Dr. Catherine Al-Meten, Intuitive Insight Pathways
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Thursday, December 28, 2017
Full Moon in Cancer: Wolf Moon Calls us Together
On January 1, 2018, the first Full Moon of 2018 ushers the year in. This Super Moon (largest appearing moon of the year) is called Wolf Moon. Like the wolf, it calls us together to find safety, protection, peace, fidelity, and forgiveness with our families. Family, whether it be kin or friendship in nature, is where we find ourselves at home. The Full Moon at 11 degrees of Cancer (second decan) is in opposition to Venus in Capricorn.
The Moon is at home in Cancer, and emphasis is on the family and gatherings of all kinds that promote congeniality, compassion, and mutual support. What we need and want seems to fall right into our laps at this time if we are open to recognizing and receiving the gifts life has to offer.
The Full Moon in Cancer will aspect four planets in its oppositional transit: Saturn, Venus, the Sun, and Pluto form a cluster of powerful planets in Capricorn. How we define love and affection is tested and challenged during this Full Moon cycle. At the same time, the Cancer Moon forms a trine with Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune and Chiron in Pisces. This Kite Pattern formed by the Moon's opposition to Venus and the Sun and the Moon's trine to Mars and Jupiter in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces brings about what Marina of DarkStar Astrology describes as bringing "hope and spiritual harmony. Jupiter trine Neptune is ...a very charitable aspect, but one that needs to be channeled realistically so that the help really does go to the grassroots and needy people." Our capacity for true compassion grounded in practical application in meaningful ways is a major gift of this Full Moon in Cancer. The unhealed/growing edge of Cancer is the tendency to smother and over protect...all ways we try to maintain control. Learning to let go and trust that what is meant to unfold will, is one way Cancer can become more genuinely loving and nurturing.
Cancer is all about love. The Moon is all about our emotional responses. Together they challenge us to grow in love and how we love. Compassion, love, and affection are never meant to be only about self gratification and wish-lists kind of fulfillment. Love comes when we are capable of giving what is needed where it is needed without fear or worry of repayment. The stellium of heavenly bodies in Capricorn enable us to put theory into practice as we learn more about how to express love, nourish affection, and act with compassion in all areas of life. This makes for a challenge during full moons when our shadows are thrown into the light. During the Full Moon, the veils between what is hidden as the veils (inner and outer worlds) is lifted.
The Moon's opposition to Venus in Capricorn has the effect of highlighting the polarity between nurturing and satisfying our own desires. When we identify our worthiness with our ability to perfectly nurture others or provide the 'perfect' setting, we miss the point of how love is best expressed in mutuality. Allowing ourselves to release control over every last detail, enables everyone to participate in creating the perfection of loved expressed in whatever activities are being shared. Remember, the issue of polarity is alive in every area of our lives, all the time. We cope with the extremes by finding ways to combine the best of both worlds somewhere in the expression of the happy medium. The same is true in love and all types of relationships. I remember my young daughter confusing the idiomatic expression, "It takes two to tango" for "It takes two to tangle." Equally true, it's our choice to first, recognize what sets us off and second to make some attempt to turn that conflict into a dance.
Shadows are those areas of ourselves that we've not acknowledged, we're learning to deal with, or we're trying to discern. We discover ourselves feeling emotions we have not expected to feel or behaving in ways that make us feel uncomfortable (guilt, fear, worry, anger, jealousy). Whatever is boiling up from our own subconscious may spill over into the way we react or respond to all manner of relationships. Cancer is about protecting those we love, providing a safe, nurturing environment, and like the wolf, we will do what we must to protect those we love. Direct confrontation is best avoided, though when some allow their unhealed shadow to loose the reins on emotions, conflicts and anger may be the result.
Since the Full Moon in Cancer also opposes Lilith, the Black Moon, in Capricorn, it is imperative that we maintain awareness of where we are bordering on draining our lovers rather that mutually satisfying each other. There's a fine line between being loving and supportive and smothering and vampirish. Make sure your expectations of others and yourself are somewhere in the healthy and less dominating range...that is if you're looking for a lasting partnership and long-term friendships. This Full Moon in Cancer has the potential for very loving and fulfilling energy provided we do not allow our shadows to overwhelm or subconsciously control us. Ways to recognize when this is happening is to notice what you fall back on when you're feeling vulnerable or less confident. Addictions may trap us into repetitious patterns and behaviors that are not necessarily helpful in maintaining healthy relationships and family structures.
Full moons are good times to release and rid ourselves of outworn and unnecessary objects, patterns of behavior, and needs.
The turning of the solar new year is also a great time to clean up and clear out (before the full moon if possible), so that we enter the new year with the light shining on what we've accomplished, achieved, managed to rid ourselves of, and released from our experiences and relationships. With the light of the Full Moon in Cancer, we prepare to enter the new year with a lighter burden, clearer vision, and greater insight on what it takes to really create security, safety, nourishing, and fulfilling families and relationships of all kinds. Appreciation for and forgiveness of whatever needs to be atoned for are best expressed in the light of this full moon.
A good friend always signs her letters and posts with the words, "Be gentle." This Full Moon in Cancer also asks us to be gentle with one another, with ourselves, with the Earth and all her resources and life, and with our understanding of what we have come here to do. Go gently into life as a means of creating peace, love, and compassion in your heart and the hearts of all you touch.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Saturn's Sojourn through Capricorn, December
Confluence Catherine Al-Meten Meyers |
Saturn's Nature. Saturn, the Great Teacher, is a slow-moving outer planet in our Solar System. Saturn's approximate 2 1/2 year cycle in Saturn's 28-29 year orbit around the Sun. As Saturn transits a house/area of our life and makes aspects to other houses/areas of our lives, we achieve what we have been working for. It's a time when we are called to grow and mature. When we resist the growth and changes or when Saturn aspects other areas of our lives we meet with challenges that help us grow, adapt, and face the reality of our lives and potential.
The more we are able to face the truth of ourselves, situations, conditions, relationships, the more our Saturn transit through Capricorn will enable us to gain wisdom, insight, and understanding. And it will help each of us develop skills and an appreciation for our innate gifts and talents. Saturn in Capricorn also brings to ground the very real experience of the benefits of living with an awareness of the present. It also helps us appreciate the past without being tied solely to memories and past accomplishments. Saturn calls us to examine our expectations and recognize the possibilities and opportunities that best suit our lives and challenges.
The pace of life and growth may seem slower under any Saturn transit. Saturn's Sagittarius transit encouraged us to focus on our values, beliefs, and how both reflected in our lifestyles and relationships. Now as we enter the energy of Capricorn, we enter a time when conserving our energy and resources becomes more important. Saturn is dignified in Capricorn, making itself right at home. Comfortable with the energy of getting grounded in the energy of our own identities. We seek to conserve, create, restore, and rebuild the structures of our lives. We know what we value as we've examined that closely, so now we focus on making that happen. Any attempt to control others though, will be met with frustration, so plan on focusing most of your attention on what you can change about yourself and the way you relate to others and the world around you.
Perseverance is tested with Saturn's transit, as is patience and courage. It is vital to fight the fears that often come with a Saturn transit--fear of lack, loss, or power. You'll find it helpful to learn ways to counter and transform the fears as you face struggles, conflicts, or circumstances beyond your control. Whenever Saturn transits a sign/house/area of life, we learn the depth and capacity of our strength, perseverance, and ability to work hard for something we want. Working hard requires that we not overdue or exhaust our energy or resources. Learning the fine line between too much and not enough is one of the great lessons of Saturn.
A key concept in Saturn's journey through Capricorn is moderation. Using our gifts, talents, time, energy, and resources wisely requires that we live with awareness of our body, mind, spirit, emotion connections. Well-being is found not in overdoing to the point of exhaustion but in maintaining a sense of equilibrium. Capricorn is a pragmatic sign, so practical, useful, and meaningful projects and goals are much more likely to help you find satisfaction than overdoing or trying to do too much.
Saturn slows us down, and makes us learn to channel our energy into the immediate, the here-and-now, day-to-day practical habits, patterns, and ways of being. If you are used to 'traveling at the speed of light' this will test your patience and ability to heed to call to conserve energy. Trying to get others to go along with your plans or ways of doing things, may also be frustrating. Work on yourself, and let go of relationships or conditions that are not working. One of the main things that the Saturn transit of Sagittarius showed us where just where we are unhappy, dissatisfied, or blocked by existing relationships, kinds of work, projects, or living arrangements. With Capricorn, we are called to make ourselves at home where we are. If we are physically not where we want to be, this will be a time when we slowly move toward feeling more at home.
Today, December 21 (Winter Solstice in the North/Summer Solstice in the South), Both the Sun and Saturn are aligned in Capricorn. For the first time since the Seventeenth Century, this alignment occurs reminding us collectively of the need to conserve, protect our reserves, preserve what is precious and meaningful, and rid ourselves of unhealthy and toxic situations. Venus enters Capricorn as well on Christmas Day, December 25. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Venus conjoins Saturn helping to stabilize affections and emotions. The first major aspect of Venus to Saturn helps us recognize how we can recognize the reality of all our relationships. If there are problems that have been suppressed in relationships, they will most likely make their way to the surface so you get an idea of what's real and what's not. Our expectations meet our realities. This is the time when we come face to face with what needs working on and how we might need to change our expectations, habits, or lifestyles. We begin our journey of taking greater responsibility for growing into our full potential and the essence of our being.
Saturn, the Great Teacher, is ushering in a time when outmoded structures, failing systems/relationships, and ways of knowing/being fall apart. This process has already begun, even though attempts have been made to hold onto what once was the ideal or the hope. What is no longer relevant or healthy for maintaining life and healthy systems, now must be replaced. As worn out systems fall apart, the task of restructuring and rebuilding begins. This happens on all levels of our lives. Personally, we are delving deeper into areas that are unstable, toxic, or inflexible. Authoritarian types of governments and personalities in leadership, will meet with greater and massive challenges.
Only the most ethical and wise will be able to hold onto power as the masses of humanity, now educated with access to communication with one another demand that their systems reflect what is best for the majority, not just the few. Unethical, corrupt, and tyrannical leaderships will face their demise if they fail to take into account the power and strength and will of the people they are supposed to be serving. As we unite with our families and communities to help build, preserve, and conserve our lands, seas, resources, and freedoms, we grow in strength and find greater unity in common values and beliefs that rest on the conservation of freedom, liberty, and the free expression of our guaranteed rights.
What happens within becomes manifest without. What is defined in our basic rights, freedoms, and spiritual truths now become our banner in the face of a great struggle to protect our security and freedoms. This can be a very productive period, and one which we will discover how strong and resilient we are. The hard work will pay off in greater wisdom and a deeper appreciation for the gifts of life, liberty, and the pursuit of a world that is better for all of us.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Saturn, the Great Teacher's Last Days in Sagittarius.
Saturn, the Great Teacher, has been transiting the constellation of Sagittarius since 2014. On December 23, Saturn will enter Capricorn where it will stay until 2020. These last days before the shift find this powerful planet transiting the anaretic degree (29 degrees) where it makes its final lessons visible and felt. Look at where Saturn has been since 2014, what area of your life has been the focal point of those lessons? Saturn in Sagittarius is about taking the actions we need to to make the changes our transformation requires.
If Saturn was transiting your first house, Ascendant, what has been transforming is your appearance, your public persona, and the face you choose to show the world. How does the world see me? What do I want to project into the world? What is changing and how can I make the necessary adjustments to these changes?
Saturn in the second house has been working its transformative processes through the way you know yourself on a very deep, defining level. It's also affected how your personal finances have been reflecting your sense of self worth. A big lesson here is to learn to value yourself more highly than you might have in the past. What is your real worth? What do you really value?
Saturn's transit through the third house has to do with all forms of communication, local community, neighbors, siblings, and how we communicate. How am I developing and addressing the different ways I communicate, and working to express myself more fully or more authentically? What new ways of communicating have been born in my life during this time?
Saturn's transit through the fourth house has to do with how we define and understand what home is. This includes our family of origin and whatever we learned in early childhood home. It also has to do with how we've learned to understand what kind of home we need to nourish ourselves. This may have been a period of time when you've redefined what home is or had to learn how to make yourself at home where you are.
Saturn's transit through the 5th house has been about learning to develop your ability to enjoy life. It includes connections with children, birthing, creativity, and pleasure. Saturn in this realm may have weighed heavily on your ability to enjoy life much. During such times of great stress or loss, we have to recognize the simple pleasures in life and learn to appreciate how to allow ourselves to feel joy and have fun even when it seems an unlikely time.
Saturn's journey through the 6th house is about your physical body and environment (where you spend your daily lives) as well as your work. Our physical bodies are greatly affected by how we spend our time. When we are miserable in our work, our body suffers. The big lesson for Saturn's 6th house journey is to listen to your body and learn to make sure you are doing what gives you joy, meaning, purpose. Our daily life activities need to support our health and well being.
Saturn's transit through the 7th house of marriage and partnerships, surely put some strain on all types of close relationships. During this time, many unions broke up as others were formed. Businesses as well, were affected. Any alliance that required a close partnership agreement were tested. Failure to make necessary adjustments, caused greater stress than normal. The purpose-to pay attention to what is working and what is not. When you've done all you can do and nothing works, the lesson may be to move on and direct energy into a more life-sustaining alliance.
Saturn's journey through the 8th house focused lessons on handling of other people's resources, your reputation and worth in the larger community, the realm of the Collective Unconscious, the Unknown, life after death, and transitions of all deeply spiritual types. This could have been a period of learning about loss and grief, of discovering questions and new ways of knowing and being that transcend mundane explanations. It may have been a time when great transformations have occurred in your spiritual and/or religious life. What has created a deeper sense of who I am beyond the mortal realm, during this period? What have I learned about my greater worth? This may have also been a time when you've inherited something of great value.
Saturn's transit through the 9th house focuses on cultures, traditions, historical narratives that expand your outlook, perspective, and depth of experience. Ruler of higher education and deep thought, you may have been learning either in a structured setting or in travels, or both, more about the world than you had experienced before? This transit has opened your heart,mind, and eyes to ways of being besides the ones you were familiar with.
Saturn's journey through the 10th house has focused your attention, time, and energy on that which calls your heart to sing and your soul to evolve. The house of Life Purpose and Career has been a training ground as Saturn has been showing you what you needed to know and learn to attain what you seek on a deep soul level. Any loss suffered or hard work, will lead you to attaining your life purpose.
Saturn's transit through the 11th house has focused activities, time, attention, and discernment on friendships and relationships you've acquired within the context of institutions and group activities. Your idea of what or who a real friend is may have changed greatly. And your idea of how you seek and sustain friendships has been a training ground. You've tempered some relationships, honed others, and discovered what needed to be eliminated or changed in relationships.
Saturn's transit through the 12th house has been a heavy time of dealing with the shadow aspects of our lives. Saturn has awoken us to those mysteries, hidden truths, memories, or unexplored parts of ourselves that required attention. Whatever had been left unresolved in our lives, or had been ignored, came up to seek the light of day. Parts of our psyche appeared for the first time, and whatever we had tried to suppress came to the surface to be dealt with. How we did this depends on what lessons we learned.
Saturn's transit through Sagittarius was a powerful, active, dynamic blast of energy which affected everyone. And since we are all connected to one another, we were not only affected in one area of our lives, but in most areas as we interacted with others, adapted to new and upsetting circumstances or conditions. This period when Saturn approaches the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn is akin to the image some describe of 'their life flashing before their eyes'. Notice what is flashing in and around you. Ride the waves with a sense of surrender and compassion for yourself and others, and simply notice and reflect on what has been unleashed through this passage, what has been uncovered and revealed, and what you've learned about coping with stress, dealing with adversity, and adapting to changing circumstances. What have you learned about taking better care of yourself, for Saturn's transit through Capricorn will be all about grounding your ideas and thoughts into building new ways of knowing, being, and doing.
The Capricorn transit of Saturn will give us lessons about both your professional and public image and your reputation and life purpose. You'll also be developing new ideas about commitments. Your faith and belief system which have been greatly tested, will begin to change form and structure during the Capricorn transit. Saturn's transit through Sagittarius has raised more questions inside you than it has answers. During the Capricorn transit, you'll be looking for answers and will continue to question and test new ways of being and doing, especially, as a way to live your growing faith. There is likely to be a growing depth to your search and you'll find yourself on pathways outside what you would have considered normal.
During the transit of Saturn through Capricorn we will put the newfound sense of wholeness and purpose we feel into practice through the emergence of values including honor, respect, patience, reverence for ancient/universal truths, historical precedence/traditions (those that grow and maintain relevance through time, space, culture, and changes). Previous times that Saturn has been transiting Capricorn include the era of the Great Depression and the Fifties during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Rather than be alarmed, remember what each period birthed in our collective consciousness and responses. During the Depression, we weathered the storms, did what we needed to preserve and prevail, and came out stronger and with greater strength and tenacity than before. During the late-50s-early 60s the ideal what threatened, fears rose, but cooler heads prevailed and a new era of peaceful coexistence began. We are in in a dynamic, dangerous, and challenging time in many ways; we do have the capacity, tenacity, patience, and stick-to-itiveness that we need though, to work hard to lay the foundation for healing, constructive changes, and restructuring.
Capricorn is a conservative time, and that can be good when we look at the growing edge of being conservative. To conserve, to save, to preserve, that which is good, true, and right, not that which destroys, blocks, or infects. So we need to be focused on preserving what is good, conserving our strength, time, and energy to do what we know is right, and to find balance within our close personal relationships and homes so we can fortify ourselves for the effort we put into maintaining values that reflect our inner strength, that recognize the worth and equality of all people, and that respect and honor the processes that help heal, bind, and unify us as a family of humanity. I'll be writing more about Capricorn and Saturn. For now, keep on breathing, keep on letting go of having to control or know, and release yourself to the goodness of the Universe and Divine One. Surrender to the law of Love. Love overcomes and is stronger than fear or its antecedents. Love is the source of all Light, and we need to keep our lights shining now.
If Saturn was transiting your first house, Ascendant, what has been transforming is your appearance, your public persona, and the face you choose to show the world. How does the world see me? What do I want to project into the world? What is changing and how can I make the necessary adjustments to these changes?
Saturn in the second house has been working its transformative processes through the way you know yourself on a very deep, defining level. It's also affected how your personal finances have been reflecting your sense of self worth. A big lesson here is to learn to value yourself more highly than you might have in the past. What is your real worth? What do you really value?
Saturn's transit through the third house has to do with all forms of communication, local community, neighbors, siblings, and how we communicate. How am I developing and addressing the different ways I communicate, and working to express myself more fully or more authentically? What new ways of communicating have been born in my life during this time?
Saturn's transit through the fourth house has to do with how we define and understand what home is. This includes our family of origin and whatever we learned in early childhood home. It also has to do with how we've learned to understand what kind of home we need to nourish ourselves. This may have been a period of time when you've redefined what home is or had to learn how to make yourself at home where you are.
Saturn's transit through the 5th house has been about learning to develop your ability to enjoy life. It includes connections with children, birthing, creativity, and pleasure. Saturn in this realm may have weighed heavily on your ability to enjoy life much. During such times of great stress or loss, we have to recognize the simple pleasures in life and learn to appreciate how to allow ourselves to feel joy and have fun even when it seems an unlikely time.
Saturn's journey through the 6th house is about your physical body and environment (where you spend your daily lives) as well as your work. Our physical bodies are greatly affected by how we spend our time. When we are miserable in our work, our body suffers. The big lesson for Saturn's 6th house journey is to listen to your body and learn to make sure you are doing what gives you joy, meaning, purpose. Our daily life activities need to support our health and well being.
Saturn's transit through the 7th house of marriage and partnerships, surely put some strain on all types of close relationships. During this time, many unions broke up as others were formed. Businesses as well, were affected. Any alliance that required a close partnership agreement were tested. Failure to make necessary adjustments, caused greater stress than normal. The purpose-to pay attention to what is working and what is not. When you've done all you can do and nothing works, the lesson may be to move on and direct energy into a more life-sustaining alliance.
Saturn's journey through the 8th house focused lessons on handling of other people's resources, your reputation and worth in the larger community, the realm of the Collective Unconscious, the Unknown, life after death, and transitions of all deeply spiritual types. This could have been a period of learning about loss and grief, of discovering questions and new ways of knowing and being that transcend mundane explanations. It may have been a time when great transformations have occurred in your spiritual and/or religious life. What has created a deeper sense of who I am beyond the mortal realm, during this period? What have I learned about my greater worth? This may have also been a time when you've inherited something of great value.
Saturn's transit through the 9th house focuses on cultures, traditions, historical narratives that expand your outlook, perspective, and depth of experience. Ruler of higher education and deep thought, you may have been learning either in a structured setting or in travels, or both, more about the world than you had experienced before? This transit has opened your heart,mind, and eyes to ways of being besides the ones you were familiar with.
Saturn's journey through the 10th house has focused your attention, time, and energy on that which calls your heart to sing and your soul to evolve. The house of Life Purpose and Career has been a training ground as Saturn has been showing you what you needed to know and learn to attain what you seek on a deep soul level. Any loss suffered or hard work, will lead you to attaining your life purpose.
Saturn's transit through the 11th house has focused activities, time, attention, and discernment on friendships and relationships you've acquired within the context of institutions and group activities. Your idea of what or who a real friend is may have changed greatly. And your idea of how you seek and sustain friendships has been a training ground. You've tempered some relationships, honed others, and discovered what needed to be eliminated or changed in relationships.
Saturn's transit through the 12th house has been a heavy time of dealing with the shadow aspects of our lives. Saturn has awoken us to those mysteries, hidden truths, memories, or unexplored parts of ourselves that required attention. Whatever had been left unresolved in our lives, or had been ignored, came up to seek the light of day. Parts of our psyche appeared for the first time, and whatever we had tried to suppress came to the surface to be dealt with. How we did this depends on what lessons we learned.
Saturn's transit through Sagittarius was a powerful, active, dynamic blast of energy which affected everyone. And since we are all connected to one another, we were not only affected in one area of our lives, but in most areas as we interacted with others, adapted to new and upsetting circumstances or conditions. This period when Saturn approaches the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn is akin to the image some describe of 'their life flashing before their eyes'. Notice what is flashing in and around you. Ride the waves with a sense of surrender and compassion for yourself and others, and simply notice and reflect on what has been unleashed through this passage, what has been uncovered and revealed, and what you've learned about coping with stress, dealing with adversity, and adapting to changing circumstances. What have you learned about taking better care of yourself, for Saturn's transit through Capricorn will be all about grounding your ideas and thoughts into building new ways of knowing, being, and doing.
The Capricorn transit of Saturn will give us lessons about both your professional and public image and your reputation and life purpose. You'll also be developing new ideas about commitments. Your faith and belief system which have been greatly tested, will begin to change form and structure during the Capricorn transit. Saturn's transit through Sagittarius has raised more questions inside you than it has answers. During the Capricorn transit, you'll be looking for answers and will continue to question and test new ways of being and doing, especially, as a way to live your growing faith. There is likely to be a growing depth to your search and you'll find yourself on pathways outside what you would have considered normal.
During the transit of Saturn through Capricorn we will put the newfound sense of wholeness and purpose we feel into practice through the emergence of values including honor, respect, patience, reverence for ancient/universal truths, historical precedence/traditions (those that grow and maintain relevance through time, space, culture, and changes). Previous times that Saturn has been transiting Capricorn include the era of the Great Depression and the Fifties during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Rather than be alarmed, remember what each period birthed in our collective consciousness and responses. During the Depression, we weathered the storms, did what we needed to preserve and prevail, and came out stronger and with greater strength and tenacity than before. During the late-50s-early 60s the ideal what threatened, fears rose, but cooler heads prevailed and a new era of peaceful coexistence began. We are in in a dynamic, dangerous, and challenging time in many ways; we do have the capacity, tenacity, patience, and stick-to-itiveness that we need though, to work hard to lay the foundation for healing, constructive changes, and restructuring.
Capricorn is a conservative time, and that can be good when we look at the growing edge of being conservative. To conserve, to save, to preserve, that which is good, true, and right, not that which destroys, blocks, or infects. So we need to be focused on preserving what is good, conserving our strength, time, and energy to do what we know is right, and to find balance within our close personal relationships and homes so we can fortify ourselves for the effort we put into maintaining values that reflect our inner strength, that recognize the worth and equality of all people, and that respect and honor the processes that help heal, bind, and unify us as a family of humanity. I'll be writing more about Capricorn and Saturn. For now, keep on breathing, keep on letting go of having to control or know, and release yourself to the goodness of the Universe and Divine One. Surrender to the law of Love. Love overcomes and is stronger than fear or its antecedents. Love is the source of all Light, and we need to keep our lights shining now.
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Super Full Moon in Gemini
Path of Light Catherine Al-Meten Meyers |
Other aspects that are having a powerful effect on the interplay between our thinking and feeling processes includes retrograde Mercury at the anaretic degree (29) of Sagittarius in conjunction with Venus in Sagittarius at 28 degrees. A critical degree that brings to a head something we've been finalizing, trying to release, or comprehend in not only how we understand love and is expressions, but also how we express that love. We are more concerned now with what is fair and what is not in our relationships or with the areas where we wish to be more creative, informed, or becomes more idealistic in our thinking. We may be more optimistic right now, and that is good for it lifts us out of despair, depression, or whatever 'lower' mind spaces we may have become trapped. It is a time when we notice in spades, just what the vital forces are that are pulling at our heartstrings, shaping our thoughts, and in some cases, trapping us emotionally in situations, conditions, and relationships (including inner struggles and lessons) that we need to find a way out of.
Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius in addition to the Sun and Saturn, the Great Teacher, create a misty veil that clouds sound judgment in favor of idealistic and sometimes delusional impressions. Since Sagittarius in in opposition to the Moon in Gemini (lower mind), our emotions may be the primary, moving force that trigger much of the confusion, distortion, or emotional tension under the influence of this Full Moon period. Remember that the Full Moon in Gemini's influence reveals itself over the next two weeks as well. Notice at this time what may be behind the emotional veil for you. What lurks in the shadows or is just out of sight when we feel those twinges of frustration, anger, jealousy, or inflated ego pride? When we are triggered, as sometimes happens under the Full Moon's spell, we look for ways to place blame or responsibility on others or on circumstances when it might behoove us to take a deep breath, step back from a situation for a moment, and reflect about what within our own life or inner being is trying to reveal itself through that negative expression.
Our shadow aspects are scary because, like nightmares, we seldom understand the stark or dark symbols, images, or emotions that rise up in their revelation. We want things to be 'alright' or 'perfect' according to some ideal version we have of ourselves or some expectation that we have become fixated on. Better now to notice what might not be going so well, so we can make way for something better. Remember, Divine timing is not our timing, and along with that, Divine will is not necessarily what we deem is good for us. Better we step out of our own way now, so that right and perfect expression can manifest in our experience. Be gentle and kind with yourself right now. Play with the darkness as if it were a wounded part of yourself that needs a lot of TLC--for that is the case.
The Sun and the Moon are both square Neptune in Pisces right now as well, further clouding and confusing many of our perceptions. Again, we have this interplay between what we want to be and what is. The wannabes are often not remotely near what is. Today, under the influences of this Full Moon, those cloudy, murky, conflicting areas may become much clearer. Ironic that we get clarity in the depths of much confusion. Venus' transit of Sagittarius though, awakens in us a strong sense of adventure, so it would be a great time to notice where you would escape, if you could go anywhere you wanted and do anything you wanted, without reserve. What would be the ideal for you, if you had your 'druthers'? Oftentimes in the middle of great conflict and confusion, if we take the time to be brutally honest with ourselves, we can ask the questions and get the answers that hold the key to what pathways are open to you now and into the future.
Venus in Sagittarius is forming a semi-square to Pluto in Capricorn at this time as well. That brings to the surface petty or not so petty jealousies, envy, and maybe even a bit of covetous greed. In other words, the ego nasties. Those elements of our beings that so needs change that we project our own insecurities on others in order to bolster our own ego. Egos are weakest when we try too hard or don't appreciate our own gifts, talents, and blessings. When we long to be or to have what someone else seems to, we need to remember to count the blessings we do have. A simple exercise for a time when we feel nothing is going right or we never 'get what we want', is to make a list of all our accomplishments. What have we finished this past year? What goals have we achieved in the last year, 5 years, decade, or more?
Get some perspective now, and 'count those blessings'. It's hard to move forward on our journey when we have no appreciation for what it took for us to get where we are now. Sagittarius' higher mind stuff is ripe for doing just that. Accessing our wealth, our growth, our accomplishments. Accessing the value of the lessons we've learned and the growing edges that we now need to see as challenges rather than road blocks. Even in misty times, we have the capacity to delve deeper into ourselves to summon up our strength to face our own shadow calls. The Gemini Full Moon's emphasis on emotional concern for the immediate surrounding, community is kind of brought to its knees as Mercury turns retrograde tonight, calling us back into a state of grace in inaction. After a period of speeded up, Sagittarian and Uranian (Uranus in Aries) type energy building up to a boiling point, Mercury emphasizes finding completion now in a review and period of reflection needed after so much stimulus and the impact of fire ruled planetary and solar movement.
Mars is also completing its cycle in Sagittarius this week. By week's end, it will enter the realm of Scorpio, but in the meantime, expect some fireworks and final balls dropping in rather explosive and disruptive ways. Mars finishing up its stay in Sagittarius will lead to an energetic and fiery first full week of December. Today is the beginning of Advent in the Christian tradition, and provides a perfect way to help channel and focus our collective minds, higher and lower, on more compassionate, loving, kind, and practical ways to honor and respect one another. We can come together in a collective circle of love to protect ourselves and others from that which threatens and causes us to fear. "Perfect love casts out fear", and at no time has that been more important than now. The more often we can move into that frame of mind and heart, the better.
I just officiated at a funeral/memorial with a family and community that had been shattered by the loss of a young man/boy. When we came together and began expressing our love for the child who'd died, a circle of love, compassion, and healing was formed that helps in the process of coping with the unimaginable. We need to do this daily in our lives. Going it alone and living out of fear is not a healthy response nor is it an effective way of coping. On some level we all need to acknowledge those in our lives who are part of family, community, nation, tribe, family of humanity so that we can discover that which binds us to one another rather than that which divides and separates us.
Right about when the moon light woke me out of a deep sleep (3 AM), the Sun was squaring Neptune. Making that hard aspect to Neptune, the Sun in Sagittarius sparks some part of us to take action. That action for me right now, is pretty evident as I up in the middle of the night writing. It's also likely to spark dreams, intuitive insight, inner conflicts, and trigger charged behaviors as we seek to creatively manifest something of our darkness into the light. Throughout the day of this Full Moon in Gemini, the Moon will make further aspects to Gemini. What is planted in our subconscious, dreams, or intuitive insight earlier in the day will be reflected in our emotional responses later. Notice how you're feeling about being pushed or feeling motivated, and find ways to counter frustration by taking some type of practical action. Often we find answers and/or release energy when we distract ourselves through concrete actions. For example, if we tear apart a bouquet of flowers and toss the flowers into a flowing river, we symbolically are releasing one structured form of beauty for a more flowing expression. Beauty torn apart, takes on new form.
Life, being dynamic as it is, is always falling apart or being destroyed on one level, and transformed and recreated on another level. We can come to learn to appreciate this, when we learn that facing our fears, pain, challenges, failures, or questions, is always a step toward a radical kind inner, spiritual freedom. Be not afraid to be who you really are, and let yourself soar on the wings, ride the current so the winds, and sail the stormy seas, as you hold your heart open and your mind free to appreciate the beauty within and around you. The beauty of your strength even in moments of failure. The beauty of your mind, even when confused. The beauty of your own sweet messy life, for you and I and all humans share that same truth. We are not here to be perfect. We are hear to live, learn, love the best we can, and celebrate the one precious life we have right now to live.
One of my favorite astrologers calls this Full Moon in Gemini the moon of the mystic duel. And I believe she has that just right. The duel we fight within ourselves, between our own higher mind and emotions and our lower/practical/pragmatic mind and emotional turmoil. The Full Moon, the Sun, and Neptune form this cosmic t-square right in the middle of the constellation of Orion, the Hunter, focusing our attention on the need to balance our energy in our collective struggle to fight for our highest ideals. We are giving birth to our karmic destiny, and it matters how we burn off old karmic ties and lessons, as we evolve into being individually and collectively now. This period during this full moon cycle, is a time that affects how we move forward through a period of time that is challenging, confusing, and life-altering.
Perhaps the greatest challenge of this period of time is illustrated by ow we handle the challenges we face right now. How are the polarities of Gemini and Sagittarius being triggered by both Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Aries areas of our own lives? Look to those parts of you life/chart to check in on what is most being triggered in your own life. For example if you have a Sagittarius Ascendant, you now have a stellia of powerful Sagittarius planets in your first house and perhaps also in your 12th. Whatever is left over or brought forward from the past is now playing out in how you are presenting yourself and how you are viewed in the world. Public image and reputation are affected, and the opposite, 7th house is where Gemini probably is so relationships are where the vulnerable, touchy spot is. Typical conflict between my public life and my private life, for example. Then if you look to see where Pisces is, in this case it would be 4th or 5th house (depends on individual charts) either/both the home/upbringing/how we define home (4th house) and how we create, seek pleasure, interact with children (5th house)
would be connected. Look to your own chart to see where this cosmic t-square is energizing and shaking things up. If you know nothing about charts, you can probably figure this out if you reflect on what is going on in different areas of your life.
In any case, the Energizer Bunny Full Moon in Gemini is likely to hype things up for everyone today and for the next few days. Gemini's energy is primarily mental stimulation, so we're motivated to DO and GO. We want to be careful not to spread ourselves too thin, and to take time to channel some of that rather erratic energy into practical, creative, and calming ways. Avoid rushing, going without rest (I'll take a nap later), and burning yourself out. As I read this I have to laugh. I have a progressed Sun in Gemini and I feel like someone spiked my tea with adrenaline, so I really do speak about this as a consequence of this speeded up energy. You'll probably find that your life will be a little frenetic and super charged so use your energy wisely.
I'm figuring it's going to be a great day to clean up, take along walk, and maybe clear out the cobwebs as we prepare for the holy days we're entering. Each day is a holy, sacred day, when we honor the precious gifts of life that we each have. My favorite scripture comes from the ancients who said, that what is laid before us is the choice between life and death, and the command to Choose Life. In all ways, we have this choice, and maybe now as an act of compassion, we can ask before we speak or act or choose, is my action, are my words, it this choice going to give life? If it's not, make another choice. During this Full Moon in Gemini, what are the questions that are asking that you choose? And which choices that you have seem more life affirming? Whatever you do, Choose Life, and be glad. Be very glad you have this life, this day, this time to bring forth something of value, something of service, something of love, and something of compassion for yourself and for others.
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