Monday, May 20, 2013

Full Moon Rising: Sun enters Gemini, Lunar Eclipse, Uranus/Saturn conjunction, oh my!

Full Moon on the Rise                                                                                                                Catherine Al-Meten
Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse Saturday, May 25, 2013 12:25 AM EDT; May 24, 9:25 PM PDT.

We are entering a very active week, with the Uranus/Pluto square, the movement of the Sun into Gemini, the waxing Full Moon and the final lunar eclipse in this cycle. 

The Moon’s Movement.
The Moon is moving through the sector of your chart/life that is ruled by Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio setting off emotional responses and reactions to the last three solar cycles of Pisces, Aries, and Taurus.  These last three solar/lunar cycles have been particularly potent and upsetting as each has been filled with an abundance of planets, the Sun, and the Moon lining up in the stellia groupings; first in water signs, then in fire, and this month in earth. And all were in opposition, at one point or another, with Saturn, the North Node, and in square aspect to Pluto. Jupiter has also been the wild card, toying with our expectations, aspirations, illusions, and mental health in some ways.  Jupiter is the promise of abundance, good fortune, and hopeful optimism, however when aspected in certain ways, finds our dreams and visions falling apart or at the least, undergoing a reality check that changes our perspective, reality, and plans....often in a big way.

Over the weekend of May 18-19, the First Quarter square of the Moon and Sun emphasized the issues and areas of life that have been most affected by the series of eclipses we are currently experiencing. On Sunday, the Moon in Virgo grounds us in practical matters. We have the capacity and the mood is set for solving problems, fixing what needs to be fixed, getting organized, and supporting others in whatever way we can.  We both seek and offer assistance while focusing on cleaning up our own messes and evaluating the choices we have been making. 

The Moon in Virgo makes it easier for us to see any incongruence in our lives. We are better able to reconcile the conflicts in who we think we are and what our actions and behavior actually say about who we are.  This is the time to face any disparity between the two, and start facing what our actions are sowing in our lives and the lives of others.  Take care of business, and reevaluate current plans rather than setting out on new adventures. Before we can move into new areas, we have to have taken care of business right where we are.  If we fail to do so, we seed any new projects with unfinished business.  That means we carry the unfinished part into any new relationship, project, or direction that we set off in. 
Growth comes through being able to get to the heart of current relationships, experiences, projects, and issues.  Grow where you are planted, and deepen the roots that have been set. Allow what has been seeded to come to full bloom and allow the fruits to ripen for harvest. 

Moon in Virgo makes a number of aspects to the transiting planets. The Moon opposes Jupiter, activating an emotional response to plans, hopes, and dreams. There is a strong desire to solve problems, discover the answers that may have been hidden or kept from you, and to gain greater clarity on what you really have to deal with right now, right where you are. 
This is a good time for mental activities, taking care of household and work-related business, establishing workable routines, and taking care of details.  

The Moon enters Libra on Monday, May 20, 2013,  at 1:08 PM EDT/10:08 PDT. The Libra Moon transit lasts until May 22, and then by late Friday evening PDT/early Saturday morning EDT, waxes to her fullness at 4/8 Sagittarius opposing the Sun at 4/8 Taurus in a full lunar eclipse. This eclipse will have a potent impact on those with personal planets and aspect points between 29-30 degrees of fixed signs including Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, and those whose personal planets and aspect points are between 0-9 degrees of mutable signs including Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. For others, notice where these aspects are in your chart/life, and observe the kind of impact this transit may have for you.

The Moon’s transit through Libra and Scorpio  for the rest of the week will highlight those areas where we are working to unite the opposites in our lives.  Through Libra, the Moon’s journey triggers our emotional need to seek balance, live in harmony, create beauty, and reconcile itself with the pull of Taurus.  As the Moon transits Scorpio, she triggers a soulful search for meaning, and as the Moon conjuncts both Saturn and the North Node, the Moon sets off a stronger move toward resolving and learning the lessons that Saturn has been moving within. The North Node indicates that news may come of some kind of long-awaited change, or signifies, perhaps, that the time is now to take the next steps.  When the Moon comes into opposition with Uranus in Aries, expect sudden, out-of-the-blue surprises and news. 

Aspects and Transits.
Beginning late Sunday night, May 19-20,  Saturn  forms a seisquiquadrate to Jupiter, and Uranus squares Pluto. Whatever we are trying to ‘make’ happen, building, or thinking about expanding, meets with major challenges. We are forced to be more realistic with our plans, projects, dreams, and ventures. Any sense of dissatisfaction, seems stronger under this influence. We may feel more restricted both internally and externally.  The more we can adopt a sense of living mindfully, and accepting the present, the less we will feel trapped, challenged, or under the influence of this energetic aspect. Notice when buried feelings, memories, or desires rise up, and allow for a safe, constructive way of dealing with any strong feelings, urges, or issues. 

Some major changes may occur, either in your own perspective and determination, or within the structures, relationships, and dynamics of the world in which you live. When we work on ourselves, as we have been forced to do by the experiences and dynamics acting upon  us over the last year, we know that changing our habits, patterns, and outworn ways of viewing and rationalizing our areas of discord, weakness, or other challenges, is called for. The Sun is moving through the last degree of its passage through Taurus.  We are putting a final touch on whatever has been highlighted during this last month’s transit, and with all that has risen to the surface through the eclipse cycle.  

Also on May 20, Venus squares Chiron, activating healing changes around areas of how we view love and how we define and tap into our own sense of self esteem and security.  While Virgo was opposing both Neptune and Chiron during the Moon’s recent transit, things may have come up, arisen from our unconsciousness, or been triggered by something that made us feel more insecure about our ability to love and be loved.  As Venus squares Chiron, we again have the opportunity to use this awakening to help us understand our true nature and the true nature of love and security. Understanding that we have to love ourselves, feel secure in who we are, as we are, and feel connected in some way, to the Divine Source of love....for in that Divine Love we live and move and have our being. Our ego-needs must be balanced out with a greater understanding about who we are on all levels of being. 

The Sun enters Gemini late on Monday, May 20. The Sun will stay in Gemini until June 21, 2013. Gemini energy activates a quest for knowledge and diversity. Our curiosity takes off in many directions, and this is yet another reason to spend the last few days of the Virgo Moon cycle getting your life and business in order.  The Gemini Sun increases the desire to communicate more, though not nearly on as deep a level as we may have been seeking more recently.  The Sun in Gemini fosters activity, gatherings,  quests, and a deeper search for knowledge and information. The quest you begin now will open doors to knowledge, study, writing, reading, and art. Whatever journey you begin now leads to a great deal of personal discovery and will capture your attention for some time to come. Emphasis belongs on worthy topics, relationships, directions, and meaningful and ethical behavior and conquests.  As you treat others now, so shall you be treated.  The ethical balance of personal journey needs to be weighed with the commitment you have to those you love and have connections.

Mercury is in Gemini, as is Venus. Communication and knowledge are the keywords for Mercury in Gemini. A cycle of seeking, a quest for knowledge, and  a desire for understanding through experience, learning, and communication, is marked by the cycle that Gemini ushers in. Mercury allows for both writing and speaking with clarity and eloquence.  Real pleasure comes from the intellectual interaction and involvement in seeking greater meaning now brings. Our focus is on communication in and about relationships, and using technology to heighten our experiences of connection and communication. 

Mars remains in Taurus, pushing us to use our energy to create what is lasting and of great value. Mars in Taurus continues to temper and ground the fiery energy of Mars now. We have the ability to channel, direct, and maintain a great deal of focus on whatever we are now creating, building, or growing.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs with the Moon in Sagittarius 4/8 and the Sun in Gemini, 4/8.  Full Moons are always in opposition to the Sun, highlighting the polarities in our lives.  The opposition of Gemini/Sagittarius calls attention to what we need, desire, and feel disconnected from in our lives. Determined by what areas of your life/chart these two signs rule, this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse focuses on the mental aspects of our minds and intellect.  Gemini represents the logical, intellectual, and analytical facets of our thinking.  Sagittarius represents the intuitive, imaginative, and the more spiritual depths of our thinking. We are in search of deeper meaning while needing to be conscious and aware of the physical manifestation, the details, the functional reality of our lives.  Living in either end of the spectrum to the exclusion of the other, is harmful and delusional.  We need to be aware of both the practical reality of our lives (as the Virgo Moon highlights) and the intuitive and emotional reality of our spiritual essence and being. The Lunar eclipse calls on us to live in harmony; the process of seeking balance as we live our lives in each moment. 

Our experiences, the events happening around us, our relationships, and our feelings, emotions, desires, memories, and spiritual needs all call for attention and expression. Whatever practices help us express ourselves, communicate, and live out our true being need to be cultivated in order for us to walk on the path of harmony.  

We are brought to the brink through a crisis of some type that rocks our sense of identity, shakes up our idea of what relationships should or can be, or brings us to deeper and raw awareness of lack and disconn

 We need to express our feelings, in a healthy manner so as to avoid either turning those emotions inward on ourselves or projecting them out onto others around us. The chronic things, those things that keep recurring regardless of who we’re with or what we’re doing. Physical ailments brought on by repression, suppression, deep hurts, high expectations, chronic and traumatic stress are in need of tending to now. Anxiety and chronic stress and exhaustion, all are manifestations of our need to come into greater balance again. 

Relationships of all kinds may be reach a crisis point at this time. The third of seven exact squares between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, occurs on Monday, May 20. Uranus represents that part of us that seeks our independence and autonomy, and Pluto is the archetype for power and transformation.  Pluto seeks power; Uranus seeks freedom. Much of how the Uranus-Pluto square cycle operates is in the larger scheme of things. It is playing itself out on the financial markets, in the fields of science and technology, and the repercussions affect us individually and within our families and communities.  When corporate and institutional power is sought at the expense of those they serve, the result is the widespread abuse of power and the lack of institutional conscience that acts abruptly to protect its own interests. It’s a bit like Frankenstein’s monster gone mad.  Sudden, chaotic disruptions and selfish abuses of power are possible. However the outer planets slow-moving and long-lasting movements affect society as a whole and us individually, we are required to connect to our inner truth and center as we navigate the choppy waters of the transformative processes.  

The Uranus/Pluto square activates a time of testing, and continues to focus our attention on those areas of ourselves and our lives where we need to seek and be receptive to Divine guidance and a deep sense of inner truth and serenity. Challenges are brought up to be dealt with during this time. The challenge may be a crisis of consciousness or a crisis in some area of our lives (health, finances, relationships, identity, direction, purpose, role).  When we view a crisis or challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow, we are better able to use the energy from this time to  deal with whatever arises or whatever has been in the process of transforming in you and in your life. Relationships of all kinds are dynamic and are undergoing dramatic changes now. Our ability to tap into our intuition, to be receptive to the messages of the psyche, our dreams, and the movement within our lives, is heightened now. As is the case with our ongoing transformation as indicated by the Great Transformer, Pluto in Capricorn, the earth beneath our feet is shifting all the time, but now we are more aware than ever of the tenuous nature of life.  

We are feeling the urges to live fully, claim our power and use it to express ourselves freely and creatively.  When we fail to understand the nature of change and its dynamic force to move us into action and out of complacency, we fail to appreciate the gifts that are before us to use to help us through the transformations, transitions, and changes we need to make in ourselves, with our relationships, and in our perceptions of what our purpose and direction is.  It’s important to listen to and respond to the insight, signs, Divine guidance, and movement taking place in and around us now.  Using your spiritual practices (meditation, prayer, discernment), allow yourself to be open and receptive to insight and intuitive knowledge that can support you. Notice any area of your life where you are feeling a particular lack or longing, and be open and receptive to understand what that is calling up in you. Be aware of how what you seem to lack can be an opening or reveal a deeper calling than what you may have been focusing on or holding onto.  

The Full Moon and Lunar eclipse of May 25, is the last in the Gemini/Sagittarius series which began in December, 2010. Think back to what issues began arising then, and what has been happening over the last two and a half years, to get an indication (if by now you need one) to see where the eclipse has been energizing and calling you to change. This lunar eclipse and full moon occurs at the same time Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces are in a trine alignment. Saturn in Scorpio deepens our intuitive awareness and our soul-searching reveals our hidden intentions and motivations. Neptune in Pisces is awakening us to that which has perhaps been dormant or tamped down in our subconscious or blocked by our analytical or rational mind, in favor of that which we needed to fit into roles, achieve goals, or maintain the status quo within relationships, jobs, lifestyles, or traditions that no longer work or are in need of deepening, altering, and transformation.  As Neptune awakens us to the realm of endless possibilities and hidden meaning, Saturn in Scorpio is awakening us to the areas within ourselves that require awareness, growth, and movement into concrete action.  When inner knowledge begins to arise, we need time and perspective to discern what the meaning is. The danger for some when this aspect coincides with the Lunar eclipse and the Full Moon in Sagittarius (fire) as the Sun is in the early degrees of Gemini (air), is we have a powder keg of elements and energy that bring forward a thunderous explosion of ideas, feelings, visions, possibilities, insight, intuition, dreams, and issues related to the heart of who we are. Those who have planets, aspects and transits within 0-9 degrees of Saturn (Scorpio, Gemini, Taurus) may feel some stress in whatever area of your life Saturn is transiting and aspecting. Those who have planets, aspects (including oppositions), and transits within 0-9 degrees of Uranus in Aries (Aries, Libra) may experience some stress. 

From what I hear from any number of people, this last few weeks has been bringing issues to the forefront and has been resulting in actions and crises requiring response and resulting in reactions, both of which are still creating stormy seas for some.  The only way to ride out the storm, is to find that calm within so that whatever arises, you are able to maintain an even keel, a cool head, and an open heart to accept that whatever is emerging, you are capable of riding out the storm and of making any adjustments to your life, perspective, and desires that is necessary.  Again, difficult or disruptive circumstances in our lives, are the norm. We are part of a dynamic Universe that is always growing, always in motion, and always changing. As we are part of that Universe, Divine Creation, we too grow, move, and change. What we can do is deepen our awareness of how we are connected to the Divine Creation, and move with intention, mindfulness, and purpose to create more peace within, greater compassion with those around us, as we develop a more harmonious way to walk together under the light of the Full Flower Moon (also called Full Corn Planting Moon, Milk Moon).  Enjoy the energy of this powerful and beautiful week. 

The Sun in Gemini quickens the pace and lifts our thoughts onto a higher plane. We are beginning to feel lighter and less constricted. Next week I will write more about the Sun in Gemini. For now, feel it lift you  up, watch the subtle changes that occur as the Sun moves into the air sign Gemini...the archetype for uniting the polarities.  We can live as if we are constantly trying to walk forward and backward at the same time, or we can see that time is really a cyclic and spiral path that has us meeting parts of ourselves, our past, our present, our future, again and again as we deepen, growth, and move further into our soul’s journey.  This article covers some most of the major transits, although some weeks are more active than others. I would suggest reading several different reputable and knowledgable astrologers to get different perspectives and focus on  this week's astrological activities.  Emily Trinkaus, the Mountain Astrologer, and Susan Miller all present distinctly different and interesting perspectives. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Gifts and Treasures of the Taurus New Moon, Solar Eclipse May 9, 2013

The New Moon in Taurus, Solar Eclipse, peaks Thursday,  May 9, 2013 at 5:29 PDT. A New Moon combined with a Solar eclipse, the 2nd in a current eclipse cycle, signals the unfolding of a new path before us. The Sun and Moon both in the earth sign of Taurus, invites us to sink into the beauty of the life within and around us.  

In Sanskrit, the words, Aham Prema, a seed meditation meaning, I am Love, reflects the energy of this period of time. We feel grounded within our inner and outer being, and feel drawn to enjoy the beauty, pleasures, gifts, and treasures that are abundant in our lives right where we are.  For those who have actively been moving deeper into a sense of self awareness, who have been listening and receptive for the Divine invitation to receive, express, and honor the gifts of spirit, now is the time to open our eyes to see what is right before us.  What are the realities of who you are right now? What is going on right where you are? What dreams have you watched come true already, and what are you drawn to do, be, experience, change, or create? 

Observe with body, mind, spirit, emotions, and allow your senses, the elements,  your surroundings and your relationships to reveal, unfold, and speak to you of life renewed, reborn, or regenerated. Whatever it is you have been waiting to do or be or experience, make realistic plans now, and map out the steps you need to take to fulfill your dreams. We have been going through the process of letting go and shedding the skin of the past, of outworn roles, patterns of behavior, or expectations, and now arrive at the point of departure for a new leg of our journey. Reflect on what has been eliminated from your life/experience, and allow yourself to feel the energy inherent in the new spaces and openness created by whatever losses, alterations, or releasing you have recently experienced. 

Taurus rules matters related to 2nd house issues and energies. The house/area or our lives that relates to how we have developed our sense of personal value, esteem, resources and possessions, desire for security and safety, and our overall sense of how we have come to value who we are, what we are worth, and how we connect, attach, and experience that values in our physical and financial expressions.  The Taurus archetype symbolizes how we shape and experience beauty, harmony, order, and all pragmatic expressions of love in all areas of our lives. Depending where Taurus falls in your chart/life, this is the area of your life right now that is feeling the full measure of the Stellia of planets, the Sun and the Moon in Taurus.  

Notice where your sense of self esteem and personal self worth seems to be caught up in decisions, changes, and choices you have been making or wanting to make recently.  Where are the areas of crisis or transformation in your life, and you are probably going to find some connection with this New Moon and the Stellia in Taurus.

Understanding the houses/areas of life. 

Looking at each of the 12 areas of life represented in a life as represented on the horoscope, observe the types of energy, activities, or expressions may be experienced by different houses.

Houses of Action. The four angular, fire house--1, 4, 7, 10 --express how we take and view action.   

Houses of Security.  The four succedent houses-- 2, 5, 8, 1--express our individual desires, areas where we feel a need for control, and how we synthesize our needs, wants, and desires in different areas of life.  The keyword for the succedent houses is security.

Houses of Learning.  The four cadent houses--3, 6, 9, 12--represent the way we take in and process information.  The 3rd house represents our early upbringing and how we learned who we are, how we learned to communicate, and how we communicate in our immediate environment. The 6th house represents learning through doing and how what we do affects our health and sense of well being.  The 9th house represents who and what inspires us to learn, and the 12th house represents our innate gifts of intuition, and the wealth of genetic, divine, and psychological material that we have access to through the unconsious, subconscious and Collective Consciousness. 

The Elements, as represented in our charts by fire, earth, air, and water, also give us a clue to how we take in information, process it, put energy into action, and discover ways to connect and find emotional, spiritual, psychological, and physical fulfillment. 

Looking at your chart, find which areas of your life are represented by Fire.  

Identity. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are the three fire signs representing how you express yourself based on your true identity. The fire signs represent how you take action. On a deeper level, they represent how you view life, and represent your perspective based on your true Identity.  Houses representing self actualization, expression, self worth, and confidence.

Wealth/Treasures: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are the three earth signs representing how you value yourself, your relationships, your material and spiritual gifts, and how you satisfy your basic physical and material needs. The areas of your life where you find the earth signs, signal those aspects of life where you find your greatest mode of expression, sense of security and purpose, and ways of finding connection, purpose, and meaning. 

Relationships: Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra are the three air signs representing connections and relationships.  Making connections with people, ideas, and the search and adventure of exploring and sharing ideas, concepts, and an understanding of intellectual  ideas.

Spirit and Soul: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are the three water signs representing the instinctual, spiritual, subconscious and unconsciousness. Experiencing through the deep yearnings, desires, memories, reflections, and subconscious and unconsciousness, water signs stimulate the impulses to learn from the past, experience through an emotional knowledge, or prescient understanding.  These are the area of your life where your instinctual, intuitive, and deeper desires express through insight and a deep sense of knowing. These houses/parts of your life help define your emotional identity, the way you use your spiritual and soul callings to release whatever is holding you back on your spiritual journey. 

This Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Taurus affect our ability to appreciate, experience, utilize, and learn to master the gifts of our physical experience. As spiritual beings, we sometimes fall into the trap of thinking that our mind and body are separate and apart from our spiritual essence and identity. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our gifts as incarnated/physical beings, is that we have the opportunity and special experience of being able to live with a sense of oneness as both physically and spiritually whole. To experience the essence of being human as we also treasure the spiritual essence of who we are, is what spiritual traditions and religious rites and practices seek. The gifts are within us and our lives, just as they are, are full of opportunities for us to discover, develop, and express the best of who we are in service and respect for the best of who and what others bring to the table of life.  

Regardless of the seeming circumstances we imagine ourselves to be in, we have the opportunity to begin anew, to redirect our energy, thoughts, actions, and vision to better express our Divine essence and to more clearly use our gifts, talents, and precious life. The energy of this particular time has the capacity to help us strengthen our sense of being safe and secure in the reality of who we are, where we are, and what our lives are destined for.  It is a time to connect to that which we value most, in ourselves and in others, and to set our intentions, align our focus, and to remove anything that is not truly related to our true security. We do not derive our security from outside ourselves: relationships, roles, wealth, activity, approval or disapproval of others. We derive our sense of security and well being from within and with our connection with the Divine Truth that is reflected in our being. Time to reevaluate what is truly best for us, and what is either feeding our ego needs, being driven by our fear of who we are, or what is simply an attempt to escape the reality of our lives as we have created our truth up to this point. We do not leave behind any part of what we have been a part of. We do meet the same situations through relationships, new roles, new choices, when we have failed to see that the truth of our lack of fulfillment or acceptance of ourselves is really about our lack of self acceptance.  We, as we are right now, will travel forward and be part of any relationship or new experience in the future. Time to really take a look at what it is that may threaten your sense of identity, security, sense, gifts and treasures, or spiritual and emotional truth and gifts. How are you blocking your own good? How are you projecting your insecurity, lack of self confidence, sense of failure or feeling trapped, onto someone you chose or some situation that reflects your own discomfort?  The shadow parts of ourselves are, in many ways, no longer hidden at this time. We see ourselves and others in the light of a true awareness, and we are in the center of our own vision, yet we are not the Center itself.  The Divine extends beyond the boundaries or our minds or souls, and we reflect the untold, unfinished story that we came here to tell and live out. 

What is the story you are telling of yourself and the life you have been living? How have you missed the gifts and glory of the life you have and the choices you are free to make? How can being more mindful and present during this New Moon and  Solar Eclipse time, shed light on where you are and not so much where you are going, but how you are living and feeling about yourself in the process. How we treat others and make decisions, is often a direct misdirection of energy and thoughts we are feeling towards ourselves. Spend some time learning to appreciate who you are, recognizing your own gifts, abilities, and all the assets already at hand. Deal with whatever is at hand, and see the lessons in the experience, gain strength from learning how to appreciate your ability to honor yourself and others.  Take care of whatever it is that blocks your goodness.  Look for areas where you have hidden things away, failed to handle, overlooked with some intention, or missed acknowledging.  Finish something so you feel a sense of completion. Take care of business so you show yourself you are capable of handling it. Recognize what you may have not wanted to see, and let go of the need to create crisis, complexity, or ‘mountains out of mole hills’ where and when there is no need. 

Get outside and walk in the beauty of the season. Embrace yourself with a recognition that you are an expression of the sacred and Divine. You are worthy, safe, capable, and deserving of living and appreciating the gift of life you have before you.  Enjoy the beauty of your life and the recognition of what treasures lay before you.  
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