Venus has been disappearing into the sunset, Jupiter too is lost in sunset's glare. Saturn has been easily visible in the evening sky all August. The waxing of the Full Moon in Pisces is visible during through this week. The August Full Moon in Pisces at 6/6 degrees in the Pisces decan. conjunct Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Virgo conjuncts the Sun in Virgo.
A Full Moon of the Muses, a time to absorb the blend of potent energies. It is also a time when we are ultra sensitive and vulnerable, feeling everything with greater intensity than usual. We are open to receiving and sensing what others around us and/or close to us are experiencing and feeling. Be alert to absorbing others’ pain and discomfort. Avoid using alcohol or drugs to numb you to what you are feeling and sensing. This Full Moon is revealing to us, that which we have been attracting to us. It also shines its light on that within us, our lives, and our experiences that have been growing, building, and coming to fruition.
With the Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces at exactly 6 degrees and in opposition to Jupiter in Virgo at 3 degrees conjunct the Sun in Virgo at 6 degrees, this is a very auspicious and powerful full moon. Called the Grain Moon, this moon is referred to in ancient Medieval literature as the Place of Hidden Treasures. The Full Moon peaks at 11:35 A.M. PDT on August 29. Full Moons are always shining their light on whatever is coming to fullness in our lives. This Full Moon sheds light on how we are balancing our need for the patterns and routines of our daily lives, personal health and hygiene, and organization and structure (Virgo-ruled issues) with creative vision, intuitive understanding, and our spiritual health and unconscious energy and connection with the Divine. This Full Moon activates the hidden treasures of our inner being and brings us abundance and blessings from what we have already created and are bringing forth into form and life.
The Sun has just entered Virgo (August 23), and is enabling us to focus on the details and independent parts of our lives. We begin handling our business, our artistic endeavors, our relationships, and our own personal behavior and health (body, mind, spirit, emotions) in a more systematic, direct way. We can now tend to unfinished business or we receive the information, details, or necessary parts to put bigger projects into their final draft, into motion forward, or into the next stage of development. What needed to fall away, has either been taken from you or you have seen fit to give up on whatever is not life-giving in your life. Regardless of how the clearing has taken place, a new realm of freedom, emptiness, and space has been created. Now is the time, during this Full Moon to openly receive the blessings that are meant for you to receive. I recall many years ago learning how to clear space in my life, and then set out a simple request in the form of identifying a desire or stating clearly, a need. And then learning how to release the desire or need, and simply let what is mean to come to me, to come. Often what I desire or need comes to me, but more often than not, in a form that I had not anticipated.
Be open to receiving the blessings coming to you, especially at this Full Moon. Use the mantra, “I am receiving my good, I am receiving what is best for me, and I am grateful for what I am receiving.” With gratitude and openness, receiving blessings on this Full Moon allows you to recognize the hidden treasures that are coming to you at this time.
Mercury has been in Virgo since August 7, and will stay there until Thursday, August 27 at which time Mercury enters Libra. During the Virgo transit we have received numerous types of communication, reminding or revealing to us, what it is that we need and desire, and what it is that is ours to receive. Listen, pay attention to, and open yourself to greater awareness on all levels, of just what the recent communication you have been receiving has taught you about who you are and what is opening up in your life.
On Thursday, just two days prior to the Full Moon in Pisces, Mercury moves into Libra, the planet that rules, love, beauty, and relationships. Along with our own passionate nature, the world within and around us is lighting up sending flames and sparks in all directions. Being receptive at this time will be easier than it might ordinarily be—we can barely budge without receiving the abundant and energizing force of the waxing Full Moon and the building conjunction between Venus and Mars. When the Moon conjuncts Chiron, the Wounded Healer, also in Pisces in a day or so, be prepared for a sudden and shocking change or announcement. Notice how something suddenly appears or disappears, and be ready for surprises related to whatever has manifested during this Full Moon in Pisces. Watch your dreams, and pay attention to the hunches and intuitive nudges that come your way. Allow yourself to be open to the visions of a better and brighter future, and remember all that has led to this moment.
Nothing has come about simply due to chance; what is manifesting now has taken time, hard work, necessary changes and alterations, and sacrifice of what is worn out and unnecessary. Embrace the life-affirming essence of your life, and drink in the sense of freedom and openness. Be discerning, as a matter of principle, in all relationships, and trust your inner knowing and own sense of truth to guide you. Be mindful of how the Divine infuses within us, an awareness of our strength, power, clarity, and own knowledge, so that we have what we need to enter the next stage of life. Let go, and release the need to control, figure out why, or second guess yourself. Be at peace with who you are, where you are, and know how capable you are to do what needs to be done. Be mindful of how supported and loved you are, and take off the burden of needing to be ‘right’, accepted, or understood in order to function. We each define ourselves, and in so far as we allow others to control or define us, we hold back on our own power and we abuse ourselves unnecessarily.
Be kind, to yourself, as you are to others. Be gentle and understanding, to yourself, as you do with others. Be loving and tolerant of who you are now and where you are now, just as you are with others. Sometimes we are nicer and more understanding to others than we are to ourselves. Now is the time to honor ourselves as the perfect reflection of the Divine, and know that what your job is it to be that perfect self, growing, learning, and courageously being.
Letting go or surrendering to the Divine will of the Creator is all about trusting the pervasive power of the Sacred that permeates everything; every atom, every core fiber of our being. That Sacred has been working in and through you from time immemorial, and continues to do so in each and every moment. Breathe in, and receive the blessings. Release and let go of whatever needs to go on the breath of love, compassion, forgiveness, and understanding.
Another powerful aspect is the conjunction forming with Venus and Mars in Leo. At the Full Moon in Pisces on August 29, Venus will be at 15/32 Leo and Mars in a building conjunction to Venus will be at 13/21 Leo. Venus the planet that rules receptivity and opens us to the nature of love and beauty in our lives and Mars, the planet that rules action and passion. Both Venus and Mars in the sign of Leo, create a firestorm of inspiration and energy fueled by these two planets. Coupled with the energy of the Full Moon and the opposition of the Moon to Jupiter and Sun in Virgo, makes this one of the most dramatic and deeply profound Full Moons of the year.
Neptune is in its ruling sign, Pisces, and has been preparing us on a deep, emotional, intuitive level for receiving some very positive and uplifting results, news, or benefits. This Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune also opposes the Sun in Virgo which is conjunct Jupiter. The Pisces Sun called the Full Sturgeon Moon and the Full Grain Moon, symbolizes the coming to fruition of plans, dreams, and whatever has been building up in the area of artistic energy, romance, beauty, and creativity. A major step toward peace and fulfillment is certain to become manifest during this Full Moon time. Wi
This is indeed a powerful time. Let all your beliefs, practices, and actions reflect the sublime energy that is coursing through our lives at this time. Allow yourself to forgive yourself and others, as a step toward greater freedom. Allow yourself to honor that which is being born and borne in you and your life. Whatever is happening now is helping free you to be you.
Divine Love is within you, and guides, guards, and unfolds for you, all that is needed, desired, and revealed for your greatest good and highest wisdom.
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