Sunday, June 14, 2015

Gemini New Moon: Auspicious Path Ahead

The New Moon at 25/07 degrees of  Gemini aligns with the Gemini Sun at the same degree and Mars at 24/35 degrees of Gemini as well. This makes for a power-packed lunar cycle in the mutable air sign of Gemini. Mercury too is at 5 degrees of Gemini. Though not in conjunction, nevertheless having an impact on all forms of communication. All this energy focused in Gemini, (look to your own chart/life to see where this energy is gathered), opens us to a lunar cycle that is sure to be filled with a great deal of communication, a calendar full of activities, and minds packed to the brim with ideas and plans. 

Venus and Jupiter are both in Leo (Venus at 10/06 degrees; Jupiter at 19/01), and as Venus moves closer to conjoining Jupiter, we can be sure to feel more and more connected and awakened to whatever desires and longings are growing in our lives. 

Saturn is at a crucial point, being at 29 degrees retrograde in Scorpio. This reawakens and reminds us of anything we have recently completed, relationships from the past, and lessons learned through hard work and challenging circumstances. We may feel weighed down at this time, perhaps subconsciously or perhaps quite consciously. We may feel deep longings, desires, or be wrapped up in unresolved memories. Areas of our past experiences may still litter our lives, and we find we are buried under the details of the past or the relics of whatever had passed away from our lives. Clearing space, letting go of objects and reminders, and releasing the old patterns and habits that bound us to what has passed, arises in our awareness during Saturns retrograde cycle. Particularly while in the 29th degree, we feel and experience on a very deep level, the death, the endings, the permanent disconnection of the past. Something may happen to make this much clearer for us, and we may even reap the benefits of whatever has been cleared away from our lives.  Saturn, the Great Teacher, reminds us of what has grown in our lives, what has fallen away, and what new lessons are ours to learn.  During this retrograde cycle, we are taken back (subconsciously and in reflection) over what we have learned. Perhaps we will have a little deja vu, reminders of what once was, and we will have the chance to feel the power of those emotions that connect us to what we’ve left behind or lost.  This may include both positive and negative, and the lessons of Saturn include synthesis of all experience into the way we live our lives from here on.
Pluto, the Great Transformer, is also in its retrograde phase, at 14 degrees of Capricorn.  Again, we are traveling back over old ground. We feel the disruptions of recent transitions and the newness of the transformations that have us wondering if we are capable of adjusting and lifting ourselves out of whatever ennui or lethargy we are trapped in. 

Uranus in Aries, in its long fiery journey, is at 19/52 degrees, forging full speed ahead in whatever area of our lives Aries rules. With all the transitioning and transforming that has been taking place in our lives, Uranus continues to prod us to branch out, seek new adventures, challenge the status quo of our lifestyles, and move out into uncharted territory. In contrast to the lessons of Saturn and the transformative work of Pluto in our lives, we are also feeling collectively as if we need to make the changes we long for, “yesterday”. A growing impatience may be noticeable in some areas of life. As Uranus has been doing from the start of its journey through Aries, finding peace amid the chaos is the clarion call of this transit and of this time. Especially with this New Moon in Gemini conjunct the Sun and Mars, we are filled with ideas, dreams, goals, and plans, and with Mars, with the drive and energy to forge on and move forward with haste. We are also mindful of the tendency to overload and push ourselves over the edge. 

We must be cautious with our resources (physical, emotional, financial, and energetic). To exhaust ourselves at the starting line, is ill-advised. Use your spiritual and physical practices to channel energy now. Move yourself out of ennui and lethargy through movement and pushing limits in small, easy-to-manage ways. For example, rather than trying to make up for lost time by overdoing in some area that is new or revitalizing, break down your experiences into shorter and more regular activities. Begin building in regular time for new experiences, and don’t be afraid to let go of ways that no longer satisfy or meet your needs. For example, if you are used to chilling out in front of the t.v. after a long day, catch yourself before you plop down, and pull yourself out of that routine by heading out the door to walk and watch a sunset. Move out of the habitual patterns that mark your life, at least a bit, and spread your wings by trying something new for a change. Meet up with a friend for a walk or run. Ride your bike or put your kayak in the water and head upstream. Do something out of the ordinary, and slow down while you’re at it. Take longer to do something you normally rush through. 

We are dealing with powerful energy at this time, and our spiritual and physical practices are ways we can handle some of the pressure, stress, or angst that rises us during such times. Move out of the habit of dwelling on some problem or unresolved issue, and get into doing something fresh and new. Issues and problems, questions and answers, often work themselves out when we let go of such an intense hold on them. Relax your mind. Use your meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, swimming, tennis, walking, gardening, or whatever other practices you have for channeling your energy and letting go of stress and anxiety. Read for pleasure, and find uplifting ways to indulge your senses in nature, art, dance, and music. Part of the way we find ourselves and develop true independence is by following our hearts and living more according to the rhythm of our  own heart’s desires. 

Use your hands (heart chakra connections) to create beauty. Embroider, sew, knit, crochet, make bread, paint, polish, or dig deep into the earth. New Moon times are times to plant seeds. As you plant some seeds for summer herbs, vegetables, flowers, and fruit, you will also be planting seeds through your desires, thoughts, and connections you are making. 

The New Moon in Gemini is a time that signals to us that we are finally ready for true change. In my last column, I wrote about the Gemini New Moon as being the super-charged energy that has us dealing with the struggle between the peaceful dove and the nurturing goat of the Milky Way versus the Hunter/destroyer of Orion. This New Moon pits the feminine and masculine energies within us, against one another. As in all things Gemini, the need is to resolve the differences, the polarities within us as well as within all our relationships. The real battle is within, and to project this battle outside into our connections, is liable to cause us to miss a wonderful opportunity to bring unity amid our diverse feelings, thoughts, emotions, and directions. We cannot be everywhere at once, doing everything we desire now. We live life one moment at a time, and need to be focused in any one moment on what is before us. Rather than worrying about what happened in the past and why, or what may happen or not happen tomorrow or next month or year, we need to move our focus into the present. 

The more we can live in this moment, the NOW of our lives, the better. It is in the NOW that we can truly act, move, and have an effect. All focus and fear directed otherwise, is a waste of our time and energy. During this New Moon time, with the powerful presence of the Sun and Mars against the backdrop of the outer planets movement and the inner planets dance, we are caught up in intensity, complexity, and the sense of overwhelming movement, imagination, and action. We need not only to move toward the life we seek; we need to be in it now. Let go of whatever is holding you in place, and move with intention, emotional openness, and a commitment to live authentically in each moment. Catch yourself each time you say you are going to do something ‘later’. Notice how often you tell yourself or others you ‘can’t’. This is the life you have chosen, and this New Moon in Gemini is asking you, “What is it you say you want?”, “Who is it you say you are?”, “How does your life reflect that now?”, “What changes have you made?”, “What’s next?”  and perhaps most importantly, What are you doing now?”. 

Mercury, the ruler of Gemini’s New Moon, just went direct, and is in the early degrees of Gemini. The momentum of Mercury is picking up, and by the New Moon at 7:05 A.M. on Tuesday, June 16, this planet of communication will be well on its way to sending us messages, clarity, and reminding us to awaken to the messages that require our discernment.  Our path has become clearer, and we are poised to set ourselves in the right direction for whatever journey or path we are following. The energy surrounding this New Moon is so powerful, and it can be directed (Mars) in all types of ways and directions. Focus on directing your energy into positive, healthy, and good channels, taking care to avoid harmful, negative, and unehalthy practices and attitudes. Keep your mind and heart clear and full of compassion and love. Know the Truth of your Divine being, and treat yourself with respect; treat others with dignity. 

Last night I went to our local art walk, and listened to a number of different artists and creative people talking about having so many different desires and wanting to head off in so many different directions or have everything work out now, and not have to wait. The general sense I got was a growing impatience coupled with a longing filled with multiple needs, direcitons, and desires. How do we deal with this overwhelming build up of energy? We practice being mindful, focusing on one thing at a time. Acknowledge what you have completed and what your are working on now. Make a little ritual  for yourself on this New Moon. Include some time for gratitude for what has been accomplished. Add some forgiveness and release to the experience. Write down what you want to let go of, forgive, or say good bye to. Symbolically release the past, honor what has been given and what you have accomplished, and be grateful to the Divine that has given you the energy, talents, and gifts to use as you have. When we release, we are symbolically sacrificing some part of ourselves (ego) so that we can be new again. We can receive new insight, intuition, imagination, and can be open to a new vision of the life that is ahead. We can plant seeds, and we can get glimpses of the future, but we must focus on our intentions (what is it we really want) and then surrender those intentions to the Universal energy so that we can be open to receiving what we are meant to have, do, or be. 

Enjoy this exciting New Moon in Gemini, and use the power, energy, and time to focus, discern, and be open to your highest good and well being. Jupiter and Venus are forming a lovely sextile to this New Moon from their transit throug Leo. They are shining their light and abundance on whatever area this New Moon highlights in your life, and are showering blessings on you in that area. Open your mind, heart, and arms to receive these blessings. By the next Full Moon, the two beneficients will conjoin and that meeting will be one of such auspiciousness that we may enjoy powerful blessings. At this New Moon, pay attention to what is being born in you, and receive the blessings that are coming to you now. Uranus in Aries is also sextiling this New Moon, and that adds to the likelihood that blessings will come, and may do so in quite an unexpected way.

Imagine you have been looking for a lost treasure for all your life. You suddenly find yourself in front of a treasure chest…the one you have been searching for. You now stand before that chest, and what do you do? This New Moon is that treasure chest, and all it requires of you is to open it. Act upon your true desires and dare to take the steps you long to do now. Put yourself out on the path, and begin the walk. Go in the new directions, head for the unknown, and trust that you have whatever is needed to reach your goals, create a new life, and live the life you long for. This time is one of those times when we get a glimpse of what is possible, and we if we dare to be honest about what we really want and then take the chance to go for that dream, we cannot lose. Be brave. Know you are meant to bring forth the best life you can, to succeed, and to create what only you can do. Walk out in your truth, and receive those blessings. Turn away from negativity, and keep your heart and eyes on what is good about this moment. What is alive within you now. Be in this moment, and discover the blessings that have been with you for all time. 

In less than a week, the Summer Solstice occurs. Another seasonal gateway that signals a time for passage. This New Moon is also a gateway that aligns with the North Node in Libra, setting a turning point in our lives that will be revealed in the time of the Solstice and in the fullness of the next Full Moon. Awaken to the Life and Love within you, and open your arms, heart, and soul to the blessings of this life within you now. 

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