Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Uranus-Pluto-Mars energy: great transformation and change.

The Tree House                                              Catherine Al-Meten

Theologian, Thomas Merton said of chaos, change, and challenging times, “You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope."

This week the Moon Sagittarius squares the Sun in Pisces at 22/49 degrees, the third decan. The third decan of the Sun leans into the fire energy of Aries, and brings about a crisis of consciousness that has us feeling like we need to take action.  This emotional square occurs on Friday, March 13, and is part of the energy that is building up to the final Uranus-Pluto square that is exact on Sunday, March 15. The mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are affected most directly by this energy. Notice where these signs are in your own chart/life, and observe how this energy affects you in those areas.

Mercury is getting ready to change signs. Still in Aquarius for an unusualy long transit, we may have felt as if much of our emotional and spiritual energy have been caught up in trying to discover new ways and more innovative styles of working out problems, finding solutions, and discovering better ways of understanding certain areas of our lives (the areas ruled by Mercury and Aquarius in our charts/lives). As of March 12, this energy shifts into Pisces making up more focused on how we are perceiving what is in and around us and what our intuition, dreams, and visions are showing us about the truth of who we are and what we need and want. 

When Mercury enters Pisces on March 12, we become much more in touch with our emotional truth and find ourselves capable of expressing our emotions and thoughts more openly and clearly. Trust intuition to guide and direct you. Pay attention to what within us longs for expression, and notice how the right words, symbols, imagery, and metaphoric expressions find their way to your tongue just as you need to be able to say the right and perfect thing. If you are not used to expressing emotional truths, you may find this signals a time when you are given the opportunity to test out a new path of expression—one that can open doors and unleash creativity and imagination. At the very least, this shift in energy will bring us out of our heads and back into our bodies as we communicate with greater passion. 

Venus has been in Aries since February 20. This energy highlights the fact that we want what we want, when we want it. Patience though a virtue, has been lacking when it comes to passion, desire, and love in relationships, marriage, and our quest to bring love into all areas of life. For the next 10 days, Venus continues in this vein, and coupled with the Moon’s square to the Sun and the final Uranus in Aries-Pluto in Capricorn square on the 15th, may see crises in areas pertaining to the areas of love, relationships, beauty, justice, and the quest for harmony and balance in our lives. This is a grand finale of powerful energy, marking the time and opening the gates for transitional energy to flow through and fill up the dry channels of our lives. 

As Venus in Aries (February 20-March 17) enters the third decan during this period, it is time to clear the debris and clutter out of any area of life you have been working to change, affect, or abandon, and then get out of the way. The energy is being released in a major way, and the time has come for the onslaught of a new birth. Out with the old, and in with the new. In some cultures and spiritual traditions, this month marks the beginning of a new year. In the Northern hemisphere, this is the time between winter and spring; in the Southern, the time between summer and autumn. Strong desires are being born, and needs are being expressed in very straight-forward, direct Aries like clarity. The lyrics from a song from Camelot comes to mind, and although it’s not May, the feeling of the Aries chase is alive and active at this time: “It’s May, it’s May, and life’s a holiday….it’s here, it’s here, that wretched time of year, when suddenly little wicked thoughts appear….it’s time to throw self control away. It’s here, its here that lusty time of year…”

So whether you can relate to this kind of energy or not, in some manner the sense of change, newness and a passion to enter into the quest for living life to the fullest is part of this period of time. Unrestrained, blunt, direct, honest, and all with the desire to connect and find ways to love and be loved more deeply—Venus in Aries awakens life wherever she transits in our lives. 

This week Venus forms a semi-square to Pluto from March 10-11. This causes some fogginess of thinking about romance and love, and may find us caught up in nostalgia, romantic idealism, and self deception…or perhaps a play by a partner of gas lighting or planting seeds of confusion or doubt in your mind. Maintain clarity and know that you are the only one who truly knows you. Sometimes during periods like this, we get reminders of experiences from the past that were hurtful, disruptive, or confusing. The times are not the same; the reminder is simply meant to show us we have mastered our lessons and have clarity about who we are. We are less malleable now than we were in the past. We are less likely to be fooled into thinking we are the one who is confused or off base. Trust yourself, and invoke Divine Right guidance and protection in any situation or decision you make. 

Venus also forms a semi-square to Chiron in Pisces, the Wounded Healer, on March 19th. This is building now, and will be a time when you will have an opportunity to learn from the past. We are not doomed to repeating mistakes nor are we destined to have to live under the obligations or commitments made when those commitments have been abandoned or broken.  See this as a time to walk over the threshold onto a new path. 

Coupled with Venus in Aries is Mars in Aries, so the emphasis on passion, romance, and taking action where love, romance, and marriage are concerned, is paramount. Mars has been transiting Aries  as long as Venus has (February 19-March 31). In the home of its ruler, Aries, Mars is at home with the active, direct energy of this transit. This transit of Mars lends itself to being direct, courageous, and hopeful, and it demands action not just thoughtful consideration or reverie. Being clear about what is and what is not, pushes us each to face the truth of our experiences, and set goals for ourselves that have a promise of life-giving, affirming, and mutual experiences of love, romance, marriage, and any kind of partnership that requires commitment, passion, and stick-to-itiveness. The desire is for the long-haul and for mutual, life-giving connections and relationships. It requires jettisoning anything unnecessary, outwork, or unfulfilling in order to make room for a heart’s desire.  Ask yourself what you would want, what kind of marriage, partnership, or life commitment you would like, and imagine it in all its fullness. Allow yourself to see possibilities, and then jettison the fears, unrealistic expectations, past patterns and habits, and whatever else you need to rid yourself of, and live in the space between…allowing yourself to stand in your own truth for a while. Trust that you are meant to have the right and perfect experiences, relationships, and choices, and walk forward being open and receptive, and at home with yourself as you are. 

Of course also in Aries is Uranus, bringing with it a series surprising, shocking, and unexpected events, changes, and revelations. In my own life, I have seen this play out in amazing and baffling ways. In the world at large, Uranus in Aries is setting off one fire storm after another, and bringing the necessary crises to a head in order for the great changes that need to happen to occur. Uranus in Aries has been coming into a series of 7 squares to Pluto in Capricorn, the Great Transformer over the past 2 1/2 to 3 years. The final square occurs Sunday, March 15. 

The wave of movement, transitional debris, and the final sweep of changes and movement that are necessary in order for the transformation to be complete, is moving through all areas of our lives where this energy is working. How we respond to the changes and how we either move with or resist the changes, are determining the way we will understand and cope with the changes that have already happened during this period of time. 
If we are still bemoaning our fate, clinging the  weight of dead or dying relationships or ideals about them, or refusing to change our patterns of behavior, thinking, or coping skills, we will struggle more than is necessary. By embracing the changes, and maintaining a life of mindfulness, appreciation, and acceptance of who we are exactly where we are, we are open to acknowledging and receiving what is right before us. 

While Pisces has been swimming through the 2nd decan, ruled by Pisces, we have been going beneath the surface into the depths, absorbing ourselves in whatever it is we use to escape. It may be work, addictions, negativity, or something more positive like soul-searching or purging ourselves of remnants of the past. With this level of Solar energy at work in this area, we have been able to go deeper, discover lost or hidden secrets, or have made major breakthroughs in our soul development. If we have squandered this time in any way, we may have missed a golden opportunity to see deep into the truth of who we are and what is needed for further soul growth. Look back at dreams, insight, observations, and experiences from this period of time. Notice where you have faltered in an effort to stay safe or mask or numb some pain. Notice where you have managed to work on healing and protecting yourself from deeper damage or stopped yourself from negative habits and risk taking.  Notice how you have nurtured yourself—body, mind, and soul. Hopefully, you have identified and depended on the kindness of dear family and friends, and have taken positive steps to heal, rest, and enrich your life. This has been a postive time for redemption, healing, and soul growth. 

We are about to enter the 3rd decan of Pisces, March 11-20. This decan is ruled by Mars, and is called the ‘zone of the impossible—fish that fly’ (Maria Marcario, Darkstar Astrology). Ruled by the mythical sign of Pegasus, the energy of this decan is about high-flying, far-reaching, and bursting-at-the-seams passion for bringing ideals, wishes, dreams, and visions into being. An area of the zodiac that indicates a deep, long-awaited, being who has undergone metamorphosis, is impatient to emerge from a deep, soul developing sleep. Prone to overdoing and hurting themselves due to impatience, those born in this decan are resilient and strong-willed, ready to fight another day, to return to duty, and to carry one despite all odds. 

There are seven fixed stars in the constellation of Pegasus. Markab, the alpha star and wing star, influences all spiritual and mental realms. This aspect of the constellation that rules Pisces 3rd decan, has the ability to see and express the positive side of any situation. Natives of the 3rd decan are seekers of beauty, and against all odds, are destined to find it. Honor, riches, and good fortune are the blessings of this decan. 

A second fixed star in Pegasus is Lacerta (Latin for ‘tears’), the reptile. The reptile which sheds its skin to grow a new skin, represents the capacity we have of experiencing trauma, suffering and grieving, and coming through the experience to regenerate and pull ourselves back together. Accident prone, they have the capacity to heal quickly and return to the adventure and quest for truth and beauty, despite any hardships or disappointments. So out of our tears, we rise to live and love again, to move forward and to enter begin anew.

A third fixed star, Azelfafagi, the tail of the swan, lending itself to a dreamy, contemplative nature, but also tending to react with spite and a sharp bite if crossed or disrespected. This aspect of Pegasus/Pisces 3rd decan nature is that of one who suffers no fools, quietly at least. 

A fourth fixed star, Scheat, is the left leg of Pegasus. As I write this, I’m laid up with a wrenched left knee, and had been pondering what metaphysical message this might be. Now listen to this. As a thrid decan Pisces, this is my territory—the realm of which I am intimately familiar.  This energy is one of brilliance of mind but being so far ahead of one’s thoughts, that it is likely others think you mad. Seeing with pinpoint accuracy, and acting without restraint with knowledge of that clarity and the rightness of the action, this is an energy that is often understood as being rash or impulsive.  Not the case, when one has been incubating an idea or decision for years. Beneath the surface is where the action is taking place, deep within the consciousness and spiritual depths. What you see, is not what you get. What apears on the surface or when actions are perceived, belie the path that has been taken to reach the point of open expression. When younger, those born under this sign, were often perceived as eccentric or genius (Edgar Cayce, Albert Einstein, Michaelangelo, Jack Kerouac). If ideas are too far out or too ahead of their times, those born under this influence have problems being taken seriously or seem to pose a threat to more traditional, conventional thought and established traditions.  Some with this sign enter acting and comedy as a way to express themselves (much like the court jestor-Jerry Lewis or musicians like  Liza Minnelli, Ringo Starr, Quincy Jones). 

Passing through this aspect at this time, escpecially as we cross the threshhold of the final Uranus-Pluto transformation, promises a time when we as a whole, will be influenced by foreward thinking, intuitive knowledge, and greater promise and acceptance of ideas that are not only proven by material facts and evidence. Called by some, the ‘star of our age’ Scheat, the left leg of Pegasus will reach the Aries point in 2045 in the tropical zodiac. Regardless of which system you follow, that this fixed star and constellation hang over us at this crucial time, indicates the energy that is bringing advances in technology, concern and new ways to use the electronic media and the internet, are having a profound effect on our thinking, behavior, and willingness to acknowledge the hidden dimensions of the mind, energy, and the Universal Source. 

Beta Pisces, the only fixed star left in the 2nd decan of Pisces, has been revealing  the struggle between the two fish swimming in opposite directions. The creative and destructive nature of our being. The quest for truth and the desire to enter the realm of the unknown. The search for finiding unity amid diversity in all areas of our lives. These are the gifts of the second decan. For the third decan, we are becoming aware of the importance of discerning our choices by setting some boundareis. By removing boundaries in order to express beauty, we unleash a powerful force alive at this time. For this to work, we each need to know our own personal limitations, boundaries, and be capable of protecting and guarding ourselves from going too far. 

On Wednesday, March 11, on the first day of the Sun’s entry into the 3rd decan of Pisces (ruled by Aries), Mars conjuncts Uranus in Aries and then squares Neptune. This could be a time when we either witness or experience some major 

On Saturday, March 14, Saturn in Sagittarius, turns retrograde. This signals a time when we will be reflecting and reviewing the lessons we have learned from Saturn’s transit in this area of our lives/chart. Coming as it does just before the final Uranus-Pluto square, we can look forward to a great deal of thought and some experiences that will allow us to review what we have learned over the last few years, a period that has produced some major, life-altering changes in both persoanl and collective experience. 

On Monday, March 16, at 7:53 PDT/March 17, 2:53 GMT, Uranus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn at 15/18, with both planets in direct motion. This has been one wild ride, and is reminiscent and built upon a similar series of squares that took place in the 1960s, resulting in decades of transition and change. Triggered at that time in Virgo, that series continues to influence our lives and society as a whole. Uranus the Great Awakener, and Pluto, the Great Transformer, are agents of change. Uranus has been bringing surprises and yanking the carpet out from under our reality. Pluto has been uprooting, overturning, and pushing out whatever needed to be transformed about our lives. Now we are in the final stages of this series of 7 squares—this great transformation, and for the rest of our lives, we will be living out of whatever has been revealed, changed, altered, and ignited within us.  Pluto the co-ruler of Scorpio ruler of the depths, and Mars the god of war and passion. With such intense movement worldwide, we are pushed to the brink of change and risks and dangers of war. What we choose to do with all this energy and change that has built up and pushed to the surface (in our private lives as well as our collective life as a planet), depends on how we channel our emotions, direct our energies, and seek Divine guidance for our decisions, choices, and actions. 

This finale for Uranus and Pluto occurs with the Mars conjunction to Pluto. all at 29 degrees of Pisces.  On March 20, a total eclipse will fall at 29 degrees of Pisces with all of these planets slowed to a crawl as they ready for a retrograde. This also falls on the fixed star, Sheat which is also at the anaretic (29th degree) of Pisces. Occurring at the final degree of the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces, an old cycle ends and a new one begins. Where ideals have reached a pinnacle of development in Pisces, action and pioneering steps forward need to take place as the energy of Aries is reached by Uranus-Pluto-Mars. We have reached a crucial point in our lives here on Earth, and we must move with pure intention and clear sight and vision. We must work from a point of truth, cooperation, and mutual survival and good intention. The energy that we generate through our thoughts, actions, and choices, is vital to our individual and collective survival, health, and well being. 

While we cannot always bring change and balance to what is going on in the world around us, we can begin by finding that place of peace and clarity within ourselves. Living life as if it were our one opportunity to create the perfection we are each called to express, requires that we be true to our own calling, honor the gifts the Divine has given us, and use them wisely and with wild abandon to bring beauty, harmony, and love to life within our own sphere. What we bring forth from within us, Christ says, is what saves us. What we fail to bring forth, destroys us. Choose Life.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Full Moon in Virgo: culmination of transformational changes

Ephemeris Reading for March 4, 2015, from Astrodienst.com.

Sun 13 Pisces 43' 3" 6s24
Moon 1 Virgo 35'53" 7n51
Mercury 18 Aquarius 10' 7" 16s30
Venus 14 Aries 28' 0" 5n12
Mars 9 Aries 39'58" 3n25
Jupiter 14 Leo 28' 7"r 17n26
Saturn 4 Sagittarius 50'45" 19s04
Uranus 14 Aries 38'25" 5n11
Neptune 7 Pisces 30'32" 9s26
Pluto 15 Capricorn 4'15" 20s30
TrueNode 10 Libra 6'16"r 4s00
Chiron 17 Pisces 2'57" 1s02

If your life has been anything like mine the last few weeks, you are experiencing a major shift and cleansing that may have been a combination of exhilarating, perplexing, disturbing, and sweetly familiar. Such a powerful time as the final Uranus-Pluto square brings everything to a head, finds many of us longing for sweet respite and sanctuary. 

To begin to make sense of what is happening as this Full Moon in Virgo reveals the truth of who we are, in all our complexities, polarities, and challenging extremes, it may be best to look at what the energies are that are building to a climax in different areas of our lives. Look at your chart, or if you are not familiar with astrological charts, think of the areas of your lives which correlate to the houses described. It won’t take a degree in metaphysics to figure out where you are experiencing the effects of this full moon in earthy Virgo. 

My own natal Moon (where the Moon was at my birth) is Virgo, and it is opposed to my natal Sun, Pisces. This opposition has made my life all about bringing unity together within the polarities of life.  By now, I’m fairly good at this, however this period of time has been challenging quite simply because it is such a potent and crucial time for us as individuals and as a collective whole of humankind. We are each being asked to walk the walk of our Truth. We are each being driven from the places where we no longer belong, and are being given reprieve from what shackled us―our own beliefs, fears, perceptions, and experiences. 

The Full Moon in Virgo at 14/50 degrees is in opposition to the Sun in Pisces at 14/50 degrees.  The Full Moon in Virgo reaches her peak on Thursday, March 5 at 10:05 A.M. PST.. Falling as they both do in the second decan of their respective signs, both the Moon and the Sun are doubly potent and grounded in the truth of their own nature. The Pisces Sun sits right in between   Neptune  at 7/33 degrees of Pisces in conjunction with  Chiron, the Wounded Healer at 17/7 degrees of Pisces. What has been revealed (Neptune) through dreams, intuition, visions, and sensory awareness, is now in the process of alchemizing into a healing process unlike anything we have experienced before. The effects of the toxins and dysfunctional nature of any area of our lives is making its way to the surface to be eliminated, released, and cleansed from our systems. 

The Sun’s position in Pisces and its aspects to both Neptune and Chiron, make for a powerful healing experience provided we are willing to pay attention to what we have learned. When we identify in no uncertain terms, the source of pain, fear, loss, or oppression, we must then be courageous and firm in taking the steps needed to protect, heal, and nurture our highest nature. The opposition that each full moon brings, is in this case between our practical, pragmatic nature to keep our emotions in check and the very emotional and deeply spiritual need to respond from a place of deep intuitive knowing of what is of the highest nature of good for us right now. 

This Full Moon in Virgo, shines its light on the Sun in Pisces, reflecting back to it, the essence of the light within its source. Virgo calls us to pay attention to the day-to-day routines and rituals of our lives, and the practical and down-to-earth essence of the lives we live. Virgo calls for order and organization. Pisces expresses  emotional truth, spiritual health and wholeness, vision,  intuition, and creative response. Pisces demands releasing restrictions, overcoming limitations, and thinking decidedly out of the box. A crisis of some type is occurring, demanding that we listen more closely to our emotional needs, and expand our vision to move in the direction that opens us in directions that lead to healthier spiritual and emotional well being. This period calls us to focus on the balance between the practical and the impractical, the rational and the emotional, the pragmatic and the creative, the structured and limited versus the open and expansive in all areas of our lives. 

Also at play at this time are some major aspects and transits. Venus in Aries is trine Jupiter as I write on March 4, conjunct Uranus also, and square Pluto in Capricorn today as well. If your stomach is upset or your balance off, these aspects alone should give you a reason.  Venus, the planet that represents our ability to give and receive love, to express our spiritual, artistic, and emotional nature, and our ability to examine relationships of all kinds. Over the last few days when Venus was opposing the North Node in Libra (gateway to the future, closing doors to the past), we have been more aware of what is sustaining us and nurturing our growth, and what is not. 
The trine with Jupiter has us feeling more expansive and open to what we now perceive as essential and life-affirming for us. 

The conjunction with Uranus opens us to possibilities, and allows us to see into corners of our hearts and minds that have only glimpsed into new areas before. Now we have sufficiently exorcised the demons of the past to begin considering change. Uranus in Aries may bring something or someone into our lives that we have only considered a vague possibility. Sudden, shocking, and surprising events and meetings occur, and we arrive at a new portal into an unexplored future. Our need for self expression, freedom, and adventure now becomes a motivating factor in how we travel our paths. 

Venus square Pluto raises the ugly head of jealousy, control, possessiveness, and the underbelly of passion. As much as we may become aware of new possibilities and relationships, this is not a great time to start something new as the unsettling elements characterized by this aspect could be a source of major problems later. It is better at this time to observe, listen, and be more mindful of what stirs, excites, and attracts. Hold yourself in check, however, and sit with the awareness long enough to let it be the essence of who you are, and not the motivating factor and anchor for a new connection. Let things develop slowly. Now is the time to gain clarity and allow the truth to seep into every atom of your own being. Let the Truth become who you are, and then when you choose anew, you do so from your own whole and intact personal essence.

The Trine between the Virgo Full Moon and Pluto in Capricorn, gives us the energy and drive to stand up to any oppression or bullying that threatens to undermine or attempt to control us. Time to stand firm against domination and control. In relationships of all kinds, bear in mind that putting on appearances and begging forgiveness do not necessarily equate to true redemption and lasting change. The nature of a bully, controller, or abuser is deep-seated, and now is the time to hold off on allowing yourself to become seduced by appearances and sweet talk. Hold yourself in abeyance, and take your time deciding what, if anything you want, need, or can bear to have with a partner, former partner, or intimate connection (this includes work but most particularly romance and marriage). 

For anyone with planets, the Sun or the Moon between 14 degrees of Virgo and 14 degrees of Leo, remember that the transiting planets, the Full Moon and the Sun are acting as a kind of vacuum, cleaning out any area of our lives where we need to release in order, whether we want to or not. Prior to this, we have had choices; now we are experiencing the results of the changes that have been taking place over the last few years, and in fact over the last five decades. What was set into motion in the late-1960s is now culminating. We are being released from whatever hinders our soul growth and development. Let go, and enjoy the ride.

What has prepared us for this wild ride? In February, we experienced first the Jupiter focused Eye of God Yod on the 14th. This opened the genie’s lamp letting the truth emerge breaking down belief, dogma, and wishful thinking. Next the Pisces water stellenium of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Neptune, and Chiron all falling in Pisces on February 19,  unleashed an outpouring and upwelling of Truth that allowed us to see and feel clearly as at no other time. The result is akin to major surgery to repair and correct the health of our soul and relationship patterning and choices.  After that, the movement of Venus, then Mars into Aries, set the wheels in motion to activate long-overdue changes. 

The Uranus square Pluto  waxing cycle (building up) began in 2013, and reaches its peak this month. Uranus square Pluto March 17 2015 at 15º Aries/15º Capricorn. As the final square waxes/builds to its peak, we are looking at three main issues. Uranus’ transit through Aries in your chart/life, demands freedom and using that freedom to move forward in your life. Pluto transiting through Capricorn has been uprooting and overturning whatever areas of your life need to be transformed. As part of this process, old fears, outworn patterns of behavior, rules and guidelines, structures and limitations, and whatever dogma or beliefs you have used to define and limit your growth, have been torn apart and deconstructed. Secrets come to the surface, the Truth rises up into the full light of day or night. At the final square, whatever is left that stand in the way, will be blasted apart. Problems are pushed up to the surface, so we are no longer able to deny or hide. Whatever taboos or limits we have felt constricted by, are broken once and for all. 

 “Radical clarity shines down on the caverns Pluto has opened” (Ruby Slipper Astrologer, Nadia Gilchrist). It is now time to face the truth, look through the garbage, and acknowledge what we are accountable for and what has been learned from the difficult and overwhelming pain of the lessons we’ve learned. Before we can move forward and grow beyond our limitations, we have to face the truth. The gifts are in the garbage, and we will rebuild, move forward, and use the lessons of the past and present to build a new future. We travel less encumbered than we have in a long time. Use this time to discern, decompress, and release whatever needs to go. 

As we all by now know from the appeal of the movie Frozen, whatever has hardened and caused us to lose contact with life within us, is now ready to be opened, and the only thing we can do it “let it go”. What does that look like? What does it mean? It means being aware, facing the truth, and moving in the direction of the heart and soul. It means listening to intuition, paying attention to and working with dreams to unlock the subconscious messages, and it means following your passions and dreams; the ones you have for yourself, not the ones others have defined for you. Be your own true self, and love the one you’re with. Be grounded by the Virgo Full Moon in new ways that allow your spirit to fly free and your life to take wings. Create, cry, contemplate, begin anew, and sit in stillness and wonder at the gifts of life within. Trust that you know, and act accordingly.