Nye Beach, Oregon Catherine Al-Meten |
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through fire, you will not be burned. The flames will not set you ablaze." Isaiah 43:2
There are times in our lives when we feel we are being besieged, and when even the elements are overwhelming us. When times come that challenge or frighten us, we can be assured that we are being guided, guarded, and governed by Divine Spirit. Whatever our religious and spiritual beliefs and practices, we are part of this dynamic Universe, and we live according to both spiritual and physical laws. Astrology is one tool, of many, that helps us understand the archetypal, mystical, and physical nature of being a spiritual being living a physical existence. This week as the New Moon in Libra conjoins the Sun in Libra, we stand at another threshold ready to step onto the path of the next lunar cycle, just one of many cycles that affects our life experiences. The more we understand the nature of energy and the connections we have to our archetypal nature, the greater our ability to live more fully aware and accepting of our gifts.
Friday, October 4, 2013, the New Moon in Libra cycle begins. 5:35 PM PDT.
The New Moon in Libra ushers in a time when we seek to find balance, harmony, and resolution with anything that seems out of balance. Partnerships, intimate relationships of all kinds, and relationships in general, all become a focal point for our desire to achieve greater harmony in our lives.
In Libra, the Moon beckons us to discover the source of serenity within and around us. We seek to create beauty, establish greater peace and teamwork within relationships, and instill a deeper sense of standing in our own truth in all areas of our lives. Libra energy can sometimes cause us to go overboard attempting to see all sides to any issue or situation. The result can sometimes be, failing to acknowledge and honor our own true nature and the truths we are called to express and live out in our own lives. Whatever we choose to work towards requires commitment and tenacious effort on our part. When we become distracted or sidetracked, we lose sight of our end goals.
This Libra Moon cycle is showing us what it means to live in the balance of living in the question. Last week we talked about what it meant to live in the question. The Libra New Moon and the cycle it opens, calls us to live in the balance of the questions we live with. Our life is a process of living with ambiguity, and with unanswered, unexplored, or unknown aspect of our lives and those of others. When we realize that what we do is always in relation to others, we also come to realize that even when we have come to some kind of resolution, made a decision, or identified a desire, we still live in other people’s perceptions of reality, their desires and aversions, and with their level of development, commitments, and choices. When we enter into relationship, we enter into a host of realities that affect ours. This Libra New Moon at 11/57 Libra challenges and supports our need to be clear about who we are and what we want, need, and are searching for, so that we can maintain some level of mindfulness in our interactions.
Those born with personal planets, the Sun and the Moon within 9-15 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) will feel the effects of this New Moon strongly. Look to see what area the Cardinal planets fall in your chart, and notice how the New Moon in Libra affects those areas of your life.
Mercury enters Scorpio. When our energy is still trapped or connected to something or someone in the past, we will have a harder time living in the present. Notice the areas where your energy is trapped in places that prevent you from moving on in areas of your life related to relationship, intimacy, and the creation of beauty and love in your life. With Mercury moving into the depths of Scorpio today (September 29, 2013), this should not be too difficult. We already have been dealing with Saturn’s transit through Scorpio for the last year; a place where our unconscious and subconscious awakening has been taking place. With Mercury, the planet of all forms of communication, enters the realm of Scorpio, we awaken to the connections, messages, and awakenings of our deepest desires, dreams, fears, connections, and questions. When Mercury meets up with Saturn at 10-11 degrees, we can look forward to a powerful awakening and surprisingly deep and meaningful communication and enlightenment. Communication not only takes place deep within our own being, but communication, surprising messages and deep, intriguing inner stirrings also take place.
All planets in orbit around our Sun in the Solar System, and orbiting in space beyond our system, move in predictable and regular patterns. The influences of a planet, like that of the Moon and the Sun, changes according to its cycle. The following are some of the phases of the Mercury Cycle
October 1: Beginning of Mercury retrograde is called the shadow shadow period, a time when what is being readied to manifest, begins to make its way into awareness.
October 8: Mercury is at the degree of the Scorpio Solar Eclipse, meaning that some form of communication will likely be important as it relates to the Scorpio solar cycle and eclipse.
October 21: Mercury retrograde period begins. We all hear about this, and we all experience Mercury's retrograde phases in whatever area of our lives/chart it transits. Generally associated with delays and miscommunication, if you know that, then you can act accordingly. It's akin to knowing that when you're tired you don't think as clearly as you do when you are rested. Take heed. slow down and double check details.
October 31: Mercury retrograde is at the degree of the Scorpio Solar Eclipse
November 1: Mercury conjoins the Sun is generally a very special and potent aspect, as it shines and illuminates something of great importance in the area of your life that it aspects.
November 10: Mercury goes direct, the retrograde period ends.
Notice these times this month, and see if you can become more attuned to what this means in your life.
Notice these times this month, and see if you can become more attuned to what this means in your life.
The Sun in Libra, continues to shine a light on how our relationships reflect who we are. Like the Moon in Libra, the Sun in Libra affects us on the level of what we need, desire, and believe about who we are and who we are in relationship with those we are closest to. The growing edge for Libra is getting over the idea that we are responsible for ‘everything being in balance’, or for our need to have everything working in perfect harmony. When we realize that the movement in our lives is neither smooth nor stable, but are signs of growth and movement, then we can move in the flow of the activity, indecision, and sometimes even the chaos of life with an understanding that we are living with the dynamic nature of life. What does not change and move, dies or changes form. Any aspect of our life that is not dynamic is or has changed form and has to be understood in that light. Some aspects of our being, our experience, and our relationships that have transformed, are often kept alive in our memories, dreams, and thoughts. While we may not be able to resolve anything that is gone, we can use the material to create art, literature, music, and we must do so if we are to be healthy. To bury it, repress it, or deny our feelings, results dis-ease and unhealthy expressions of whatever has been repressed.
Life is dynamic energy, and we are the living, moving, breathing spiritual and physical expression of that energy. Breathed into being by the Divine Creator, we have the capacity to live fully. We also have the capacity to stop ourselves in our tracks, by dwelling on that which is beyond our control, by that which has passed from our lives, and from that which is no longer the healthy, positive choice for us. The Libra Sun and New Moon, awaken us to that which needs to be acknowledged and released, so that we can more fully enter into our relationships and live our lives as whole, fully- functioning beings. The more fully mindful and aware we are of our own strengths and weaknesses, our needs and desire, our capabilities and talents, the more fully engaged we can be with those with whom we connect. We are given our gifts, desires, and skills to love and serve others, not to hoard or indulge ourselves alone.
Mercury in Scorpio is the archetype for deep, soul-searching, and the questions we allow to rise to the surface for our reflection and consideration, are the ones that help us more fully awaken to what we need to know, do, be, and change at this point in our lives. Coupled with Saturn, the Great Teacher, we are already very aware of the unconscious rising to the surface, making us ever more aware of the unfulfilled desires, the dissatisfaction, fear, and losses, and whatever else has lain dormant in the shadows for far too long. This is a time for deep, profound, soul-searching conversations and meditation. Avoid becoming obsessive and rash however; the ‘either/or’ thinking of Libra can sometimes make us feel we need to make drastic changes. The call of this time is to weigh everything; allow yourself to sit with feelings, thoughts, desires, and questions, and allow time to become fully aware that nothing needs to be done, yet. Before change takes place, we need to assess and determine the full weight of our decisions to make certain we are acting from a place of contemplation and thoughtful measure.
Venus in Scorpio. Since September 11, Venus has been transiting Scorpio calling us to discover the deeply passionate and soulful connections that we long for in relationships. Venus’ transit through Scorpio lasts another week, ending on October 8 shortly after the New Moon in Libra. Venus’ last week in her transit through Scorpio, awakens our deep need for intense connection in our relationships. Venus in Scorpio brings out the extremes in our feelings and emotional responses with those we love. Attractions are quite strong right now, and we are moved to be in complete contact, body and soul, with those attracted to us or we to them. There are no lukewarm responses and reactions as Venus completes her transit. We are no longer satisfied with anything less than a true love or right and perfect partner and mate. Though this may seem unrealistic (and it would be if we tried to live in this state of being and awareness), we experience a deep and profound understanding of who and what we love, and how we love. We can no longer hide from our desires and needs, as the light has illuminated the true nature of love for us. In other words, we know what we want and what we don’t want. We are not satisfied with the status quo or with something that is merely ‘acceptable’. Even if we stay with partners with whom we are not connected, we will know what is possible, and we will no longer be able to live in denial of our soul needs.
Mars in Leo, August 27-October 15. Mars’ fiery entrance into Leo in late-August, spurred a great deal of movement and action as it set off fireworks in a number of situations. Look to the house/part of your life where Mars is transiting, and I imagine you will find things have been anything but stable, quiet, and calm. For me, it’s been in the house of my life purpose/career, and ‘all of a sudden’ things are popping right and left. If it is transiting an area of your life like the 7th house (marriage/partnerships), you might notice major movement, changes, and activity around these issues. Again, look to the house that Mars rules to see what might explain sudden flurries of activity, movement, uprisings. It is a time when we recognize what we want and we acknowledge our capacity to achieve our goals and dreams. For two more weeks, we can use this fiery energy to get focused on movement, growth, change, and actions we are feeling pulled towards. Much comes to us at this time, as opposed to those times we think we need to venture into the woods of our lives to discover our purpose, aim, goal. Knowing what we want and what we are capable of, we now reach out and accept the gifts laid before us. Mars in a fire sign also awakens the passions we have, and provides us with ample energy and desire to act on our own behalf.
Saturn remains in Scorpio having just crossed through the North Node; this has taken us into a new era and path for learning more about what we are here to do, be, and who we are here to connect with and serve.
Jupiter remains in Cancer until July, 2014. We have some very fortunate breaks around our homes and with our sense of being able to make our lives feel more secure. The large outer planets in Water signs (Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces) all signal that collectively we experience the power and strength of water. As I write this, we are having a very early series of rain storms hitting the Pacific Northwest...as record rainfalls have been reported earlier in places like Colorado and Georgia in the U.S., and Bhopal, India). While rain is necessary and even desirable, for those areas who have not prepared for floods, mudslides, or proper water run off, this can be a disastrous time. We are reminded that the natural world and the elements are more powerful that we are, and that we need to live in harmony with the natural elements.
Jupiter in Cancer, benevolence in a water sign
Uranus in Aries. Uranus in Aries continues in its long cycle, kicking off one event, experience, and crisis after another to make life interesting. Uranus brings information and experiences in surprising and unexpected ways. Whatever is set off by Uranus, requires response from us in some area of our lives; often in more than one area.
This Week:
Today, September 29, 2013, Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces. Our imagination and intuition are heightened during this period. Using our imagination to express creative and thoughtful ideas can be a great way to use this energy. We feel highly sensitized to our surroundings, and to one another. Intuition, imagination, creativity are favored as Neptune the ruler of the depths of the Seas as well as the depths of the Unconscious and the Collective Consciousness, are swimming in Piscean energy. Mercury, taking her first plunge into the intuitive and secretive waters of Scorpio today, trines Neptune in Pisces to strengthen and heighten the effects of these two planets in our lives. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also transiting Pisces, and Mercury will make a surprising and healing connection to Chiron later in the month. Whatever we need to be aware of to help us heal and grow, is being touched by this lovely transit. Things will make more sense to us, for we will now have the inner and external information that will brings things into focus for us. Be open and receptive to receiving the knowledge, news, connections you need.
This transit is wonderful for attracting others to our art, ideas, imagination, and creativity. We understand more clearly that we are indeed spiritual beings having a physical, human experience. The limitations we experience as humans, can be transcended by our spiritual essence, and we glimpse and feel this deeply at this time.
On Monday, September 30, the Sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn. Squares activate energy, setting things off by making us aware of power-over relationships or communication, abuse of power and lack of respect for limitations, rules, authority. What seems to be the end of the world, in some respect, simply signals the need for more time to allow what will be to unfold. When our ideas and ideals run up against the stubborn and staid nature of Pluto (the Great Transformer) in Capricorn, an earth sign, we are stopped in our tracks. Allowing ourselves to surrender to the natural course of nature and the Universal laws, is what we had best do. We realize that we have more power than we thought, to act on our own behalf and for the good of those we serve. We also recognize that if we have been pushing or manipulating others, we no longer have the power or authority to do so. We surrender to the Divine Will, and see the source and nature of our power and being, and allow life to unfold naturally. Letting go of superficial and outdated ways of leading, controlling, or relating is the path we need to follow at this time. We will observe where this plays out in our lives, as this square reminds us where we are holding too tight to the reins. We need to let go, relinquish our need for power and control, and rest in the space between the past and the future. Being present with and mindful of what is happening on all levels of our being is necessary now as the Sun Squares Pluto. The way we perceive power and authority shifts; the way we use both does as well.
Venus semi-square Pluto. A semi-square between Venus and Pluto raises issues that may be related to ideas about fidelity, commitment, love, communication, and all things love-related. Differences that we are learning in relation to a partner, spouse of close friend, may make their way to the surface during this time. Depending upon where Pluto is making its’ transit through Capricorn, and where Venus is in relation to that area of your life, you’ll probably find a bit of edginess or anxiety arising around issues related to that part of your life. And since Pluto has been transiting this area, issues may arise around something you thought was settled or understood. If you attempt to hide, deny, or suppress such feelings, you won’t be fooling anyone as what you feel will be right on the surface of your emotional and physical expressions.
This is a time when people’s vulnerabilities and weak spots are easily touched. We are set off by people manipulating or using us; by being treated unfairly or cruelly, and by feeling we are not quite ‘enough’ for whatever we have committed ourselves to. Issues arise during this transit related to how we value ourselves, how we appreciate and understand our selves and others, and how we honor our own code of behavior and ethics. Be ready to stand on the solid ground of your own sense of identity and code of honor. Know your limits, and know where you tend to run when you are afraid. These are the areas where you could be caught off guard. Ground yourself with a sense of gratitude, acceptance, trust in yourself, and protect yourself in healthy, non-manipulative ways. We might pay attention to what we know about our personality, and identify those areas that rise up when we are not feeling safe or when we are vulnerable due to someone else’s behavior and feelings towards us.
Saturn in Scorpio trines Chiron in Pisces. This week, on Wednesday, September 2, we have a wonderful opportunity to explore our unconscious and subconscious behavior and ideas. The Great Teacher, Saturn, has been exploring our inner depths, turning things over, upside down, and inside out, and now Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces, trines Saturn to reveal to us and help create the right conditions for us to learn what it is we need to heal and how that healing is taking place already within us and through the experiences we have chosen in our lives. Our learning comes from the inside, from the depths of our being, so we stand more firm, more capable, more assured that we know who we are and have the tools and knowledge we need to walk the path we have chosen and the path that is being revealed before us. We do not need to act out, strike out, or seek approval for our choices, for we have made our choices from a place within us that is sure, strong, sound, and honest. We reach a level of maturity where we can let go of roles, masks, negative images we hold of ourselves and others, and emotional baggage that once bolstered us. We become more comfortable in our own skin, fully filled by the spirit of the Divine that guides, guards, and loves us right where we are. We enjoy a sense of inner peace and healing that may surprise, but will definitely lighten our load. We feel enlightened in the center of our being right now.
Venus semi-square the Sun in Libra On Thursday, September 3, Venus semi-square the Sun raises doubts and fears, that may or may not be grounded in the reality of your life. Our own anxieties, fears, past patterns of behavior, memories, or aspects of our self concept that have been wounded and not yet healed, may cause us to have a distorted sense of what is really going on, especially in relation to our relationships with others. Discover ways to express your feelings in creative ways, burn off energy that releases anxiety, or delve into the hidden patterns that may be triggering you at this time.
The New Moon in Libra with hard aspects from the Sun and the Moon to Pluto and Uranus, make for an intense and dramatic New Moon cycle. The Sun and the New Moon in Libra are in opposition to Uranus. Things are changing, and/or will be triggered to change, in major and dynamic ways. The changes occur around relationships, love, and our views and behavior with both. We might ask ourselves how we can make changes that would have a positive impact on our relationships? Especially in the houses/parts of our lives where the New Moon, the Sun, and Uranus are now transiting. New Moons always occur in the same sign as the Sun’s transit, and are always in opposition to that area of life that is in direct opposition to wherever the solar and lunar transits are occurring. For example, Libra opposes Aries, Scorpio opposes Taurus, Sagittarius opposes Gemini, Capricorn opposes Cancer, Aquarius opposes Leo, and Pisces opposes Virgo. The opposition places opposite, or polarities in tension with each other. Libra rules our experience of Love, relationships, beauty, commitment and cooperation. Aries rules exploration, self discovery, action, activity, assertiveness, and independence. You can see the polarities. However, we have both extremes (or possibilities thereof) within us. Our work as we grow is to incorporate a balance between both extremes by developing varying degrees of all qualities in different areas of our lives. Whatever we have lots of, we need to balance with that which we lack. That’s what balance is about; it’s not about being comfortable at one extreme or the other. We live in motion, and balance comes as we seek harmony in each step.
The Square and semi-square aspects also raise the questions that we need to answer as we journey and form new relationships. We form new relationships even in our old ones. For example, we cannot maintain the same relationship with our children or parents. Long-term relationships (parental, marriage, friends, work) all require a dynamic, flowing, constant seeking of balance, and dealing with the ambiguity, the questions, and the new experiences that arise, as well as that which ends. As anyone who has ever lost someone they love to death, the connections and feelings of love do not end. We change, but we remain the same on some levels of our being. Our love deepens, and grows, and takes on new levels of meaning, understanding, and depth. We cannot hold onto something like love any more than we can hold our breath forever. We are flowing with each breath, changing with each moment, and arriving at a new destination each day. The movement of planets into air, water, and fire, grounded by those in earth, remind us of our nature. Find ways during this New Moon in Libra to set your sails in the life-affirming direction that lays before you. Enjoy the ride, let the wind give you the power, and the water hold you up into the reality of your truth. Ground yourself in what you know is unfolding and right for you, and let the energy and fire of action propel you forward. Be mindful and aware, grateful and graced by the life force and Divine Will.