Renewal Catherine Al-Meten Meyers |
The New Moon in Scorpio on Saturday, November 18, 2017 forms healing trine with Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Jupiter, Venus, the Moon, and Sun all form a powerful grouping in Scorpio. They trine Neptune and Chiron in Pisces. The Sun and Moon at 26 degrees of Scorpio also form a powerful opposition with Uranus in Aries at 25 degrees. This has been affecting us all for the last couple of days, and has brought about a lot of chaotic, unexpected, and sudden changes or revelations. Uranus also indicates a desire to start over, head out on a new path, or delve into some new venture in a new way. Combined with the New Moon in Scorpio, the constellation that rules our hidden or unspoken desires, this is a very important time for setting intentions, and being conscious of what we set into motion with our thoughts, words, actions, and prayers.
Venus in Scorpio from November 7 until December 1 also awakens our desires and passions as well as our need for meaningful and sustainable relationships. Along with our deep-seated desires are our equally deep-seated fears about being too vulnerable or consumed by our needs. Because Scorpio rules the unconscious and subconscious realms, much of what we feel at this time may be wrapped up in unhealed and hidden wounds. What we fear and feel now is based to a large extent on what we have not faced about our past or have not come to terms with. Relationships reflect what is growing within us. That's why we need to connect to others.
Venus rules all types of relationships, though it also focuses our attention on the most intimate ones. We learn about our capacity to love through our experiences of love. When wounds go unexamined and unhealed, they appear over and over in the patterns of how we enter into and conduct ourselves in all types of relationships. The deeper the relationship, the more we can grow and experience love. When we are in healthy, mutual, and affirming relationships, it helps us maintain a strong sense of self and a healthy sense of our own well being. Our capacity to appreciate ourselves and to define ourselves for ourselves, enables us to enter into any relationship with a stronger sense of who we are and what we desire. Examining the truth of who we are at this time, is key to healthy relationships.
Venus forms a semi-square to Saturn, the Great Teacher, late in the week, causing us to feel a bit isolated or disconnected. Again, the learning process on the wheel of life/love is nudging us to pay attention to what expectations, lack, needs, fears, or desires may be creating blocks between what we desire and what our experience is. At the same time, Venus forms a trine to Jupiter making us feel like we are somehow magically connected to the right and perfect love for us. Notice what you are attracted to, and what it is you are seeking and connecting with at this time.
As I write on Friday, November 17, the Moon trines Neptune (3:00 a.m.) and later conjuncts Venus. Dreams and/or subconscious nigglings may trigger more optimistic and mystical senses. The watery confluence in areas ruled by Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer (those areas/houses in your life/chart) are most affected. Pay attention to your intuitive hits, dreams, and visions. Note any hunches, synchronicities, or deep-seated feelings/memories rising to the surface.
The Sun in Scorpio quincunxes Uranus (in case anyone wondered what all the madness is about), causing us to feel shocked, surprised, and off center about things well beyond our control. What choice we do have is how we cope with the unexpected and disorienting communications. Focusing our time and attention on doing what is constructive, grounding ourselves in the practical business of daily living, helps considerably in channeling the heightened energy of what may feel like ground-shaking and disconcerting events and experiences.
The trine between the New Moon, the Sun, and Chiron the Wounded Healer, falls in the Moon's detriment. This means that it is not in its most auspicious position. Falling into winter in the North, the Moon aligns with the fixed star Aegna which is located in the constellation of the Centaur. Aegna is located in the thigh of the warrior, and it represents the wound we each have that must be allowed to heal so that it does not fester and infect us and our lives. It is however, necessary to expose the wound so that it can heal. Often this is related to long ago traumas that we've not yet dealt with...the ones that we keep tearing off the scab before it is properly healed. Notice what area of your life/being needs some Tender Loving Care, and be sure to treat yourself kindly and gently at this time. Radical self care, a word that popped into our vernacular a year on a regular basis, is what we need to renew our commitment to at this New Moon in Scorpio.
Aegna, the brightest star in the Centaur and the 10th brightest in the sky, represents "friendship, health, honor, morality, refinement, and reputation". It's also considered a star of prophecy, appearing at time when the veils are thin and our mystic channels are open to receiving visions, insight, and prescient messages. Be open to receiving your good news. It is also a time when we can be more conscious and aware of what is going on in our own bodies, so notice what changes, signals, and signs your body is delivering to you at this time.
Of course there are different ways to use this energy, and so avoiding anything that threatens your health, sanity, well being, or highest good should be avoided at this time. Getting lost or escaping into addictions of any kind (substances, too much work, too much escapism ie., t.v., busy-ness) is detrimental. While you may not be the one engaging in unsound practices and behaviors, you will most likely be more aware of the areas of life where this is undermining the health and well being of the collective whole. This powerful time is a good time to put our faith and prayers into action. As we all note, prayers without action are heartless acts. When we pray for others, we must be willing to examine our own hearts and lives, and be willing to change what we can. We can also direct our prayers into areas that are life-affirming and uplifting, and pray for atonement of all for the good of all.
Using this lovely New Moon in Scorpio in our own spiritual practices is vital to helping create the flow of goodness, well being, love, and compassion. Let your heart sing, let your lips reveal your loving nature, and let your lives renew a promise to giving and receiving love.