Sunday, September 29, 2013

New Moon in Libra: Dynamic Awakenings

Nye Beach, Oregon                                                                                   Catherine Al-Meten
When God spoke to the Prophet Isaiah, this is what Isaiah heard:

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through fire, you will not be burned. The flames will not set you ablaze." Isaiah 43:2

There are times in our lives when we feel we are being besieged, and when even the elements are overwhelming us.  When times come that challenge or frighten us, we can be assured that we are being guided, guarded, and governed by Divine Spirit.  Whatever our religious and spiritual beliefs and practices, we are part of this dynamic Universe, and we live according to both spiritual and physical laws.  Astrology is one tool, of many, that helps us understand the archetypal, mystical, and physical nature of being a spiritual being living a physical existence.  This week as the New Moon in Libra conjoins the Sun in Libra, we stand at another threshold ready to step onto the path of the next lunar cycle, just one of many cycles that affects our life experiences. The more we understand the nature of energy and the connections we have to our archetypal nature, the greater our ability to live more fully aware and accepting of our gifts.

Friday, October 4, 2013, the New Moon in Libra cycle begins.  5:35 PM PDT.

The New Moon in Libra ushers in a time when we seek to find balance, harmony, and resolution with anything that seems out of balance.  Partnerships, intimate relationships of all kinds, and relationships in general, all become a focal point for our desire to achieve greater harmony in our lives. 

In Libra, the Moon beckons us to discover the source of serenity within and around us. We seek to create beauty, establish greater peace and teamwork within relationships, and instill a deeper sense of standing in our own truth in all areas of our lives.  Libra energy can sometimes  cause us to go overboard attempting to see all sides to any issue or situation.  The result can sometimes be, failing to acknowledge and honor our own true nature and the truths we are called to express and live out in our own lives.  Whatever we choose to work towards requires commitment and tenacious effort on our part.  When we become distracted or sidetracked, we lose sight of our end goals. 

This Libra Moon cycle is showing us what it means to live in the balance of living in the question. Last week we talked about what it meant to live in the question. The Libra New Moon and the cycle it opens, calls us to live in the balance of the questions we live with. Our life is a process of living with ambiguity, and with unanswered, unexplored, or unknown aspect of our lives and those of others. When we realize that what we do is always in relation to others, we also come to realize that even when we have come to some kind of resolution, made a decision, or identified a desire, we still live in other people’s perceptions of reality, their desires and aversions,  and with their level of development, commitments, and choices.  When we enter into relationship, we enter into a host of realities that affect ours. This Libra New Moon at 11/57 Libra challenges and supports our need to be clear about who we are and what we want, need, and are searching for, so that we can maintain some level of mindfulness in our interactions. 

Those born with personal planets, the Sun and the Moon within 9-15 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) will feel the effects of this New Moon strongly. Look to see what area the Cardinal planets fall in your chart, and notice how the New Moon in Libra affects those areas of your life. 

Mercury enters Scorpio. When our energy is  still trapped or connected to something or someone in the past, we will have a harder time living in the present.  Notice the areas where your energy is trapped in places that prevent you from moving on in areas of your life related to relationship, intimacy, and the creation of beauty and love in your life.  With Mercury moving into the depths of Scorpio today (September 29, 2013), this should not be too difficult. We already have been dealing with Saturn’s transit through Scorpio for the last year; a place where our unconscious and subconscious awakening has been taking place. With Mercury, the planet of all forms of communication, enters the realm of Scorpio, we awaken to the connections, messages, and awakenings of our deepest desires, dreams, fears, connections, and questions.  When Mercury meets up with Saturn at 10-11 degrees, we can look forward to a powerful awakening and surprisingly deep and meaningful communication and enlightenment.  Communication not only takes place deep within our own being, but communication, surprising messages and deep, intriguing inner stirrings also take place. 

All planets in orbit around our Sun in the Solar System, and orbiting in space beyond our system, move in predictable and regular patterns. The influences of a planet, like that of the Moon and the Sun, changes according to its cycle. The following are some of the phases of the  Mercury Cycle

October 1: Beginning of Mercury retrograde is called the shadow shadow period, a time when what is being readied to manifest, begins to make its way into awareness. 

October 8: Mercury is at the degree of the Scorpio Solar Eclipse, meaning that some form of communication will likely be important as it relates to the Scorpio solar cycle and eclipse.
October 21: Mercury retrograde period begins. We all hear about this, and we all experience Mercury's retrograde phases in whatever area of our lives/chart it transits.  Generally associated with delays and miscommunication, if you know that, then you can act accordingly. It's akin to knowing that when you're tired you don't think as clearly as you do when you are rested.  Take heed. slow down and double check details. 

October 31: Mercury retrograde is at the degree of the Scorpio Solar Eclipse

November 1: Mercury conjoins the Sun is generally a very special and potent aspect, as it shines and illuminates something of great importance in the area of your life that it aspects.

November 10: Mercury goes direct, the retrograde period ends.

Notice these times this month, and see if you can become more attuned to what this means in your life.  

The Sun in Libra, continues to shine a light on how our relationships reflect who we are. Like the Moon in Libra, the Sun in Libra affects us on the level of what we need, desire, and believe about who we are and who we are in relationship with those we are closest to. The growing edge for Libra is getting over the idea that we are responsible for ‘everything being in balance’, or for our need to have everything working in perfect harmony.  When we realize that the movement in our lives is neither smooth nor stable, but are signs of growth and movement, then we can move in the flow of the activity, indecision, and sometimes even the chaos of life with an understanding that we are living with the dynamic nature of life. What does not change and move, dies or changes form. Any aspect of our life that is not dynamic is or has changed form and has to be understood in that light. Some aspects of our being, our experience, and our relationships that have transformed, are often kept alive in our memories, dreams, and thoughts. While we may not be able to resolve anything that is gone, we can use the material to create art, literature, music, and we must do so if we are to be healthy. To bury it, repress it, or deny our feelings, results dis-ease and unhealthy expressions of whatever has been repressed.   

Life is dynamic energy, and we are the living, moving, breathing spiritual and physical expression of that energy. Breathed into being by the Divine Creator, we have the capacity to live fully. We also have the capacity to stop ourselves in our tracks, by dwelling on that which is beyond our control, by that which has passed from our lives, and from that which is no longer the healthy, positive choice for us.  The Libra Sun and New Moon, awaken us to that which needs to be acknowledged and released, so that we can more fully enter into our relationships and live our lives as whole, fully- functioning beings. The more fully mindful and aware we are of our own strengths and weaknesses, our needs and desire, our capabilities and talents, the more fully engaged we can be with those with whom we connect.  We are given our gifts, desires, and skills to love and serve others, not to hoard or indulge ourselves alone. 

Mercury in Scorpio is the archetype for deep, soul-searching, and the questions we allow to rise to the surface for our reflection and consideration, are the ones that help us more fully awaken to what we need to know, do, be, and change at this point in our lives. Coupled with Saturn, the Great Teacher, we are already very aware of the unconscious rising to the surface, making us ever more aware of the unfulfilled desires, the dissatisfaction, fear, and losses, and whatever else has lain dormant in the shadows for far too long.  This is a time for deep, profound, soul-searching conversations and meditation. Avoid becoming obsessive and rash however; the ‘either/or’ thinking of Libra can sometimes make us feel we need to make drastic changes. The call of this time is to weigh everything; allow yourself to sit with feelings, thoughts, desires, and questions, and allow time to become fully aware that nothing needs to be done, yet. Before change takes place, we need to assess and determine the full weight of our decisions to make certain we are acting from a place of contemplation and thoughtful measure.  

Venus in Scorpio.  Since September 11, Venus has been transiting Scorpio calling us to discover the deeply passionate and soulful connections that we long for in relationships. Venus’ transit through Scorpio lasts another week, ending on October 8 shortly after the New Moon in Libra. Venus’ last week in her transit through Scorpio, awakens our deep need for intense connection in our relationships. Venus in Scorpio brings out the extremes in our feelings and emotional responses with those we love. Attractions are quite strong right now, and we are moved to be in complete contact, body and soul, with those attracted to us or we to them. There are no lukewarm responses and reactions as Venus completes her transit. We are no longer satisfied with anything less than a true love or right and perfect partner and mate.  Though this may seem unrealistic (and it would be if we tried to  live in this state of being and awareness), we experience a deep and profound understanding of who and what we love, and how we love. We can no longer hide from our desires and needs, as the light has illuminated the true nature of love for us.  In other words, we know what we want and what we don’t want. We are not satisfied with the status quo or with something that is merely ‘acceptable’.  Even if we stay with partners with whom we are not connected, we will know what is possible, and we will no longer be able to live in denial of our soul needs.

Mars in Leo, August 27-October 15.  Mars’ fiery entrance into Leo in late-August, spurred a great deal of movement and action as it set off fireworks in a number of situations.  Look to the house/part of your life where Mars is transiting, and I imagine you will find things have been anything but stable, quiet, and calm.  For me, it’s been in the house of my life purpose/career, and ‘all of a sudden’ things are popping right and left. If it is transiting an area of your life like the 7th house (marriage/partnerships), you might notice major movement, changes, and activity around these issues.  Again, look to the house that Mars rules to see what might explain sudden flurries of activity, movement, uprisings. It is a time when we recognize what we want and we acknowledge our capacity to achieve our goals and dreams.  For two more weeks, we can use this fiery energy to get focused on movement, growth, change, and actions we are feeling pulled towards.  Much comes to us at this time, as opposed to those times we think we need to venture into the woods of our lives to discover our purpose, aim, goal.  Knowing what we want and what we are capable of, we now reach out and accept the gifts laid before us. Mars in a fire sign also awakens the passions we have, and provides us with ample energy and desire to act on our own behalf.

Saturn remains in Scorpio having just crossed through the North Node; this has taken us into a new era and path for learning more about what we are here to do, be, and who we are here to connect with and serve. 

Jupiter remains in Cancer until July, 2014. We have some very fortunate breaks around our homes and with our sense of being able to make our lives feel more secure.  The large outer planets in Water signs (Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces) all signal that collectively we experience the power and strength of water. As I write this, we are having a very early series of rain storms hitting the Pacific record rainfalls have been reported earlier in places like Colorado and Georgia in the U.S., and Bhopal, India). While rain is necessary and even desirable, for those areas who have not prepared for floods, mudslides, or proper water run off, this can be a disastrous time.  We are reminded that the natural world and the elements are more powerful that we are, and that we need to live in harmony with the natural elements. 
Jupiter in Cancer, benevolence in a water sign

Uranus in Aries. Uranus in Aries continues in its long cycle, kicking off one event, experience, and crisis after another to make life interesting. Uranus brings information and experiences in surprising and unexpected ways.  Whatever is set off by Uranus, requires response from us in some area of our lives; often in more than one area.  

This Week:

Today, September 29, 2013, Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces. Our imagination and intuition are heightened during this period. Using our imagination to express creative and thoughtful ideas can be a great way to use this energy. We feel highly sensitized to our surroundings, and to one another.  Intuition, imagination, creativity are favored as Neptune the ruler of the depths of the Seas as well as the depths of the Unconscious and the Collective Consciousness, are swimming in Piscean energy. Mercury, taking her first plunge into the intuitive and secretive waters of Scorpio today, trines Neptune in Pisces to strengthen and heighten the effects of these two planets in our lives. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also transiting Pisces, and Mercury will make a surprising and healing connection to Chiron later in the month.  Whatever we need to be aware of to help us heal and grow, is being touched by this lovely transit.  Things will make more sense to us, for we will now have the inner and external information that will brings things into focus for us. Be open and receptive to receiving the knowledge, news, connections you need. 
This transit is wonderful for attracting others to our art, ideas, imagination, and creativity. We understand more clearly that we are indeed spiritual beings having a physical, human experience. The limitations we experience as humans, can be transcended by our spiritual essence, and we glimpse and feel this deeply at this time. 

On Monday, September 30, the Sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn. Squares activate energy, setting things off by making us aware of power-over relationships or communication, abuse of power and lack of respect for limitations, rules, authority.  What seems to be the end of the world, in some respect, simply signals the need for more time to allow what will be to unfold. When our ideas and ideals  run up against the stubborn and staid nature of Pluto (the Great Transformer) in Capricorn, an earth sign, we are stopped in our tracks.  Allowing ourselves to surrender to the natural course of nature and the Universal laws, is what we had best do. We realize that we have more power than we thought, to act on our own behalf and for the good of those we serve. We also recognize that if we have been pushing or manipulating others, we no longer have the power or authority to do so. We surrender to the Divine Will, and see the source and nature of our power and being, and allow life to unfold naturally. Letting go of superficial and outdated ways of leading, controlling, or relating is the path we need to follow at this time. We will observe where this plays out in our lives, as this square reminds us where we are holding too tight to the reins.  We need to let go, relinquish our need for power and control, and rest in the space between the past and the future. Being present with and mindful of what is happening on all levels of our being is necessary now as the Sun Squares Pluto.  The way we perceive power and authority shifts; the way we use both does as well.

Venus semi-square Pluto. A semi-square between Venus and Pluto raises issues that may be related to ideas about fidelity, commitment, love, communication, and all things love-related.  Differences that we are learning in relation to a partner, spouse of close friend, may make their way to the surface during this time. Depending upon where Pluto is making its’ transit through Capricorn, and where Venus is in relation to that area of your life, you’ll probably find a bit of edginess or anxiety arising around issues related to that part of your life.  And since Pluto has been transiting this area, issues may arise around something you thought was settled or understood. If you attempt to hide, deny, or suppress such feelings, you won’t be fooling anyone as what you feel will be right on the surface of your emotional and physical expressions.  

This is a time when people’s vulnerabilities and weak spots are easily touched.  We are set off by people manipulating or using us; by being treated unfairly or cruelly, and by feeling we are not quite ‘enough’ for whatever we have committed ourselves to.  Issues arise during this transit related to how we value ourselves, how we appreciate and understand our selves and others, and how we honor our own code of behavior and ethics. Be ready to stand on the solid ground of your own sense of identity and code of honor.  Know your limits, and know where you tend to run when you are afraid. These are the areas where you could be caught off guard.  Ground yourself with a sense of gratitude, acceptance, trust in yourself, and protect yourself in healthy, non-manipulative ways.  We might pay attention to what we know about our personality, and identify those areas that rise up when we are not feeling safe or when we are vulnerable due to someone else’s behavior and feelings towards us. 

Saturn in Scorpio trines Chiron in Pisces. This week, on Wednesday, September 2, we have a wonderful opportunity to explore our unconscious and subconscious behavior and ideas.  The Great Teacher, Saturn, has been exploring our inner depths, turning things over, upside down, and inside out, and now Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces, trines Saturn to reveal to us and help create the right conditions for us to learn what it is we need to heal and how that healing is taking place already within us and through the experiences we have chosen in our lives.  Our learning comes from the inside, from the depths of our being, so we stand more firm, more capable, more assured that we know who we are and have the tools and knowledge we need to walk the path we have chosen and the path that is being revealed before us.  We do not need to act out, strike out, or seek approval for our choices, for we have made our choices from a place within us that is sure, strong, sound, and honest.  We reach a level of maturity where we can let go of roles, masks, negative images we hold of ourselves and others, and emotional baggage that once bolstered us. We become more comfortable in our own skin, fully filled by the spirit of the Divine that guides, guards, and loves us right where we are. We enjoy a sense of inner peace and healing that may surprise, but will definitely lighten our load.  We feel enlightened in the center of our being right now.

Venus semi-square the Sun in Libra On Thursday, September 3, Venus semi-square the Sun raises doubts and fears, that may or may not be grounded in the reality of your life. Our own anxieties, fears, past patterns of behavior, memories, or aspects of our self concept that have been wounded and not yet healed, may cause us to have a distorted sense of what is really going on, especially in relation to our relationships with others. Discover ways to express your feelings in creative ways, burn off energy that releases anxiety, or delve into the hidden patterns that may be triggering you  at this time.

The New Moon in Libra with hard aspects from the Sun and the Moon to Pluto and Uranus, make for an intense and dramatic New Moon cycle.  The Sun and the New Moon in Libra are in opposition to Uranus.  Things are changing, and/or will be triggered to change, in major and dynamic ways. The changes occur around relationships, love, and our views and behavior with both.  We might ask ourselves how we can make changes that would have a positive impact on our relationships?  Especially in the houses/parts of our lives where the New Moon, the Sun, and Uranus are now transiting.  New Moons always occur in the same sign as the Sun’s transit, and are always in opposition to that area of life that is in direct opposition to wherever the solar and lunar transits are occurring. For example, Libra opposes Aries, Scorpio opposes Taurus, Sagittarius opposes Gemini, Capricorn opposes Cancer,  Aquarius opposes Leo, and Pisces opposes Virgo.  The opposition places opposite, or polarities in tension with each other.  Libra rules our experience of Love, relationships, beauty, commitment and cooperation. Aries rules exploration, self discovery, action, activity, assertiveness, and independence.  You can see the polarities. However, we have both extremes (or possibilities thereof) within us. Our work as we grow is to incorporate a balance between both extremes by developing varying degrees of all qualities in different areas of our lives. Whatever we have lots of, we need to balance with that which we lack. That’s what balance is about; it’s not about being comfortable at one extreme or the other. We live in motion, and balance comes as we seek harmony in each step.

The Square and semi-square aspects also raise the questions that we need to answer as we journey and form new relationships. We form new relationships even in our old ones. For example, we cannot maintain the same relationship with our children or parents. Long-term relationships (parental, marriage, friends, work) all require a dynamic, flowing, constant seeking of balance, and dealing with the ambiguity, the questions, and the new experiences that arise, as well as that which ends. As anyone who has ever lost someone they love to death, the connections and feelings of love do not end. We change, but we remain the same on some levels of our being. Our love deepens, and grows, and takes on new levels of meaning, understanding, and depth. We cannot hold onto something like love any more than we can hold our breath forever.  We are flowing with each breath, changing with each moment, and arriving at a new destination each day.  The movement of planets into air, water, and fire, grounded by those in earth, remind us of our nature. Find ways during this New Moon in Libra to set your sails  in the life-affirming direction that lays before you. Enjoy the ride, let the wind give you the power, and the water hold you up into the reality of your truth.  Ground yourself in what you know is unfolding and right for you, and let the energy  and fire of action propel you forward. Be mindful and aware, grateful and graced by the life force and Divine Will.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Shine on Pisces Full Harvest Moon: Gratitude for Blessings

Bleeding Hearts, Sacred Hearts                                                                                                                    Catherine Al-Meten

The Full Moon in Pisces, this year called the Harvest Moon as it occurs nearest the Autumnal Equinox, pours her Light on all the blessings, gifts, and changes that have challenged, changed, and rewarded us this past year. Author, Rebecca Wells,  puts these words into the mouth of one of her characters in the Divine Secret of the Yaya Sisterhood:

“At the beauty of what she had stumbled onto, at the fear that something terrible would happen because she was not vigilant enough. She cried at the fear of something so good that she would not be brave enough to bear it.” 

We often fail to see how some of our experiences contribute in any way to our growth, happiness, or good, or that of anyone else for that matter. At the time of September's Full Moon in Pisces, we might reflect on, celebrate, and express our gratitude for the gifts of the questions raised, the changes made, and the unhealed wounds that we honor at this time of the year.  I dedicate this column to my friends and family who struggle with the unresolved questions in their lives, and express my gratitude for them as they grow, heal, develop, and shine their own light in very special and beautiful ways. 

Full Moon in Pisces peaks this Thursday, at 4:13 AM (PDT);7:13 AM (EDT); 11:13 GMT. The Sun in 26/41 Pisces opposes the Moon at 26/41 Virgo, calling on opposites to resolve or conflict.  The Virgo Sun represents our need to bring order into our day-to-day routines, patterns, and habits. The Virgo Sun reminds us that we need to take care of our physical health in order to maintain harmony in the way we live. The Pisces Full Moon awakens us to our need for spiritual health, and calls us to infuse our physical lives with meaning, purpose, and direction through our spiritual vision and practices. Oppositions provide a call to bring unity into our lives through acknowledging the polarities of our lives and discovering the spectrum o ways that we can experience both order and imagination, clarity of purpose and vision, and dedication and tenacity with intuitive awareness and insight. 

The Pisces Full Moon

Since the Moon is nearly at 26 degrees, the Sabian symbol is used for the Sun at 27* Virgo. Since there are such different interpretations of the Sabina symbols, I thought I would put forward a number of different, yet verdant interpretations for this Full Harvest Moon in Pisces.

Australian Astrologer, Lynda Hill gives the following  Sabian Symbol: A Table Set For An Evening Meal. The following is from Hill’s  book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom:
“The ‘Table’ may be set for a celebration, a family, a couple or just for one. It could be that everything is in place other than the substance, which may be still in preparation, and those to sit at the ‘Table’ to appreciate it. If the ‘Table’ is not only ‘Set’, but also the food ready and the people enjoying the ‘Meal’, there’s the need for a calm state of mind and a quiet and receptive heart. Having said that, it’s not always possible to have peace and quiet at the dinner table. Issues of the day may be brought to the ‘Table’ to be discussed, and these may disturb the atmosphere or need resolution. Still, it’s important to have a calm and quiet enjoyment whilst eating, as this ensures a healthy mind and body This Symbol is often an assurance of that. Having worked hard and long, you may need to realize that your needs will be met. You may find that you have prepared the situation well. What you need will come. Those already at home, as well as those returning home, will find comfort, safety and sustenance. Remember to attend to these everyday tasks with a sense of reverence. Try to remember to say Grace in thanks for the good things that you have.”

Other interpretations include: 
A group of aristocratic ladies meet ceremonially at a court's function.”   
From Cafe Astrology: 

“A Fertile Garden Under The Full Moon Reveals A Variety Of Full-Grown Vegetables”

From “Sabian Symbol: The harvest moon rises superbly in the east. The light of day is shamed by the colors of an autumnal evening.”
Kozminsky Symbol: “A horse running with flames issuing from his nostrils”

The Kozminsky symbols are yet another metaphoric system of interpreting the different degrees of the Sun.

Venus, (9/26) Saturn (8/49), and the North Node  (9/45)are all conjunct in Scorpio.  

The Full Moon in Pisces trines this trifecta this week, as Saturn is moving into an exact conjunction with Venus. Some major lessons and changes around the way we experience, understand, and perceive love are coming to a head right now. Saturn’s transit over the last year, into the deep realms of our unconscious, has broken up whatever has been lodged tight under our awareness. Many of us are aware of major disruptions in our lives, that call us to move into a new direction now. With the close connection of Venus and Saturn, no doubt this is causing some changes and upset around those who want to move ahead, and those who are clinging to the past holding onto what was.  

When Venus and Saturn move through the North Node, as they are getting ready to do, we stand before the gateway to the future, the yet-unopened door, and we wait, trembling at the thought of what it would mean to move forward.  We may find our thoughts are racing ahead of our ability to keep up with the actions that are called for.  Imagine yourself standing in the middle of a bridge, halfway across to the other side. What is holding you in place? What is keeping you from moving on and testing the waters of a new way of thinking, acting, doing, being, and loving? Again, we are living in the questions, and the questions, even those we think we have answered, are not what guides and informs us. The questions come out of our own fear, concern, and uncertainty.  

As I watch a giant ship, loaded high with containers full of freight, heading out the river towards the sea, I notice a tiny pilot boat, dwarfed at the side of the huge container ship it is guiding out to sea.  Does the pilot of the small boat suddenly stop to question whether or not he/she is capable of guiding the large ship to safety? Does the pilot go below deck just at the crucial moment when the ship it is guiding approaches the dangerous bar at the river’s mouth? The answer is “No!” Once the ship has set sail, and the journey has begun, to become sidetracked or distracted because of fear or lack of confidence would be disastrous for all.  

We have what we need. We know who we are and what we want, and now is the time to continue the journey forward without waiting any longer for signs, or  ‘things to fall into place’, or a better time and more this or that.  In some area of your life where Saturn is journeying (and has been for the last year), and now Venus is transiting, we learn what we are made of. We learn our capacity to love and be loved, and our capacity to take all the lessons of love forward with us, despite our inability to satisfy our longing to ‘know it all’, have all the questions answered before we can see we’re already on the right path, and we have everything we need. Look to your chart/life, and notice where Saturn, Venus, the North Node in Scorpio are located, and then notice where the Full Moon in Pisces is. This Full Harvest Moon shines on and favorably benefits that area of your life at this time. 

Mercury in Libra, may cause us to waffle and be wishy washy with our thinking right now. The growing edge for Libra energy is learning to stand in our own truth. While the great need to find balance and harmony is Libra’s style (listening to everyone’s side, seeing everyone’s point-of-view, being the peace maker and neutral eyes and ears), we now need to recognize our own truth, take a stand for what we believe and know, and do something on our own behalf rather than becoming the doormat for others to express their own views. If this sounds harsh, it is, for Libra can go so far with their need to be everyone’s friend that they no longer understand what it is they want and need.  Think about some area in your life where this energy is keeping you from balance as you have given up your own strength, power, and identity. 

On Monday, Mercury in Libra opposed Uranus in Aries, making some sudden event, news, or experience change on a dime. What you thought you knew and understood, or thought you had communicated clearly, may suddenly shift.  It’s not necessarily bad; it simply means that there is communication that is triggered by some kind of major change in some area of your life...look to the houses where Mercury/Libra  and Uranus/Aries are. There was also a semi-square between the Sun and Saturn early in the morning. Whether or not these shifts affected you directly, you may find that some change is indicated as a result or shifts beyond your control or even understanding.

This week began with the waxing Moon in Aquarius, making us feel somewhat removed and distant from our emotional connection with those who are near and dear to us.  On Tuesday,  September 17, the Moon moves into Pisces. The Moon makes a number of aspects to planets throughout the day, ending the day with a quincunx to Jupiter and a semi-square to Pluto just before midnight. 

Early Wednesday morning, Mercury sextiles Mars, so some good news may arrive overnight, or some project may be finished up in the wee small hours of the morning. Also on Wednesday, the Venus-Saturn conjunction occurs in the late afternoon (PDT). Coming as it does before the Full Moon, it picks up on the energy and is infused with the Full Moon energy. We should begin feeling a deeper, more committed and realistic expression of love and partnership. We experience the depth of passion, love, devotion, and commitment as we also recognize more fully what sacrifices, compromises, and changes that may hold for us. 

The Full Harvest Moon in Pisces on Thursday. Also called the Full Corn Moon, the Full Barley Moon, this Full Moon is called the Harvest Moon this year as well. The Harvest Moon can fall in either September or October, depending upon which full moon is nearest the Autumn Equinox. Falling as it does in 26/27 degrees of Pisces, this year’s Full Moon comes just a few days before the Sun moves into Libra, and the Autumn is ushered in  here in the Northern Hemisphere.  Time to get the harvests in, clean up, prepare for the coming of Autumn, and the shift into the darker, deeper days of our seasonal year.

Also occurring on the evening of the Full Moon in Pisces is Mercury’s (Libra) square to Jupiter (Cancer). The Full Moon in Pisces is sure to be auspicious and fortunate for you in whatever area of your life the water signs rule.  Jupiter in Cancer, Venus, Saturn, the North Node in Scorpio, Neptune, Chiron, and the Full Moon in Pisces are sure to shine deeply into the spiritual, imaginative, romantic, creative, and inner areas of your life where they line up for this Harvest of Inspiration and Love.  

Transit of Water Signs Through 1, 5, 9 houses.  If the planets, the Sun, and the Moon line up in water signs in the 1st, 5th, and 9th house.  When water signs fall into the 1st, 5th, and 9th houses, the following areas of your life are influenced. 

First house refers to how you appear to others, the face you present to the world (both how you want to be seen and how others see you).  It can be either a mask or a mirror. A mask if it hides who you really are (you may appear mysterious or secretive) or a mirror reflecting your qualities outward. First house is the natural home of Mars and Aries.  

Fifth house represents creativity, children, pleasure, and enjoyment of life. Its natural rule is the Sun and Leo. 

The Ninth house represents the knowledge and beliefs you have acquired through study, travel, contact others, and foreign cultures. Ninth house ruler is Jupiter and Sagittarius.  When water signs transit through these houses in your life, you find the elements can provide for steamy exchanges, dampened spirits, 

Transits of the Water Signs through 2, 6, 10 houses.
If the planets, the Sun, and the Moon line up in water signs in the 2nd, 6th, and 10th house.

The Second house represents how you value yourself. What do you possess that defines, informs, and gives you identity and meaning? Second house is in the natural sign of Venus and Taurus.  Creative energy combines with water in the 2nd house to add to your sense of meaning and purpose. 

The Sixth house ruler is Mercury in the natural sign of Virgo. The 6th house represents both your physical health and your daily work. How do you spend your time each day, and how does that affect your health? When we are doing what we love, we are healthier and happier. Water signs transiting this house awaken your passions and desire to live more fully in the present where you are. 

The Tenth house ruler Saturn, is in its natural sign of Capricorn. The 10th house represents your soul calling. It is the house most often associated with career and your role in society. Often, however, as we mature, this house calls us to a deeper awareness of how we feel we are called to serve, express, or create. The water signs transiting this house indicate movement, inspiration, and intuitive knowledge needed to forge ahead with your dreams and goals.

Transits of the planets, Sun or Moon in the 3rd, 7th, and 11th house.

The Third house ruler Mercury is in its natural sign of Gemini. The third house represents all forms of communication. It also deals with neighbors, your local community, short trips, and siblings.  When water signs transit the 3rd house, communication increases and inspired ideas are put into motion.

The seventh house ruler Venus is in the natural sign of Libra. The seventh house represents marriage, partnerships, and intimate relationships. When the water signs transit this house, they shine their light onto the relationships that form the strongest part of our connections with others.  Auspicious and promising developments. 

The eleventh house ruler, Uranus is in the natural sign of Aquarius.  Eleventh house matters pertain to our connections in organizations, networks, and communities. Water signs transiting this house affect the creative, imaginative, ideas/beliefs that are somewhat unconventional in nature. The nature of organization messages, perceptions, and goals change to serve more humanitarian and benevolent purposes. Change and sudden discoveries characterize this transit.  

Transits of the 4, 8, and 12 houses. If the planets, the Sun, and the Moon line up in water signs in the 4th, 8th, and 12th house.

The Fourth house is  ruled by Moon. The Moon is in its natural sign in Cancer. The fourth house represents how we create and find our home. How our home influences us, and how we define and discover what makes us feel at home. Sometimes this means the influences of our home need to be faced to heal from past abuses. When the water signs transit the fourth house, they have a profound impact on our sense of what home is.

The Eighth house ruled by Pluto and is in its natural sign of Scorpio. Eighth house issues rule matters of intimacy, sex, death, rebirth, and matters of inheritance. It also deals with matters of your value in community. Eighth house matters deal with matters of intimacy in terms of gains and losses, profit and loss. Eighth house issues deal with fairness and inequality in our intimate relationships.  Water sign transits of the 8th house bring up whatever issues the transiting planet rules. For example, if Saturn is transiting your eighth house, questions of how you deal with power and power struggles may surface or be problematic. Matters of compulsions, addictions, and other growing-edge elements of our personal journey show up in the 8th house transits.

The Twelfth house ruled by Neptune and in its natural sign of Pisces, rules the unconscious, inner life, and that which is mysterious, shrouded, or hidden from view. It’s also the part of our lives where our own self-undoing is reflected. Sacrifice and hidden allies and enemies are 12th house features, and when the transits occur to this area, there are definite inner awakenings, rumblings. Whatever is unfinished from the past, roars up to the surface to be dealt with.  

Another way to look at interpreting transits through the signs is to look to see which houses are receiving the impact of those transits. 

Angular: 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th  Strengths, talents, gifts, enthusiasm, courage

Succedent:2nd 5th, 8th, 11th  Possessions and creative pursuits.

Cadent: 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th  Developing unique talents and aptitudes. 

Those who will feel the Full Moon in Pisces most profoundly will be those born within 4-5 days of March 17.  If you were born within 4-5 degrees of 27 degrees of Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, or Taurus, you too will feel the full impact of this Full Moon. If your rising sign was in 17 degree of Pisces or Virgo, this could be quite a wild ride, full of inspiration, surprises, and all manner of romance and enchantment.

Jupiter’s transit through Cancer and the traditional ruler of Pisces, awakens feelings of nostalgia, desire for home and security, and need for family and loved ones. Emotions and sensitivity are heightened, and even exaggerated and out-of-proportion. We also remain in waiting for the shifts and changes of season--they grow more imminent as this full moon occurs just a few days before the equinox. Change is upon us, but has yet to arrive. Our need for security and assurance hang in the ballast, blowing in the winds of change. What to do? Take a lot of deep breaths, and prepare to be launched deeper and deeper into the depths that Saturn, Pluto, and the North Node plunge you towards. 

The Outer Planets, Uranus (Aries), Neptune (Pisces), and Pluto (Capricorn) express themselves through our collective consciousness. As is their nature, they dig deeply, uproot, and turn things upside down through their revelations within and around us...all for the purpose of furthering change, growth, and cultural change worldwide. This is the major work that we have been engaged in over the last year or so, and now as we wait in limbo, we can name our good, reap our benefits, and give gratitude for the bounty and harvest of the year.  As we have experienced during the Sun’s Virgo transit, we now can synthesize and integrate the different aspects of who we are, what we have learned, and what we seek to co-create with Spirit. 

From the beloved Irish poet and theologian, John O’Donohue, the Blessing

As we prepare to enter the Libra realm, let us prepare ourselves with a blessing ritual thanking the Divine for our blessings, our lessons, and our gifts.  

For Equilibrium, a Blessing:

Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore,
May the relief of laughter rinse through your soul.

As the wind loves to call things to dance,
May your gravity by lightened by grace.

Like the dignity of moonlight restoring the earth,
May your thoughts incline with reverence and respect.

As water takes whatever shape it is in,
So free may you be about who you become.

As silence smiles on the other side of what's said,
May your sense of irony bring perspective.

As time remains free of all that it frames,
May your mind stay clear of all it names.

May your prayer of listening deepen enough
to hear in the depths the laughter of god.” 

From To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings

Another major event (as if we need more than what is already going on) is the station of Pluto, as it prepares to turn direct at 17 degrees of Capricorn on September 20, the day after the Full Moon. Since April, Pluto has been retrograde, taking us back over old issues, unfinished business, and unresolved and unforseen problems and conflicts.  As Pluto stations to go direct, we begin to feel energy blocks break up. Any draw to reactive patterns of behavior and or negative thinking, now push us further into a state where we have no choice but to walk in expectation of grace. Grace is the Divine intervention into our lives, when we lease expect it and when we most need it.  When we surrender to the will of the Divine and allow ourselves to get out of the way, God's grace flows into our lives and mends the broken hearted, repairs the broken places, opens up new avenues and beckons us to open the doors of our perception so that we can see what is right before us. Walk in the Light and be open and receptive to the Divine gifts that are flowing to you now. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Seeking Calm amid Shifting Energy: Mercury in Leo, Venus in Scorpio

Waxing Moon                                                                                                                                         Catherine Al-Meten
Rainer Maria Rilke, in Letters to a Young Poet, wrote, “Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your in the question.”   This week we may learn a great deal about how to live in the question as transits and movement of planets and the Moon connect us to the energy of feeling the need to ‘fix’ everything while learning to become more aware of our inner voice and living in the fullness of living in the moment, this moment. We are moving into a time when we are feeling the need to do, act, and move (Mars in Leo), and yet we are not ready. What we need is greater awareness, of ourselves first, and then how our actions, perceptions, and beliefs affect our relationships with others. We need to focus strongly to build and perpetuate inner peace and outer harmony in all our dealings.

With the week starting out with the Moon in Scorpio and the Sun in Virgo, it also begins with Mars squaring the Sun, and by noon (PDT)the Moon squares the Mars as well. On Thursday, the Moon makes its first quarter square to the Sun, always a time when we begin to see the fly in the ointment of our plans. We may feel this even more intensely this week as impatient Mars in Leo bursts into our lives.

Mars square the Sun represents areas of our lives where we may feel blocked, where our energy feel trapped or limited, or where our plans, focus, or desires may seem thwarted (and as I write that, a machine in the workshop beneath my office starts up and sends a loud noise and vibrations straight up into my workspace). We wake wanting to take constructive action today, and yet may find it hard to move forward.  Mars’ energy, when turned inward, becomes anger, frustration, and other forms of negativity. When this kind of energy rises up in your experience, it’s best to get active, find ways to express your feelings, and take some action, no matter how small.

The Sun represents how we express ourselves in the world as well as how others perceive us, and Mars represents action, movement, creative and not-so-creative energy and behavior. With a square aspect, it may seem harder to restrain ourselves. There is a tendency to act without thinking, so knowing this, take a deep breath, take a walk, and do what you can with what you have.
By noon (PDT), the Moon squares Mars and that brings us into an emotional confrontation. That could simply mean feeling what we feel more than usual and wanting to act upon our feelings, or it could put us at odds with someone or something resulting in an emotional outburst. Again, forewarned is forearmed. Do what you need to to avoid this by being more mindful, tolerant, and temperate.

Mars at 8/1 degrees of Leo seems to be kicking the week off with a bang. A quincunx of Mars in Leo to Pluto in Capricorn pits our need for attention, expression, and a dramatic display of our ego needs against Pluto’s ongoing transformative, steady-as-you-go energy. Mars in Leo has a tendency to force the issue and be more dramatic than is necessary.  With this aspect to Pluto, deep-seated needs are forcing their way to the surface, but it may not be wise to express them with the flair and fire of Mars. That can be more destructive in the long run, the what you may be trying to accomplish or express. In particular, political and military decisions are best put on hold under transits like this. We are not acting out of the best interests of all but out of ego needs and distortions.

Mercury just entered Libra this past weekend. Mercury  at 0 degrees Libra quincunx Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday, stirs up uncertainty, insecurity, and some confusion. The unconscious is being stirred up and Mercury, in its effort to see all sides of every issue, runs amok.  Better to use the Mercury energy in more creative forms when under this kind of stress aspect. It is a good time to allow yourself to daydream, ponder, contemplate, and brainstorm ideas; not necessarily a time to do any exacting or detailed work. When Mercury moves from detailed Virgo as it has, we may have some trouble shifting into the energy of Libra. Sorting through, fantasizing, and allowing whatever is arising in the unconscious to become more clear are ways of handling the shift of Mercury into Libra. 

On Wednesday in the wee small hours of the morning, Venus enters Scorpio.  What may be very interesting over the next two days is how Venus, in the anaretic (29th degree, last degree of a sign) will be calling you to finalize, end, or release concerns and questions that you have been debating or feeling conflict over. In Scorpio, Venus travels into the depths of the unconscious to awaken felt needs and raise awareness to the surface to be expressed. Venus in Scorpio awakens deep-seated need which can be expressed through jealousy, obsessive or controlling behavior, that is, unless we recognize that whatever needs, feelings, and wounds we have repressed, will eventually be felt, and come to the surface to be expressed in some way. We do not have control about what we feel, but we certainly do about how we express and deal with our feelings. Take this opportunity to learn ways to be more congruent with your emotions, feelings, thoughts, behavior, and physical energy. Express through art, writing, physical exercise, meditation and prayer, and daily activities (doing the dishes, making the bed, doing the laundry...whatever gives you something to do besides obsessing over whatever Venus in Scorpio releases in your experience). 

Venus will be forming trines with Neptune and Chiron during this transit through Scorpio so this is a period when the unconscious is going to be playing a more active role in our lives than usual. Couple that with Venus’ transit and conjunction during this next month with Saturn, the Great Teacher. This is a time when we have a lot to learn about how and who we love, and about what our real needs are as opposed to what we may have been focusing on for some time. We awaken to deep-seated needs, wounds, and lessons that are part of our learning how to give and receive love more fully and deeply. We’ll look at this in more depth over the next month.

About the same time that Venus goes into Scorpio early Wednesday morning, the Moon leaves Scorpio for her journey into Sagittarius. The Moon makes a number of aspects on Wednesday evening, including a trine to Mars, a square to Chiron (the Wounded Healer), and trine to Uranus.  We may find ourselves actively and surprisingly moved to some greater awareness that leads us to some profound type of healing during this time. Or we may act on our own behalf to integrate some of what we are learning into changes of attitude and patterns of behavior.  During this shifting time, listen to what your body, mind, spirit, emotions, and life are calling for you to embrace and let go, to change and adapt, and to listen to within and respond to with others in your life.
Two of the major transits this week, in addition to Venus’ entry into Scorpio, are transits of Mercury square Pluto and Mars trine Uranus, both on Saturday. Mercury square Pluto pits the fast-moving and acting Mercury energy against the slow, methodical, transformative nature of Pluto in Capricorn.  Our need to understand, express ourselves, and communicate on all levels is activated with this transit. We feel we must do something, say something, and act. We tend to force the issues, that are not necessarily ready to be acted upon.  Whatever is causing us to feel that we have to ‘get it all done now’ is misleading us, and we need to be aware that the square of Mercury to Pluto could prove unnecessarily uneasy as we have created problems or conflicts where none existed. Compulsive thinking and the tendency to project our ideas on others in the mistaken idea that we know what’s best, are both ways this square can play out. To counter this, we need to face ourselves and question our motivations and intentions.  Calm down, listen more than you speak, and take a break from thinking you have to change the world today. Whatever needs to change, requires a steady, slow transformative process as Pluto has been trying to teach us for some time now. Relax; play games or channel that energy into constructive dialogue and patience.

Mars trine Uranus works against patience, as we feel now that we have both the energy and the ideas to make changes in our lives. If we have thought through the options before us, this might be so, however, if we act on this positive energy in a way that goes against the Mercury/Pluto aspect, we could be in big trouble.  Be discerning about what you are doing, what you are choosing, and what you are communicating. Practice temperance, patience, and acceptance, of yourself and others, and of situations or conditions that need more time to be resolved.

Early on Saturday, Mars quincunx Chiron, may trigger feelings that we find frustrating and confusing. In our inability to process this kind of energy, sometimes we resort to passive-aggressive behavior (against our own best interests or as an attack on someone else). If you find yourself blaming someone for your life situation, or treating someone with disrespect, check and see if you’re responding out of your own issues of anger, frustration, or woundedness.

On Saturday, September 14, Venus trines Neptune, creating a powerful and healing connection between the planet of love in Scorpio and the planet of the unconscious, the intuitive, and the creative imagination.

All in all, the shifting of planets and energy, and the movement and transit of the inner planets, Venus, Mars and Mercury, are moving us into an active period when we feel compelled, obssessed, and charged to move forward before we understand more fully the nature of our motivations and intentions.  It is a time to be more thoughtful, more patient, and more temperate in our actions, choices and behavior. Act from a place of deep inner peace and knowing, and avoid rash and destructive moves.

Remember the advice of St. Francis de Sale: “Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.”

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Virgo New Moon, Grand Cardinal Cross: Choose Life

Storm's Approach                                                                                                                                                 Catherine Al-Meten

The New Moon in Virgo, peaks on September 5, 2013 at 4:38 PDT/7:38am EDT/ 11:38am.  September’s New Moon in Virgo. A Grand Cardinal Cross forms, and we reach a crossroads where we can choose Life or we can choose Death. The stark reality of the choices before us demand we seriously consider how we are living, what we are creating and supporting, and what we are meant to do, be, and create.

Grand Cardinal Cross has begun to form. From August 23-27,  planets have been moving into alignment forming a Grand Cardinal Cross in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Venus is transforming the energy of the Pluto/Uranus square and Jupiter with dynamic and harmonizing influences.  Grand Crosses, also called Grand Squares, are formed when one or more planets, the Sun, or the Moon form two oppositions and four squares to one another.

Oppositions can bring about conflicts and challenges, or dynamism, movement, and action.  Squares energize or trigger the challenges and actions, setting off energy that is waiting to be expressed or manifested. As we can tell by the dynamic energy that has been building up over the summer, and particularly the last few weeks, we are being propelled into a very dynamic and active time. Being that this Grand Cardinal Cross is being energized by the New Moon in Virgo, we can expect to see concrete and physical displays of power. The Cardinal signs are the leadership signs, and represent those who lead, initiate, move, and shake things up, from positions of power and authority. 

Jupiter’s energy is that of powerful forces being hurled at the Earth, striking the ground like bolts of lightening. Uranus in Aries also exerts extreme, sudden, and forceful electrical energy, fiery changes and surprising shifts. Pluto in Capricorn continues to work in the mysterious underworld of both the personal unconsciousness and the Collective Consciousness to stir things up, bring about alterations and disruptions, and to cause things to fall apart that are no longer working or necessary for personal or collective life, growth, and survival.  Venus’ softening influence motivates us to seek beauty, meaning, cooperation, and more artful ways to express ourselves amid the whirling and volcanic period influenced by the Grand Cardinal Cross.

Described by one astrologer as a “parade’ of personal planets that activate the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto t-square before transforming it into the Grand Cardinal Cross. Yesterday, Saturday August 31, Venus squared Pluto setting off the Grand Cardinal Cross, along with the conjunction of Mercury and the Sun in Virgo. The  Venus-Pluto cycle peaks at this time, and we find that anyone or anything that is extreme, harmful, or damaging, is rejected more easily. This weekend’s aspects also triggers the first in a series of aspects to the Grand Cardinal Cross.  

Also influencing us at this New Moon in Virgo is the presence of Ceres in Virgo in opposition to Neptune in Pisces. Ceres is the archetypal energy for wisdom from the Earth, plants, trees, and natural healing and food sources. Neptune is the archetypal energy for heavenly and unconscious wisdom. Oppositions activate the need to bring ourselves in harmony with both. Creating a deeper sense of the sacred in both the ways we nourish ourselves and the ways we seek healing, bring us into harmony through bringing the sacred into our daily practice, habits, patterns, and activities. Consider how you are honoring the sacred in food preparation, ceremony and celebration, and in how you seek wholeness and healing. 

This Virgo New Moon is the time to plant seeds for the spring (in the North; for the Fall in the South). Acting out the mythological story of Persephone and Demeter, it is time that we plant ideas, make plans, begin projects, and supply ourselves with what we need for the changing seasons and for a period when things go to ground. Ideas planted now, bear fruit in 6 months or so. Canning, preserving, smoking (fish and meats), and laying in a supply of goods to take us through the winter, is the business of the New Moon in Virgo. With your work, it’s time to set goals, lay out plans, fill in your calendar for the work ahead. 

The pull from Pluto can be distracting as it pulls at us into the areas of our lives where we find ourselves struggling with whatever serves to drag us into the lower depths of our being. Depending upon where the New Moon in Virgo is in your chart/life, whatever serves to pull you into the lower depths, may present itself to push your buttons at this time.  For example, it may be in the first house/ascendant where the way you are appearing to others is affected. Or seventh house where partnerships and marriages suffer. Ninth house issues would have to do with higher realms of learning, foreign cultures, people, and issues, or eleventh house issues dealing with friendships, group and institutional associations (coworkers), and other social networks.

The New Moon in Virgo may be understood by understanding the allegorical nature of the myths that talk to us of dark, scary forests, spells cast by malevolent hags, biting the poison apple or being banished in dark places.  Virgo energy allows us to awaken to the realities that are affecting our lives and shaping our choices. We stand at the crossroads, forced to make a choice as to which direction we are to take, which road we are to follow.  We make choices now with clarity and anticipation, perhaps excited yet scared, for we know the unknown holds promise and change. We are called to work with Nature, both the gifts of the elements, Earth and Universe, and with our own nature. Denying who we are at this crossroads, is nearly impossible, though we can be drawn down into dark places of doubt, fear, insecurity, or seeming confusion.  The healthy step is to acknowledge the parts of our nature that cause us to trip up on ourselves, and to move out into light, health, and wholeness. 

On September 7-8, another trigger to the Moon in the early degrees of Libra, and then again on September 14-20 when Mercury triggers the Cross when she transits the early degrees of Libra.  What has begun to happen as these aspects begin taking place, is we are becoming more aware of the patterns of behavior, perception, and belief/values as they affect the way we live our lives and make our choices. Whatever rubs us the wrong way at this time, serves to remind us how our own perceptions and patterns of behavior have changed, and what is needed to live more fully in alignment with our True North.  

The way energy is being released, will signal us as to what is needed to change, alter, or adjust our thinking and behavior in order to navigate the changes, shifts, and disruptions we are experiencing. Whatever seems to be at odds with our thinking or challenging to our growth and movement, now works its way into our sensory and intuitive channels to activate and open the doors of our perception. Mercury forming what is called a superior conjunction to the Sun in Virgo. The superior conjunction provides us with a fusion of ‘mind catching up with life’. The Sun, how we live and reflect our life force, and Mercury, all forms of communication, meet together at 2 degrees Virgo to trigger a ‘liberating ordeal’. The ordeal last until the next time Mercury goes stationary retrograde at 19 degrees Scorpio on October 21, 2014. Whatever the ordeal is for you, should become clearer and/or more obvious; you will have a very real felt sense of how this ordeal and the energy of the Grand Cardinal Cross is affecting you and your life journey.  

Opposing Mercury, the Sun, and all the planets and the Moon transiting Virgo, is Neptune in Pisces (as well as Chiron, the Wounded Healer). When each of these planets aspects, first Chiron, then Neptune, be aware of two main things. When Chiron is opposed, something of a healing nature will become more evident. Either an old wound or illness will become problematic, or you will become more aware of how something needs to be healed or is not yet healed. You will find very real, immediate, practical-life experiences, conditions, or signs that show you where your healing needs to take place. When the transiting planets oppose Neptune, you can use your intuitive and creative abilities to discover and uncover whatever may be hidden from your awareness. Dreams may become more significant, or you may find yourself feeling more confused, feeling the polarities between the pragmatic and the illusions, the practical and the artistic, and the concrete and the esoteric.  Polarities need to be integrated in our lives. Bringing into manifestation (Virgo-physicality) the ideals, artistic expression, and creativity (Pisces-esoteric) is the path to unity.

During the rest of the weekend, take time to rethink and revaluate those areas in your life that need an upgrade, a major overhaul, or an entirely new approach. Begin to discern how it is you are prepared (and need to prepare) to handle whatever upsets, changes, shifts, or surprises come your way. Think of this as a time to prepare for the stormy seasons or an earthquake, albeit on a more perceptual and energetic level.  What are the essentials you need to survive stress and trials? What do you need to nourish yourself, body and soul, and who can you trust and depend upon for support, affirmation, and loyalty?  Get clear about what really matters, for it will be important to gain the most from the energy and movement of this Grand Cardinal Cross and all that it unleashes in our lives.

As each of the inner planets makes its transit and forms its respective aspect, we may feel a fracturing of certain elements of our lives, our thinking, or our personal perception of reality. These inner planets also make their first aspect to 10 degrees of Libra, setting off a connection that will move into full force when Mars enters Libra next year in May.  When Mars begins moving through our lives, we can be sure to notice that what may have laid hidden, dormant, or unconscious, breaks open and demands attention and action.  In the case of this occurring in Cardinal signs, it also means that whatever is awakened, will demand that we act upon it. 
When we experience an awakening, disruption, challenge, or conflict, we may or may not feel ready to respond.  In the case of the Grand Cardinal Cross, the momentum will be beyond our personal control, and will find us urgently looking for ways to handle whatever occurs as Mars moves through the squares to first Jupiter and Pluto, followed by an opposition to Uranus in Aries (explosive combination).  Mars’ squares occur this December, and the opposition to Uranus, occurs next June, 2014. 

Conjunctions, squares, and oppositions occur in the four corners of our charts/lives where the Cardinal Cross is located and in action (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). In late-August and September, these aspects will be fairly tight, meaning they are within just a few degrees of one another (strengthening their immediate impact). I suppose the most obvious example of how this is playing out on the world stage right now is the announcement by President Obama of the U.S., that he is asking Congress to approve military intervention in the Syrian civil war; a shocking announcement for many war-weary citizens of the world. The implications for such an announcement and possible set of actions, has long-lasting and  potential for horrifying repercussions.  

Dealing with type of energy on a collective basis is one manifestation of the Cardinal Cross energy. However, in our personal lives, we need to observe where we need to be vigilant, proactive, and tenacious.  We need to notice how we respond and react to transformation and changing  patterns of perception and behavior that affect each of us. Into October, the t-square effects planets in Libra squaring Pluto and Jupiter and then opposing Uranus, will allow us to use the ongoing transformative power and awareness of Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, coupled with our resources, talents, and energies (represented by Jupiter), to deal with whatever Uranus triggers and awakens in us and for us.  Crucial for each of us during this time is the need to use our skills to integrate what we have learned with what we discover, find surprising, or learn about ourselves and the life we are living. The other major need is to use our resources wisely and creatively.  We are more aware now than we ever have been of our potential, our gifts, talents, and our resources  (health, vitality, energy, skills, time). 

Probably now, at this New Moon in Virgo, more than ever, we need to be clear about who we are and what it is we really need to live our lives with authenticity.” Who am I?” is not just a philosophical question we ask to ponder idealistic and hypothetical concepts. Knowing who we are and what that looks like in the way we live, is crucial to living an authentic life, and living in harmony with the Universal life force and cycle of life.

New Moon in Virgo, September 5, 2013.
As the New Moon in Virgo

Also influencing this New Moon is Neptune in Pisces, which can be experienced as confusion, in-depth searching, or an awakening of the unconscious. Use this energy in its most positive form, to connect to greater awareness, move toward ways to help you deal with however you experience Neptune’s awakening, and put into practical form, the movement of that Neptune is calling you to bring into your daily life, and ongoing experience of living. 

You might remember a year ago, when Saturn was shifting into Scorpio after its final weeks and months in Libra.  So much change has occurred since then, and now is the time to reflect. How are we integrating what we have learned? Are we still circling the drain, feeling trapped in between the past and the present? Are we still dreaming and desiring, but not moving or taking action?  Notice what has been stopping you or holding you in place? Whatever wasn’t shaken out in the past, now will fall away or be removed.

Over the last few months, we had the deeply spiritual awakening and healing  energy of  the Grand Water Trines. How have you or could you take the awareness, energy, gifts of those transits to inform and stabilize you as you experience the outcomes set forth on your unconscious level at that time? Also, as the Blue Moon at the end of Aquarius/Leo opened doors of perceptual reality for you, how has your viewpoint and your ability to more clearly form an idea of what your path is now, come together? 

As the Grand Cardinal Cross continues forming, Jupiter in Cancer, Venus (later Mercury and Mars) in Libra, Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn represent those areas of our lives ruled by the Cardinal Cross. The New Moon in Virgo signals the start of bringing your dreams into manifestation, making plans to realize your goals and walk the path to your True North.  

This New Moon in Virgo also ushers in the Hebrew Holy month of Tishrei. Tonight, when the first three stars appear in the sky, the new moon will announce the Hebrew month of Tishrei, the start of the new year 5774. The shofar, the ram's horn will blow, announcing the next turn in the spiral of life. As the world sits at the crossroads facing Life and Death, it is imperative that we, the whole of the human race, make choices to walk the path of Life over the path of Death. Join with others to pray for, meditate on, and walk the path of harmony and peace, and to pray for a conversion of the heart of every person to Choose Life. 

Deuteronomy 30:19 “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live.”