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The Journey Catherine Al-Meten Meyers |
Two weeks ago on the Full Moon in Leo, we had an awakening energy pour into us. Whatever needed to come to the surface appeared in some form or another. Most likely in a dramatic way as Leos are fond of doing. And from that time of awakening to what is transforming, until now, we have all probably been a bit surprised at what we've been called to pay attention to. Whatever came to the surface, ended, or broke open, has revealed what is coming to bear in some area of your life if not in a number of areas.
On Sunday February 26, the New Moon at 7/34 degrees of Pisces will cross between the Sun and the Earth, forming a solar eclipse and creating a Ring of Fire. Though not visible in the Northern Hemisphere, the energy from this event will create a powerful magnetic field altering both our individual and collective energy. We may begin to sense the impending changes as we move closer to the New Moon. During the days preceding the New Moon, during the dark of the moon time, we may be reflecting on or be reminded of some of the chapters in our live that have been closing. Thoughts and feelings arise during this transformational time as we feel the reminders of doors that have closed and others that appear to be swinging open before us. New Moons are about new beginnings, new chapters, and often, a change of direction.
The New Moon in Pisces awakens us on a very deep, intuitive level, and provides opportunities for some deep soul healing to take place. We are attuned to higher dimensions and our thoughts and feelings are being aroused and triggered in ways that urge us into profound healing, provided we are willing to pay attention and work with what the Universe is opening before and within us. It is a time when we might be experiencing the need to acknowledge and let go of old trauma and stress. Whatever (in our own thinking or in the way we are living) or whoever (in ourselves or with our relationships) is trying to manipulate and control the way we are living and experiencing life. When we find ourselves trapped in old patterns, habits, dysfunctional relationships (all kinds), or fear-based thinking, we are in fact blocking our own growth, good, and healing.
What is called for when the odds seem to be against us, when all is falling apart around us, or when the world we live in makes no sense, is something we all have a hard time doing. Now, more than ever, we need to surrender and release ourselves into the flow of life. It is a time when we cannot think or plan our way out of a box; it is a time when we must surrender to the energy that is flowing through the way we are living. Be that person of faith who trust your own Divine nature and who allows yourself to surrender to what is happening. That does not mean doing nothing. It means looking at what’s falling apart around you, or what’s not working despite all the effort you’ve put into something, or what’s not really bringing you to life. Or it might simply be, what has run its course or what needs to change in order for healing and growth to take place?
We know we are alive and growing when the life we live keeps changing. And change it will, despite your best efforts to hold on to something that is no more or to return to some fantasy time in the past when you were okay or happy. We can remember the times that made us feel alive, that showed us what we were made of, or that stand out as significant. This New Moon time that we are approaching though, is a time to clear the decks. Take stock of what has happened, what needs to be done/changed/mended/left behind. Perhaps there are changes in your workplace or in the way you work. Relationships may be changing, as they do even when they are working well. Life is full or turning points that occur between different stages of life. Now is the time to do some assessing to see what is calling for more or less attention. One good way to determine this is to ask where you feel connected in life and where you feel disconnected. Simple questions that lend themselves to contemplation. Where do I need a little more spark to feel connected to, for example, my body and physical strength? Where do I need to release a little of the connection so that I have more energy or time or whatever it is you need? For example, less time connected to my appliances and electronic media and more time with friends, walking in nature, working in the garden.
The New Moon in Pisces is about death and rebirth, in the way we live our lives and well as in how we are developing. In particular, what has been born and what has completed its cycle in your life over the last 12 months? What new energy if building up? At the time of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Pisces, Mercury will be entering Pisces, joining the Sun, the Moon, Neptune, and Chiron. A stellium of orbs in the watery, intuitive, creative Pisces.The South Node, what we came here heal, is also in Pisces. All focus is on healing what is deeply embedded in our Soul experience. Venus, Mars, and Uranus are all in Aries, Jupiter is in Libra, and Saturn, the Great Teacher is still working its way through Sagittarius. The North Node is retrograde in Virgo, taking us back over the areas in our lives where we are facing a new beginning. Notice any aspects or transits that affect this point in your chart/life. All the action in Pisces is fueling the changes that took place and are needing to take the next step in the transformation you are experiencing now.
Pisces rules the emotions, the physical waters including our own bodies. The New Moon in Pisces is like a refreshing, cleansing, energy bath. We purify ourselves, renewing, refreshing, and regenerating whatever parts of ourselves need to be freed of toxins and residual clutter than clouds our thinking. Now is not the time to attempt to fight against the tide. It is the time to release hold, turn your attention from fear-based thinking and behavior, and ground yourself in the spiritual practices you use to release the need to control and predict outcomes. With the Sun and Neptune in Pisces, anything is possible. Use your thoughts, words, prayers, actions to create some positive, constructive, healing visions of what could be. Use your gifts, talents, and experience (you have, after all made it this far) to align yourself with your highest good.
Miracles can now occur through the power of love. Universal healing energy is flowing into all of us, through every situation, condition, and experience. Aligning ourselves with the power of Love, is essential for allowing the good to flow. All conflicts, conditions, relationships, and beings require Love, and receiving the love that is flowing now and allowing ourselves to enter into only loving thoughts, connections, or dealings will help shield us and others. Use your power of prayer, thought, action, or service to feel yourself in that powerful presence. Focus only on what gives Life.
Today as I write, there is the first of two very powerful aspects also having an impact on us this week. Today Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn, both at 18 degrees (2nd decan). Mars the powerful force for action, in Aries is naive and out of control as it comes up against the old immovable object/system of Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto, the Great Transformer, moves steadily, deeply, and slowly while Mars insists of shaking things up in the short term. This aspect is about smashing systems, breaking rules, defying the traditions and status quo. There is an overwhelming need on the part of Mars right now, to win at all costs. We need to use our powers of love and focus to stand firm against this kind of immature and ill-prepared type of action.
By the time of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Pisces, Mars will once again make a stressful aspect to Uranus in Aries. This conjunction in fiery Aries, brings an end to what has already transpired. As we observe what is going on in the world around us, we want to avoid getting caught up in unharnessed energy of any kind. We need to use the energy that is within us to hone our own gifts, handle our own immediate needs and obligations, and stay firmly grounded in our Truth. Avoid panic or falling into despondency, which is too often the case when we feel out of control as many do now. This is exactly the time when our metal is tested. We are strong. We are brave and capable. We have survived, learned, and flourished. We have made it through difficult times, and as the saying goes, we were made for this time. Summon up all your finest qualities and remember who you are. Be the best of yourself, and stand in support and compassion with those near and far.
The North Node in Virgo, the gateway to the future, stands juxtaposed to the South Node in Pisces. What we brought into this life to heal. The Solar Eclipse in Pisces triggers the South Node and Neptune. This is the last in the 2-year Pisces eclipse series, and it reminds us of where we may have been fooled or where we’ve deluded ourselves. Believing ourselves stronger than some of the events that are shaping us, or needing to hold onto to something even though it isn’t working well, is a form of delusional thinking. Life does operate in somewhat predictable cycles. Conception, growth, labor, birth, growth, more growth and learning, completing, letting go, new ideas/conception, well you get the picture. And if we get caught up hanging on for deal life to pieces that are meant to be released, we simply slow ourselves down. But we cannot stop the cycles of change. The South Node and Neptune are pointing out to us what we have completed. What do we need to lose before we can gain a fair and just world? Systems break apart all the time. What worked in the past, may or may not work in the future. Our own lives call for being able to adapt and change as we go on living.
As the New Moon approaches, discover what you have said good bye to in the last year or two. What part of your identity has been washed away, disappeared, or become less important? Give yourself some perspective by looking back at the different times in your life when significant changes took place. The ones you chose, and the ones that were thrust upon you. What was the shape of your life then, and how does it compare to what is going on now? What worked for you in the past, and what works best for you now? A new moon is often a time when we move forward into a new time and energy, and this one is also like that. However, if we move forward into this New Moon in Pisces without fully acknowledging what has to be grieved, what has been lost, and what blessings you have accrued, you will have a lot more unraveling to do this year, than need be.
Sometimes we are simply afraid to look at the scary stuff. Our disappointments, frustrations, fears, or problems/situations we feel we cannot control. It’s a lot like having a nightmare and waking up wanting to forget it. The best thing you can do for yourself right now is to face those fears. They cannot hurt you if you bring them out in the light. And if you would really rather live in the dark and not know yourself as you really are, then this advice is probably not for you. When we truly want to grow and learn and become more understanding of ourselves and other, this can be one of the most regenerating practices we can engage in. So however you choose to explore during the Pisces times, let yourself go a bit and free fall into the watery depths of your soul, enjoy the beauty that comes from knowing that the world truly does conspire to grant us our highest good. We simply need to be willing to be in alignment with that good, and that means, letting go honey, letting go.
One of the big themes of this New Moon in Pisces as she makes her way between the Sun in Pisces and the Earth, is Change. Accepting, allowing promoting, embracing, choosing, creating, and enjoying change. An image came to mind as I was preparing to write this column and that was of riding a horse. When riding a horse, you use the reins to direct the horse. A horse, like the power of our energy, is bigger than our capacity to truly tame it. However we can direct and channel that energy. We can pull back on the reins in an attempt to slow down or stop our horse/energy or we can use those reins to direct the changes and use the energy. The reins are like our own qualities. Our need for security, our stubbornness or need to control or manipulate.
Our reins can also be used to protect us from danger or to avoid problems or conflicts in our path. Again, a form of security. When a change is imminent, as change is now and during the next 6 months to a year, we can use our reins to try to stop what is happening or we can loose the reins and use them to direct those changes. We will have to suffer some discomfort in either case, but the outcome will be different. When we stop fighting the change and look to the landscape before us we can envision possibilities, which give birth to opportunities and other choices. We may not see what is ahead, but we can be guaranteed when we flow with the energy the way it is going, we move onto the path of freedom.
The Moon in Pisces is truly an insightful, intuitive, spiritual, and highly creative movement that is crossing the path between who and where we are, and what and who we can become. Our emotional well being and health are rooted in our Moon energy, that part of ourselves that filters, signals, and speaks to us of things through head, heart, gut, and senses. Now is a time that we come into a great attunement within and with others. Find time to create sacred space in time, space, and intention at this New Moon. Another aspect that would probably help in this transiiton, is to practice forgiveness. Forgive yourself and forgive others for anything that needs repair or healing. This will help clear the path before you. Welcome the path to freedom, and allow that Divine energy to flow from you through all you do, say, create, and dream.