The New Moon in Taurus, Solar Eclipse, peaks Thursday, May 9, 2013 at 5:29 PDT. A New Moon combined with a Solar eclipse, the 2nd in a current eclipse cycle, signals the unfolding of a new path before us. The Sun and Moon both in the earth sign of Taurus, invites us to sink into the beauty of the life within and around us.
In Sanskrit, the words, Aham Prema, a seed meditation meaning, I am Love, reflects the energy of this period of time. We feel grounded within our inner and outer being, and feel drawn to enjoy the beauty, pleasures, gifts, and treasures that are abundant in our lives right where we are. For those who have actively been moving deeper into a sense of self awareness, who have been listening and receptive for the Divine invitation to receive, express, and honor the gifts of spirit, now is the time to open our eyes to see what is right before us. What are the realities of who you are right now? What is going on right where you are? What dreams have you watched come true already, and what are you drawn to do, be, experience, change, or create?
Observe with body, mind, spirit, emotions, and allow your senses, the elements, your surroundings and your relationships to reveal, unfold, and speak to you of life renewed, reborn, or regenerated. Whatever it is you have been waiting to do or be or experience, make realistic plans now, and map out the steps you need to take to fulfill your dreams. We have been going through the process of letting go and shedding the skin of the past, of outworn roles, patterns of behavior, or expectations, and now arrive at the point of departure for a new leg of our journey. Reflect on what has been eliminated from your life/experience, and allow yourself to feel the energy inherent in the new spaces and openness created by whatever losses, alterations, or releasing you have recently experienced.
Taurus rules matters related to 2nd house issues and energies. The house/area or our lives that relates to how we have developed our sense of personal value, esteem, resources and possessions, desire for security and safety, and our overall sense of how we have come to value who we are, what we are worth, and how we connect, attach, and experience that values in our physical and financial expressions. The Taurus archetype symbolizes how we shape and experience beauty, harmony, order, and all pragmatic expressions of love in all areas of our lives. Depending where Taurus falls in your chart/life, this is the area of your life right now that is feeling the full measure of the Stellia of planets, the Sun and the Moon in Taurus.
Notice where your sense of self esteem and personal self worth seems to be caught up in decisions, changes, and choices you have been making or wanting to make recently. Where are the areas of crisis or transformation in your life, and you are probably going to find some connection with this New Moon and the Stellia in Taurus.
Understanding the houses/areas of life.
Looking at each of the 12 areas of life represented in a life as represented on the horoscope, observe the types of energy, activities, or expressions may be experienced by different houses.
Houses of Action. The four angular, fire house--1, 4, 7, 10 --express how we take and view action.
Houses of Security. The four succedent houses-- 2, 5, 8, 1--express our individual desires, areas where we feel a need for control, and how we synthesize our needs, wants, and desires in different areas of life. The keyword for the succedent houses is security.
Houses of Learning. The four cadent houses--3, 6, 9, 12--represent the way we take in and process information. The 3rd house represents our early upbringing and how we learned who we are, how we learned to communicate, and how we communicate in our immediate environment. The 6th house represents learning through doing and how what we do affects our health and sense of well being. The 9th house represents who and what inspires us to learn, and the 12th house represents our innate gifts of intuition, and the wealth of genetic, divine, and psychological material that we have access to through the unconsious, subconscious and Collective Consciousness.
The Elements, as represented in our charts by fire, earth, air, and water, also give us a clue to how we take in information, process it, put energy into action, and discover ways to connect and find emotional, spiritual, psychological, and physical fulfillment.
Looking at your chart, find which areas of your life are represented by Fire.
Identity. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are the three fire signs representing how you express yourself based on your true identity. The fire signs represent how you take action. On a deeper level, they represent how you view life, and represent your perspective based on your true Identity. Houses representing self actualization, expression, self worth, and confidence.
Wealth/Treasures: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are the three earth signs representing how you value yourself, your relationships, your material and spiritual gifts, and how you satisfy your basic physical and material needs. The areas of your life where you find the earth signs, signal those aspects of life where you find your greatest mode of expression, sense of security and purpose, and ways of finding connection, purpose, and meaning.
Relationships: Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra are the three air signs representing connections and relationships. Making connections with people, ideas, and the search and adventure of exploring and sharing ideas, concepts, and an understanding of intellectual ideas.
Spirit and Soul: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are the three water signs representing the instinctual, spiritual, subconscious and unconsciousness. Experiencing through the deep yearnings, desires, memories, reflections, and subconscious and unconsciousness, water signs stimulate the impulses to learn from the past, experience through an emotional knowledge, or prescient understanding. These are the area of your life where your instinctual, intuitive, and deeper desires express through insight and a deep sense of knowing. These houses/parts of your life help define your emotional identity, the way you use your spiritual and soul callings to release whatever is holding you back on your spiritual journey.
This Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Taurus affect our ability to appreciate, experience, utilize, and learn to master the gifts of our physical experience. As spiritual beings, we sometimes fall into the trap of thinking that our mind and body are separate and apart from our spiritual essence and identity. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our gifts as incarnated/physical beings, is that we have the opportunity and special experience of being able to live with a sense of oneness as both physically and spiritually whole. To experience the essence of being human as we also treasure the spiritual essence of who we are, is what spiritual traditions and religious rites and practices seek. The gifts are within us and our lives, just as they are, are full of opportunities for us to discover, develop, and express the best of who we are in service and respect for the best of who and what others bring to the table of life.
Regardless of the seeming circumstances we imagine ourselves to be in, we have the opportunity to begin anew, to redirect our energy, thoughts, actions, and vision to better express our Divine essence and to more clearly use our gifts, talents, and precious life. The energy of this particular time has the capacity to help us strengthen our sense of being safe and secure in the reality of who we are, where we are, and what our lives are destined for. It is a time to connect to that which we value most, in ourselves and in others, and to set our intentions, align our focus, and to remove anything that is not truly related to our true security. We do not derive our security from outside ourselves: relationships, roles, wealth, activity, approval or disapproval of others. We derive our sense of security and well being from within and with our connection with the Divine Truth that is reflected in our being. Time to reevaluate what is truly best for us, and what is either feeding our ego needs, being driven by our fear of who we are, or what is simply an attempt to escape the reality of our lives as we have created our truth up to this point. We do not leave behind any part of what we have been a part of. We do meet the same situations through relationships, new roles, new choices, when we have failed to see that the truth of our lack of fulfillment or acceptance of ourselves is really about our lack of self acceptance. We, as we are right now, will travel forward and be part of any relationship or new experience in the future. Time to really take a look at what it is that may threaten your sense of identity, security, sense, gifts and treasures, or spiritual and emotional truth and gifts. How are you blocking your own good? How are you projecting your insecurity, lack of self confidence, sense of failure or feeling trapped, onto someone you chose or some situation that reflects your own discomfort? The shadow parts of ourselves are, in many ways, no longer hidden at this time. We see ourselves and others in the light of a true awareness, and we are in the center of our own vision, yet we are not the Center itself. The Divine extends beyond the boundaries or our minds or souls, and we reflect the untold, unfinished story that we came here to tell and live out.
What is the story you are telling of yourself and the life you have been living? How have you missed the gifts and glory of the life you have and the choices you are free to make? How can being more mindful and present during this New Moon and Solar Eclipse time, shed light on where you are and not so much where you are going, but how you are living and feeling about yourself in the process. How we treat others and make decisions, is often a direct misdirection of energy and thoughts we are feeling towards ourselves. Spend some time learning to appreciate who you are, recognizing your own gifts, abilities, and all the assets already at hand. Deal with whatever is at hand, and see the lessons in the experience, gain strength from learning how to appreciate your ability to honor yourself and others. Take care of whatever it is that blocks your goodness. Look for areas where you have hidden things away, failed to handle, overlooked with some intention, or missed acknowledging. Finish something so you feel a sense of completion. Take care of business so you show yourself you are capable of handling it. Recognize what you may have not wanted to see, and let go of the need to create crisis, complexity, or ‘mountains out of mole hills’ where and when there is no need.
Get outside and walk in the beauty of the season. Embrace yourself with a recognition that you are an expression of the sacred and Divine. You are worthy, safe, capable, and deserving of living and appreciating the gift of life you have before you. Enjoy the beauty of your life and the recognition of what treasures lay before you.
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