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Blackberry Blossoms Catherine Al-Meten Meyers |
With both the Sun and Mars in the 2nd decan of Leo, there can be some strong conflicts between groups of people who clash over worldview, code of honor and ethics, and differences of opinion about any manner of beliefs, practices, or perspectives. Best not to go on the offensive, and to stay out of any arena that could lead to hostilities of a xenophobic or tribal-loyalties nature. Leo in aspect from the 2nd decan can be rather one-sided, egocentric, and closed off to the idea that anyone can see the world in quite as correct a way as him/herself.
The Full Moon in Aquarius full lunar eclipse emphasize the need to find safe ways to release tension, express views and opinions, and engage in discussions. Aquarius emphasizes the use of innovation or non-traditional ways of meeting needs and coping with issues. We are called upon or feel impelled to be more courageous than we normally might feel. This requires doing so in ways that do not open us to the wrath of those unable to control or understand the lethal power of their sting or the toxic effect of their poisonous tongue. Being brave under fire is easier if we know how to pick a safe position to operate from in the first place.
This New Moon emphasizes areas related to home, partnerships and marriage, and our emotional well being and expression. Jupiter the planet of benevolence and abundance is square Pluto, the Great Transformer in Capricorn. Aquarius is the Constellation of Copernicus, named after the revolutionary scientist. The Constellation Copernicus, also called the Sea Goat, transforms the waters of our life, and changes the course of our voyage.In our collective voyage, Copernicus and this Full Moon, shine a light on areas of great change and major disruptions in both the political and climactic atmosphere. Storms at sea, disruptions in political affairs, and revolutionary and transformative movement and transition are indicated.
The influence of Copernicus will increase in intensity as we move closer to the eclipse. What you may note or spend time contemplating at this Full Moon in Aquarius is how your desires, hopes, and dreams are coming into focus and finding support. It is essential that we use our power, authority, achievements, and influence with great care so as not to become too ruthless or arrogant in our quest to achieve. Allow your work to unfold and stay out of your own way. Let the worth of your gifts speak for themselves, and allow the gifts to flow freely in both directions.
In the week the Moon is waxing to fullness, Venus entered Cancer where we seek a greater sense of security in our relationships, and where we spend more time creating a comfortable and safe home.
Neptune in Pisces opposite Mercury in Virgo may tend to muddy up the waters in areas of communication and spiritual growth. The unhealed side of Neptune in Pisces is delusion, escapism, and/or deception. All these negative expressions of Neptune in Pisces point us toward areas where we’re still trapped beneath understanding of the shadow parts of our lives and consciousness. Notice where you may be running into the same issues over and over, and notice during this Full Moon period whether or not you’re able to understand a different and new approach to an old problem.
The energy of this opposition can work one of two ways. It can highlight and intensify the inner conflicts we have, or it can lead us toward a more balanced and harmonious way of reconciling body, mind, spirit, and our own spiritual journey. Of course the big news in August is the upcoming Solar Eclipse on August 21, just as the Sun enters Virgo. (I will be writing about the eclipse in the weeks leading up to it.) The dance between the polar ends or each area of our lives is a major part of our life journeys. This Full Moon in Aquarius shines it golden light on what we have achieve so far. And it gives us a glimpse into what needs to be adjusted, accepted, or exchanged in order to move forward. Dancing in the light of the Full Moon in Aquarius, may help us cleanse, find release, and focus our intentions in alignment with what is wise, healthy, and mutually beneficial for all.
Uranus in Aries just began its retrograde phase in Aries. An interesting influence around the Full Moon time is the trine between Saturn in Sagittarius, Retrograde Uranus in Aries, and the North Node in Leo. The indication is that something or someone from the past can play an important role in changes you are considering making or have made. Notice whether or not any of your own natal or progressed planets are making aspects to any of the three, especially the North Node, Gateway to the Future. Sudden reminders, reappearances, or memories from the past can have a surprising influence on choices you are about to make.
There is a line from an Islamic prayer, a way of describing God’s gifts, to be "beneficent and merciful". This Full Moon in Aquarius calls all to be generous, seeking to share with all what is mutually sustaining, and to be merciful towards others so we do not use our power and authority at the expense of the lives, well being, and welfare of others. Seek during this Full Moon cycle to seek Divine mercy for others and for yourself. Be receptive to the gifts and abundance that comes with sharing, forgiving, and walking away from conflicts, disagreements, and walls that divide you from others.
Aquarius always seems set to see the bigger picture, the one that sees beyond the current storms to possibilities and outcomes beyond present expectations. Weather whatever storms may arise now, and know that how you handle yourself on the journey is as important if not more so than what is waiting when you arrive at your destination. How you travel defines you. Open yourself to the goodness of all so that you have a chance of seeing it when it’s before you, and when it rises up within you.
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