On Saturday, January 23, at 8:47 P.M. EST/5:47 P.M. PST, the Moon rises to her fullness at 3/29 degrees of Leo. This months’ Full Moon in Leo occurs in the earliest degrees of the first decan of this fixed sign. This Full Moon in Leo forms a challenging t-square with Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Retrograde Mercury moves into an exact conjunction with Pluto on Friday, January 22. This week itself has been heavy with challenges that have brought us into the light of the Full Moon with some heavy issues, responsibilities, and obstacles yet to face. While Leo Full Moons often are cause for celebration, this Full Moon is more likely to be about receiving and decoding some pretty interesting information, messages, or other forms of communication that have been revealed throughout this week.
Building up to the Full Moon in Leo, we want to look at the active role Mercury’s retrograde transit in Capricorn has had on us. As Mercury, the Messenger has been moving into a tighter conjunction with Pluto, the Great Transformer, we have become ever more aware of where we are being called to handle unfinished business and/or of learning how to best communicate our thoughts, feelings, and plans effectively and compassionately. Communication that has opened up this week, has the capacity to help heal old wounds, soothe hurts, and bring us some sense of resolve or acceptance.
Mercury’s square to Uranus is an dynamic and metaphysical kind of aspect that may have opened up channels of communication with ancestral energies and may have resulted in sudden hits of insight, intuitive flashes, or powerful and enlightening dreams and visions. It’s a good time to be very present and mindful about both the inner messages arising from the inner sense of your being and to the information, insight, and intuitive knowledge coming from your connections with the Divine. What is meant for you to understand now appears in some form before you and rises up from within you. We are always in the process of filtering and gathering information, impressions, and sensations—this will pick up a great deal the closer we move into the fullness of the Moon.
This is the time to notice what is right before and within you. Trust your intuitive hunches, and notice what is showing up to attract your attention or call you to remember who you are. Since this is happening on some level to everyone, it’s not the best time to expect others to understand what we are trying to communicate. We are all receiving a powerful awakening and it may not be time to try to make yourself understood. Give yourself some time to synthesize some of what is coming to you and wait for the energy within and around you to settle down some before pushing your own agenda or trying to settle some conflict or dispute. Notice what your body, mind, emotions, psychological, and spiritual drives are calling to your attention. How does your health reflect something that needs healing in the other areas of your life. How does your emotional well being affect your health or thought processes? Look for the connections between the different aspects of yourself and your well being. Expect the unexpected, and make necessary adjustments to create great balance in your life.
As Mercury moves into the conjunction with Pluto and forms a t-square, we can expect to feel even more of an upsurge in mental activity. In areas that may have been unclear or plans that may have moved too slowly or been blocked in some way, you may find sudden and rapid movement. Ideas, inspiration, and opportunities now open that you have been waiting for, and what is essential it that you figure out how to harness the energy and prioritize your own life to make the best use of what is opening up for you. While you may feel like rushing headlong into some long-awaited project, take your time now to move forward in a mindful and careful manner.
It’s a time to be careful what you wish for, for when you are offered the options you have been thinking would be ideal, you need to decide upon how relevant or appropriate resources, offers, and other peoples’ plans fit into your own. Move with an greater awareness of what is feeding and nourishing you and what may be more of a drain or imposition in some way. Not all that glitters is gold. In order for something to be of value to us, it has to hold real meaning. And we now need to be very aware of how losing something or not being given what we thought we needed might just be the very thing we need for something better to open up for us. Avoid getting caught up in negative programming or overly suspicious mind games that take your focus away from what really matters. Avoid political and personal disputes or petty jealousies. Don’t feed the monster. Avoid confrontations that my have far-reaching and long-lasting effects.
Now is the time to remember what you have learned in the past couple of years about how to handle rough spots and hard times. This should come as no surprise. Take what you’ve learned and use it to manage the rapids.
The Mercury-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is said to be associated with the deep need to get to unravel mysteries, to get to the heart of the matter, and to seek, no matter the cost, the truth. This can be a just a little bit of an obsessive aspect, and it last from January 22 until January 30, so we are entering a period her in the next week or so when we want to exercise caution in any area where we may be pressing for more information or seeking to discover the root causes behind something we are obsessing over.
Use discretion and understand your motivation. If you are in the healing professions, be careful about how you exercise your power and make certain you are acting within the strictest guidelines of good, ethically, sound support. Power to support is not the same as power over someone or taking someone’s power to act and learn on their own, away from them. As much as I might think I know what’s best for someone else, it’s not my place to push them or take the responsibility for their own learning and choices.
With your own interests, be patient and practice listening, waiting, and being willing to receive and process new ideas, new perspectives, or different interpretations to something you may think you know all about. It’s a learning, growing time, and we grow from the inside out. Whatever is opening up for us at this point in our lives, is crucial for our development and for the journey we are choosing at this time. With Chiron the Wounded Healer in Pisces forming a semi-square aspect to the Sun in Aquarius, we may feel an urgency to learn or discover what needs to be uncovered. We may be hampered by fears—fears that arise when we are in unfamiliar territory and self doubt about whether we are up for the journey or not. Give yourself some time, and remember how courageous you are.
Courage sometimes means we know when not to do something as much as it means being willing to move forward when the time is right. And the risk factor is often determined by the ratio between our level of fear and our sense of hope and trust in the Divine Goodness and spiritual guidance. Be aware of where your true strength lies; we are all part of the Divine Creator’s plan, and we each have a role to play. Remember who you are, and do what you feel is best. Trust that you are free to move or not, free to change or stay where you are for now, free to wait or go. Discernment is the process by which we weigh all sides in light of our divine essence, and then decide and act. Trust that you are moving in the Truth.
Another beautiful piece leading us right into the Full Moon in Leo is the entry of Venus in Capricorn. In Capricorn, Venus grounds our sense of beauty making us feel we need to improve on any area of our life that is less than a reflection of beauty and harmony. Leaving Sagittarius' fiery energy and activity, we now get down to bringing love into our daily walk. We create beauty in all kinds of ways, and we manifest our love in very practical and down-to-earth ways. Taking walks with loved ones, gathering a bouquet of wild flowers for a sweetheart or friend, and showing others how we love and honor them are all some of the ways we might see Venus manifest. We bring our ideas about love and beauty into the foundational essence of our lives. And this also will lead to a lovely meeting between Pluto and Mercury, adding something of peace, love, and balance to areas that we have been undergoing deep transformation. And if our ideas about how we are to love or who we are meant to love is askew in any way, this transit may also result in some deepening and life-changing alterations in our thinking as well as in our behavior.
The beautiful Full Moon in Leo rising up in the night sky tonight will awaken us all to the areas in our lives where we are seeking the light, hoping for answers, and striving to come into a deeper sense of what we are here to do and be. Use the energy of Leo's dramatic flair and need for approval and acceptance, and Aquarius' ability to look beyond their own personal interests to widen our perspective and grow in compassion for others. We can bring the best of both aspects into harmony in ourselves and our lives, when we consciously look to see where there is any disharmony. Identify where you are out of balance and then take steps to grow wider, expect better of yourself and others, and mend whatever needs to be healed or fixed in yourself as you grow in the areas that make you the special person you are. Celebrate the gifts you have and befriend what is still growing to wholeness. Happy Full Moon.