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Full Moon in October Catherine Al-Meten Meyers |
Late last night I went out to look at the stars, and there rising up over the hill to the south was a waxing moon just past the first quarter. The Full Moon in Aries, the Full Hunter’s Moon will peak just after midnight on October 16 (12:24 EDT). In the rest of North America it will reach her fullness earlier (9:24 PDT) in the evening of October 15. Also called the Dying Grass Moon and the Travel Moon, this Full Moon in Aries signals the full entry into the darkness of Autumn, a time when preparations are underway for winter and when migrations to milder climes is underway. This Full Moon in Aries is conjunct Uranus and sits atop the Fixed Star, Acamar in the constellation, Eridanus, the River.
The Full Moon in fiery Aries atop Uranus and Acamar could energize our desire to travel, search for deeper and greater knowledge, or might shine its light on what we have already gathered and learned in our journeys of life.A gathering time, when we prepare for the future by assessing our present resources and needs in preparation for the future. What inner resources, experiences, talents, and passions equip us for living out our purpose and carrying on in our journey?
In the third decan of Arise, the Moon is receives the energy and essence of this Venus/Jupiter-ruled sector. The watery essence of the third decan making this Arise Full Moon more imaginative and creative than it would normally be. With the hard energy of Uranus (sudden, shocking, and unexpected events and influences) and some of the rough waters of this leg of your journey. We may be more apt to see the humor and irony in some of the chaotic and crazy events and interactions that are happening at this time. There’s a lift for us as our emotional responses rise above some of the depression and deeply troubling energy that has been felt so strongly of late. It gets to the point sometimes, when we have to laugh about what is beyond understanding or reconciling. We have to learn to live with what is as opposed to what we believe it should be or what we expect it to be. This is that kind of meeting point between emotions and rational thought...we learn to ride the river in the direction it is flowing.
With Uranus conjunct the Moon in Aries, the unpredictable and rebellious aspect triggers the lunatic fringe as much as it does our own natural tendency to rebel against that which threatens or triggers old wounds and shadow issues. When we fail to deal with the shadow (undeveloped or unacknowledged) parts of ourselves, it appears in more negative forms within us and/or through our behavior and attitudes. Paying attention and acknowledging the hard stuff is good for it helps us understand who we really are. We may feel compelled to lash out or to hide away from our own emotions when we hold everything inside. The call is to stand with the emotional feelings and find ways, to channel that energy into creative and productive ways. Don’t be surprised if your emotional responses and reactions fluctuate wildly. Notice where in your chart the transiting Moon, Uranus, and Sun are transiting. Let yourself be aware of the full range of your emotional being.
Uranus in Aries opposite the Sun in Libra acts as a flame that ignites hidden or suppressed issues, upsetting the status quo. Just when you thought you had it all together, something sets off a sudden release. Uranus is often associated with abandonment issues--we all have them. The fear of being left or ignored or forgotten. It’s a part of our human nature, and rises to the top at times of great crisis such as this aspect signals. When push comes to shove, we lose our ability to temper our feelings any longer. We may overstep our bounds, or have someone go too far with us, thus setting off a chain reaction resulting in a lot of closed doors and sudden endings. Notice how this plays out in your own life, and do what you can to see what areas you might be vulnerable in at the time of the Full Moon in Aries.
The Aries Full Moon, the Full Hunter’s Moon/Travel Moon/Dying Grass Moon highlights where we need to ready ourselves for the journey ahead, equipped with and supported by relationships and resources that build up and give life and sustenance to our health and well being. We often know deep down what is dying in our lives, but we cling to what we think we cannot live without hoping we’re not really able to see. Listen to your inner voice, and listen to what others are really saying and what they are revealing through their actions. Pay attention to your inner barometer and alarm system. What is threatening your well being at this time, and what do you need to do to arm yourself for the life journey ahead? You know the answers. Listen and take some small steps to move toward the Light. Acknowledge your fear, and let your journey be one that gives you the advantage of movement and positive development. Meet the challenges, that rest within you, and make choices based on your best interests. In that way, you move within the flow of the cosmic Truth and have the creativity, power, energy, resources, and guidance you need to live with purpose. Let your service and art be directed from the heart, not from fear.
The year, 2016, has been a year of completions and transformations. A year when major changes have cleared the way for rebirth and regeneration. It is particularly a year when women’s power and strength are rising as a result of the chains of oppressive laws, traditions, and attitudes are breaking away, one after another. Women are no longer silent. Women are no longer accepting of dated and outworn roles and relationship mores and limitations. We do not speak of one voice; instead, women speak out of a variety of experiences, perspectives, gifts, and passions. Out of old wounds, we rise in healing, and we come to a time when we begin anew on a path forward, unlike any other we have personally or collectively experienced.
Both men and women benefit when in relationship and in personal development when the Full Moon in Aries meets the Sun in Libra in their annual opposition. We seek ways to find ourselves, independent and centered in Aries as we connect, communicate, and relate in partnership in the Libra Sun,. We seek ways to unite within our own being and with one another, in wholeness. We come to better understand that we must be whole, united within ourselves, and that that is enough. We form partnerships that are not intent on fixing or destroying one another but that are engaged in sharing and supporting mutual goals and individual passions. We each discover our potential, capacity for joy, and power to make significant changes. The last few months have been a time when what has been buried has risen to the surface. We see it in the world around us; we feel it within. We are more aware of our inner truth and feelings and now have the capacity to make the changes to honor those feelings. What cause pain, dysfunction, or depression, needs to be released so the Light can shine from within. Seek ways to open your heart, mind, and soul to Divine Light’s message in your own life always, but especially as the Moon waxes to her fullness in the beginning of the new lunar year in Aries. Blessing for you to do what makes your heart sing.
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