Thursday, December 27, 2012

Full Moon in Cancer, Healing Hearts

December's Full Moon, called the Full Cold Moon, the Long Night's Moon. Called the Long Night's Moon for two reasons, one is because this is the time of the year in the North when the night is longest. Additionally, the Moon stays in its highest orb above the horizon for the longest time. The Moon is at her highest trajectory while the Sun is at its lowest. 

Early Friday, December 28, 2012, theFull Moon peaks in Cancer at 5:21 EST (2:21 PST) in exact opposition to  the Sun Capricorn  Balance between private life and public face. Cancer Moon represents need to make a home, nurture and be nurtured, create and maintain a home base a sense of safety. The Sun in Capricorn represents our public life, including our career, reputation and anything having to do with how we are viewed in and by the public. On one side, the Moon has us focused on our relationships, love, and connections with family and intimate friends while on the other side, the Sun has us focused on our achievements, status, and position in the world.  The archetype of Cancer opposing Capricorn is about unconditional love juxtaposed conditional acceptance or rejection. We may feel the pull between our desires to connect and nurture our relationships and stay close to home, finding the peace and safety of home vital as opposed to being drawn into a sense of duty and obligation that is very impersonal and fails to support personal happiness and fulfillment. Depending upon how well you generally balance this polarity in whatever areas of your life/chart these two signs fall, will indicate the extent to which the challenges and energy from this full moon will affect you.  Hopefully, we have all learned to balance the polarities within our lives, seeking the balance between our outer needs and inner needs, our outer life (career, work, life purpose) and our inner life (personality, personal and spiritual development, and personal life).  The Full Moon in Cancer will bring our emotions and feelings to the surface, and will seek to find expression in some physical form.  How we express our emotions and feelings depends on how we have developed channels and outlets for to express our inner feelings.  The healthy expression of emotional truth comes through movement, art, exercise, direct expression, and positively expressing emotions in non-destructive ways.

The Full Moon at 7 degrees Cancer also opposes Pluto, the Great Transformer in 7 degrees Capricorn.  Cancer is the traditional ruler of the Moon, and the Moon affects our emotional health and the tides of all the waters on the Earth.  As the tides rise higher at the Full Moon, so does our emotional energy and we feel, within our watery body, greater sensitivity to both inner and outer energetic fluctuations. This Full Moon directly opposes Pluto, stirring up old emotional wounds, memories, and issues that rise up into our awareness for healing. Pluto has been working deep within our subconscious for some time now, and this particular Full Moon aspect activates it, somewhat like opening the flood gates our our subconscious allowing the truth of our inner being to burst forth into our awareness.  The Full Moon with such a powerful aspect calls us to release what needs to be left behind, and to deal with that which we need to deal with.  This is a time for great energy transformation. As we swim in this pool of memories, reflections, emotions, untended sadness, or sweet old and dear connections, we feel saturated with the depth of our feelings. 

When so much comes to the surface in a form that is so strong and present, we need to recognize that though we think we have “forgotten” or “gotten over” old loves, lost dreams, or wounded soul memories, we are not. Whatever is pushed into submission through denial, sublimation, or the deflection of emotions into different forms of unhealthy behavior (addictions, somatic illnesses, excesses of all types including work, exercise, serial relationships), now calls to be addressed, released, and healed. Cancer, being a Cardinal element of the Water signs, assures us that we will want to get things taken care of during this Full Moon.

The call of the Full Moon in Cancer is to cleanse our emotions through the authentic expression of our feelings, and to regain our strength. The Sun in Sagittarius makes a tense square to Uranus in Aries. This aspect between the Sun, that which sheds light on what needs to be seen, and Uranus, activating and bringing forth, in surprising and shocking ways, guarantee that some form of illumination or revelation will take place at this time. Some unexpected or internal event or situation will reveal the circumstances that are ready to set off an explosion of some type, leading to a series of unforeseen and unexpected events. Where you may have felt sheltered from external influences, or incapable of responding or reacting to some type of distant or convoluted situation, this Full Moon and the other transits (opposition to Pluto and the Moon, square to Uranus) will set off a series of events that will break open the heart of the matter. What was hidden, will be revealed. What had been holding things beneath the surface, will now explode into view.  Any sense of separation will now dissolve and what has been held within, will now come to the surface. Whatever we have held inside, comes to the surface allowing us to finally deal with the truth of our emotions. It is a wonderful time to become more empowered to express our emotional truth and live from a point of greater clarity and strength than we might have felt in a very long time.

Another aspect affecting this Full Moon in 7 degrees of Cancer is Chiron’s transit of Pisces (currently at 0 degrees). Chiron, the Wounded Healer, though not in an exact aspect to the Moon, is nevertheless releasing whatever is needed from the subconscious regions of our being, in the form of dreams, strong intuitive and sensory awareness, and the nigglings of emotional truth stirring within us. 

Sabian symbol for the Full Moon at 7 degrees of Cancer: “Two nature spirits dancing under the moonlight.”  Our spiritual and emotional natures are active and being stirred. The Grand Trine in Water signs with the Moon trining Chiron, the Wounded Healer in Pisces, and Saturn, the Great Teacher in the early degrees of Scorpio, saturate us with emotional energy and spiritual depth and connections. We are fully infused with what we need to face whatever fears still hold us back and accept the truth of our heart so that we can help support others and nurture ourselves physically, spiritually, and emotionally so that we can move into a new form of life that generates  from a point of love, peace, and healing.

Living in a world that may appear chaotic and explosive, we can takes steps to create peace, love, and harmony through how we allow ourselves to become the peaceful fishers of our souls.  We can connect to others whose energy and intentions are needed to work together for the healing of our whole planet, for the healing of our families, communities, tribes, and nations.  We are in the process of healing the ancient patterns of our families, that have perpetuated in the ongoing trauma and woundedness of of our human families, and of our planet. We must heal within and express our healing in the way we begin living more in line with the truth of our connectedness and our Divine nature.  

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