Thursday, November 2, 2017

Full Moon in Taurus Bringing Forth What is Within

Full Moon in Taurus

In the Western United States at 10:23 P.M. on Friday, November 3 (1:23 A.M. EST), November 4, the Moon reaches her fullness in Taurus. The earthy, lusty Full Moon activates the Earth-Water Axis with the Sun in Scorpio. Taurus’ ruler, Venus at 25/55 Libra opposes the Moon in Aries before she peaks to her fullness. The Sun at 11/59 degree of Scorpio/Moon at 11/59 Taurus also aspect Jupiter at 5/22 Scorpio. Mars at 7/52 Libra and the North Node at 19/57 degrees of Libra are also in the path of the rising Full Moon, making Thursday, Friday, and Saturday has us dealing with highly emotional and potent energy. This has been quite a week as the aspects have been upsetting, challenging, and no doubt stirring up whatever has been held within. 

The Full Moon in Taurus is closest to the fixed star Menkan in the constellation of the Whale/Cetius. The Moon’s trine to Neptune in Pisces is the archetypal expression of the Collective Unconscious and the oceanic and emotional passions that that awakens. Nothing is happening now that does not connect us in some way to the collective wounds, healing, and birthing that must be addressed. With both positive and negative potential, it is vital that we work towards what is good, ethical, positive, creative, and healing. This Full Moon is fertile ground for using our emotional connections for good. It can also cause mental anxiety and stress. Avoid doing anything that aggravates stress-related conditions, or causes you to lose your sense of equilibrium and balance. What is held within the watery depths of the Scorpio-ruled areas of our lives, will appear on the surface and will call for your attention and care.

This aspect of the Moon in Taurus is considered the Rescuer, Healer, Savior.  Beware of those who try to pass themselves off as ‘the answer’. The answer to whatever you are searching for is within you. As Christ Jesus said according to the Apostle Thomas, “What you bring forth within you, will save you.” We each have the answers to what we are here to accomplish and bring to life. Trust that you are guided rightly, and use your powers of discernment to connect to that truth and energy now. This is not the time to raise up golden idols and expect our healing to come from someone who is a figment of our imagination. Or someone who promises you what they cannot deliver. Again, we have the answers within.
Time to listen and be grateful for our gifts.

The Moon in Taurus is also forming  square to Ceres creating a need for us to feel the need to rescue or be rescued. The need to save others or the sense that we need to be saved by someone else, can be more destructive than safe and healing. Take time to find physically and concrete ways  to direct your energy, questions, and ground yourself in the goodness of what you know to be true and right. 

The Earth-Water axis, of Taurus-Scorpio raises up the issues that require balancing between our earthly, material, and physical existence and our spiritual, soul-binding passions and callings. Now is the time to reflect on how our spiritual lives are manifesting in our physical world and daily activities. How we are in the flow of giving and receiving. How we are able to offer our services and appreciate what is given to us by others. It is a time when we must be both present and mindful as we remain aware of the big picture and our own perspective of life as a whole. We are called in the most pragmatic ways to live out our spiritual expression of self and life. 

Time to look at yourself and your life as if it were a dream. Examine the trending and repetitive symbols, archetypes, patterns, situations, and conditions that appear and reappear to call your attention to what you need to learn, know, and do. Time to read and interpret what is needed and wanted now and what is calling you to life? What i demanding your attention, and what is stirring and giving birth now. To help this along, Venus’s is in the same aspect as the New Moon two weeks ago. This requires that we be patient, open-minded, and flexible. Notice where expectations are out of alignment with what you are receiving from the Universe. Trend down to a more peaceful, accepting place so that you don’t block what ways are opening.

Notice where fear, frustration, or anger rise up to distract or tie you up in knots. Because of the very emotional nature of this Full Moon we are being tempered in how we use our emotions and instincts. Our intuition, hunches, and imagination are at a peak point now,and we are receiving great support and assistance in gaining clarity  especially about our relationships and the dynamics that we are engaged in.

Time for emotional adjustments and new goals. Use your imagination,intuition which are highly stimulated right now. There are many opportunities for wealth, honor, success, and abundance  To best be open to these gifts, Saturn trines Uranus requiring a great deal of patience. What we receive now is going to be coming to fruition (or at least the beginning steps) over the next two weeks.   Venus in Libra forms an opposition to the moon just before it comes to fullness. This signals a change in all manners related to love and romance, as well as passions that call us to action.  Abundance is plentiful, but requires that we be very clear about our intentions. Remember what we speak/think/or pray becomes our reality. Be clear about intentions. Be practical, methodical as you use the energy of the Bull/Taurus as like the proverbial bull in a china shop, this power unleashed haphazardly can destroy.

Mercury in Sagittarius is due to change signs on Sunday, so right now it is in its last degree, its anoretic degree. We are releasing what needs to go at this Full Moon time. So either we let go willingly or it is released for us. What defies us is dying and is in its death throes. Honor what is sacred in your life and belief system. Use your spiritual practices and ideals  to guide you, and be methodical, pragmatic, and concrete in laying out the steps you need to take to move ahead.

Something I read earlier this week, seem appropriate for this Full Moon. It refers to women, but I believe it is vital for everyone, regardless of gender. “A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretends and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.”—Maya Angelou

And that’s why we are all here. To be ourselves, our best selves, and to create beauty and share love with kindness and compassion. And that is the nature of the Full Moon in Taurus. Give without concern for receiving. Love without fear. Share what you have, and find beauty in what is around you. Find the simple truth of life, within.

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