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The Pathway Catherine Al-Meten Meyers |
"The World will not be destroyed by those who do evil,
but by those who watch them without doing anything." Albert Einstein.
The New Moon November 29, 2016 will be at 7 degrees of Sagittarius. The New Moon in the first decan of Sagittarius (the decan ruled and influenced by Scorpio) squares Neptune in Pisces as well as the North and South nodes (that which we are growing into and that which we have been charged with changing, releasing, and transforming). Sagittarius, the fiery archer is conjunct (within 2 degrees) the fixed star Antares. Additionally, there is a stellium of fire in Sagittarius with The Sun and Moon both at 7 degrees, Saturn at 17 degrees, and Mercury at 25 degrees. Look for any aspects of these planets to your natal and progressed planets, to be aware of what you need to be prepared for.
Pluto and Venus are both in Capricorn, Mars and Jupiter are both in air signs (Mars in Aquarius and Jupiter in Libra), and Uranus is in fiery Aries. Neptune and Chiron, the Wounded Healer both in Pisces, will be squared by the New Moon thus showing us where our dreams, illusions, expectations, and intuition can provide the vision or wake up call we need to heal through our woundedness. We can either get lost in our delusions, devastated by what has hurt or blind sided us, or we can use these experiences to acknowledge what has to be worked on, healed, and overcome. And that begins within, for what we create and perceive comes directly out of our understanding of our selves and the world in which we live.
The lunar nodes, North Node and South Node are interesting points in each of our charts/lives. The nodes are not planets or actual bodies of any type. Rather they are mathematically determined angles/points that show the relationship of the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth at the moment of our birth. The North Node is considered one of the most potent and powerful points in our charts. The nodes represent our soul journey and what it is we brought into this life and what it is we are here become and do. At this point in our collective historical journey, we are each being stirred to respond to the calling of our soul. The North Node at 7 degrees of earthy Virgo and the South Node a 7 degrees of Pisces signal where our basic challenges, struggles, and gifts lie. Look to the areas of your life (houses in the chart) where the movement of the nodes is happening. The nodes are in constant motion like everything else in our lives, however, their transits are slow and long.
We have time. We've already been called to notice, to wake up, and to pay attention to what needs to be changed in order for our lives to progress according to our soul's calling. And with the South node in Pisces, we recognize that our dreams, intuition, fantasies, and illusions have become even stronger for a while (in whatever area of our lives the transit is taking place). South Node in Pisces reminds us of the karmic lessons we have come here to heal from, and as Neptune and Chiron have been working their way deep into this area of our lives, we cannot help but notice what is not working and how we need to learn some new ways of standing up for ourselves, making necessary changes, and honoring our innate purpose for being and finding meaning.
I feel compelled to write this column over a week ahead of the New Moon for it seems such a crucial period of time. By next weekend we will approach the dark of the Moon phase, and that is a time to prepare and do some deep reflective work in order to set intentions for the next phase of life. When I interpret a chart, I read the North Node as a gateway, a point at which major change takes place. As both the Sun and then the New Moon in Sagittarius square these points, we can look for the Archer's bow to release an arrow that will target movement in the area of our lives that most need transforming. So it is crucial that we be awake, aware, and acting with intention from a place of love not fear.
This week ahead is a time when we begin the last days of the year. This is a period of time when we gather to celebrate holidays, we bring the business of the year to a close, and when we plan and set our sites on the new year ahead. The more we can ground ourselves through our spiritual practices, radical self care, and plenty of time for reflection, rest, and preparation to meet the challenges ahead, the better. With the Sun entering Sagittarius in a couple of days (November 22), the fiery energy cycle of activity, movement, and charging ahead begins. The New Moon squaring the South Node conjunct Neptune will result in flushing out the toxins in all areas of our system. Now is a good time to clear out whatever is blocking, stagnating, or holding energy at bay. It's also a time to release yourself from whatever toxic relationships and alliances are not going to serve your highest good as you move forward. Whatever Faustian bargains you may have made now break apart or need to be broken. We cannot maintain life-draining alliances that threaten our individual or collective health.
The New Moon square to the South Node conjunct Neptune will also most likely be used to cover up and deflect from those who are making bargains with the devil, metaphorically speaking. Avoid being distracted by smoke screens or veils meant to cover corrupting practices. Avoid being taken in by the whimpering cries of a baby who simply needs attention. The deeper problems and the corrupting and deceptive practices going on behind the scenes, and many right out in public, are being carried out ruthlessly. Hubris and arrogance are rampant, and we see the toadies rushing to kiss the rings of those who hold authority and power. We must be vigilant and not fooled by what is going on. And this goes for our own private lives as well, for we are now at a crossroads where we must choose wisely and consider what is for our highest good, health, and well being as well as that of our friends, neighbors, and those who are most threatened. We all need to seek shelter from the storms by keeping clear vision and maintaining a solid, principled base.
The Moon square Neptune is also causing us to absorb the energy around us. Our opinions and emotional responses and reactions are being affected by opposing forces and blurring of boundaries. Expressing emotions and thoughts is not the problem for most at this point; narrowing in and grounding with all the opposing energy though is. The Sun in Sagittarius will also being squaring Neptune, and this will further expose and trigger us making us feel more sensitive and vulnerable. It is definitely a time when we need to use our creativity, our imagination, and our ability to dream and envision to channel our energy. The negative side of this energy is projecting our own views on others. Avoid escaping into drugs, alcohol, or unhealthy practices as this will only warp our perceptions more. This is a time when the savior complex rises to the surface of those whose own unhealed and unacknowledged shadows take over. Essential for our own health and well being to stay as clear and grounded as possible, despite the reactions that are triggered by the unprecedented upheaval and transformation that is revealing itself around and within us.
I can't tell you how many times I have heard or observed people who either say or act as if their lives have completely been turned upside down. For some, it is the personal upheaval that has changed the very essence and identity; for others it's the realization that what was bearable or tolerable, is in fact dangerous and impossible. And as my friends in earthquake country will tell you, just when you think you're on solid ground again, when months have passed and you're feeling somewhat safe again, a big tremblor rocks your reality, and you remember. Oh yes, we live on a dynamic planet, and that means everything, every form of life on this planet, and indeed in the entire of all that is, is in constant, perpetual motion. Some of us hang crystals around our homes. These beautiful pieces of life catch light, reflect it, and cast beautiful patterns all around us. And these seeming sold objects, are neither solid nor fluid, but are in perpetual motion at a rate so high that they give the illusion of stillness. We need to remember that we too are like this. And we need to hold fast to the Light within, and keep breathing and being awake to our place in this presence, this moment, and then the next.
This is indeed a dynamic time, and we were made to withstand much. Our gift is that we naturally seek stasis---balance. Remember we are held on the fulcrum--the point in steady motion that holds us in balance. Use your gifts, resources, talents, calling, and daily life to ground yourself, release yourself, express yourself, and work in constant harmony with yourself and with those with whom you connect. When too far inside yourself, reach out. When too exposed, seek shelter. And always be at peace with yourself. Avoid beating up on yourself and when in doubt, make lists or paint or sing or bake, or do whatever it is you do well. Appreciate that you and I are here on Earth at this time to make peace and help create the ongoing Creation. Let's do our part, and do it with love, compassion, and as much joy as we can summon up. Be at peace and at one with yourself so you can be at peace at at one with others. We are poised on a precipice where we must make choices about how we are going to live and what we are going to agree with or not. We need to do what we can where we are to speak from a point of integrity, congruence, and be willing to do what is right.
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