Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Thresholds: Between times, between places always movement

Carmel Mission                                  Catherine Al-Meten

As we approach mid-week and the end of September, we experience many shifts and changes. 

As October opens, we have the First Quarter Square of the Waxing Moon in Capricorn to the Sun in Libra at 12:33 PDT on Wednesday afternoon. This square reminds us of how our actions (or lack thereof) affect others.  We are also reminded of any challenges or obstacles that block or hinder projects started at the New Moon (a week ago). After the initial burst of excitement, we begin to see what we might need to alter, amend, or let go of. Occurring at 8/33 degrees of Capricorn, this square affects those who have planets or aspects between 7-11 degrees of either Libra or Capricorn, the Cardinal signs including Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. 

Mercury entered Scorpio on September 27 and will turn retrograde on the 4th of October, and reenter the sign of Libra on the 10th for the remainder of October. We’ll be dealing with the same old territory in terms of communication and our own thoughts and feelings about relationship, independence, self fulfillment, and creativity. During the period Mercury is in Scorpio (dipping into the depths of the subconscious until the 10th) we get a glimpse of the shadow, intuition, dreams, visions, and other hidden aspects that may have lain dormant for a long time. We begin to reconnect with what it is that shaped and informed our identities earlier in life, and we begin to break free of whatever it is we have been either forced to do without or have chosen to release. 

Venus entered Libra on Monday, September 29, and will transit there until October 23. Venus is at her best in Libra, the sign where she is dignified. Our experiences, views, dreams, and perceptions about loving and being loved are in their most idealized form during this transit. We seek greater harmony in our close relationships, and feel more at home with those we love. Our sense of decorum, tact, and charm outweigh our more aggressive and demanding desires and behavior, and as they say, “We catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” We seek more gentile ways of communicating, forming relationships and alliances, and of working out problems and issues in our intimate relationships.  For some, this might lead to ignoring or hiding real feelings and allowing ourselves to settle for less than what we truly want and need in relationship. If a person is in a relationship that is basically out of balance and unhealthy, this transit may be difficult because there may be a tendency to try to sweep issues and needs under the carpet. Rather than allowing that to happen, use your tact and courage to let your feelings be known in a way that is authentic, kind, and honorable. Avoid holding back and then resenting a partner or friend because of not being honest.  

Face intimacies as they are, and take responsibility for moving towards what is calling your heart. We may have a tendency to feel overcome with feelings of love and desire, that we take things out of context or come to believe that promises made in the heat of passion are long-lasting and durable. Venus in Libra is fully capable of appreciating the true nature of love and compassion, when blinders are taken off and relationships are viewed from a more pragmatic point of view. Remember, the other person in any relationship, sees, feels, and understands it differently than you do. When seeking to strengthen relationships, seek to understand how another’s perceptions, needs, and desires differ from your own. Later in the week, when Venus forms a quincunx to Neptune in Pisces, we may have a taste of disappointment or disillusion in our mouths if we fail to see how our perceptions are based on illusion rather than what really is.  On September 3-4, Venus semi-square Saturn touches us where we are vulnerable and connects us to where we are feeling isolated or needing more than what we have in relationship. 

Getting in touch with what is truly not working in relationship, allows us perhaps, to connect to the healing power activated when Venus parallels Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces on the 4-5. Chiron helps us get in touch with how to understand what we have to learn from the sorrow, losses, or lack we have suffered. When Venus and Chiron line up in aspect, we come to understand what needs to be healed in order for us to fully love and be loved.  More importantly perhaps, it reminds us of how our own ideas about love and what we need in relationship, require our own needs and avoid settling or putting up with less than desirable or healthy relationships. Healing apart is more life-affirming than continuing to drag one another down or rerun endless cycles of misunderstandings, illusions, or disappointing attempts to change or be changed by the other. 

On Saturday the 4th of October, The Sun squares Pluto. This signals an abuse of power, disregard or rebellion against boundaries and limitations, and compulsive, obstructive thinking and behavior. Avoid becoming too pushy or forcing issues at this time. We may feel more powerful, or feel the need to exert or express control, authority, and self righteousness. That would probably be a big mistake when this powerful transit is in place. We may also experience events, experiences, or awakenings that highlight the need for us to assert ourselves in order to maintain a strong sense of self.  Learning how to trust the Universal Life Force, Divine Will, or Higher Power (whatever you call the power greater than your own ego and will), is necessary under present circumstances. Saturn the rest Teacher has been slowly forcing everyone to understand what that means in both personal and collective energy expression. 

On Saturday evening, Mercury begins its retrograde phase. This will last throughout October. We may find ourselves thrown back into some old relationships issues and challenges. Take the retrograde time as a time to reflect, review, renew, and regenerate your ideas and experiences of love, artistic and creative expression, and ideas and desire for seeing beauty wherever you may be. What that has been happening over the last several months needs sorting, reorganizing, and reviewing? The threshold points (when Mercury is turning or changing signs) are the key times to be a bit more careful than usual. We tend to feel more vulnerable or a bit off center, but the regular retrograde cycle can be a good time to do some deep discernment, and to slow down and take some time to prepare, rest, and reset our emotional, physical, psychological, spiritual and mental clocks. 

Mercury will activate the October full eclipse three times, going from 2 degrees Scorpio to 16 degrees of Libra during the retrograde cycle. When it returns to Libra’s third decan, we can reexperience some harsh judgments or awakenings over our personal sense of confidence and/or worthiness. We may question or be questioned about some of those areas of ourselves that we treasure most. This Jupiter-ruled decan will favor us  by feeding our dreams and aspirations to make life better for others, to improve our planet, and to help heal old wounds. We are reminded during this retrograde cycle of what we have worked so hard to release. patterns of thinking and behavior, outdated or dysfunctional relationships and concepts about our own roles, callings,  or direction. This is a pretty peaceful and enlightening retrograde cycle. 

When the Sun conjuncts Mercury between October 13-20, astrologer Demetra George describes this period as being like  a time when we might feel like we are   “burning in the fiery cauldron of solar heat, where the last vestiges of the old self – in the case of Mercury, the old thought patterns and mental scripts that no longer serve us – are consumed and destroyed.”  A pretty powerful image, but the idea that in order to change, we need to go through transformation that is akin to heating gold to temper and shape it into something more beautiful than the rough, harsh ore of the element. We, the elements of our lives, are in the process of being heated, tempered, and shaped, and we need to trust that the Divine Sacred is working in unseen ways, and is affirming and supporting us on our journeys. 

First Quarter Squares of the Waxing Moon in Capricorn squares the Sun in Libra at 12:33 PDT on Wednesday afternoon. This square reminds us of how our actions (or lack thereof) affect others.  We are also reminded of any challenges or obstacles that block or hinder projects started at the New Moon (a week ago). After the initial burst of excitement, we begin to see what we might need to alter, amend, or let go of. Occurring at 8/33 degrees of Capricorn, this square affects those who have planets or aspects between 7-11 degrees of either Libra or Capricorn, the Cardinal signs including Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. 

Mercury entered Scorpio on September 27 and will turn retrograde on the 4th of October, and reenter the sign of Libra on the 10th for the remainder of October. We’ll be dealing with the same old territory in terms of communication and our own thoughts and feelings about relationship, independence, self fulfillment, and creativity. During the period Mercury is in Scorpio (dipping into the depths of the subconscious until the 10th) we get a glimpse of the shadow, intuition, dreams, visions, and other hidden aspects that may have lain dormant for a long time. We begin to reconnect with what it is that shaped and informed our identities earlier in life, and we begin to break free of whatever it is we have been either forced to do without or have chosen to release. 

Venus entered Libra on Monday, September 29, and will transit there until October 23. Venus is at her best in Libra, the sign where she is dignified. Our experiences, views, dreams, and perceptions about loving and being loved are in their most idealized form during this transit. We seek greater harmony in our close relationships, and feel more at home with those we love. Our sense of decorum, tact, and charm outweigh our more aggressive and demanding desires and behavior, and as they say, “We catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” We seek more gentile ways of communicating, forming relationships and alliances, and of working out problems and issues in our intimate relationships.  For some, this might lead to ignoring or hiding real feelings and allowing ourselves to settle for less than what we truly want and need in relationship. If a person is in a relationship that is basically out of balance and unhealthy, this transit may be difficult because there may be a tendency to try to sweep issues and needs under the carpet. Rather than allowing that to happen, use your tact and courage to let your feelings be known in a way that is authentic, kind, and honorable. Avoid holding back and then resenting a partner or friend because of not being honest.  

Face intimacies as they are, and take responsibility for moving towards what is calling your heart. We may have a tendency to feel overcome with feelings of love and desire, that we take things out of context or come to believe that promises made in the heat of passion are long-lasting and durable. Venus in Libra is fully capable of appreciating the true nature of love and compassion, when blinders are taken off and relationships are viewed from a more pragmatic point of view. Remember, the other person in any relationship, sees, feels, and understands it differently than you do. When seeking to strengthen relationships, seek to understand how another’s perceptions, needs, and desires differ from your own. Later in the week, when Venus forms a quincunx to Neptune in Pisces, we may have a taste of disappointment or disillusion in our mouths if we fail to see how our perceptions are based on illusion rather than what really is.  On September 3-4, Venus semi-square Saturn touches us where we are vulnerable and connects us to where we are feeling isolated or needing more than what we have in relationship. Getting in touch with what is truly not working in relationship, allows us perhaps, to connect to the healing power activated when Venus parallels Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces on the 4-5. Chiron helps us get in touch with how to understand what we have to learn from the sorrow, losses, or lack we have suffered. When Venus and Chiron line up in aspect, we come to understand what needs to be healed in order for us to fully love and be loved.  More importantly perhaps, it reminds us of how our own ideas about love and what we need in relationship, require our own needs and avoid settling or putting up with less than desirable or healthy relationships. Healing apart is more life-affirming than continuing to drag one another down or rerun endless cycles of misunderstandings, illusions, or disappointing attempts to change or be changed by the other. 

On Saturday the 4th of October, The Sun squares Pluto. This signals an abuse of power, disregard or rebellion against boundaries and limitations, and compulsive, obstructive thinking and behavior. Avoid becoming too pushy or forcing issues at this time. We may feel more powerful, or feel the need to exert or express control, authority, and self righteousness. That would probably be a big mistake when this powerful transit is in place. We may also experience events, experiences, or awakenings that highlight the need for us to assert ourselves in order to maintain a strong sense of self.  Learning how to trust the Universal Life Force, Divine Will, or Higher Power (whatever you call the power greater than your own ego and will), is necessary under present circumstances. Saturn the rest Teacher has been slowly forcing everyone to understand what that means in both personal and collective energy expression. 

On Saturday evening, Mercury begins its retrograde phase. This will last throughout October. We may find ourselves thrown back into some old relationships issues and challenges. Take the retrograde time as a time to reflect, review, renew, and regenerate your ideas and experiences of love, artistic and creative expression, and ideas and desire for seeing beauty wherever you may be. What that has been happening over the last several months needs sorting, reorganizing, and reviewing? The threshold points (when Mercury is turning or changing signs) are the key times to be a bit more careful than usual. We tend to feel more vulnerable or a bit off center, but the regular retrograde cycle can be a good time to do some deep discernment, and to slow down and take some time to prepare, rest, and reset our emotional, physical, psychological, spiritual and mental clocks. Mercury will activate the October full eclipse three times, going from 2 degrees Scorpio to 16 degrees of Libra during the retrograde cycle. When it returns to Libra’s third decan, we can reexperience some harsh judgments or awakenings over our personal sense of confidence and/or worthiness. We may question or be questioned about some of those areas of ourselves that we treasure most. This Jupiter-ruled decan will favor us  by feeding our dreams and aspirations to make life better for others, to improve our planet, and to help heal old wounds. We are reminded during this retrograde cycle of what we have worked so hard to release. patterns of thinking and behavior, outdated or dysfunctional relationships and concepts about our own roles, callings,  or direction. This is a pretty peaceful and enlightening retrograde cycle. When the Sun conjuncts Mercury between October 13-20, astrologer Demetra George describes this period as being like  a time when we might feel like we are   “burning in the fiery cauldron of solar heat, where the last vestiges of the old self – in the case of Mercury, the old thought patterns and mental scripts that no longer serve us – are consumed and destroyed.”  A pretty powerful image, but the idea that in order to change, we need to go through transformation that is akin to heating gold to temper and shape it into something more beautiful than the rough, harsh ore of the element. We, the elements of our lives, are in the process of being heated, tempered, and shaped, and we need to trust that the Divine Sacred is working in unseen ways, and is affirming and supporting us on our journeys. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Mercury enters Scorpio, Pluto's Direct turn in Capricorn; A time of transition and change

If you feel like you are experiencing the final stages of a birth or the phase of some part of life experience, it is no wonder. Today, Mercury is at 29/56 degrees of Libra, in the anaretic degree. The final degree, the anaretic degree, of a sign, signals the end, completion, or finale of some aspect of life.  When a planet,the Sun, or the Moon transit through the last degree of a sign (29th degree), it is called the anaretic or karmic degree. 

With Mercury in the anaretic degree, we are focusing on expressing ourselves more clearly. We may seek to expand our intellect more fully, or learn how to view issues, problems, challenges, and opportunities in new and more intriguing ways. Notice how you may  be more contemplative, or are in need of exploring your mental dexterity…testing yourself, expanding your mental skills, and stretching your mind to include intuitive, imaginative, and more esoteric ideas. Concern now is on our own mental health and/or that of others within our families/communities. Seek to come closer to knowing what needs to be dealt with and healed so that you have a clearer idea of how you are viewing the world. 

What you want to pay attention to are the arms, hands, shoulders, lungs, and heart―all the heart chakra energy and health.  Our heart chakra represents that which we both love and bear. Our passions inform who we are, and our deepest desires are calling to us during this time, wanting us to be doing what work feeds our souls and what relationships nurture, fulfill, and mutually satisfy us. When we are out of balance, doing things we dislike or giving our time, energy, and resources to relationships that are unhealthy or dysfunctional, we harm our own health and well being. Anything that is out of balance at this time, will make itself known through some form of manifestation-physical,mental, emotional, spiritual, or within the movement or lack thereof of energy in different areas of your life.

Between now and October 4, we are in the Mercury Shadow period―the period just before Mercury goes retrograde. Rather than freaking out about retrograde, view this as a period to slow yourself down and notice what really matters. Mercury’s last few days in Libra remind us of what we’ve been working on during its transit through Libra. During the shadow period, Mercury will move into the 2nd degree of Scorpio, and then during the retrograde phase, will take us back over what Mercury has been bringing up over half it’s transit through Libra. Mercury will retrograde to 16 degrees of Libra, and this will be a time when we have the opportunity to 1. Get a glimpse of how Mercury in Scorpio will dive into our subconsciousness, and 2. Remind us of what we have been dealing with over the last month or more, in terms of relationships and our own sense of self worth and value. 

We are getting reminders from our past, of what has helped shape our ideas about love, relationship, marriage, partnership, and what has shaped our own sense of self worth and identity. If we have only understood ourselves in relationship to others, we have perhaps not developed as fully as we need to. If we have avoided being in relationship, we have missed the growth, intimacy, and ability to give and receive love that helps us grow and express ourselves fully. We may have thrown ourselves into work at the expense of love and relationship, and may find ourselves reexamining what kinds of choices we have made and what we need to do now to change direction or correct some past misconceptions we have had about intimacy and freedom, partnership and commitment, love and obsession/safety, or other issues that pertain to how we experience our energy in partnerships and how we continue to grow independently. Time to look for what is blocking intimacy in relationships, or how to heal, release, rekindle, make amends, or change direction and focus in relationships. 

After October 4th, we can begin to address issues we may have been avoiding. Issues of life and death, birth, reproductive health, and whatever may be left over from old experiences, losses, grief, or trauma, will now arise to be faced and discussed. When Mercury in  Scorpio awakens us to subconscious energy that fill us and keep us from growing, producing, or feeling whole, we will then set out to identify what in particular needs to be addressed, that we have not been wanting to face. This may also include issues tied up to financial affairs, insurance and trusts, or paperwork related to real estate, agreements, contracts, partnerships, or anything else that might threaten to become an unnecessary loose  end. Relationships with brothers and sisters may also be involved at this time.  

From the 4th of October on, we will also want to clear up any areas of our lives where we have been involved in a manipulative or controlling situation. We want to work out relationships of all kinds so that we have an equitable arrangement in all areas of our lives. It’s time to reclaim our power and establish more equitable ways of dealing with one another. We also want to make certain we have been clear and straight-forward with one another, during the retrograde time. For when Mercury returns to Scorpio later in October, communication will go deep into the depths of Scorpio. Clarity, openness, conciseness, and mutual understanding is necessary now. 

Today, Saturday, September 27, Mercury enters Scorpio where it will stay until October 10. After that, Mercury reenters Libra in its retrograde transit, where it stays throughout the rest of October. During the period of time when Mercury dips into Scorpio, we feel the inner pull of more in-depth soul searching and some intense inner awakenings and stirrings. Watch dreams, intuition, visions, and memories that arise during this period. Notice what you are reminded of, focused on, or touched by, and what, from the past, is coming around to be settled, adjusted, or released. Mercury’s passage through Libra focused our attention on harmony, equity, fairness, and balance in all areas of relationship and partnerships. Mercury in Scorpio shakes us up, and reminds us that all things are not equal, not all promises are kept, and rarely is what we see, what we get. Scorpio touches our heartstrings and asks us to seek the truth in what has been hidden or kept secret. We examine our thinking, beliefs, values, and conceptions of love and harmony more closely, reminding ourselves that what we expect is not necessarily in line with the reality as seen by others. Examine motivations and intentions, your own and those of others. 

Remember that our feelings, emotional responses, thoughts, intuition, and sensations all remind us to pay closer attention to what is hidden from our view, or disguised by another’s words or our own illusions and misunderstandings.  Our perceptions and inner search is carried out on a profound and intense level right now. Pay close attention, and heed the answers to questions you have been asking recently.While Scorpio is profound and deep territory, it is also a sign that calls us to sharpen our intellect and be thoughtful and clear with our reasoning. Living an authentic life requires scrupulous honestly with ourselves. When we have a faith life that allows us to receive guidance and direction, it is wise to honor that and seek counsel so we are not veering too far off the track. During the next two weeks while Mercury transits through Scorpio before its retrograde return to Libra, we will have a taste of the nearly obssessive experience this transit will take on. 

Pluto in Capricorn, Stations Direct. A number of people, including myself, have been feeling queasy and mentally fatigued this week. With Pluto’s station, and then slow turn direct as it emerges from its orbit behind the Sun, we feel ourselves awaken to whatever is out of balance in our lives, and to whatever needs to renew through the process of transformation. We are at a point where we have been given the gifts of insight, intuition, knowledge, and vision, and can no longer sit back and ignore whatever needs changing, releasing, or mending. Pluto represents the underworld, the hidden, the shadow elements of ourselves and the world around us. We are forced to confront that which is out-of-balance and hidden with Pluto as well as we are with Mercury’s transit into Scorpio and the its retrograde phase back into Libra. We can clean up our ideas and experiences of how we do relationships and how we maintain a sense of who we are as individuals. 

Pluto brings Truth to the surface, as does Mercury in Scorpion. We may find that there is more honest communication going on right now, and that we are in touch with our own truth more as well. When we can live with our own shadows and not pretend we are something we are not, we can be more authentic in all areas of our lives. Pluto and Mercury are both in the position to bring us the Truth we seek so we can improve our lives, our world, and our relationships with one another. What you may habe been coming to realize, is now thrown into the light of Truth, and can no longer be hidden. Once we know the truth about soemthing, we can no longer pretend we do not understand or feel a certain way. We then must either live with a lie or make changes that reflect a healthier and more honest approach to living.  

Pluto is a catalyst to great and profound changes, particularly in the area of life where it is transiting…but also in all areas of our lives, for to live a congruent life, we have to be making an attempt to be congizant of all aspects of who we are. Pluto helps us identify and face our problems―often by dropping in right in your lap or forcing you to see it.  The next step is yours-action. Do I act on what is true for me, or do I live a lie and pretend? 

As Mercury completes its journey in Libra, the issues over relationship satisfaction and one’s independence and sense of personal fulfillment and well being, is at the top of the list when it comes to wanting things to be in balance and healthy. The choice is ours-independently and collectively. We each have to decide we are worthy of the good the Universe offers: 

“The Universe is abundant with everything that you want. It's not testing you. It's benevolently providing for you. But you are the orchestrater. You are the definer, and you do it through your joyous anticipation. If there is an emotion that you are wanting to foster, that would serve you very, very well, it is positive expectation. It is excited anticipation.”  ―Abraham

Where the planets, the Sun, and the Moon are as I write.  This week I will be writing more than one column as there is so much going on. Today, these two major shifts may help some understand the kind of energy that is active in our lives right now. 

Sun 4 Libra 39'10"
Moon 15 Scorpio 46'39"
Mercury 29 Libra 56'27"
Venus 27 Virgo 29' 0"
Mars 9 Sagittarius 29'14"
Jupiter 15 Leo 22'25"
Saturn 20 Scorpio 12'35"
Uranus 14 Aries 55' 0"r
Neptune 5 Pisces 25'30"r
Pluto 11 Capricorn 0' 7"
TrueNode 19 Libra 14'43"

Chiron 14 Pisces 29'28"r

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Major Astrological Turning Point Week Ahead

La Luna                                                        Painted by Tammy Heinz
This week is full of transtional and powerful astrological events. As the week starts this Sunday, September 21, here is where the planets, Sun, and Moon reside in the Heavens:

Sun 28 Virgo 31'34"
Moon 29 Leo 13'32"
Mercury 24 Libra 47'45"
Venus 19 Virgo 41'50"
Mars 5 Sagittarius 10'56"
Jupiter 14 Leo 14' 3"
Saturn 19 Scorpio 38' 8"
Uranus 15 Aries 9'39"r
Neptune 5 Pisces 34'29"r
Pluto 10 Capricorn 59'47"r
TrueNode 19 Libra 21' 4"r
Chiron 14 Pisces 46' 4"r

Thich Nah Hanh says, "Changing is not just changing the things 
outside of us. First of all we need the right view that transcends all
 notions inlcuding of being and non-being, creator and creature,
 mind and spirit. That kind of insight is crucial for transformation 
and healing."

Major changes and events promise to make the week ahead full of surprises, excitement, and changes. Sunday has some rich aspects starting this morning (6:04 AM PDT) with Venus in Virgo sextile Saturn in Scorpio. Renewal of relationships is in the works with this aspect. We find ourselves with a sense of feeling more grounded, pragmatic, and willing to see the truth of our intimate connections. We recognize our own needs, expectations, and desires, and realize how we create much of what we are living out in relationship with those we love. Relationships, being what they are, not what we might hope them to be, require us to look deeper into our own motivations and to discover what we are learning about love, commitment, and intimacy through the way we give and receive love and take on the responsibilities of maintaining close connections. We receive wise counsel from old friends, and renew old ties to loved ones.

The Moon is in Virgo today, and she makes some interesting aspects throughout the day.  This month we have had a mutable new moon, calling us to go with the flow of changing and extremes of weather, conditions, and transformational movement in our lives. 

Virgo Moon calls attention to detail in all things related to emotional balance and clarity. Being immaculate with our intentions, health, and with the order of our lives― body, mind, emotions, spirit―is an essential element of this day. The Virgo Moon forms a seisquiquadrant with Uranus in Aries, about mid-morning. We might find ourselves surprised or shocked by something in our environment, thinking, or with something taking place near us. Later the Moon squares Mars in Sagittarius, activating the energy to get something done. We can respond to the energy aggressively or put the energy to good use getting something done that needed to be done anyway. 

Later, the Moon opposes Neptune in Pisces, giving us a little forewarning of the square building between Neptune in Pisces and Mars in Sagittarius. Shortly before midnight EDT/just before 9:00 PM PDT, Mars at 2/41 Sagittarius (the first decan) squares Neptune at 5/34 Pisces, retrograde. This aspect has been building to an exact square all month. We may feel some strange emotions, physical feelings, strong intuitive senses, exaggerated fears, or other unusual thoughts and concerns. We want to pay attention to how we feel our strength, energy, and emotional well being is being drained, challenged, or weakened. Mars in Sagittarius is looking for Truth in all matters; Neptune in Pisces continues to dwell on Love, and all the possibilities, dreams, and imaginative scenarios connected to that. The two together, Mars and Neptune, unite in the understanding that both/and are true, and we are both what we can perceive and what we can imagine. We cannot divorce our feelings, intuition, dreams and hopes from how we choose to behave and what we focus our lives and energy on. We are both and One at the same time. When we are aware of who we are (the complexities of multiple polarities and contradiction), we are better able to make choices and understand our own motivation.

Seeking and  wanting to know the Truth (Mars in Sagittarius) can be the ultimate experience of Love (Neptune in Pisces), allowing us to be fully connected to those we share our lives with, relatively free of delusion. If we try to separate ourselves from either aspect, we dwell in illusion or live inauthentic lives-role playing, pretending, or settling for less than what is possible in love and its expressions.
We may also find this square provokes inspiration from unexpected and unusual sources. Depending where this aspect hits in your chart, you are likely to experience some profound insight, physical symptoms, or psychological/emotional energy that focuses your attention on where you need to seek greater clarity, healing, and health (wholeness). 

The powerful energy of this aspect has been building for quite some time (strengthening all month), and has made you even more aware of what it is you desire. Now is not the time to allow yourself to doubt, fear, or waver from your true desires. Keep your ‘eye’ and heart on that which you know to be true, which you understand deep within is your true heart’s desire. Mars in Sagittarius has the power to ignite the dreams and desires of Neptune in Pisces. Be scrumptiously honest with yourself, especially about what you truly desire. No wishy, washy thinking at this time. Neptune can consume the energy of Mars if we allow ourselves to stray from our emotional and spiritual truth. Allow yourself to flow with the energies of this aspect, and let go of preconceived ideas about ‘standing firm’ or ‘having to know’ or ‘losing hope’. This Mars-Neptune square has the potential (since everyone is influenced by it in one way or another) to be self-destructive. Again, allow the scrupulous energy of the Virgo Moon to keep you clean and sober, calm and centered, and focused on maintaining  emotional serenity amid all the movement and activity. Make amends where needed, seek to repair misunderstandings, and act from a place of love, gratitude, and kindness. This aspect is all about letting go and trusting in Divine guidance, protection, and knowledge. Some of the best ways to spend this Sunday evening is in pursuit of creative and artistic expression, taking a walk outside under the stars, or having a picnic on the beach late in the day ending with a campfire after dark. Let the energy within you flow into expressions of pure love and altruistic acts. 

Jupiter in Leo trines Uranus in Aries, so you evening may be lightened and filled with surprising and enjoyable encounters, visions, dreams or conversations. Good surprises come to soften the effects of the powerful Mars-Neptune square. The effects of this aspect will begin to lessen slowly over the next few weeks.

Late Sunday night/early Monday morning, the Sun in Libra semi-square Jupiter, may result in some vague feelings of discontent or let down. Dreams may reveal where we feel disappointed or feeling a vague lack or discontent. Much of this may be pointing our where we have allowed fear or faulty thinking to keep us from seeing where we are blessed.

All of Sunday’s aspects and energy lead us to two major events this week. Monday, Pluto in Capricorn comes out of its retrograde phase, turning direct at 5:36 on Monday, September 22. Two hours later (7:30 PM PDT) the Sun enters Libra marking the turning point between Summer and Autumn. The Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere open the doors to a new season. Pluto stations on Monday, bringing a major retrograde cycle to a point of stillness, just as we stand at the transition point, the balance point of the Autumnal/Spring Equinox. Since April 14 Pluto has been working its way through our unconscious minds. In the depths and darkness of the unknown aspects of our lives, Pluto has been working its way into our consciousness to break up patterns of fear, to dislodge memory, the unexplored shadow elements of our being, and to awaken unfulfilled desires. As Pluto stations and then begins its direct movement, whatever has awakened within, rises up into our awareness, feelings, senses, physical bodies, and conscious vision. Now we have a greater understanding and connection with our process rather than simply focusing on results and outcomes. We flow more from a feeling level (Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio, a fixed water sign). 

One of my good friend has been surprised at how much she has been crying. With Pluto breaking up the shell that has housed her feelings for so long, the flow of tears is a positive sign that whatever has been suppressed, ignored, denied, or locked away is now ready to be released. We all are experiencing more breaking up of locked up feelings and emotions, of letting out what we have held in for far too long, or from recognizing that we are fighting against ourselves more than we need to. Some of us struggle so much to be in control, to be in charge, to fix and repair our lives and ourselves that we exhaust ourselves and fool ourselves into thinking we are the sole master of our fate. Now is the time to surrender, and allow the Divine, the Universal Sacred to infuse us and take over the reins. Allow yourself to be with who you are right now, and let what needs to flow from within, rise up to be released. Healing comes by letting go, not hanging on. 

Pluto is also representative of the Base Chakra, Muladhara. What are we grounded in? Where do we feel at home? What nourishes and supports us? How are we rooted and connected to our home on Earth? What provides security and connects us to our identify? Pluto is now working through whatever area of our lives/chart is going through the greatest transition. The Pluto station occurs simultaneously to the shift of the Sun into Libra on Monday, and to the New Moon in Libra on Tuesday. This emphasizes for all of us, the need for rebuilding, redirecting, and renewing our relationships―-especially the one we have with ourselves.

The past few years have been an amazing time for my own life―a time when Pluto has been transiting my 3rd house of communications and reconnections. Reuniting with many people from my past, has awakened me to what has shaped the course of my own life, and me. One dear friend whom I have known since early childhood, reminded me of an oath we took as Campfire Girls―to dedicate ourselves to work, health, and love. As I was writing this morning, another poem I had committed to memory, came to mind. The poem, Myself, was written by Anglo-American poet, Edgar Guest. I found this poem in a Naval military handbook, so it might be something many readers are familiar with as well.


by Edgar Guest

“I have to live with myself, and so,
I want to be fit for myself to know;
I want to be able as days go by,
Always to look myself straight in the eye;
I don't want to stand with the setting sun
And hate myself for the things I've done.
I don't want to keep on a closet shelf
A lot of secrets about myself,
And fool myself as I come and go
Into thinking that nobody else will know
The kind of man I really am;
I don't want to dress myself up in sham.
I want to deserve all men's respect;
But here in this struggle for fame and pelf,
I want to be able to like myself.
I don't want to think as I come and go
That I'm for bluster and bluff and empty show.
I never can hide myself from me,
I see what others may never see,
I know what others may never know,
I never can fool myself -- and so,
Whatever happens, I want to be
Self-respecting and conscience free.”

It seems to sum up what the transit of Pluto in Capricorn is teaching all of us―a reminder to live every day with integrity.

The Sabian symbol for Pluto at 11degrees Capricorn is: “A pheasant hidden in the underbrush of the forest suddenly displays its brilliant plumage. Perhaps this symbol speaks to the beauty of life which will be revealed to us in some manner. I think we all need to see something beautiful and positive now so that we remember why we strive to change our priorities in life.” (Astrologer, Cathy Lynn Pagano). 
This month, the New Moon is in Libra. On  Tuesday evening at 8:13 PDT/6:13 AM GMT, we will be celebrating the New Moon, the first of the Autumn season. Summer is officially over, and we move ahead into the darker days of fall, and into the lessening of the light here in the North. At the same time, the Southern Hemisphere experiences the rebirth of Spring with the days of light ahead. Recently returned to Southern California for a brief visit, and was shocked by the Sun rising brightly on the horizon, awaking the Earth with the blazing Sun’s light. It was amazing to me to be in that light again, and for me, it was too much as it had been when I lived there long ago. My home is in the North, where the light is different and where I feel at home. This is a Pluto, first Chakra type of experience or awakening. Notice where you feel ‘at home’ and where you do not.  That is Pluto calling you to awareness, in part, of what you need to nourish and energize your being―body, mind, emotions, and soul. This powerful New Moon comes in close connection with both the Autumnal Equinox, the entry of the Sun in Libra and Pluto’s movement direct in Capricorn. These events mark a time of major change and transition, and the New Moon in Libra offers us a perfect time to set forth intentions, make plans, and plant the seeds for creating beauty, peace, equity, and fairness in all relationships. By honoring our personal gifts and using them in service to others, we work together to build a stronger, healthier, more kind and loving world. Relationships, especially the one we have with ourselves, are crucial to our being able to bring our intentions to fruition. The Sabian symbol for the Libra New Moon at 2 degrees is “The transmutation of the fruits of the past experiences into the seed realizations of the forever Creator Spirit.” It is a time for honoring and respecting the good fruits of the past, letting go of that which brings dishonor or death, (loss of life energy), and embracing our part in the Oneness of All. We surrender to the Creator Spirit, and live with greater awareness, respect, and in harmony with All that is. 

The New Moon in Libra (partnership, love, beauty, art, creativity, divine soul connections) forms a sextile with Mars at 7 degrees of Sagittarius. A perfect time to be receptive to the arrows of love that are directed right at your heart. It is also a time to act with full, heart-felt intentions on that which we desire and treasure. Putting our ideas for peace and justice into action is part and parcel with beginning a new era based on universal principles rather than selfish, mysogynist, and us-them thinking and behavior.

The New Moon in Libra also forms a fuzzy 150 degree angle (in-conjunct) with Neptune in Pisces. Pay attention to dreams, visions, intuition for signs and messages that enable you to adjust your thinking, behavior, and intentions according to the Highest Good. Trust your heart, listen to your intuition, and make decisions based on what is good, true, and right.  Jupiter in Leo is squaring Saturn in Scorpio. This signals the need to go beyond dogmatic beliefs, values based on selfish and narrow-minded understanding, and behavior focused on pleasing others while ignoring the Light within.  Awaken to the Truth within you, accessible through insight, meditation, prayer, contemplation, and emotional truth.  Rather than worrying about fixing everyone else’s life, work on your own. Take responsibility for your actions, decisions, and choices. Spend time facing the truth of what you feel, believe, desire, and do, take care of your own business. When you do that, you can love and serve others with greater integrity and more authentic love. As Christ’s disciple, Luke , the physician, counseled, “How can you say to another believer, 'Friend, let me take the piece of sawdust out of your eye,' when you don't see the beam in your own eye? You hypocrite! First remove the beam from your own eye. Then you will see clearly to remove the piece of sawdust from another believer's eye.” (Luke 6:2, from God’s Word Translation of the Holy Bible).

And as Christ Jesus himself taught in Luke 6: 27-36:  , "I tell everyone who is listening: Love your enemies. Be kind to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who insult you. If someone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other cheek as well. If someone takes your coat, don't stop him from taking your shirt. Give to everyone who asks you for something. If someone takes what is yours, don't insist on getting it back. "Do for other people everything you want them to do for you. "If you love those who love you, do you deserve any thanks for that? Even sinners love those who love them. If you help those who help you, do you deserve any thanks for that? Sinners do that too. If you lend anything to those from whom you expect to get something back, do you deserve any thanks for that? Sinners also lend to sinners to get back what they lend. Rather, love your enemies, help them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then you will have a great reward. You will be the children of the Most High God. After all, he is kind to unthankful and evil people. Be merciful as your Father is merciful.”

Some thoughts on transition and change;

“Never too old, never too bad, never too late, never too sick to start from scratch once again.”

~ Bikram Choudhury
“March on. Do not tarry. To go forward is to move toward perfection. March on, and fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on life’s path.”

~ Khalil Gibran

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mars enters Sagittarius, Moon in Cancer: Movement, Action, and Peace within

As this article is going to press, the current planetary, solar, and lunar alignments include the following:

Sun 23/43 Virgo
Moon  0/32 Cancer (third quarter square Mon.; dark of the moon later in the week)
Mercury  19/30 Libra
Venus 13/35 Virgo
Mars 1/51 Sagittarius
Jupiter 13/18 Leo
Saturn 19/12 Scorpio
Uranus 15/20 Aries, retro.
Neptune 5/41 Pisces, retro.
Pluto 11/0 Capricorn, retro.
North Node, 19/31 Libra, retro.
Chiron, 14/9 Pisces, retro. 

On Monday, we experienced the Last Quarter Square of the Moon in Gemini to the Sun in Virgo, a time when we are sorting out what is still blocking or challenging us as we seek greater fulfillment, harmony, and freedom. At the time of the Full Moon our awareness was heightened, and our experiences made clear what dreams still await fulfillment, and what ideas are growing to manifestation. When the New Moon coincides with the Autumn Equinox later this month, we want to be ready to set our sails in new directions. The third quarter or last quarter square occurs at 23/8 degrees of Gemini/Virgo, affecting all of us in those areas of our lives/charts. It does, however, affect those of us with planets and aspects in Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) between 21-25 degrees. Those with key aspects in these areas may be feeling even more anxious, motivated, edgy, and raring to make major changes at this time. The pressure is on to eliminate or at the very least, deal with whatever seems to be standing in the way of movement, deeper connections, and fulfillment of personal/professional desires. 

The Sun in Virgo in the last decan (between 20-30 degrees), focuses us on putting the finishing touches on plans, projects, and decisions that we hope to enact soon. On September 13, Mars made a grand entrance into Sagittarius, opening the curtain on a whole new act. Over this past weekend, you may have experienced some amazing and surprising events, meetings, encounters, or changes. If you didn’t meet someone interesting, you may have had some surprising and colorful dreams, become aware of some shockingly different ideas and conceptions about yourself or the world in which you have been living, or you may have just become ever so much more aware of that which is no longer alive and the longing to let go of anything that stands in the way of appreciating, experiencing, and enjoying life. Mars in Sagittarius awakens the energy within us that hates routine, and which feels restless and edgy when feeling trapped in experiences from the past or roles that no longer fit. Mars, the planet of action, adventure, and movement, stirs us up. In fact, the energy of Mar in Sagittarius after its sojourn through the depths of Scorpio, longs to act with immediacy, plunging us into new projects, decisions, or activities without taking into account what will be needed for the entire length of the project. If you are starting a new project, you want to build in ways to monitor your all your resources so as to not overextend yourself, or get overwhelmed with too much. Take the good ideas that are bubbling up and calling for movement, and spend some time making some practical, realistic plans and  task goals.

Just as I began writing this article this morning, the Moon entered her three-day transit through Cancer. We feel a greater sense of peace and calm, and now are able to focus on making ourselves feel at home where we are. Our needs for the next few days focus on creating a safe, secure, and homey environment for ourselves and those we love. If we are in need of rest and retreat, this is the perfect time to seek this out. Making the first pot of chicken vegetable soup of the summer, and feeling more like getting ready to settle into the approaching Autumnal season. When we use this time to relax, refresh ourselves, and recover our strength, health, energy, and sense of presence and calm, we do a great deal to take care of ourselves as we move into the Dark of the Moon before next week’s New Moon in Libra. Now is the time to settle back into a more meditative state of mind. Rather than rushing about to act on ideas, desires, or decisions, sit with whatever is going on and simply allow things to unfold around you. After having invested a great deal of energy, or exerting ourselves in major projects and movement, it is now time to simply with with what is. What you need, you will see, now comes to you effortlessly. What you have sent out, now returns with blessings, and there is really no need for you to exert yourself much more at this time. If you are returning to a busy schedule, take your time with anything you want to do now. With normal routines, pace yourself, and build in ways to rest and recuperate, and back off on accepting more responsibilities. You probably have more than enough to do already. 

Again, over the weekend, after Mars entered Sagittarius on Saturday, our feelings may have become more impassioned and deep. When we woke up on Sunday morning, the Venus trine to Pluto seemed to tap right into our heart strings, reminding us of what it is that we need in order to feel whole, loved, and fulfilled. On all levels, body, mind, heart, and soul, we were reminded of what it is that transforms our lives and enables us to experience deeper fulfillment in all areas. We may also feel that prayers have been answered, or a spiritual depth has been opened that calls for us to live more authentically and fully. Whatever it is that we need to transform as human and spiritual beings, is being highlighted for us now, and we cannot fail to see and then act on that as we move forward in our lives. Once the door has been opened, we cannot feign ignorance or settle for the safe, familiar habitual trap we might be in.

On Monday and Tuesday, the big focus will be on the Moon in Cancer’s focus on security, safety, and on our need to make our homes havens and places where we can nurture and be nurtured.  Now is a time for removing ourselves from the hubbub (as workers outside are banging, pounding, and bantering back and forth) going on around us.  Late Tuesday night on the West Coast (around 12:48 on  Wednesday morning the East Coast of the US), Mercury forms a seisquiqudrate with Neptune in Pisces. We may feel tired, confused, or simply unable to mentally process the emotional and intellectual turmoil that is brewing at this time. Not a great time for clarity or agreement, so avoid picking fights with yourself or anyone else. Recognize that when you are in Neptune’s domain, mentally or emotionally, the best way to handle illusion, confusion, or emotional turmoil and spiritual angst is to do what you can to lift your spirits. Avoid using substances to ‘treat’ this experience. Avoid all addictive and drug-related experiences particularly when Mercury is in aspect with Neptune. Use your spiritual practices. Listen to uplifting music. Write some poetry, or dance around the house. Go for a nice walk outside,and let the cool night air relax you. Find ways to connect to your own inner peace. Take a relaxing bath. Drink a warm cup of cocoa or herbal tea. Be grateful for what is good in your life, and practice breathing. 

Later that same night, Venus comes into opposition to Chiron in Pisces. This reminds us of where our disappointments in relationships are centered. While most of us will be asleep (so perhaps our dreams will reflect this), we are still in tune with this energy, and we process this on some level even when asleep. Our minds do not sleep, and dreams and intuition are fed by this energy. Notice what is in your dreams and what is on your mind when you wake up. Notice whether or not you may have discovered some hidden gift in the heart of your own woundedness around love and relationships. What have you learned from heartache that now serves you and reminds you of who you are and what you need? What one small step or action can you take to move in a direction of finding and creating deeper fulfillment in love? How can your relationships grow, heal, mend, or change? Notice how your insecurities “talk” to you about your need for love and your own feelings.  What are you doing to sabotage your own happiness? What are you settling for, and what needs to change in order for you to be living the authentic life you long for? What is stopping you? Whether anything changes in your life, is up to you. You have no control over how others act, respond, or think, but you do have control over your own feelings, actions, and choices. What is the prime motivation for you in seeking and maintaining relationships? What needs to change, if anything, and what can you do to act to live a more healthy, happy life?

These questions may be paramount on your mind and heart most of the day, and by evening when Venus forms a quincunx to Uranus in Aries, you may be ready to take a step in a new direction. Questions of intimacy vs freedom arise. The unhealed way of dealing with this is to go on a bender- spending time, energy, money, and your affections trying to avoid facing the truth of what needs to change. Those of us who move the furniture in the middle of the night are familiar with this method of avoiding changing on the inside. When change is imminent, we may make a lot of cosmetic changes as we change into a new person inside. What will give you greater clarity? What is freeing and pleasurable for you? Notice what the questions that arise now tell you about who you are, what you need, and what you need to do to open the doors for greater love and fulfillment in relationships?

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Healing Hearts: Full Moon in Pisces, Conjunct Chiron

Super Full Moon in Pisces, Conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer. This month's full moon lunation focuses our attention on healing body, mind, soul, spirit, and emotional/psychic wounds and pain. 

On Monday, September 8, at 6:38 AM, PDT, Luna peaks in her fullness in the watery depths of Pisces.  All the mutable signs--Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces--are double bodied signs. The represent the polarities within us, often depicted as 'fish swimming in opposite directions' or other less-than-favorable light. While it can be an aspect of a mutable sign, the real desire and drive is to unite opposites and unify the polarities. This Full Moon in Pisces heightens this sense in us.  

As Pisces is malleable, movable, permeable, and mystical, this full moon feeds that essential energy that understands the interconnectedness of all that is.  With unshakable faith and an open heart, Pisces at its best, lives to create, love, connect, and absorb life. At its worse, it abdicates its power, giving it away or allowing itself to be used, abused, or using and abusing oneself by feeding addictions or dishonoring its gifts. This  Full Moon in Pisces is conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer making this lunation even more powerful and deep-seated. And making us all aware of how we are blocking our own good or not. Whatever needs healing, releasing, and purifying now becomes apparent.  

As the Moon has been waxing to fullness, we have been feeling the pull between our Divine nature and connection to the Universal Consciousness and our mortal experience of living out our life purpose in the world. Portland astrologer, Emily Trinkaus describes the juxtaposition within each of us beautifully: “As the last sign in the zodiac, Pisces is where everything dissolves back into the ocean of consciousness, where we lose the illusion of separation and remember the truth of our infinite Source selves. The challenge is how to stay connected with that ultimate spiritual truth, how to stay in that vulnerable, heart-wide-open place, while being in our bodies and on the planet.”

Two weeks ago at the New Moon in Virgo, the Moon opposed Neptune in Pisces where we experienced the initial impact of our desire for wholeness-body, mind, spirit. Barriers and obstacles to understanding were challenged, discernment was required, and our entire being vibrated and delivered wake-up calls and experiences on all levels of our being. During the waxing period leading up to this Full Moon, we have been continuously feeling a need to bring our experience of being into alignment, to become attuned to the Divine 
Consciousness within, and with its connections with all that is. We find within our life experience a longing that Irish poet and theologian, John O’Donohue so beautifully describes in his book, Eternal Echoes: “Perhaps your hunger to belong is always active and intense because you belonged so totally before you came here. This hunger to belong is the echo and reverberation of your invisible heritage. You are from somewhere else, where you were known, embraced and sheltered. This is also the secret root from which all longing grows. Something in you knows, perhaps remembers, that eternal belonging liberates longing into its surest and most potent creativity. This is why your longing is often wiser than your conventional sense of appropriateness, safety and truth... Your longing desires to take you towards the absolute realization of all the possibilities that sleep in the clay of your heart; it knows your eternal potential, and it will not rest until it is awakened.” 

That yearning to belong, within each of us, is what we are attuned to at this time. As Chiron in Pisces calls us to heal the woundedness within ourselves, between one another, throughout our connections with one another through time and across the vastness of our world, we touch the heart and soul of the Divine in this moment, with our veils half lowered so we glimpse the Light of Consciousness and bridge the gaps of longing, divisions, conflicts, and separation. 

This Full Moon at 16 degrees of Pisces conjunct Chiron , in opposition to the Sun at 16 degrees of Virgo, opens old wounds, awakens memories, and where our spiritual pain and aching yearns for healing. Wherever we are feeling pain or wherever we are longing for healing and relief, we now have both the opportunities and the gifts we need to help in our own healing and to make inroads on Universal, karmic, and life patterns and drives that have brought us to this point. We have within our reach, the gifts for healing, and connection with the Divine Source of all healing and creation.  Allowing our faith in Divine Love and the principles to help with spiritual evolution is now what is needed.  At the same time, Lilith sextiles the North Node (gateway to transition) urging us to eliminate negative patterns of thought, behavior, and emotionally-based drives. Whatever is blocking our paths to growth, healing, and unity now is accessible in our awareness and we have the opportunity for spiritual development, growth, and expression.

As deep as we are stirred when the Full Moon and Chiron transit this decan of Pisces, we are not only stirred with intuition, imagination, vision, and desire, but also by whatever toxic and illusionary misconceptions we may be living with. As we absorb what is going on within and around us, we are somewhat without filters to block out harmful and dangerous input. Our senses quicken and our minds tend to dwell on areas of conflict and problems that we may not be able to do much about. Since we are receiving so much input, Chiron the Wounded Healer, presents us with the reminder that we must keep ourselves in alignment what is pure, good, and holy, and to not allow ourselves to sink into hopelessness, egotism, or despair.  Chiron reminds us that to serve others we have to be willing to heal ourselves as well. We are reminded that though our hearts and souls may want to save the world, we are in this life in the form we are in to serve a purpose as part of a co-creator of the Universe, as are all of us. Directing our energy, devotion, and service into what is being called for where we are, is needed now.

Also on Monday, Mercury at 10 degrees of Libra squares Pluto, the Great Transformer in Capricorn. This aspect feeds paranoia and may trigger excessive worry and concern. Notice if this is the case, and use your mind and capacity to think and reason to consider constructive ways to solve problems, find solutions, or change course. Remember that emotions are heightened around this time, and deceptions make their way into the light of day. Avoid taking everything and everyone at face value, but allow yourself room to discern and test the boundaries of trust and reliability. Channel your active mind with meditation, prayer, contemplative activities, and creativity.  Put ideas and emotional upheaval into some type of creative form (journaling, gardening, art, music, dance, exercise, movement of some type), and perhaps use this energy that is welling up to channel through you as you acknowledge what is troubling, and then allow that to leave your body and soak back into the earth or the water around you. Symbolically releasing energy allows the mind to move into matter and to be lessened. Release through emotional expressions and physical activity need to be channeled in healthy ways during this time.

The week begins with a powerful Full Moon and alignments with Chiron, and then the week get even busier. From September 9-11, Pluto, Jupiter, Ceres, and Mercury dance. As mentioned already, Pluto squares Mercury and  Ceres squares Jupiter, and Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on the same day. All in all, this energy sparks visionary thinking, creative expression, artistic development, and imaginative problem solving. A great time to learn something new, or to brain storm ways to proceed forward with projects, artwork, or ideas you hope to get started.

The Sun in Virgo is sextile to Saturn in Scorpio this week, giving us a great deal of patience and endurance. We connect to our inner resources, and feel more confident and determined to set sail on new life voyages. Mercury in Libra will oppose Uranus in Aries later in the week, and this may lead to some agitation―consider this a testing time when we discover the depth of our capacity to ride out storms and maintain balance and focus. Most of what is stirred up in mental with this type of aspect. You may be shocked or disturbed by something you hear or by some type of communication that is challenging or deflating. 

Avoid allowing others who think and experience the world as an unkind and unfriendly place, to dampen your spirits or significantly affect you. Notice who is on board with your ideas, and who is blocking your way, and then proceed with new awareness. By understanding who we are meant to align ourselves with and who we are not, we open ourselves to a clearer idea of who we are and where we are headed. We do not have to make anyone our enemy, but we do need to recognize the potential and nature of  each friendship, association, and relationship. This is part of the discernment process, and we can seek Divine guidance to help us ascertain how we are meant to honor one another. 

Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn forms a beautiful aspect that shines a light on where we find our grounding, meaning, affirmation, and support among allies, friends, and other relationships and partnerships. The idea that love is an expression grounded in doing as well as feeling, is a message of Venus in Virgo. When this trine occurs, we connect to the grand scheme of life, and better understand how our own life purpose is grounded in whatever transformative experiences we are having and in whatever ways we are changing, growing, developing, and becoming more purposeful, connected, and creative (creative in whatever type of life we live, work we do, or purpose we seek to fulfill). Venus in Virgo in the third decan, intensifies the need to show meaning through substance. We must put into form what our hearts desire and long for. The power of positive thinking―affirming that which we want rather than focusing on what we don’t want―is crucial at this time. When we align ourselves with a loving, beneficent Divine Creator, we understand that blessings flow, and our purpose in life is to live in obedience to the command to create life, to be creative to bring forth what is the Divine spark within us. 

With the energy and focus of the Full Moon in Pisces at perigee (closest to the Earth), conjunct the Wounded Healer Chiron, our wounds and pain are brought up into the light. We can acknowledge how our wounds affect us, what still needs to be healed and protected, and how we can heal from our pain without living out of the pain. When we suppress pain and hurt, it only comes up later requiring our attention. When we take acknowledge what is hurting, how loss is affecting us, or what sorrow has created in our lives, then we can move to release its hold over us, and move from a point of health, wholeness, and harmony. 

Christ Jesus spoke about bringing forth what is within us as a command to honor and revere life. The old Deuteronomist spoke of the choice we have before us-on one hand we have life, on the other we have death. The command is Choose Life.  This is a week we are aroused to choose life, life affirming, life giving, and life awakening. For we are given this time and find ourselves in whatever place, conditions, and circumstances we are, and are each given what we need to choose life regardless the situations, trials, and challenges we face.  This week is a significant time for us to look deep within ourselves, to acknowledge and appreciate the gifts of our circumstances, no matter how bleak or troubling, and find that Divine source of healing within us to make choices to let the Light shine in. Look with fresh eyes and heart, to see what there is to use for the next beautiful tapestry you weave of your life. 

“May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder ” (John O’Donohue, Eternal Echoes).