On Friday, October 16, 2020 at 12:32 PDT/3:32 EDT, the New Moon conjoins with the Sun in Libra at 23/58 degrees, opening a new lunar cycle. Occurring in the 3rd decan on Libra, this New Moon forms some powerful aspects to a number of other planets. Throughout the week leading up to the New Moon, the Moon forms some powerful aspects to other planets first, reminding us of old patterns and unresolved issues.
On the day of the Libra New Moon, The Sun and Moon form a strong opposition to retrograde Mars in Aries. We are likely more aware than usual of needing to set some boundaries, especially in close relationships where we may be feeling resentful, hedged in, or pushed to the breaking point. Oppositions are about finding a middle ground where we can maintain our sense of balance, safety, as we also maintain our own identity and strength. Rather than being drawn into battle, use the sword of Libra to cut through the chains that we have allowed ourselves to be bound in. The Tarot Card, the 8 of Swords, most represents the dilemma we find ourselves in when we lash out at others or blame others for those inner struggles we are caught up in.
We generally find unacceptable or distasteful those qualities in others that we have a hard time facing in ourselves. Why do we do this? Most likely because we’re afraid to face the truth. And all of us have areas of ourselves we’ve yet to uncover, explore,or admit. That’s normal. What’s not normal, is to spend our lives blaming others for what we cannot see in ourselves. Finding the perfect lover? Being in the perfect job? Having the perfect friend? We’ve no hope of finding in the world beyond ourselves that which we refuse to see or look for. What binds us is what we choose to deny or ignore, or pretend isn’t really our fault.
Situations and conditions may have a huge impact on each of our lives, however we do have the freedom to respond differently, if we choose. This is the lunar pathway of finding balance and harmony, Libra’s true north, in spite of whatever challenges we are coping with. Mars, the planet of action and aggression, may devolve into toxic masculinity which triggers us to react or respond based on what we’ve learned in the past or governed by unresolved and unconscious outbursts or attempts to suppress or project those feelings we find hardest to cope with. Rather than being afraid or worried about the feelings, emotions, or fears themselves, be courageous enough to examine them to discern what power they hold over you and what strengths you have within to face them and find new ways of coping.
Again, when we refuse to see that toxic relationships, or misguided attempts have led us into a dark place or have crossed over the boundaries we need to feel safe and secure, we must establish some new limits and be willing to make the changes necessary to protect our integrity and that of our relationships. Stuffing feelings down or ‘going along to get along’ will not work to create a healthy balance in the long run.
Couple the impact of the energy of Mars coming into opposition with our emotional temperment (The MOON) and our life expression (The SUN), is made even more significant because the Moon in Libra forms a jarring square to Pluto, The Great Transformer, Saturn, the Great Teacher, and Jupiter, the planet of abundance, excess, and good fortune. Squares shake things up in whatever areas of our lives they touch. All three outer planets in Capricorn, the earth sign where they’ve been for several years, gives us another reminder that nothing will change until we change. Nothing will improve significantly for the long haul if we insist on making the same mistakes over and over.
Remember Einstein’s definition of insanity is doing something over and over though we know it doesn’t work. To loose ourselves of the chains we’ve created, the narrative we’ve told ourselves and others of who we are and why we do what we do, requires getting clearer about the reality of who we are and what we need to do to survive, thrive, and become fulfilled. What needs to be corrected or more aligned to your true north? What needs to change or has already changed in your reality that you’re still holding onto, hoping it will ‘just disappear”. This New Moon in Libra is an encouraging time for authentic change and for realigning our course and direction.
The Sun and Moon in Libra the ruler of love, beauty, the aesthetics of harmony and relationships is in direct opposition at this time to Neptune in Pisces. While Libra time awakens us to our heart’s desires, this New Moon reminds us that our hearts can be deceived, again, not so much by others (though that does happen), but more so by we, ourselves who refuse to learn the lessons we say we want. When the lessons show up, we reach automatically for some old pattern or reaction or habit for coping. If those old ways didn’t work before, we might ask ourselves, “What makes me think this time it’s different?”
Another interesting element of this month's new lunar pathway is the North Node in Gemini. Jupiter in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and Venus in Virgo are forming aspects. Jupiter is in opposition and Neptune and Venus are squaring. What this means is we're feeling challenged in some pretty significant ways. Jupiter calls us to find a way to see the changes as more beneficial. Losses may really be gains in disguise. Neptune and Venus indicate we may be living under some false conceptions or perceptions, and when we open to our heart's messages, we're more likely to find the way forward...the path that will be more fulfilling than we at first may see. Trust your heart.
The process of discernment involves honestly looking at how we might really come to understand a situation, relationship, position, or perspective when it’s time for change and/or a new view of the situation and our relationship to it. The Libra scales find balance somewhere between the extremes we are faced with. Somewhere in the middle ground. A true harmony is possible only when we find that middle ground long enough and often enough to withstand the extremes of both the good times and the bad where we find ourselves more often than not. That harmony, point of balance is that lovely spot we find often enough to remind us what love truly is. What love actually lifts up in us as well as what we are capable of slogging through in order to find it again.
For Libras in general, and for that area of where Libra is in your own chart/life, the question at this New Moon is what needs to be brought back into harmony in order for me to sustain and nourish my whole life? Take some time to enjoy the beauty of this season. Look up at the starry sky and watch as Mars makes its closest encounter to Earth and shakes us up down to our roots, reminding us that our emotional happiness and fulfillment is in our hands as we shine our light, our expression of life, into the world with the clearest and most beautiful expression of who we are. Acknowledge the gifts you have, the talents you possess, and take out the best in yourself to shine up and set upon the altar of life. Your life, a precious gift that needs to be set free to shine brightly. We all need to be honoring the Divine within and all around, infused in our thinking, actions, and interactions with one another. As we work together to weave a more perfect union, a more harmonious world in which to live and thrive, we each need to take time to honor the power within and to nourish and protect that gift. Blessings to you on this New Moon in Libra’s most beautiful unfolding.