New Moon in Capricorn
On Saturday, January 9 at 5:30 P.M. PST/8:30 EST the New Moon in Capricorn leads us into a new lunar month and into the new year ahead. The earthy, cardinal sign of Capricorn infuses both the Sun and the Moon with the practical, resourceful, and tenacious energy of the Goat (Capricorn’s mythic archetype). In whatever area of your life Capricorn rules, you will now find more energy, focus, and direction to put your ideas to work and to bring the theoretical into practice. This also happens to be the house/area of your life where Pluto has been bulldozing things so that you have had no choice but to restructure and redefine whatever area of your life Capricorn rules. This should be a powerful start to the new year.
One of the most potent influences on this New Moon is the impact of both Pluto (which has been making itself felt this whole week) and Mercury. Mercury is at the anaretic degree of Mercury, 29 degrees/4 minutes. This means that we still have a lot of letting go, completing, finishing up, or getting over to do. Next week when the Moon moves into a conjunction with that anaretic degree of Mercury, you may receive some news or information or have some kind of communication that results in finalizing whatever might be holding things up or back.
For many the new year has been off to a rather slow start. We may have found ourselves having to complete some old business or put the final touches on plans and decisions. While desiring a fresh start, the turning of the year found us making a more gradual start with new projects or plans. During this first week of the new year, we have been passing through the dark of the moon, and the first few days of Mercury’s retrograde cycle. This has slowed us down a bit, and put us in a more reflective mood and mode than we might have wished for. However, it’s been a great time to get things and yourself ready for the movement ahead. For me, I have new tires, have gotten my business in order, and have taken time to get healthier. Rather than pushing too hard or getting caught up in a lot of expectations, it’s been a time to give some thought to plans and how we wish to use our time, energy, and resources. All the good ideas in the world, require that we be fit and able to carry them out. This is the last day of the dark of the moon so it’s probably a good day to allow the week to end on a more relaxing note. And it’s also a good time to consider what it is that you want to set into motion on the new moon. What you choose now carries you into the rest of the year.
The Capricorn New Moon calls us, no demands that we put order and discipline to work in our lives now. The riding-by-the-seat-of-your-pants mode will not do. Energy, time, focus, and intention all need to align through a more disciplined approach to bringing our dreams into manifestation. As one of my friends said to her young adult son, “If you don’t know what you want yet, pick something and move forward on it. At least you will be using your energy constructively. You’ll maybe find something that you didn’t know would be interesting or a good resource. Or you may at the very least discover what you don’t want and why. Set something in motion, and take a risk to follow even a whisper of inspiration to see where it might lead you. And be practical. Don’t give yourself away; get moving on taking care of business so you open the doors for yourself and then you can help others do the same. If we live with a limited sense of our own power and energy, and simply try to live in the hopes that the magic fairy will show up and wave her magic wand over us, we forget that we are here to find our way and to find meaning. The magic happens, but it happens best when we allow ourselves to get clear about what we want and need. Remember the Universal Laws of Attraction are based on making our needs known, and then being open receiving what we need and desire.
Use this first lunar cycle of the year to gain a greater understanding of how being clear about what we want to bring to life is enhanced when we set our lives in order, establish some boundaries and limits, and align ourselves in the ways we need to (body, mind, spirit, emotions) to gain the freedom we need to fly. We now combine the pragmatic application of a concrete and clear framework with the metaphysical freedom to lift off through the channels that open up for us. When you are clear about what you want and need, then you are free to receive opportunities, solutions, new pathways, and answers. Falling into the trap of waiting for something to come along or drop out of the blue without you first having put some energy into a search for something, is the misuse of your power and freedom. Make some plans, even if you are unsure. Be ready to take some risks and put yourself out there in a way that may be more rich and rewarding than you could ever have imagined. And don’t sell yourself short right now. Trust that you are worthy of goodness. Open and receive what is good and uplifting for you now.
For those who have plans and are clear about what you want and where you’re going, be sure to avoid blocking your good by overdoing, creating unrealistic expectations, or demanding that things be done in a certain way. Get out of the way of blocking the flow of what is meant to help you on your path now. Trust and be ready.
The New Moon in Capricorn occurs at 19 degrees/13 minutes of Capricorn. Right smack dab in the second decan… a very Capricorn New Moon. Anyone born with planets or aspects within 5 degrees one way or the other of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) will feel the effects of this new moon most strongly. The Sun in Capricorn until January 20th brings us even more deeply in tune with a growing sense of responsibility, tenacity, and an overwhelming urge to bring projects and plans into fruition. One friend of mine talks about making daily small tangible resolutions to build more structure and order into her life as an artist. By building in tasks to help create a clearer, freer, more efficient approach to all areas of life, she frees herself to have more time, more order, more clarity about what she wants to achieve.
What’s also crucial to determine at this new moon is what is feasible and what is not. Not to put a damper on dreams, for that is not the case, but to be clear about how to use time, energy, resources, and ideas to make the most productive use of time. Saying ‘no thank you’ to something that drains time or energy, or setting time aside to take care of yourself as you organize your new plans, projects, or start new jobs or training. Think of this time as a time to prepare for the journey ahead, making sure you have the provisions you need so that the journey is most likely to succeed.
Mercury is in the final day of its transit through Aquarius, so all the dreams that have been bubbling around in your mind, will be open for reconsideration, reevaluation, or review as Mercury’s retrograde cycle takes it back into the realm of Capricorn. We will be reminded of whatever it is we still need to settle, release, or get through as this cycle begins tomorrow, January 9…in conjunction with the New Moon. Until February 13, Mercury will be going over the details, the practicality, and the structures that are in place to make certain that everything is understood, worked through, and in line for movement forward. If not, it will fall away.
Venus remains in Sagittarius where it has been since December. In mid-February it changes signs, but throughout the next month and a half, ideas, inspiration, idyllic dreams, and visions tend to color all areas ruled by Venus. Sagittarius’ energy is less focused in the Venus transit, so our romantic idealizations and plethora of imaginative schemes and dreams tend not to be in line with the more sober and grounded energy of Capricorn. This may find us in some conflict with that which we desire and that which is possible. For example, if my dreamy vision for world peace and universal unity of all through love isn’t exactly feasible by the end of the week, I ought not be too disappointed.
The visions and hopes that rise up with Venus’ transit in happy-go-lucky Sagittarius do add fuel to projects and plans. The positive, hopeful, affirming energy is needed, however the way things unfold has to be grounded within a framework that fits the daily life and grind that must be in place for things to work. In other words, we still need to eat, sleep, earn a living, pay our bills, take care of business and each other. When I imagine that my writing work is so important that I don’t need to stop to eat or drink a glass of water, I know the Venus in Sagittarius energy has clouded my connection with the reality of who I am. Allow the influence of Capricorn to provide you with the order, discipline, planning, framework, and vision to see what is needed to make those wonderful dreams come into reality. Don’t discard dreams; make your life in order so that dreams may be born into the time and space you have created. Make sure you build in time for yourself-rest, nourishment, exercise, fun, play, reflection, and simply time to rest in your own company.
Mars, which had been in Libra until January 3, is now in Scorpio. Mars’ drive to achieve and get what it wants the way it wants it, becomes more challenging from now until March 5 because now what we want is that deep emotional fulfillment we so desire. Talk about wishing for the moon. That which grows up from the depths during this next two months, reminds us of what we so long to resolve, receive, fulfill, and experience. And of course the realms of the unconscious and the psyche are not so easily discovered or understood. However Mars’ is determined to go deeper and discover and uncover whatever it can find. Be prepared for some pretty powerful awakenings during this time. I know I had a pretty profound experience on the day this transit changed, and something I thought was long in the past, came alive in my life reminding me that what we think we have finished or moved beyond, may not be finished or beyond us. In this case, I’m not necessarily talking about relationships; it’s more about those areas of your soul development that may have been in a state of rest or hibernation or healing. Look to the house/s where Scorpio is, and be mindful of what may have been recently reawakened in you in that area of your life or as it might affect that area of life. For me it’s in the First House, so it affects how I’m perceived, and how I project myself outward. Something about how I am expressing myself, living out my calling or purpose, is affected.
Take what you know about the particular area of your life/house and see how this might ring true for you. What are the gifts that can come out of the transit? How can you change the way you use this energy? No doubt you will be reminded of how things were in the past. You now have the opportunity to take the same energy and gifts and use it differently. How can you use the gifts knowing what you know and understanding all you have learned? It’s a pretty interesting and powerful transit, and I’d love to hear how you find this affecting you in your life.
Late last night (Thursday, January 7) Jupiter stationed to move into its retrograde cycle in Virgo. With all the planets that have either just changed signs or are now in retrograde motion (Mercury, Jupiter), and with Jupiter transiting back and forth around the North Node, there is a lot of movement and slow dancing going on around gateways and changes taking place in our lives. It’s almost as if, just when you think you’re ready to go, you remember you have to go back and repack or pick up something you forgot. The movement isn’t ‘wagons ho” but more like the Cha Cha: a little bit forward, a little bit back.
Today, Friday January 8 the day starts out with a middle of the night aspect of Mars to the Wounded Healer Chiron. Dreams may have indicated areas where we feel vulnerable right now, or where we are more aware than usual of areas that are yet healed and settled. A bit later the Sun forms sextile to Chiron, smoothing things out a bit, and making us more optimistic and hopeful, and bit more resigned to taking the slow and easy does it approach to resolving hurtful or harmful conditions and woundedness. We find ways now to find greater purpose and meaning to what might have seemed like a personal and private issue. We find we can bring our healing into other areas of our lives, and learn that we have found a new sense of grounding and strength that can serve us well and help us reach others.
Mercury enters Capricorn (it might be happening as I write) today, and so the news and communication begins to change its tone. We get more practical assistance and advice, and begin taking more practical steps to bring our dreams into our daily living reality. The pie in the sky ideals and pipe dreams are shaken off, and some hearty, fertile, creative ideas begin being put into place.
Tonight (8:11 PM PST/11:11 EST) Venus conjuncts Saturn. Where we might have felt lost in the realms of “romanticizing some pain” as Joni’s lyrics say, we now feel more grounded in our sense of love and affections. We settle into a more comfortable and developed sense of how our relationships need to support, nurture, and be at peace with us, wherever we are. We stop pushing for others to be who and what we need, and come more and more to see how what we are is who we are and what we give and receive is good enough. And in fact, is better than good enough. Our relationships are the gifts we have chosen to enter into as a way of sharing and growing in love and compassion. Rather than trying to live in some Fantasyland version of what the ideal relationship is supposed to be, we recognize what it is. We recognize what is really working and what is not. We are less afraid to face the truth of how relationships need to change or be released, and we finally are open to waking up and getting the help we need, taking the sound advice that has been offered, and paying attention to doing that which leads to better, healthier, and more realistic choices.
If we have been trying to justify broken relationships or dysfunction as ‘normal’ then we now will have to face the truth. If we are wise and are willing to listen to the intuitive messages our body, mind, spirit, and sage advisors have been pointing us towards, we may finally take the steps we need to break away from whatever is holding us in a place where we have been trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
This aspect tends to bring the truth right home to us and it sits in our lap, leans against our chest, and reminds us, we do know the truth and we are strong enough to do what is right to accept that what we desire is possible, what is broken may or may not be repairable, and dead relationships seldom can be resuscitated. In relationships that are building and growing, this aspect brings you to a new level of moving beyond the initial qualms and excitement to settle into some sound and loving commitments to share some of yourself in ways that only happen in relationship. For those who are in between or not choosing close partnerships, the wisdom of Saturn awakens whatever needs have been untended or denied. Notice what is rising up to be befriended and nourished, and find time and energy to enjoy and appreciate what feeds your soul.
And on Saturday, January 9, the Moon in Capricorn makes aspects all day long with different planets. Around noon (PST) the Moon forms a square to Uranus. This might bring about an unexpected call or message of some type. Something shocking or surprising may occur or come to light. Or our intuition or hunches may prepare us for some shocking or revelatory messages. The New Moon in Capricorn early Saturday evening can be a perfect time to take some time to consider what you want to focus your intentions, time, energy, resources, and life work on. Whatever you begin now as well as how you continue on with projects and plans already underway, is sure to receive a potent dose of energy and grounding during this New Moon time and the upcoming lunar month. Enjoy yourself and the riches of life that you have in family, friends, blessings of all kinds, and the gifts that your life enable you to share with others.
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