The New Moon in Leo peaks at 26/35 degrees on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 12:45 PM EDT AM 9:45 PDT. This New Moon in Leo occuring in the third decan of Leo is related to the doctrine of the Divine right of kings, a doctrine based on the idea that authority and power are bestowed by God, not through human actions. We can see how this doctrine can be used to harm, suppress, and destroy all that we freedom-loving people hold dear. How we use our energy, power, authority, and intentions is crucial at this point in time, when we are witness to abuses of power and the misuse of authority to a degree unprecedented in many places, this country in particular.
Elie Wiesel wrote, "We must always take sides.Neutrality helps the oppressor, not the victim.Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." This Leo New Moon highlights the need for us all to connect with those who call out for justice, equity, freedom from tyranny and hate, and who march to the beat of the same drummer. When we unite with those who share a common vision, we give that vision greater strength and help bring that vision into manifestation through our words, actions, and intentions. Leo is the sign of leadership, and we now need to be discerning about who we choose to lead us through these very challenging times. We also need to appraise what area of our lives Leo and leadership skills awaken us to.
The third decan of Leo is where the Sun, Moon, and Mercury are now in close conjunction with one another. This brings a great deal of energy together, fiery energy that carries with it. All that energy that is yet unfulfilled. We also become more aware of any pent up frustration and grief that seeks resolution as well as expression. You may have been feeling you've reached a breaking point. And in a way, we have. The expression, "enough is enough' has been ringing in out for years now, yet just when we think we've reached the limit, a new wave of chaos hits us. How we handle this ongoing traumatic event (for that it what it is) is important. We need to protect ourselves and at the same time take concrete actions to have an impact on what needs changing.
The Sun, Moon, and Mercury all in Leo at the start of this lunar cycle, trines Mars in 24 degrees of Aries, guaranteeing a sense that we must act now. The cautionary message however is this. It is not time to act; it is time to gather our resources and focus our intentions on what we can do to prepare for the challenges ahead. My advice to those who are feeling overwhelmed and impatient, is to find 2-3 concrete areas you can actually do something about, and put your focused action in those areas. Cope with what is manageable within your own sphere, unite with those who share a common vision, and take steps toward addressing what needs to be readied for change, when the time is right.
This New Moon, the Sun, and Mercury are all aligned with the Fixed star,Alphard. According to the Astronomy Council. the Sun,, Moon, Mercury at 27/08 degrees of Leo "Gives wisdom, musical and artistic appreciation, knowledge of human nature, strong passions, [and on its more negative end of the spectrum] a lack of self control, and tendency toward immorality." On a darker, more nefarious side of this powerful energy is the danger of death by poisoning or drowning. Some may have problems with the law or deception/deceit due to drugs, clandestine relationships, and deception in marriages/love affairs. In other words, it we don't use this energy with a high degree of ethical, moral intelligence and behavior, we end up creating more problems. More serious and long-lasting ones that are going to make things worse not better.
Such a dire warning is only to say that when we're feeling at our wit's end, on that last straw, it's really not the best time to strike out or turn your world upside down. Best to channel the energy into the projects and plans you already have underway. Focus on calming and withdrawing from over stimulation in areas you find causing imbalances, frustration, anxiety. The first day of the new lunar cycle is the best time to make concrete plans, gather your resources, prepare for future actions. Mercury is going to enter Virgo on Wednesday, so save making solid commitments until after Tuesday if possible.
The harmonizing effect of Mars in Aries to the Sun, Moon, and Mercury, should give you some good ideas about the best ways forward in areas you are seeking change. This would be more positive if it weren't that Mars is making a very stressful square aspect to Saturn, the Great Teacher. This leads to heightened frustration, conflict, and anger. Best not to act on this, but instead channel these feelings into physical activities, creative efforts, and use your spiritual practices to ward off the residual emotional upsets that may interfere with your peace of mind and with the daily routines of life. Our daily lives are just as important if not more so right now.
Creating daily rituals, schedules, and routines helps us channel emotions and gives us the sense that we do have some power to have an effect on making life better. If only for our immediate family or neighborhood, it really matters how we take good care of ourselves and others right now. Cooperative and loving acts of kindness are key to keeping our lives harmonious.
Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, the outer planets that have long orbits around the Sun, continue to be in conjunction in Capricorn. Donating to the local food banks, offering what help we can where we can, and taking care of our own daily life business (getting the dishes done, doing the shopping, getting enough rest) all vitally important now despite those dreams and desires we have to fix the world and make changes now. We are making progress. The slow and steady through the much and mire is a job all in and of itself. It's taking a lot of energy for people to do their normal chores. Essential workers are under incredible stress, and so however we can support and show our appreciation, now is the time to do that.
Each of us have leadership qualities. It may or may not be on the world stage. It is however our prerogative to use what gifts, talents, skills, knowledge, and support we have to offer, where it might be needed and welcome. It might come through your artistic or intellectual efforts. It may be in how you treat each
The New Moon in Leo calls us all to be discerning in how we use and channel our thoughts, words, deeds, and energy of all kinds. Notice how the end of one lunar cycle and the start of a new one have been charged with new, inspiriting, and encouraging movement. Soon it will be time to put things in motion. For now, "gather ye rosebuds while ye may". While Richard Herrick wrote this first line of his poem in the 17th Century to encourage young people to enjoy life while they were young, I here mean it to encourage us all in the middle of the richest part of summer (in the North) to enjoy the beauty and bounty of our lives.
Appreciate both what you have and what you have accomplished, overcome, survived, and learned along the way, and be of good cheer. Leo time is also a time of celebration and expression. Sing, dance, and celebrate each moment and each day. A new Lunar cycle brings us a reminder of what we were contemplating and hoping for, coping with and overcoming in August 2017 at the Solar Eclipse at that time. Think back to what was going on then, and get some perspective of how life does change and still holds promise, even when we don't see it.