Super Full Moon in Pisces, Conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer. This month's full moon lunation focuses our attention on healing body, mind, soul, spirit, and emotional/psychic wounds and pain.
On Monday, September 8, at 6:38 AM, PDT, Luna peaks in her fullness in the watery depths of Pisces. All the mutable signs--Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces--are double bodied signs. The represent the polarities within us, often depicted as 'fish swimming in opposite directions' or other less-than-favorable light. While it can be an aspect of a mutable sign, the real desire and drive is to unite opposites and unify the polarities. This Full Moon in Pisces heightens this sense in us.
As Pisces is malleable, movable, permeable, and mystical, this full moon feeds that essential energy that understands the interconnectedness of all that is. With unshakable faith and an open heart, Pisces at its best, lives to create, love, connect, and absorb life. At its worse, it abdicates its power, giving it away or allowing itself to be used, abused, or using and abusing oneself by feeding addictions or dishonoring its gifts. This Full Moon in Pisces is conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer making this lunation even more powerful and deep-seated. And making us all aware of how we are blocking our own good or not. Whatever needs healing, releasing, and purifying now becomes apparent.
As the Moon has been waxing to fullness, we have been feeling the pull between our Divine nature and connection to the Universal Consciousness and our mortal experience of living out our life purpose in the world. Portland astrologer, Emily Trinkaus describes the juxtaposition within each of us beautifully: “As the last sign in the zodiac, Pisces is where everything dissolves back into the ocean of consciousness, where we lose the illusion of separation and remember the truth of our infinite Source selves. The challenge is how to stay connected with that ultimate spiritual truth, how to stay in that vulnerable, heart-wide-open place, while being in our bodies and on the planet.”
Two weeks ago at the New Moon in Virgo, the Moon opposed Neptune in Pisces where we experienced the initial impact of our desire for wholeness-body, mind, spirit. Barriers and obstacles to understanding were challenged, discernment was required, and our entire being vibrated and delivered wake-up calls and experiences on all levels of our being. During the waxing period leading up to this Full Moon, we have been continuously feeling a need to bring our experience of being into alignment, to become attuned to the Divine
Consciousness within, and with its connections with all that is. We find within our life experience a longing that Irish poet and theologian, John O’Donohue so beautifully describes in his book, Eternal Echoes: “Perhaps your hunger to belong is always active and intense because you belonged so totally before you came here. This hunger to belong is the echo and reverberation of your invisible heritage. You are from somewhere else, where you were known, embraced and sheltered. This is also the secret root from which all longing grows. Something in you knows, perhaps remembers, that eternal belonging liberates longing into its surest and most potent creativity. This is why your longing is often wiser than your conventional sense of appropriateness, safety and truth... Your longing desires to take you towards the absolute realization of all the possibilities that sleep in the clay of your heart; it knows your eternal potential, and it will not rest until it is awakened.”
That yearning to belong, within each of us, is what we are attuned to at this time. As Chiron in Pisces calls us to heal the woundedness within ourselves, between one another, throughout our connections with one another through time and across the vastness of our world, we touch the heart and soul of the Divine in this moment, with our veils half lowered so we glimpse the Light of Consciousness and bridge the gaps of longing, divisions, conflicts, and separation.
This Full Moon at 16 degrees of Pisces conjunct Chiron , in opposition to the Sun at 16 degrees of Virgo, opens old wounds, awakens memories, and where our spiritual pain and aching yearns for healing. Wherever we are feeling pain or wherever we are longing for healing and relief, we now have both the opportunities and the gifts we need to help in our own healing and to make inroads on Universal, karmic, and life patterns and drives that have brought us to this point. We have within our reach, the gifts for healing, and connection with the Divine Source of all healing and creation. Allowing our faith in Divine Love and the principles to help with spiritual evolution is now what is needed. At the same time, Lilith sextiles the North Node (gateway to transition) urging us to eliminate negative patterns of thought, behavior, and emotionally-based drives. Whatever is blocking our paths to growth, healing, and unity now is accessible in our awareness and we have the opportunity for spiritual development, growth, and expression.
As deep as we are stirred when the Full Moon and Chiron transit this decan of Pisces, we are not only stirred with intuition, imagination, vision, and desire, but also by whatever toxic and illusionary misconceptions we may be living with. As we absorb what is going on within and around us, we are somewhat without filters to block out harmful and dangerous input. Our senses quicken and our minds tend to dwell on areas of conflict and problems that we may not be able to do much about. Since we are receiving so much input, Chiron the Wounded Healer, presents us with the reminder that we must keep ourselves in alignment what is pure, good, and holy, and to not allow ourselves to sink into hopelessness, egotism, or despair. Chiron reminds us that to serve others we have to be willing to heal ourselves as well. We are reminded that though our hearts and souls may want to save the world, we are in this life in the form we are in to serve a purpose as part of a co-creator of the Universe, as are all of us. Directing our energy, devotion, and service into what is being called for where we are, is needed now.
Also on Monday, Mercury at 10 degrees of Libra squares Pluto, the Great Transformer in Capricorn. This aspect feeds paranoia and may trigger excessive worry and concern. Notice if this is the case, and use your mind and capacity to think and reason to consider constructive ways to solve problems, find solutions, or change course. Remember that emotions are heightened around this time, and deceptions make their way into the light of day. Avoid taking everything and everyone at face value, but allow yourself room to discern and test the boundaries of trust and reliability. Channel your active mind with meditation, prayer, contemplative activities, and creativity. Put ideas and emotional upheaval into some type of creative form (journaling, gardening, art, music, dance, exercise, movement of some type), and perhaps use this energy that is welling up to channel through you as you acknowledge what is troubling, and then allow that to leave your body and soak back into the earth or the water around you. Symbolically releasing energy allows the mind to move into matter and to be lessened. Release through emotional expressions and physical activity need to be channeled in healthy ways during this time.
The week begins with a powerful Full Moon and alignments with Chiron, and then the week get even busier. From September 9-11, Pluto, Jupiter, Ceres, and Mercury dance. As mentioned already, Pluto squares Mercury and Ceres squares Jupiter, and Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on the same day. All in all, this energy sparks visionary thinking, creative expression, artistic development, and imaginative problem solving. A great time to learn something new, or to brain storm ways to proceed forward with projects, artwork, or ideas you hope to get started.
The Sun in Virgo is sextile to Saturn in Scorpio this week, giving us a great deal of patience and endurance. We connect to our inner resources, and feel more confident and determined to set sail on new life voyages. Mercury in Libra will oppose Uranus in Aries later in the week, and this may lead to some agitation―consider this a testing time when we discover the depth of our capacity to ride out storms and maintain balance and focus. Most of what is stirred up in mental with this type of aspect. You may be shocked or disturbed by something you hear or by some type of communication that is challenging or deflating.
Avoid allowing others who think and experience the world as an unkind and unfriendly place, to dampen your spirits or significantly affect you. Notice who is on board with your ideas, and who is blocking your way, and then proceed with new awareness. By understanding who we are meant to align ourselves with and who we are not, we open ourselves to a clearer idea of who we are and where we are headed. We do not have to make anyone our enemy, but we do need to recognize the potential and nature of each friendship, association, and relationship. This is part of the discernment process, and we can seek Divine guidance to help us ascertain how we are meant to honor one another.
Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn forms a beautiful aspect that shines a light on where we find our grounding, meaning, affirmation, and support among allies, friends, and other relationships and partnerships. The idea that love is an expression grounded in doing as well as feeling, is a message of Venus in Virgo. When this trine occurs, we connect to the grand scheme of life, and better understand how our own life purpose is grounded in whatever transformative experiences we are having and in whatever ways we are changing, growing, developing, and becoming more purposeful, connected, and creative (creative in whatever type of life we live, work we do, or purpose we seek to fulfill). Venus in Virgo in the third decan, intensifies the need to show meaning through substance. We must put into form what our hearts desire and long for. The power of positive thinking―affirming that which we want rather than focusing on what we don’t want―is crucial at this time. When we align ourselves with a loving, beneficent Divine Creator, we understand that blessings flow, and our purpose in life is to live in obedience to the command to create life, to be creative to bring forth what is the Divine spark within us.
With the energy and focus of the Full Moon in Pisces at perigee (closest to the Earth), conjunct the Wounded Healer Chiron, our wounds and pain are brought up into the light. We can acknowledge how our wounds affect us, what still needs to be healed and protected, and how we can heal from our pain without living out of the pain. When we suppress pain and hurt, it only comes up later requiring our attention. When we take acknowledge what is hurting, how loss is affecting us, or what sorrow has created in our lives, then we can move to release its hold over us, and move from a point of health, wholeness, and harmony.
Christ Jesus spoke about bringing forth what is within us as a command to honor and revere life. The old Deuteronomist spoke of the choice we have before us-on one hand we have life, on the other we have death. The command is Choose Life. This is a week we are aroused to choose life, life affirming, life giving, and life awakening. For we are given this time and find ourselves in whatever place, conditions, and circumstances we are, and are each given what we need to choose life regardless the situations, trials, and challenges we face. This week is a significant time for us to look deep within ourselves, to acknowledge and appreciate the gifts of our circumstances, no matter how bleak or troubling, and find that Divine source of healing within us to make choices to let the Light shine in. Look with fresh eyes and heart, to see what there is to use for the next beautiful tapestry you weave of your life.
“May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder ” (John O’Donohue, Eternal Echoes).
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