Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Virgo New Moon, Grand Cardinal Cross: Choose Life

Storm's Approach                                                                                                                                                 Catherine Al-Meten

The New Moon in Virgo, peaks on September 5, 2013 at 4:38 PDT/7:38am EDT/ 11:38am.  September’s New Moon in Virgo. A Grand Cardinal Cross forms, and we reach a crossroads where we can choose Life or we can choose Death. The stark reality of the choices before us demand we seriously consider how we are living, what we are creating and supporting, and what we are meant to do, be, and create.

Grand Cardinal Cross has begun to form. From August 23-27,  planets have been moving into alignment forming a Grand Cardinal Cross in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Venus is transforming the energy of the Pluto/Uranus square and Jupiter with dynamic and harmonizing influences.  Grand Crosses, also called Grand Squares, are formed when one or more planets, the Sun, or the Moon form two oppositions and four squares to one another.

Oppositions can bring about conflicts and challenges, or dynamism, movement, and action.  Squares energize or trigger the challenges and actions, setting off energy that is waiting to be expressed or manifested. As we can tell by the dynamic energy that has been building up over the summer, and particularly the last few weeks, we are being propelled into a very dynamic and active time. Being that this Grand Cardinal Cross is being energized by the New Moon in Virgo, we can expect to see concrete and physical displays of power. The Cardinal signs are the leadership signs, and represent those who lead, initiate, move, and shake things up, from positions of power and authority. 

Jupiter’s energy is that of powerful forces being hurled at the Earth, striking the ground like bolts of lightening. Uranus in Aries also exerts extreme, sudden, and forceful electrical energy, fiery changes and surprising shifts. Pluto in Capricorn continues to work in the mysterious underworld of both the personal unconsciousness and the Collective Consciousness to stir things up, bring about alterations and disruptions, and to cause things to fall apart that are no longer working or necessary for personal or collective life, growth, and survival.  Venus’ softening influence motivates us to seek beauty, meaning, cooperation, and more artful ways to express ourselves amid the whirling and volcanic period influenced by the Grand Cardinal Cross.

Described by one astrologer as a “parade’ of personal planets that activate the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto t-square before transforming it into the Grand Cardinal Cross. Yesterday, Saturday August 31, Venus squared Pluto setting off the Grand Cardinal Cross, along with the conjunction of Mercury and the Sun in Virgo. The  Venus-Pluto cycle peaks at this time, and we find that anyone or anything that is extreme, harmful, or damaging, is rejected more easily. This weekend’s aspects also triggers the first in a series of aspects to the Grand Cardinal Cross.  

Also influencing us at this New Moon in Virgo is the presence of Ceres in Virgo in opposition to Neptune in Pisces. Ceres is the archetypal energy for wisdom from the Earth, plants, trees, and natural healing and food sources. Neptune is the archetypal energy for heavenly and unconscious wisdom. Oppositions activate the need to bring ourselves in harmony with both. Creating a deeper sense of the sacred in both the ways we nourish ourselves and the ways we seek healing, bring us into harmony through bringing the sacred into our daily practice, habits, patterns, and activities. Consider how you are honoring the sacred in food preparation, ceremony and celebration, and in how you seek wholeness and healing. 

This Virgo New Moon is the time to plant seeds for the spring (in the North; for the Fall in the South). Acting out the mythological story of Persephone and Demeter, it is time that we plant ideas, make plans, begin projects, and supply ourselves with what we need for the changing seasons and for a period when things go to ground. Ideas planted now, bear fruit in 6 months or so. Canning, preserving, smoking (fish and meats), and laying in a supply of goods to take us through the winter, is the business of the New Moon in Virgo. With your work, it’s time to set goals, lay out plans, fill in your calendar for the work ahead. 

The pull from Pluto can be distracting as it pulls at us into the areas of our lives where we find ourselves struggling with whatever serves to drag us into the lower depths of our being. Depending upon where the New Moon in Virgo is in your chart/life, whatever serves to pull you into the lower depths, may present itself to push your buttons at this time.  For example, it may be in the first house/ascendant where the way you are appearing to others is affected. Or seventh house where partnerships and marriages suffer. Ninth house issues would have to do with higher realms of learning, foreign cultures, people, and issues, or eleventh house issues dealing with friendships, group and institutional associations (coworkers), and other social networks.

The New Moon in Virgo may be understood by understanding the allegorical nature of the myths that talk to us of dark, scary forests, spells cast by malevolent hags, biting the poison apple or being banished in dark places.  Virgo energy allows us to awaken to the realities that are affecting our lives and shaping our choices. We stand at the crossroads, forced to make a choice as to which direction we are to take, which road we are to follow.  We make choices now with clarity and anticipation, perhaps excited yet scared, for we know the unknown holds promise and change. We are called to work with Nature, both the gifts of the elements, Earth and Universe, and with our own nature. Denying who we are at this crossroads, is nearly impossible, though we can be drawn down into dark places of doubt, fear, insecurity, or seeming confusion.  The healthy step is to acknowledge the parts of our nature that cause us to trip up on ourselves, and to move out into light, health, and wholeness. 

On September 7-8, another trigger to the Moon in the early degrees of Libra, and then again on September 14-20 when Mercury triggers the Cross when she transits the early degrees of Libra.  What has begun to happen as these aspects begin taking place, is we are becoming more aware of the patterns of behavior, perception, and belief/values as they affect the way we live our lives and make our choices. Whatever rubs us the wrong way at this time, serves to remind us how our own perceptions and patterns of behavior have changed, and what is needed to live more fully in alignment with our True North.  

The way energy is being released, will signal us as to what is needed to change, alter, or adjust our thinking and behavior in order to navigate the changes, shifts, and disruptions we are experiencing. Whatever seems to be at odds with our thinking or challenging to our growth and movement, now works its way into our sensory and intuitive channels to activate and open the doors of our perception. Mercury forming what is called a superior conjunction to the Sun in Virgo. The superior conjunction provides us with a fusion of ‘mind catching up with life’. The Sun, how we live and reflect our life force, and Mercury, all forms of communication, meet together at 2 degrees Virgo to trigger a ‘liberating ordeal’. The ordeal last until the next time Mercury goes stationary retrograde at 19 degrees Scorpio on October 21, 2014. Whatever the ordeal is for you, should become clearer and/or more obvious; you will have a very real felt sense of how this ordeal and the energy of the Grand Cardinal Cross is affecting you and your life journey.  

Opposing Mercury, the Sun, and all the planets and the Moon transiting Virgo, is Neptune in Pisces (as well as Chiron, the Wounded Healer). When each of these planets aspects, first Chiron, then Neptune, be aware of two main things. When Chiron is opposed, something of a healing nature will become more evident. Either an old wound or illness will become problematic, or you will become more aware of how something needs to be healed or is not yet healed. You will find very real, immediate, practical-life experiences, conditions, or signs that show you where your healing needs to take place. When the transiting planets oppose Neptune, you can use your intuitive and creative abilities to discover and uncover whatever may be hidden from your awareness. Dreams may become more significant, or you may find yourself feeling more confused, feeling the polarities between the pragmatic and the illusions, the practical and the artistic, and the concrete and the esoteric.  Polarities need to be integrated in our lives. Bringing into manifestation (Virgo-physicality) the ideals, artistic expression, and creativity (Pisces-esoteric) is the path to unity.

During the rest of the weekend, take time to rethink and revaluate those areas in your life that need an upgrade, a major overhaul, or an entirely new approach. Begin to discern how it is you are prepared (and need to prepare) to handle whatever upsets, changes, shifts, or surprises come your way. Think of this as a time to prepare for the stormy seasons or an earthquake, albeit on a more perceptual and energetic level.  What are the essentials you need to survive stress and trials? What do you need to nourish yourself, body and soul, and who can you trust and depend upon for support, affirmation, and loyalty?  Get clear about what really matters, for it will be important to gain the most from the energy and movement of this Grand Cardinal Cross and all that it unleashes in our lives.

As each of the inner planets makes its transit and forms its respective aspect, we may feel a fracturing of certain elements of our lives, our thinking, or our personal perception of reality. These inner planets also make their first aspect to 10 degrees of Libra, setting off a connection that will move into full force when Mars enters Libra next year in May.  When Mars begins moving through our lives, we can be sure to notice that what may have laid hidden, dormant, or unconscious, breaks open and demands attention and action.  In the case of this occurring in Cardinal signs, it also means that whatever is awakened, will demand that we act upon it. 
When we experience an awakening, disruption, challenge, or conflict, we may or may not feel ready to respond.  In the case of the Grand Cardinal Cross, the momentum will be beyond our personal control, and will find us urgently looking for ways to handle whatever occurs as Mars moves through the squares to first Jupiter and Pluto, followed by an opposition to Uranus in Aries (explosive combination).  Mars’ squares occur this December, and the opposition to Uranus, occurs next June, 2014. 

Conjunctions, squares, and oppositions occur in the four corners of our charts/lives where the Cardinal Cross is located and in action (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). In late-August and September, these aspects will be fairly tight, meaning they are within just a few degrees of one another (strengthening their immediate impact). I suppose the most obvious example of how this is playing out on the world stage right now is the announcement by President Obama of the U.S., that he is asking Congress to approve military intervention in the Syrian civil war; a shocking announcement for many war-weary citizens of the world. The implications for such an announcement and possible set of actions, has long-lasting and  potential for horrifying repercussions.  

Dealing with type of energy on a collective basis is one manifestation of the Cardinal Cross energy. However, in our personal lives, we need to observe where we need to be vigilant, proactive, and tenacious.  We need to notice how we respond and react to transformation and changing  patterns of perception and behavior that affect each of us. Into October, the t-square effects planets in Libra squaring Pluto and Jupiter and then opposing Uranus, will allow us to use the ongoing transformative power and awareness of Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, coupled with our resources, talents, and energies (represented by Jupiter), to deal with whatever Uranus triggers and awakens in us and for us.  Crucial for each of us during this time is the need to use our skills to integrate what we have learned with what we discover, find surprising, or learn about ourselves and the life we are living. The other major need is to use our resources wisely and creatively.  We are more aware now than we ever have been of our potential, our gifts, talents, and our resources  (health, vitality, energy, skills, time). 

Probably now, at this New Moon in Virgo, more than ever, we need to be clear about who we are and what it is we really need to live our lives with authenticity.” Who am I?” is not just a philosophical question we ask to ponder idealistic and hypothetical concepts. Knowing who we are and what that looks like in the way we live, is crucial to living an authentic life, and living in harmony with the Universal life force and cycle of life.

New Moon in Virgo, September 5, 2013.
As the New Moon in Virgo

Also influencing this New Moon is Neptune in Pisces, which can be experienced as confusion, in-depth searching, or an awakening of the unconscious. Use this energy in its most positive form, to connect to greater awareness, move toward ways to help you deal with however you experience Neptune’s awakening, and put into practical form, the movement of that Neptune is calling you to bring into your daily life, and ongoing experience of living. 

You might remember a year ago, when Saturn was shifting into Scorpio after its final weeks and months in Libra.  So much change has occurred since then, and now is the time to reflect. How are we integrating what we have learned? Are we still circling the drain, feeling trapped in between the past and the present? Are we still dreaming and desiring, but not moving or taking action?  Notice what has been stopping you or holding you in place? Whatever wasn’t shaken out in the past, now will fall away or be removed.

Over the last few months, we had the deeply spiritual awakening and healing  energy of  the Grand Water Trines. How have you or could you take the awareness, energy, gifts of those transits to inform and stabilize you as you experience the outcomes set forth on your unconscious level at that time? Also, as the Blue Moon at the end of Aquarius/Leo opened doors of perceptual reality for you, how has your viewpoint and your ability to more clearly form an idea of what your path is now, come together? 

As the Grand Cardinal Cross continues forming, Jupiter in Cancer, Venus (later Mercury and Mars) in Libra, Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn represent those areas of our lives ruled by the Cardinal Cross. The New Moon in Virgo signals the start of bringing your dreams into manifestation, making plans to realize your goals and walk the path to your True North.  

This New Moon in Virgo also ushers in the Hebrew Holy month of Tishrei. Tonight, when the first three stars appear in the sky, the new moon will announce the Hebrew month of Tishrei, the start of the new year 5774. The shofar, the ram's horn will blow, announcing the next turn in the spiral of life. As the world sits at the crossroads facing Life and Death, it is imperative that we, the whole of the human race, make choices to walk the path of Life over the path of Death. Join with others to pray for, meditate on, and walk the path of harmony and peace, and to pray for a conversion of the heart of every person to Choose Life. 

Deuteronomy 30:19 “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live.”

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