At 10:32 a.m. EDT/7:32 a.m. PDT on Sunday morning, February 23, the New Moon peaks at
4 degrees Pisces when she aligns with the Sun in Pisces. This New Moon in Pisces sextiles
Mars at 18 degrees of Aries and Uranus in 3/20 of Taurus. Mercury in Pisces at 9 degrees is
retrograde. Neptune is in 17 degrees of Pisces as well. Mars in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus.
Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all remain in their long transits in Capricorn. Both Saturn and Pluto square
the transiting Uranus. Mars opposes the North Node in Cancer, while the North Node trines both
the Sun and the New Moon in Pisces.
4 degrees Pisces when she aligns with the Sun in Pisces. This New Moon in Pisces sextiles
Mars at 18 degrees of Aries and Uranus in 3/20 of Taurus. Mercury in Pisces at 9 degrees is
retrograde. Neptune is in 17 degrees of Pisces as well. Mars in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus.
Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all remain in their long transits in Capricorn. Both Saturn and Pluto square
the transiting Uranus. Mars opposes the North Node in Cancer, while the North Node trines both
the Sun and the New Moon in Pisces.
Notice the houses/areas of your life where Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are, for that is where
your world will be most affected by this New Moon and the accompanying transits. Those most
significantly affected will have aspects, transits, or planetary placements within 0-8 degrees of these
mutable signs.
your world will be most affected by this New Moon and the accompanying transits. Those most
significantly affected will have aspects, transits, or planetary placements within 0-8 degrees of these
mutable signs.
The Pisces Sun and Moon conjoined at 4 degrees instills a deep sense of intuitive depth and feeling
in our lives. We feel a more heightened faith in Divine intervention and cosmic fatedness. We feel
guided, guarded, and inspired in ways that encourage us to dig down into our depths and back into
our memories for whatever sparked and enlightened us at challenging times in the past. When we
reach into our memories to remind ourselves of how we met other obstacles and difficulties, we gather
what we need to lift us onto a new path forward.
Pisces energy emphasizes empathy, devotion, wisdom, and compassion. This is a time when thein our lives. We feel a more heightened faith in Divine intervention and cosmic fatedness. We feel
guided, guarded, and inspired in ways that encourage us to dig down into our depths and back into
our memories for whatever sparked and enlightened us at challenging times in the past. When we
reach into our memories to remind ourselves of how we met other obstacles and difficulties, we gather
what we need to lift us onto a new path forward.
prophetic sense and overall prescience are heightened. Selflessness can give way to its shadow side
of neglecting self if we are not focused on taking good care of ourselves at this time. We experience
more synchronicity and may have an active dream life, full of messages for our own conscious mind
as well as knowledge and wisdom meant to be shared with others. We need not be afraid to speak
our truth in shared relationships
Where we may have felt stuck in the past or blocked (the slow methodical transformation process of
Pluto and Saturn) in some way, we now find doors opening and new options before us. Mercury in
Pisces drawing from the past as its retrograde cycle and its depths through the deeply spiritual
realms of watery Pisces, taking us back over old territory and giving us the fresh insight and a new
opportunity to see options, answers, and solutions with a fresh eye. . Where we have hesitated to
take the necessary risks in the past, we now may receive word that things have changed in ways that
could not have been foreseen. Such times call for us to rely not on our own understanding, but to
acknowledge that holy voice that speaks within our hearts and the expression of the Divine in all that
surrounds us.
Mercury’s retrograde transit in Pisces opens the intuitive channels and both vision and imaginationPluto and Saturn) in some way, we now find doors opening and new options before us. Mercury in
Pisces drawing from the past as its retrograde cycle and its depths through the deeply spiritual
realms of watery Pisces, taking us back over old territory and giving us the fresh insight and a new
opportunity to see options, answers, and solutions with a fresh eye. . Where we have hesitated to
take the necessary risks in the past, we now may receive word that things have changed in ways that
could not have been foreseen. Such times call for us to rely not on our own understanding, but to
acknowledge that holy voice that speaks within our hearts and the expression of the Divine in all that
surrounds us.
are enhanced. Our communication is more emotional. Our thoughts and feelings are colored with
and infused with emotions, inspiring us to be more creative, visualizing and dreaming, and finding
beauty in imagery and visual stimulation.
Venus has been in Aries since Feb. 7, and will remain there until March 4. Expressions of love are direct,
full-throated, and spontaneous. Focus is now on being in the present, with little patience for dwelling on
what could have been or what might be the result of our risk taking in the future. There is a fresh, direct
approach to expressing oneself now, and meets challenges with a desire to win the race or catch the
full-throated, and spontaneous. Focus is now on being in the present, with little patience for dwelling on
what could have been or what might be the result of our risk taking in the future. There is a fresh, direct
approach to expressing oneself now, and meets challenges with a desire to win the race or catch the
Mars in Capricorn continues to set things off that have been long-brewing or been steadily falling apart.
Change is deliberate and persistent. Mars in an earth sign emits a cooler, more rational approach to
changes or alterations. Only thing we might want to consider is how to avoid becoming too set in our
ways to the point we are not open to what is fundamentally needed for real growth and change. Pushing
some limits, in a pragmatic manner, is the way to make some significant breakthroughs at this time.
Some surprising developments and the revelation of secrets, may throw a monkey wrench into plans
or expectations. However, in the long run, this will be beneficial.
Change is deliberate and persistent. Mars in an earth sign emits a cooler, more rational approach to
changes or alterations. Only thing we might want to consider is how to avoid becoming too set in our
ways to the point we are not open to what is fundamentally needed for real growth and change. Pushing
some limits, in a pragmatic manner, is the way to make some significant breakthroughs at this time.
Some surprising developments and the revelation of secrets, may throw a monkey wrench into plans
or expectations. However, in the long run, this will be beneficial.
Uranus in Taurus (entered in 2018. And has been consistently there ever since. Uranus will stay in
Taurus until 2025-2026. During this period we are reevaluating how we value ourselves and our
relationship to finances, wealth, possessions, and self worth. Circumstances and changing needs
require that we make necessary adjustments and put a tighter rein on the way we handle ourselves.
We may notice a definite shift in what we value and who we value. What motivates and infuses us with
devotion, becomes clearer and we expect to be more authentic and practical in the way we live and work
and relate to others. Our whole approach to doing business is changing, and we are making choices
now that focus on expending our energy, time, resources, talents, and goodness in ways that are most
edifying, concrete, and pragmatic.
Taurus until 2025-2026. During this period we are reevaluating how we value ourselves and our
relationship to finances, wealth, possessions, and self worth. Circumstances and changing needs
require that we make necessary adjustments and put a tighter rein on the way we handle ourselves.
We may notice a definite shift in what we value and who we value. What motivates and infuses us with
devotion, becomes clearer and we expect to be more authentic and practical in the way we live and work
and relate to others. Our whole approach to doing business is changing, and we are making choices
now that focus on expending our energy, time, resources, talents, and goodness in ways that are most
edifying, concrete, and pragmatic.
On the evening of the New Moon, Venus squares Jupiter which fills us with a great depth of emotions
especially love, compassion, and generosity. Temper your emotional expressions by not overdoing or
being too impulsive. Find ways to ground your emotions through making connections in the natural
world (take long walk, gather some flowers, get lost in some beautiful music, or prepare a delicious meal
and serve to friends. Celebrate and be of good cheer. Be grateful and listen for the whispers of Spirit
that guide and show you the way forward and the path to inner enlightenment. Blessings to all as you
begin a new path forward into uncharted territory. “Trust your imagination; it is a gift from God.”\
especially love, compassion, and generosity. Temper your emotional expressions by not overdoing or
being too impulsive. Find ways to ground your emotions through making connections in the natural
world (take long walk, gather some flowers, get lost in some beautiful music, or prepare a delicious meal
and serve to friends. Celebrate and be of good cheer. Be grateful and listen for the whispers of Spirit
that guide and show you the way forward and the path to inner enlightenment. Blessings to all as you
begin a new path forward into uncharted territory. “Trust your imagination; it is a gift from God.”\
Take a Piscean trait, and make it your own. Give it your own style and mode of delivery, and treasure a
bit of stardust that turns to liquid gold within: Dreamy, Intuitive, Mysterious, Beautiful, Nurturing,
Sensitive, Devoted, Compassionate, Subtle, Wild, Loving, Adaptive, Romantic, Artistic, Elusive,
Changeable, Trusting, and Sweet.
bit of stardust that turns to liquid gold within: Dreamy, Intuitive, Mysterious, Beautiful, Nurturing,
Sensitive, Devoted, Compassionate, Subtle, Wild, Loving, Adaptive, Romantic, Artistic, Elusive,
Changeable, Trusting, and Sweet.