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Path of Light Catherine Al-Meten Meyers |
Other aspects that are having a powerful effect on the interplay between our thinking and feeling processes includes retrograde Mercury at the anaretic degree (29) of Sagittarius in conjunction with Venus in Sagittarius at 28 degrees. A critical degree that brings to a head something we've been finalizing, trying to release, or comprehend in not only how we understand love and is expressions, but also how we express that love. We are more concerned now with what is fair and what is not in our relationships or with the areas where we wish to be more creative, informed, or becomes more idealistic in our thinking. We may be more optimistic right now, and that is good for it lifts us out of despair, depression, or whatever 'lower' mind spaces we may have become trapped. It is a time when we notice in spades, just what the vital forces are that are pulling at our heartstrings, shaping our thoughts, and in some cases, trapping us emotionally in situations, conditions, and relationships (including inner struggles and lessons) that we need to find a way out of.
Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius in addition to the Sun and Saturn, the Great Teacher, create a misty veil that clouds sound judgment in favor of idealistic and sometimes delusional impressions. Since Sagittarius in in opposition to the Moon in Gemini (lower mind), our emotions may be the primary, moving force that trigger much of the confusion, distortion, or emotional tension under the influence of this Full Moon period. Remember that the Full Moon in Gemini's influence reveals itself over the next two weeks as well. Notice at this time what may be behind the emotional veil for you. What lurks in the shadows or is just out of sight when we feel those twinges of frustration, anger, jealousy, or inflated ego pride? When we are triggered, as sometimes happens under the Full Moon's spell, we look for ways to place blame or responsibility on others or on circumstances when it might behoove us to take a deep breath, step back from a situation for a moment, and reflect about what within our own life or inner being is trying to reveal itself through that negative expression.
Our shadow aspects are scary because, like nightmares, we seldom understand the stark or dark symbols, images, or emotions that rise up in their revelation. We want things to be 'alright' or 'perfect' according to some ideal version we have of ourselves or some expectation that we have become fixated on. Better now to notice what might not be going so well, so we can make way for something better. Remember, Divine timing is not our timing, and along with that, Divine will is not necessarily what we deem is good for us. Better we step out of our own way now, so that right and perfect expression can manifest in our experience. Be gentle and kind with yourself right now. Play with the darkness as if it were a wounded part of yourself that needs a lot of TLC--for that is the case.
The Sun and the Moon are both square Neptune in Pisces right now as well, further clouding and confusing many of our perceptions. Again, we have this interplay between what we want to be and what is. The wannabes are often not remotely near what is. Today, under the influences of this Full Moon, those cloudy, murky, conflicting areas may become much clearer. Ironic that we get clarity in the depths of much confusion. Venus' transit of Sagittarius though, awakens in us a strong sense of adventure, so it would be a great time to notice where you would escape, if you could go anywhere you wanted and do anything you wanted, without reserve. What would be the ideal for you, if you had your 'druthers'? Oftentimes in the middle of great conflict and confusion, if we take the time to be brutally honest with ourselves, we can ask the questions and get the answers that hold the key to what pathways are open to you now and into the future.
Venus in Sagittarius is forming a semi-square to Pluto in Capricorn at this time as well. That brings to the surface petty or not so petty jealousies, envy, and maybe even a bit of covetous greed. In other words, the ego nasties. Those elements of our beings that so needs change that we project our own insecurities on others in order to bolster our own ego. Egos are weakest when we try too hard or don't appreciate our own gifts, talents, and blessings. When we long to be or to have what someone else seems to, we need to remember to count the blessings we do have. A simple exercise for a time when we feel nothing is going right or we never 'get what we want', is to make a list of all our accomplishments. What have we finished this past year? What goals have we achieved in the last year, 5 years, decade, or more?
Get some perspective now, and 'count those blessings'. It's hard to move forward on our journey when we have no appreciation for what it took for us to get where we are now. Sagittarius' higher mind stuff is ripe for doing just that. Accessing our wealth, our growth, our accomplishments. Accessing the value of the lessons we've learned and the growing edges that we now need to see as challenges rather than road blocks. Even in misty times, we have the capacity to delve deeper into ourselves to summon up our strength to face our own shadow calls. The Gemini Full Moon's emphasis on emotional concern for the immediate surrounding, community is kind of brought to its knees as Mercury turns retrograde tonight, calling us back into a state of grace in inaction. After a period of speeded up, Sagittarian and Uranian (Uranus in Aries) type energy building up to a boiling point, Mercury emphasizes finding completion now in a review and period of reflection needed after so much stimulus and the impact of fire ruled planetary and solar movement.
Mars is also completing its cycle in Sagittarius this week. By week's end, it will enter the realm of Scorpio, but in the meantime, expect some fireworks and final balls dropping in rather explosive and disruptive ways. Mars finishing up its stay in Sagittarius will lead to an energetic and fiery first full week of December. Today is the beginning of Advent in the Christian tradition, and provides a perfect way to help channel and focus our collective minds, higher and lower, on more compassionate, loving, kind, and practical ways to honor and respect one another. We can come together in a collective circle of love to protect ourselves and others from that which threatens and causes us to fear. "Perfect love casts out fear", and at no time has that been more important than now. The more often we can move into that frame of mind and heart, the better.
I just officiated at a funeral/memorial with a family and community that had been shattered by the loss of a young man/boy. When we came together and began expressing our love for the child who'd died, a circle of love, compassion, and healing was formed that helps in the process of coping with the unimaginable. We need to do this daily in our lives. Going it alone and living out of fear is not a healthy response nor is it an effective way of coping. On some level we all need to acknowledge those in our lives who are part of family, community, nation, tribe, family of humanity so that we can discover that which binds us to one another rather than that which divides and separates us.
Right about when the moon light woke me out of a deep sleep (3 AM), the Sun was squaring Neptune. Making that hard aspect to Neptune, the Sun in Sagittarius sparks some part of us to take action. That action for me right now, is pretty evident as I up in the middle of the night writing. It's also likely to spark dreams, intuitive insight, inner conflicts, and trigger charged behaviors as we seek to creatively manifest something of our darkness into the light. Throughout the day of this Full Moon in Gemini, the Moon will make further aspects to Gemini. What is planted in our subconscious, dreams, or intuitive insight earlier in the day will be reflected in our emotional responses later. Notice how you're feeling about being pushed or feeling motivated, and find ways to counter frustration by taking some type of practical action. Often we find answers and/or release energy when we distract ourselves through concrete actions. For example, if we tear apart a bouquet of flowers and toss the flowers into a flowing river, we symbolically are releasing one structured form of beauty for a more flowing expression. Beauty torn apart, takes on new form.
Life, being dynamic as it is, is always falling apart or being destroyed on one level, and transformed and recreated on another level. We can come to learn to appreciate this, when we learn that facing our fears, pain, challenges, failures, or questions, is always a step toward a radical kind inner, spiritual freedom. Be not afraid to be who you really are, and let yourself soar on the wings, ride the current so the winds, and sail the stormy seas, as you hold your heart open and your mind free to appreciate the beauty within and around you. The beauty of your strength even in moments of failure. The beauty of your mind, even when confused. The beauty of your own sweet messy life, for you and I and all humans share that same truth. We are not here to be perfect. We are hear to live, learn, love the best we can, and celebrate the one precious life we have right now to live.
One of my favorite astrologers calls this Full Moon in Gemini the moon of the mystic duel. And I believe she has that just right. The duel we fight within ourselves, between our own higher mind and emotions and our lower/practical/pragmatic mind and emotional turmoil. The Full Moon, the Sun, and Neptune form this cosmic t-square right in the middle of the constellation of Orion, the Hunter, focusing our attention on the need to balance our energy in our collective struggle to fight for our highest ideals. We are giving birth to our karmic destiny, and it matters how we burn off old karmic ties and lessons, as we evolve into being individually and collectively now. This period during this full moon cycle, is a time that affects how we move forward through a period of time that is challenging, confusing, and life-altering.
Perhaps the greatest challenge of this period of time is illustrated by ow we handle the challenges we face right now. How are the polarities of Gemini and Sagittarius being triggered by both Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Aries areas of our own lives? Look to those parts of you life/chart to check in on what is most being triggered in your own life. For example if you have a Sagittarius Ascendant, you now have a stellia of powerful Sagittarius planets in your first house and perhaps also in your 12th. Whatever is left over or brought forward from the past is now playing out in how you are presenting yourself and how you are viewed in the world. Public image and reputation are affected, and the opposite, 7th house is where Gemini probably is so relationships are where the vulnerable, touchy spot is. Typical conflict between my public life and my private life, for example. Then if you look to see where Pisces is, in this case it would be 4th or 5th house (depends on individual charts) either/both the home/upbringing/how we define home (4th house) and how we create, seek pleasure, interact with children (5th house)
would be connected. Look to your own chart to see where this cosmic t-square is energizing and shaking things up. If you know nothing about charts, you can probably figure this out if you reflect on what is going on in different areas of your life.
In any case, the Energizer Bunny Full Moon in Gemini is likely to hype things up for everyone today and for the next few days. Gemini's energy is primarily mental stimulation, so we're motivated to DO and GO. We want to be careful not to spread ourselves too thin, and to take time to channel some of that rather erratic energy into practical, creative, and calming ways. Avoid rushing, going without rest (I'll take a nap later), and burning yourself out. As I read this I have to laugh. I have a progressed Sun in Gemini and I feel like someone spiked my tea with adrenaline, so I really do speak about this as a consequence of this speeded up energy. You'll probably find that your life will be a little frenetic and super charged so use your energy wisely.
I'm figuring it's going to be a great day to clean up, take along walk, and maybe clear out the cobwebs as we prepare for the holy days we're entering. Each day is a holy, sacred day, when we honor the precious gifts of life that we each have. My favorite scripture comes from the ancients who said, that what is laid before us is the choice between life and death, and the command to Choose Life. In all ways, we have this choice, and maybe now as an act of compassion, we can ask before we speak or act or choose, is my action, are my words, it this choice going to give life? If it's not, make another choice. During this Full Moon in Gemini, what are the questions that are asking that you choose? And which choices that you have seem more life affirming? Whatever you do, Choose Life, and be glad. Be very glad you have this life, this day, this time to bring forth something of value, something of service, something of love, and something of compassion for yourself and for others.
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