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Winter Roses Catherine Al-Meten Meyers |
As we are here on this Earth in physical form with a spiritual center and mission, we are in some ways limited by what we can do. We have a limited number of hours in a day, days in a year, and years in any given lifetime. That being said, we have an unlimited capacity to dream, envision, imagine, create, and contemplate how to use that time and energy. The rising Full Moon in Leo comes to fullness on Friday, February 10 (11:19 EST/8:19 PST).
Full Moons are times when whatever has been hidden or whatever has been growing and building up, comes to the surface or comes to fulfillment. This particular Full Moon focuses on the areas in our lives ruled by Leo (personal expression and fulfillment) and by Aquarius (impersonal expression, team work, what’s best for the whole). Look to the houses/areas in your life where Leo and Aquarius are to gain a better idea of what is being brought into the light now.
The Full Moon in 22 degrees of Leo is in the third decan. The Sun in Aquarius, the Moon in Leo, Jupiter in Libra, and Uranus in Aries form the Mystical Rectangle, a powerful alignment that indicates another powerful, transformative release of energy. The Lunar Eclipse in Leo on this Full Moon occurs on the Fixed Star Pherkad, the star in the constellation of Little Bear, or Ursa Minor (Little Dipper). With Uranus in Aries sextile Jupiter in Libra at the same time, there is a hopeful note to this eclipse, that note indicating our need to help others. In light of the indication that some pretty powerful choices will need to be made (life and death, formidable threats of war and conflict) we need to look to our personal lives to see where this same energy is boiling up.
As the Lunar Eclipse approaches, watch for the Leo area of your life as well as the Leo-ruled people around you to notice more than the usual amounts of meltdowns around this time. Channel energy of built up frustration, or find safe haven and creative releases for energies that need releasing. Expressing yourself in some manner (writing, dance, art, sports, constructive physical activity) is a good time at this time. The Lunar Eclipse occurs in the third decan (taking on some of the next sign, Libra and some of the energy of Sagittarius). Notice how Libra’s need to find the middle ground joins with Sagittarius’ need to act to discover ways to acknowledge and channel the emotional energy that is sure to be boiling up at this time.
This Full Moon in Leo is one that brings to light a crisis of lack. Lack of time or lack of fulfillment may become more apparent at this time. And since this is an influence that is more focused on the personal aspect of our lives, we need to look at how our personal relationships are lacking or in need of some adjustments. There may be a severing of relationships. Look to other areas of your life to notice how whatever lack you are experiencing is affecting other areas of your life. For example, sometimes when we lack personal fulfillment, we over do in other areas as a form of compensation. That’s fine as long as we don’t do that all the time. This is a time to seek a way to determine how you might live a more balanced life.
The Full Moon in Leo may also be a time when we have a major crisis of consciousness. We may have some major epiphanies as we explore our emotional needs. How do the imbalances, lacks, and needs in our lives play off each other? Expect some emotional drama, conflict, and within that, greater awareness. We may have period of time when whatever we discover, experience, or wake up to has an immediate impact on us. A time when we know on a very deep, emotional level that a shift and change has come.
This Full Moon in Leo and Lunar eclipse is definitely a time when we are pushed to make whatever necessary changes are needed for our own personal happiness and fulfillment. We’ve known this was coming for quite some time, only now we have a clarity and certainty, of what we need to do. And though we may not make a move under the light of this Full Moon, we will know with certainty, the time has come to change. And we begin to envision with greater clarity and command, how that is going to have to take place.
Those most affected directly will be those who have charts with strong planets and alignments to the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Look at your chart and see where the fixed signs are, and you’ll probably notice that those four areas are being affected most. Look beyond a limited sun sign approach. See where the major planets are dancing in your life. Right now Saturn, the Great Teacher, Uranus the Great Mover and Shaker, Pluto, the Great Transformer, and Jupiter, the planet of Abundance and Good Fortune (now in retrograde) are interacting with the Sun and Moon highlighting the areas of your life where you can now make some positive choices. This is a time when it’s best not to ignore what has to be obvious to you by now. Whatever is the most emotionally charged, disturbing, or draining, is what is calling for you to notice. Pay attention and avoid being drawn into further conflicts, battles, or a full scale war. No one comes out of that unscathed. Wake up to what is needed for your wholeness, health, well being, and personal safety.
Mercury just entered Aquarius this morning (Tuesday, February 7). We hunger for knowledge. Throughout the first day of Mercury’s entry into Aquarius, the Moon (emotions) squares both Venus and Mars. This ought to cause us to wake up to what is out of whack in our personal lives. When the Moon trines Neptune this evening, we might begin to notice our intuitive sense of what is shifting. Stop focusing on what is falling apart, and pay attention to what is building up within. Wednesday the Moon in Cancer makes a number of aspects throughout the day, further raising our fears and causing us to pay more attention to security needs and threats to our safety and sense of propriety. In the middle of these aspects, the Moon trines Chiron the Wounded Healer, reminding us that whatever we’re suffering through, recognizing as lack, or discovering the truth of, is part of the process we need to heal emotionally.
Thursday in the early morning hours, the Moon enters Leo. In the afternoon the Sun in Aquarius forms pleasant sextile to Uranus in Aries--perhaps a plesant surprise or shocking bit of good news relieves some of the pressure. The Moon then trines Mars bringing about some positive movement and actions that help us feel our power to bring about needed change and focused direction.
On Friday, the day of the Full Moon and Lunar eclipse, Mercury forms a sextile with Venus. This lends itself to positive conversations and support leading into the Full Moon and eclipse. Saturday also has some very positive alignments, all in the light of the Full Moon in Leo. Just near midnight, the Moon trines Saturn, perhaps indicating the first sense that we’ve begun to understand the hard lessons we’ve been learning. Later in the day, the Sun trines Jupiter, bringing some bounty and abundance to our new lunar year and month. What is manifesting in the light of this Full Moon is meant to be celebrated and integrated into our new year. The Moon will have entered Virgo by Saturday, and we will feel compelled to put some ideas and plans into action. If only in the form of making some solid plans in the forms of wish-lists, dates on calendars of to-dos, or creating a treasure map of what is needed to provide for the areas in our lives that need nourishment, love, and attention.
Celebrate in the light of the Full Moon, and dance in the awakenings that are stirring within you. Focus on that which demands and calls for your fullest attention, and then focus your time, energy, resources, and life on the full expression of who you are in what is meant to be your new life. Use this precious life you have, the time you have, and the dreams and visions you have to do your best to create the world in the image and likeness of the Divine that dwells within us all.
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