Tuesday, September 15, 2020

New Moon in Virgo, September 17, 2020


At 4:00 a.m. (PDT; 7:00 a.m. EDT) on Thursday the New Moon in Virgo ushers in a new lunar pathway. Aligning at 25/1 degrees of Virgo with the Sun, the Moon in Virgo also forms an exact trine with Saturn 25 degrees and Pluto 22 degrees in Capricorn. Today (Tuesday) the Moon will form a nice trine with Jupiter before the New Moon on Thursday. Now is the time to prepare yourself, body,  mind, and soul for what good you wish to draw into your life and what you would like to see created in the world. Also a crucial time to release what needs to go. Clear out, clean out, and prepare for the new. Uranus in 10 degrees of Taurus may also reveal some shocking and surprising changes that are going to have a major impact on our lives, and in particular, in our own personal lives. 

Watch for messages, new surprising news or  changes, that may give you some idea of what area of life needs attention or alteration. Neptune in Pisces (One of Pisces rulers) exactly opposite the New Moon in salt the clouds of your dreams and intuition, and may provide fertile knowledge. Be alert. Be aware of shifts and flashes of intuition or imagination.  Gifts appear in unusual ways from odd and strange sources. 

This New Moon in Virgo comes as the High Holy Days of Judaism, Rosh Hashanah (Sept. 19-20) and Yom Kippur (Sept. 27-28).  The season ahead is full of sacred times for many religious/spiritual/cultural traditions). Next Tuesday, September 22, the Autumnal Equinox is observed in the Northern Hemisphere, the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. We are in the season of harvesting, and preparing for what's ahead. These few days are our time to set our focus on what matters most, and what we need to do, be, and prepare to move in that direction. In a time when we might feel we have few choices or are only limited, we must see what inner resources and strength we have for coping with and prospering in a healthy way, with whatever unfolds. 

Jupiter in Capricorn is in exact opposition to the North Node in Gemini. Whatever happened a year ago at this time and what is happening now, your choices, focus, and decisions/plans, indicate what will unfold a year from now. Dream your biggest dreams. Plan for the best of outcomes. Set aside anxiety, worry, and apprehension, in full knowledge that whatever happens, you have the gifts and resources, the skills and support to create a good and purposeful life. Envision what service you can offer as part of any plan you make, and be sure to honor your own need for taking care of yourself.

The pandemic has changed our lives, everyone on this planet, significantly. What we thought, believed, and expected has been turned upside down. We stay home, those who must, to protect those we care for. Contrary to what we normally do, we adapt to the needs to protect ourselves and each other, and what we used to see as valuable, important or necessary, has probably changed considerably. Others of us, have been called into action. We are doing double time in order to help take care of essential needs. Our own resources are stretched thin, and we may find ourselves taking greater risks than we have before. All of us have had to face a new side of ourselves. We've given this time to reassess what really matters and what no longer does. How will the changes in  your life, affect the way you view the world, each other, your work, your future? What other questions are rising up as a result of this ongoing series of  crises?

Mercury, the planet ruling communications, entered Libra last week. We may be feeling more diplomatic, or in need of a more balanced view and experience of life. Now seven months into our experience of the pandemic, some things may be coming more apparent. Time for improving negotiation skills. One of the problems with Mercury being in Libra is the tendency to become too wishy washy. Wanting to see the good in  all, wanting to see everyone's side, can only be beneficial in the long run, if we make sure we know who we are, what we believe is right for ourselves, and what our own perspective is.  

Standing in our own truth now becomes a survival skill we each need to become proficient in. Again, it's a soul-searching time, when we must come face to face with our own truths. Notice where you rationalize behavior (your own or that of others). Notice where you hang on when you know you should let go. Notice where you are 'grinning and bearing' a situation, relationship, or condition that is really draining and hurting you. For now is when we need to be brutally honest with ourselves. It truly is a matter of life and death. Life is sustaining and growing and affirming. Death cuts off, blocks, and drains the life right out of us. Of course you understand I'm talking about life and death symbolically, but our thinking and behavior do have  profound effects on our outlook and our health. Get your lenses of perception cleared off.

Venus is in Leo and Mars is in Aries. Mars is in its retrograde phase as are Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, the North Node, and Chiron. The outer planets and the North Node (gateway to change, always appears retro) all being in retrograde suggests that what once was, may still be, and what was not settled in the past, must be revisited and resolved or assessed in some way. Not necessarily a great time to launch new projects; more a time to wrap up, redo, and resolve what threads of the past may still need attending to. Mars in its comfy home of Aries makes us feel highly motivated, while at the same time somewhat frustrated. Cope with your impatience in healthy ways, and use your energy in ways that bring concrete movement in your own environment. Put that Mars energy to use in unpacking, reorganizing, preparing, or digging up what needs repotting or relocating. 

Jupiter is in  the last few months of its transit of earthy Capricorn. In December it will enter Aquarius. For now, use the bounty and blessings within reach and within the limits of your life, to gather the bounty before and within you. You are reaping the harvest now. Use your spiritual and creative practices to develop a greater sense of appreciation. It will bless you and others in the long run.

From now until the Spring Equinox on March 21, 2021, Saturn is revisiting Capricorn before going back into its forward transit through Aquarius. Again, more work to do before we're ready to move full speed ahead. Be prepared. Get ready. Avoid shying away from strengthening in the areas where you've had to learn the most difficult lessons, especially the ones of the past 5-6 years. Think back too, to 10 years ago, and 20 years ago, to get some perspective on where you are, what you've learned, and what you've overcome. Give yourself a pat on the  back for the job well done, or allow yourself to grieve the losses in more depth. All is well especially when acknowledging loss, separation, disappointment, or changes.  We all need to take some time to realize what we have become and what the cost has been. As we prepare to move forward, it is with a conscious choice to stay focused, vigilant, aware, and honest. 

There are many aspects to the New Moon and the Sun in Virgo. We can no more respond or even understand all of them. What is most important at a time like this is to pick what you want to work on improving, and use your resources, skills, and experiences to remind yourself of your best self. How have you mastered challenges in the past? What usually carries you through or lifts you when you feel stuck or trapped? And simply noticing the highs and lows of the past, develop a way in your daily routine and life to take time for the people, the activities, the interests that support, nourish, and fulfill you. Turn away from self doubt, fears, frustrations.

It's an important time to make a concerted effort to keep ourselves elevated and inspired. Reach out and do what you can for some good purpose or cause. If you can do little, at least do something. If you're drained and out of gas, go to the place or people that inspire and affirm you. Open your hearts, minds, and souls to the Divine gifts of the Universe and trust that you are a Divine Light in the Mind of God.  You are loved, cared for, and protected. Express that Love in your own  life. Turn away from whatever blocks the Light.