New Moon in Pisces
The energy of the New Moon in Pisces which peaks on the West Coast at 2:21 a.m. (5:21 ET) on Saturday, March 13, reminds us that a new path is open.
We can now make some important and long-lasting changes that will have a positive effect on our lives, personally and collectively. What we do in our own lives, of course affects what we contribute to the world at large, but at this time, this is even more evident.
With the Sun and the Moon aligned in Pisces, we are called upon to embrace ourselves, as we are, and continue to improve, learn, and perfect those aspects of ourselves and our lives that need improving. We can use our powers of discernment and our willingness to face those imperfect and undeveloped parts of ourselves, to grow in the perfection of our wholeness of being. Not the kind of nit picky perfectionism that we use to heap criticism on ourselves and others, but that ideal to strive towards. Those ideals that we strive to be more like, to reflect more in our behavior, thinking, and outlook on life.
The lens through which we each view the world, finds us each on a unique little plot of land in this Universe. Imagine yourself where you are now, and then imagine you can float above that spot to see yourself in the context of the world around you. As you fly higher, imagine you can see your image of yourself disappear as all you see is the planet orbiting the Sun which is orbiting the Center of the Galaxy, and then if you can, imagine the endlessness of space--infinity.
Now, bring your awareness back to where you are right now, and ask yourself, Who am I and where am I being called, from within or from the world around me, to be my better self? To open myself to greater expressions of love and commitment? To be grateful for the gifts of being myself and for what has been offered to me? What would you like to bring into being or creation on the path of life before me? Different questions may arise when you take time at this New Moon in Pisces time, that you seek on your own journey. Listen and watch for what is growing in your life now, and be open to the gifts that are yours right now.
Now I invite you to make a wish in whatever areas of your life call for change and new direction. Pisces is the last sign of the astrological cycles, and it symbolizes completion and coming to wholeness. Look to the houses/areas of your life that the water signs are ruling (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and to the areas that these signs influence most in your own lives. Examine the ways that you’re being called by loss, separation, or other kinds of endings, to move in a new direction. Now is the time for laying plans, charting a course, and making the commitments of time, energy, resources, and dedication to begin anew in some major way.
With favorable alignments to both Venus and Neptune in close conjunction with the Sun and Moon in Pisces, creativity, romance, passions for anything to do with love, beauty, and harmony is heightened, and encouraged. Whatever plans you are making now, are being given a big boost of energy and power, as if you’re being pushed to make that leap of faith, and act on something that has been calling you for a very long time. Now is the time. Neptune, the slow moving planet has probably been revealing hints of this in dreams, intuitive flashes, and seemingly happenstance meetings and connections. There is nothing happenstance or random about what your intuition and inner awareness are revealing. Your thoughts, your dreams, your daily events, and your relationships are all full of potent messages right now, so pay attention, make note, and trust that you are being guided.
Now is also the time to do whatever you need to do to regenerate and rejuvenate. Use the velvety energy of Spring to lift and comfort you through whatever trials and processes you’re now moving through. Take time from whatever you’re doing, to reflect, renew, and rest as you also spend some quality time reviewing and assessing where you stand at this point in your life. This is vital as you make your way forward to the new path before you, and it’s also necessary as a way of maintaining harmony and balance as you move along that path.
Ceres, the Mother Earth energy of our charts, is conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer in Aries. This conjunction in the first sign of the astrological set of cycles, marks a starting point in a new area of your journey. And this conjunction between Ceres and Chiron requires that you take good care of yourself, in part by facing old sorrows, wounds, and losses that keep you frozen in place in some manner. We need to continue to address that which we have suppressed, oppressed, or tried to ‘forget’ because when we do that, it blocks our progress. Facing fears and disappointments is no fun, we all agree on that, but is so necessary in order to be freed to feel joy again. And we are all meant to be the living embodiment of joy, at least as much as we are anything else.
To share my own experience of facing something I thought I’d ‘coped with’, I want to share what happened to me recently. After being on self-imposed home quarantine for over a year, I finally received ‘an invitation’ to get my first vaccination against Covid 19. I was surprised to see the word invitation almost as surprised as I was to get it. Invitation, to do something that was going to make not only my life better but also everyone else’s life better. I went yesterday to accept that invitation, and was shocked to find people standing in line to go in to get their shots, griping and complaining about having to wait.
Mind you, no one waited more than a few minutes, but the moaning and groaning was unbelievable. I was over the moon about getting this, and grateful. So very grateful to all who have worked so hard to make it possible. And as I reflect on that experience, the experience of feeling such relief at getting to this point and the relief and gratitude for all who made it possible for me to get the vaccination, I thought how much that experience is like so much how we approach life and new experiences.
We can make an effort to do our best to get through the difficult and challenging times, or we can waste our time and energy and lives bemoaning our fate, as if we have nothing to do with how we respond to life. This pandemic has made us all, every person on Earth, somehow more aware of how little control we have of events. It’s made many of us more aware of the gifts we do have and the opportunities that we have now to reevaluate who we are, how we’ve been living, and how we want to move forward from this time. Hopefully, we’re each learning something important about how precious our time on Earth is, and how we do have the means to find the gifts in the garbage as wonderful Dr. Gerald May called it. Now is that time. Look for what you have gained through the losses and disappointments. Look at how you’ve used your time, or how you’ve been held back in some way.
This New Moon in Pisces calls us all to allow those inner gifts and that connection to the Divine within each of us and all around us, to enter and shake us awake from our sleep. Time to open your heart’s eyes to the passions you have for life. Time to listen to the still small voice of hope and courage that may be softer than the critic within. Tell the critic to shut up, and allow yourself to follow the voices of your better angels. The ones calling you to embrace life, to lift others up in love and appreciation, and to enjoy every moment, no matter how seemingly small or insignificant it seems.
For if you look back on life, you might find that the best moments were not the ones you planned for or made happen or hoped would never end. The best moments may have been those that surprised you, that came out of the love, generosity, and kindness of those family, friends, or strangers who made your heart feel joy again. For me this comes with a text or phone call from my Daughter just when I need to hear her voice. Or from my Granddaughter who calls and writes to see if I need her help, so unexpected and appreciated. Or from the kind nurse, Betsy who knew how joyful I was to be getting a shot, that she made the experience even better with her kindness and smile, and understanding. Simple moments that stand out as the best. That’s the kind of lovely signs that this Pisces New Moon is bringing, so be on the lookout. Be ready to embrace some joy, even if it seems like such a small thing. For in the end, our lives are made more beautiful, memorable, and precious by the little things.
Friends who’ve dropped off gifts of olives, hand-made cups, and kindness at my door. Friends who’ve checked to make sure I am okay, and friends whom I check with to see that they’re okay too. A family who keeps talking, sharing, laughing, and trying to support one another, even from afar. And to all those who suffer and sorrow, we can give the gift of comfort and presence when we have nothing more to give. For those gifts of the heart are the lasting gifts of life. From you, if your hadn’t guessed it, Pisces writer friend. Blessings to you all. We are making our way through the hardest of times, together apart. And what we have to share is our love for one another. Give freely.