevent problems rather than to cure them.” She also explains that whatever is out of balance at this time, will show itself so as to bring order and balance back into harmony in whatever ways are needed now.
The Sabian Symbol for 16 degrees of Sagittarius is “A man shearing sheep.” It is also a time to practice fortitude. Discover your resiliency to keep finding a way to do something, to keep discovering how to get through the most difficult challenges. Much we are experiencing has to do with the karmic lessons we are learning.
Shakespeare coined the phrase the past is prologue, meaning what has come before has helped prepare us for what is happening now. Look to your own past to see what tools you used, what you learned that has made you resilient and how you might find in your past experiences, the way forward. At the bare minimum, you have made it through difficult and challenging times, and can do so again. We can also learn to see how in the past, what appeared to be a curse or and failure has really ended up to be a blessing. Examine your life in this way, and know without a doubt, you have all you need to meet and overcome all obstacles and to make decisions that bless you and others in the process. Change is inevitable, and now is the time, ready or not. Enjoy the ride.