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Autumn Colors Catherine Al-Meten |
At the time of this writing, this is where the planets, the Sun, and the Moon were. Consult an ephemeris to note the daily transits of the planets.
Sun 17/40 Libra
Moon 2/47 Capricorn
Mercury 12/48 Scorpio
Venus 3/23 Sagittarius
Mars 27/13 Leo
Jupiter 19/18 Cancer
Saturn 11/5 Scorpio
Uranus 10/14 Aries
Neptune 2/53 Pisces
Pluto 9/5 Capricorn
North Node 7/52 Scorpio
Chiron 9/50 Pisces
“If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” Mary Englebreit.
This week’s transits and the events and times of our lives, leave many of us feeling as if we need to make some kind of changes or fix something, but we are mostly caught up in taking care of the life we have before and all around us. We can only do so much. We are spiritual beings living a physical existence, and as such, we are both aware of the vast power and capacity of our spirit, but clearly aware of the limitations of our time and resources.
One of our greatest powers as a human being is the power of being able to use our mind, heart, and soul. We can use these transcendental aspects of our being to live more mindfully, more in the present, and more peacefully. Here’s a week before us that tests us to the limits of our imagination and spiritual energy. Allow your physical, emotional, psychological, and mental gifts to help you ride on the spirit of your being. Use the tools you have to elevate, ground, lift up and settle down into the rhythms of your life. If that seems upside down and inside out to you, that's because this is the kind of week we may be having, and the only way to settle into it is as if you are riding a wave.
On Monday, October 7, 2013, Venus began her transit through Sagittarius. Concern for finances and more practical ways of seeking adventure and growth, now take the forefront wherever Venus dwells. When making positive aspects to your natal planets, this can open a period of time when love blooms and grows, and when plans flower. Actions are highlighted based on where energy and thoughts have been dwelling, and where you have been working through the decision-making process for some time. In Scorpio, Venus was waking up unconscious desires, forgotten memories, and hidden needs; now Venus in is ready to take off and move forward on plans that are ready to set into motion. Weddings, engagements, and long-awaited reunions are due to take place.
Yesterday (Wednesday, October 9) while sitting in a coffee shop with a friend, I noticed a couple outside on the pier trying to take a photo of themselves. I asked if they wanted me to take a photo for them, and they did. As I stood with them, the man asked the woman to marry him, and they began talking about how much they loved one another, lost in themselves, and oblivious to my being there except as a helpmate to capture and share their magic moment. They both hugged me, and I felt so honored to be allowed in on such a magical moment in their lives. Sudden and seemingly unexpected pronouncements and agreements are sure to come forth as Venus transits this sociable fire sign. Venus in Sagittarius calls for smoothing the way to create the life and live more fully present in harmony wherever we are, and whatever our heart is dwelling on.
Time for action has arrived, in matters of love and the full expression of beauty, art, and peace. It is no accident that this week the announcement for the Nobel Peace Prize is to be made. Amid some of the worst times and experiences, there are those brave and beautiful souls who act from love, not hate, strength, not fear, truth not lies, and compassion not utter disregard for those who suffer. Walk in compassion for those you have been connected to, and meditate, pray for, and act in compliance with what brings the greater good and glory for all humankind; especially those with whom we have ruptured and broken relationships.
Mercury is Conjunct Saturn in Scorpio, having just transited the North Node, showing how we are aligning to our true paths. Saturn’s tests and challenges, finds us time and time again, revisiting those distractions and distortions in our own perceptions that take us off course. The fated encounters or draws to the ill-fated connections that are unhealthy and unbalanced, present blocks and hurdles that require us to move differently. We need to observe our own processes, and determine for ourselves, what is our true nature, and what and who we are going to listen to.
Again, Mercury invites us to communicate about what needs to be solved, agreed upon, released, or completed. Saturn shows us where, within our deepest selves and where in the Collective Consciousness and Universal Truth, our needs and hopes remain open for healing. Mercury insists that we listen, feel, experience, from a deep place within and a strong connection to Spirit, so that we can grow and discover how to deepen and heal what needs curing in our soul.
On Thursday, October 10, Venus squares Neptune, making us susceptible to those who might charm or entice us, but whose motives are not in our best interests. Using this aspect to express yourself creatively, is one useful way to defuse and use this energy. This can be quite a toxic aspect, so it is important to focus on walking in balance, cleansing, and relieving ourselves of any toxic relationships, conversations, or tugs to our energetic fields.
Friday, October 11, the Moon in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto. Whatever emotional energy has been stirred up this week, will force us to come face to face with any area of our life that we are needing to experience deep transformation. The ongoing transit of Pluto in the earthy digs of Capricorn, bring our lessons home to us in very real and practical ways. We walk in the shoes that we have been wearing, and we are instinctively led to the lessons that must be faced in order for our full transformation to take root.
We make choices at this time, that help move us along toward ridding ourselves of unnecessary or outworn connections, toward what we need to begin anew. Honoring our deepest desires and needs, we now need to identify and stand firm in that which calls us to attend to and work towards. Delay is no longer an option, and we ask that you release fear and anxiety about how things will work out, and enter into agreements and commitments that propel you forward, and in some cases, lift you up out of the rut you’ve been trapped in for far too long.
When the Moon, our emotional body, rocks or tumbles into the movement and deep ruts of Pluto’s journey through our lives, we meet the parts of ourselves that require attention and alteration. For example, if this transit is in your Sixth house, your health and well being may suffer due to the way your are living day to day. Whatever you experience as ‘long suffering’ now gives out under the pressure of the emotional weight that you’re under.
First house issues, relate to how you appear to others and/or what your are putting forward by your behavior.
Second house issues have to do with your self of self esteem and value.
Third house issues relate to all forms of communication, and those with whom you are in close community.
Fourth house issues pertain to how you define and are affected by your ideal and experience of home.
Fifth house issues relate to your ability to experience pleasure, be creative and artistic, experience and enjoy love, and connect with children.
Seventh house issues relate to marriage and intimate partnerships.
Eighth house issues relate to your reputation in the world, sexuality, goods and connections to the dead and the past.
Ninth house issues relate to travel, foreign cultures and people, as well as higher learning of all kinds. This is the journey house where we travel beyond that which we know and seek higher levels of knowing and being.
The tenth house relates to our life calling and higher purpose.
The eleventh house relates to our connections and networks of friends and associates. It’s the area of our chart that reflects friendship, group activities, and interactions.
The twelfth house represents our unconscious, our private selves, and that which is hidden (we hide as well as what is hidden from us).
What are the areas of your life that you seem to be finding hard to honor and ignore? What is rising up in your awareness, either from within or from outside influences and experiences, that screams for your attention, or whispers for you to respect? The Moon’s conjunction with Pluto will make it hard to ignore the energy that is moving throughout all levels of your being, and in certain areas of your life. When it is transiting a house like the 2nd house (how I come to value and esteem myself), I can expect to be challenged in some very beguiling ways. Notice the house where Pluto is (by now you should be very familiar with Pluto-related issues and lessons),
and notice how the Moon (emotional constitution) is affected or affecting you.
On Thursday, October 10,
On Saturday, October 12, the Sun squares Jupiter, and the Moon makes its first quarter square to the Sun. This energy may feel edgy and lead us into an unpredictable time. There may be some very disruptive feelings and influences, hard to pinpoint, yet strong and almost urgent in their nature. All calling us to pay attention to those areas within our thinking, behavior, perceptions, and decision making that need us to find our center of truth and stand firm in what we know we need and want. Time to double check our plans, arrangements, contracts, and agreements, in order to align ourselves with those who can help us achieve our goals, and to honor that which we have committed to. There may be things going on below the surface or behind the scenes that make it hard to understand what is happening. Do what you can to comfort and soothe, to uplift and respect what you do not yet completely see or understand. That which is hidden casts off sensations and energy, and many of us feel this energy without understanding what it is attached to. Time to do what we can to express our intentions, love, and concern in ways that assure and comfort those in need.
Venus squares Neptune, making this a difficult time; often a time of confusion and distortion in thoughts and communication. Ease off and back out of corners you may have painted yourself into (emotionally, psychologically, socially, spiritually, and even physically). We do not necessarily see things as they are; hidden forces are at work, and by this I don’t mean evil spirits, I refer to events, circumstances, and even levels of understanding and communication that are not clear or apparent. Sometimes we simply do not have all the information, the decision or knowledge has not yet surfaced, or the changes and decisions are still in process. Also, in communication, we never know what is going on inside someone else, and we need to back off of expecting that we will understand and be able to figure everything out or fix our lives or the lives of others. We may simply need to ride the waves of the moment, content that that is enough. Avoid setting yourself up for disappointment. Use your imagination and intuitive fogginess to create or expend some energy. Use some means of burning off creative energy, channeling it, or releasing it in ways that also help release emotional and physical tension and stress. Use the stress to clear, clean, or reorganize some area of your life. Clear out what you can so you create space for new insight...insight that may come later than you wish. Find ways to be peaceful where you are.
The Sun forms a seisquiquadrate to Neptune on the evening of October 10. We may have lost track of our goals or felt distracted by cloudy thinking or necessary distractions. To gain a clearer idea of what we need to do and how we need to do it, we would be better off focusing our energy on spiritual, artistic, and and more meditative ways of using this energy. We may feel at loose ends, and energized at the same time. Channel the energy into something that takes your mind off the goals and tasks themselves; things are more apt to fall into place if you take time to breathe more intentionally, move more mindfully, and take some time to relax into a more peaceful style of expression this evening.
On Friday, October 11, the Moon’s entry into Capricorn, activates the Pluto/Uranus square pushing us to make major changes and decisions (more likely about actions) that activate areas of our lives related to our careers, families, life purpose, reputation, and/or achievements. First quarter squares of the moon are times of seeing how plans may be running into snags, or of experiencing through trial and error, what will work and what will not. First quarter squares seem to make us feel like we’re in crisis mode. Slow down, keep breathing, and focus your attention and intentions on being mindful, present, and accepting. Observe more, listen with ease, and let things unfold without you having to fix, do anything in particular, or make yourself known, understood, or loved. Be who you are where you are, accepting, loving, and present with your true essence. That’s good enough.
Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio stand by you as this occurs, assuring you from deep within, that you are indeed on the right and perfect path. News or decisions about partnerships (endings and beginnings), finances, life and death issues, sexuality, or problems/conditions/situations related to someone else’s life, are now going to become clear, perhaps in something of a shocking way. With Uranus involved, whatever happens will be sudden, fast, and unexpected. Whatever happens will manifest in a physical form; there will be clear and obvious experiences, actions, or events that will lift a curtain of doubt, concern, or mystery.
On Saturday, October 12, the Sun in Libra squares Jupiter in Aries, activating energy and movement in a big way in the area of your life related to your home and your sense of feeling at home. Major changes coming up in some areas of your life, set off no doubt from the Uranus/Pluto square, will require major changes and movement around your home, real estate, family, security needs, and energy and time invested around mutual property of all kinds. Your dealings with a partner, clients, or any of the experts or specialists who help you with major business and decision making (lawyers, bankers, CPA, agents, etc.) will pick up. There may be a tendency to go overboard, but there will be activity and movement, in some cases, long overdue.
On Sunday, October 13, the Moon moves into Aquarius, allowing for a more social exchange and mixing with friends. Keeping things heady and fun is called for. Be aware that your expertise, understanding, or compassion may be something a friend seeks at this time as well; be in a position to listen and affirm others who come to you out of feelings and emotions connected to the past.
Here’s something light-hearted to ponder from Dr. Seuss:
“I learned there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead, others come from behind. But I’ve bought a big bat. I’m all ready, you see. Now my troubles are going to have trouble with me.”
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