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Hill of Daffodils Catherine Al-Meten |
"The most visible joy can only reveal itself to
us when we have transformed it, inside."
Rainier Maria Rilke
On Wednesday, April 10 at 2:35 AM PDT/5:35 EDT, the New Moon peaks in Aries, in 20/41degrees. As the Moon moves into Aries this week, she will conjunct first Mercury in Pisces at 24/47 degrees and then Uranus at 9/11 degrees of Aries hours before coming into conjunction with the Sun 20/41, Mars 22/23, and Venus 23/55. All of this is setting off fireworks, lighting up and highlighting whatever area of life/chart Aries is for you. This New Moon particularly affects those of us with key points and aspects in our charts in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn between 17-25 degrees.
The Moon will also aspect, that is make direct angles (squares, semi-squares, sextiles, quintiles, and trines) to these degrees in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). Everyone has Cardinal points in their charts; it helps to understand what areas of our lives these are. Understanding that cardinal points are in certain areas of our lives enables us to determine where and how we can deal with such active energy. For example, if you understand that a cardinal point is in your 12th house, the house of the unconscious, the hidden, areas that are not yet understood, secrets, and the not-yet-manifested aspects of our shadow self and that which is needed to encourage our growth, this might be a time when a great deal of activity, change, and growth is happening, with our without your intention. Whatever needs to happen, be released, or changed, is now being triggered.
To understand how this affects us, we also need to see that all areas of our lives are interconnected, just as we are connected and interacting with a wide array of people, conditions, and energy moving within us and throughout different areas of our lives. Last night, for the first time, I traveled back in time looking at a family line on Ancestry.com. With my great fascination with history, culture, and family, I wonder why I hadn’t done that sooner, but it was such an interesting experience to learn about and even see the faces of some of the people whose blood runs in my veins. I traced one aspect of my Mother’s family, and found a photograph of women, who on first glance, looked very stern and not too happy. As I learned more about them, I looked at their faces again, and recognized myself, and the women in my family in their faces and narratives. When I realized in real time just what it means to be ‘connected’ to one another, I understood more deeply why it is that we have such a difficult time figuring out all the interactions with people whom we know nothing about, and who are not directly linked to us in some direct biological way. All of this to show how the 12th house exploration can open us up to deeper, more intense longings, explorations, and revelations, if we are willing and ready to pay attention. For those of you with Libra sitting on or near your Ascendent or resting in your 12th house, this same type of energy calls you to discover, more deeply, what is rising up within you to be discovered.
When planets, the Sun, and the Moon crowd together accentuating certain houses/areas of your life, that entire area of your life will be dramatically affected. Think of your chart, the wheel or circle of life, as having different directions, North, South, East, and West. Each of the four directions on the chart/life, represents a different area of life: A stellia, group of heavenly bodies in a group, affects the entire region of our lives where the stellia occurs.
East, the Descendent (7th house), affects 6th 7th and 8th houses. The 6th house issues include: physical health and how we spend our daily energy/jobs/lifestyle and its affect on our health; The 7th house issues include: our marriages, partnerships; and our 8th house issues include: relationships with other peoples’ monies, goods, and energy, and in general, our orientation to others.
West, the Ascendent (1st house), affects 1st, 2nd and 12th houses. The 1st house deals with self awareness, how we come across to others. The North (Midheaven, Cusp of the 10th house) affects the 9th, 10th, and 11th houses, representing how we experience, grow, learn, develop, and come to wholeness in life. The South (IC or Cusp of the 4th house) affects the 3rd, 4th, and 5th houses, and the learning processes of our early life, and how that carries over into how we feel at home, grounded, and comfortable in our own skin as we live life.
Determining where the Stellia of fire is building up to its fireworks display and release of powerful energy within and around us, helps us see what areas of our lives need attention. For myself, this is falling into the Southern section of my chart, and any unhealed issues that have been carried over into adulthood, are being worked out and processed through what is going on. The challenges come in areas of processing and communicating ideas (3rd house), creating and maintaining a home and a sense of being at home with myself (4th house), and of expressing creativity, feeling pleasure, connecting with children and giving birth to new ideas and projects. Also connecting with needs for sensuality and affection. Notice the areas of your life that are “taking a beating” or “arousing and awakening” you. Notice what areas of your body are feeling the stresses and strains, or what details of life are getting more difficult to deal with, and that will probably point you into the direction of where this Stellia is moving now. Ideally, get your chart done, and learn more about how you can understand the trends and influences we meet in life so you don’t feel you are at the mercy of outside forces.
We can also understand what issues are affected most by the different areas of our chart/life. In our relationships, the Eastern sector of our chart, we deal with issues of ego justification, defense, and the struggle to maintain one’s personal sense of safety and identity within relationship and intimacy. If you think you have no relationships, notice what may be holding you away from intimacy.
In the way we project ourselves and the way we are perceived, Ascendent (1st house), we deal with issues of giving ourselves away, projecting our ideas on others, or becoming so self-effacing that we have no sense of who we are. We mirror whatever anyone wants us to be so we don’t have to ‘be’ ourselves and take the responsibility for being our authentic selves. Ooooh! Hit home with anyone of you ‘people pleasers’? In the Northern section of our chart (10th) we deal with issues of settling unfinished business from childhood or any areas of the past that remain unhealed, dysfunctional, or blocking our full and authentic expression of self In the Southern section (4th house) we deal with issues of feeling victimized, controlled, at the mercy of forces beyond our control, or being bullied and pushed around.
On Sunday, April 7, Venus in Aries conjuncted Mars (late last night or early this morning, depending where you live). It had been building and will leave a lasting impression as we move closer to the New Moon. It raises issues, questions, and brings things to a head when challenged or confronted. This conjunction releases a lot of passionate energy. We take the initiative in areas that bring us great pleasure. Sexual and sensual energy combine as we seek to find greater satisfaction and expression of our feelings and desires in relationships, art, all areas of creativity, love, and intimacy. Since the energy is so potent and powerful, it is vital to seek harmony in using the energy so it doesn’t knock us off-center or exhaust us. In the right combination, we can use the softening power of Venus and the activating energy of Mars to join together to make beautiful music, literally and figuratively. We may enjoy using some of this energy in friendly, evocative competition.
Everything in our chart/life affects and interconnects to everything else. Not only are the planets, the Sun, and the Moon lining up for a dance of fire in Aries, but other planets are making aspects to this Stellia.
On Monday, April 8, the Sun in Aries semi-square Neptune at 4 degrees Pisces, may be felt as a lowering of physical and emotional energy, particularly if we need more rest and relaxation. It may be a good time to break with routine, engage in more creative and artistic pursuits, or drop down into some deep meditation or prayer to revitalize your spiritual energy. Allow yourself some time to escape from a rigid schedule, and spend some time in reflection, taking a walk, going for a swim, or lazing about a bit, contemplating what really matters in the grand scheme of things. Use the time to further clear your head and shelves of unwanted clutter, so that you enter the New Moon time with a peaceful, restful mind. This is the last day of a very long and active lunar year. The New Moon in Aries finds us, once again, at the gateway of a new year, a new phase of life, and a new opportunity to move on and create the life we came here to help build. For today, take a break, pat yourself on the back, and let go of all your “cares and woes...”!
On Wednesday early morning (or late night Tuesday), Mercury forms a seisquadrate aspect to Saturn in Scorpio. With Saturn in Scorpio, many of us are getting some pretty interesting messages during our dream time. If you’re not awake when this happens, you might find your dreams a bit intriguing. This aspect deals with dealing with red tape and finishing unfinished business. It triggers hypersensitivity about any area of our lives where we are even a teeny bit insecure, or leads us into the realm of negativity. We may notice difficulties with different forms of communication. Notice what arises, and use your ability to meditate and channel your energy into positive outlets, relieve you of some of the stress of life.
The Stellia of Fire. On Wednesday, the New Moon in Aries, conjuncts the Sun in Aries at 20 degrees. Again, this will directly impact any of the Cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, especially those with planets, or aspects between 17-20 degrees. The Moon conjuncts both Venus and Mars in Aries, signaling impulsive behavior, and the desire to take immediate action. This could affect romantic, financial, and creative ideas and efforts, and could lead to some competitive or rash decisions and actions. Whatever you act upon during this New Moon, will have long-lasting effects. If in doubt, don't. If you can't help yourself, expect there to be some interesting consequences. While we tend not to take advice when given, it might be wiser to wait than to act impulsively and lose something of great value. What will be, will be however.
Thursday can be quite a healing day, following on the energy of the New Moon in Aries. The Moon, moves into Taurus, grounding our energy as the planets continue to make some very positive aspects, first a sextile to Neptune in the morning. We may awaken with some fresh insights, interesting and fruitful dreams, or a new perspective. We can help this along by using our spiritual practices (prayer, meditation, yoga, ritual, inspirational reading, singing, dancing, or creating something beautiful to prepare yourself and your home for the new lunar year. By late afternoon, Venus semi-square Chiron (the Wounded Healer) in Pisces
On Friday, as Venus in Aries continues in its semi-squares Chiron in Pisces, our tendency is to focus on conflicts and differences, rather than mediation and peacemaking. We may feel blocked in our efforts to feel connected with those we love, or to be misunderstood or unappreciated. Using this energy to weigh situations and seek a greater understanding is probably more effective than getting deeper into confusion, conflict, or disagreements. We don’t change people by our will, or any other way quite frankly. Venus is Aries wants to fix, to do, to get things done, and to move on ahead.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer, moves very slowly, and in this case is teaching us all how to slow down, allow ourselves to come to healing the ‘take it easy’ way. Stop beating yourself up, or expecting everyone else to do what you need to do now. Use this creative and passionate energy to work on coming to wholeness within yourself. Treat yourself with kindness, understanding, and compassion. Bring yourself into a place where you can heal what needs to be healed within you so you don’t expect others to live up to your ideal. Work within for now; that’s where the healing place is. Sit by the fires of your own hearth. Hold counsel with your Higher good. Sit in the Presence of the Divine, and let that Divine Love pour into you, bringing you to wholeness and health.
Late Friday night, Mercury enters Aries, so you might begin to receive messages about whatever you have been waiting to hear or understand. Mercury in Aries coincides with a quickening of our thought processes and all forms of communication. Mercury is the ruler of communication, including our thought processes. Our mental chatter picks up. We feel more compelled to ‘tell it like it is’ or express ourselves now rather than later. Time to use a little discretion and find ways to channel the ideas, writing them down, using them for creative projects, or slowing our mental chatter with some meditation or other mind-relaxing and releasing forms of activity. Physical exercise may help. It’s not that the ideas aren’t good; it’s usually that there are just too many ideas and not all of them are equal. Allow the ideas to come forth, and then set them aside for discernment and reflection. At the same time, because we are all feeling this energy, others may become more demanding, and it may become harder to say ‘no’ or ‘you’ll have to wait’ than it normally is. Learn now how to handle this type of energy.
Mercury in Aries lends itself to getting things done quickly, and doing a number of projects at one time. Nothing is ever as urgent as Mercury in Aries seems to make us feel. Slow down, be more cautious, and learn to use the energy efficiently.
On April 15, Venus enters Taurus bringing with it some of the most beautiful energy and the desire for fine things. Graciousness, refinement, and a taste for beautiful things, defines the Venus in Taurus transit. When Venus transits the warm and earthy sign of Taurus, we long for experiences that endure, we desire the richest of what the earth has to offer (walks in the forest, being close to the rivers and the ocean, sitting on the porch under a starlit sky).
This will be a time when we want everything we do, all our relationships, our work, our homes, and ourselves to be lavished with gifts, grace, and beauty. We may come to value ourselves more, and see that we are the ones who came here to love us. We connect to our value as a gift of Divine Love, and welcome with openness and receptivity, all the the Divine longs to shower on us and infuse us with. Enjoy this lovely week, and give yourself time to ponder what matters most to you. What needs healing? What desires do you have yet to fulfill? What can you give yourself of value that will improve and foster growth in your life? What seeds have you planted? What bounty awaits you? Welcome your highest good, and receive the gifts of life that are meant for you to use to grow, love, and develop. Welcome this time to come to greater wholeness and healing within. Turn your heart and eyes toward harmony within.
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